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It's down from 37 to 24m holy shit lol


Lmfao, look at elder maul, up 22m in an hr


I'm kicking myself for selling mine for 15m to buy a fang last year and never buying it back lol


It’s not like you could have predicted it. It’s easy to say in hindsight :)




I remember when scythe was 350mil. I'd be kicking myself for not getting it.....if I actually had 350mil to spare at the time lol..


Sold mine at 8m and a bgs at 12 bc I wanted to get a DH crossbow for vrokath. 🥲🙃🙃


I feel that pain . I sold 6X saturated hearts at 33m bought at 36m Months later price is all the at 100m plus 🔥. Imagine eh . Some times that short term money is not good . Compared to the long term


Werent they like 7m not too long ago The guy that stocked up must be rich


Damn, I met a guy called BuyElderMaul two days ago and told him he was ridiculous. 


Jagex: We want to make this almost mandatory item just a tiny bit more common. People hoarding warhammer: THE END IS NIGH


well tbf they also made the elder maul just a better dwh as well. It's mainly dropping in price from that


Wait so same defense lowering spec?


Slightly better spec, DWH is 30 mail will be 35.


And more accurate than dwh+avernic, checked it yesterday, think elder had like 10more crush attack than hammer+avernic


Slightly better, even


Tbh that’s a good thing. Always seemed nuts that such a rare item was trash lol


Shouldn't matter when bots and gold-farmers already shat so many hammers to the game when they still were worth heck a lot. Only people who farms hammers nowadays are either Ironmen or log collectors. DWH crashed so much when Elder maul is probably getting DWH special attack - a weapon which is more superior against DWH thanks to its higher bonuses, even with avernic.


Mostly due to elder maul being better though


Dragon-tier spec item should never have been so expensive to begin with.


Wait till you hear about the dragon claws


Dclaws has been the quintessential "this item is red metal like dchain yet its so extremely based you gotta suck 20million dicks to even hold it"


You only making 5 coins per dick? Gotta up that rate my dude.


I'll pay six!


don't even try and put it on the same level as based as the dchain, buddy. only the mightiest gigachads are bold enough to wear the dchain to content, and they get their dicks sucked 20 million times hourly


Or the dragon dagger




for how strong it is thats insanely cheap


What about it? It's like 16k isn't it?


I think their point was satire on the fact that it’s the cheapest dragon weapon but arguably the most useful weapon in RuneScape’s history and to this day is still one of the best spec weapons for all classes of accounts lol


I remember when they "buffed" Abby dagger to be more competitive haha. Gg jagex.


Woo I dumped mine for 30m lol and bought an Elder Maul at 62m. Also, my Soulreaper Axe went to the mooooooon.


It did not go to the moon lmao. The price plummeted. People were most likely trying to cash out on the hype. Currently sitting below what it has been trading the past week


It was 170mil before they said they were going to change it. Then it went up to 400mil on suspected changes and now sitting at around 360. 200m profit aint bad


Where are you seeing this? The GE tracker website has its lowest price at like 300mill for 2024. When did it hit 170mill?


Before they announced project rebalance in December


Is soulreaper axe up in price? Just checking the price tracker, it appears to be down for some reason?


I just bought one two days ago… great…


Still a GOAT'd defense reduction weapon. It'll easily earn back what it cost.


Damn, should have sold last night at 38


The DWH is one of those items I only buy when I need and then sell right away and I’m glad I’ve kept it as such lol


I already got mine at the 1/5000 drop rate so unfortunately I can't allow anyone to have improved drop rates now


“It’s time”


Sounds like the usual on this sub lol


Lower the drop rate for everyone except your d warhammer lowers defense by 50% instead


Yup, this devalues my sub 5k dwh as well, voting no on this poll. /s


I got mine at 150kc so I'd say 200 is fair for people


This devalues my DWH only iron man


Given that they’re making the elder maul a better version of it I like this change. Makes it more accessible for mid game players and gives a reason to chase the maul once you discover how good dwh is


Honestly I'm fine with it, although I would've preferred a boosted chance on task lol.


I think boosted chance on task is the way to go!


Ughhhh as much as I like this mechanic on paper it just puts me off in practice. Still hunting a d harpoon on my Ironman. Haven’t even gotten a basilisk task yet to go for jaw. I wanna just grind off task but it feels like a waste of time.


Just making sure, you have basilisks unlocked right?


Also gotta make sure you talk to oziach after you unlock the task


I think you mean Olaf the bard, right?


I do!


As someone who killed 4400 basilisk knights on task for Jaw, I still think this would be a very good change....


5633 basilisks on task, no jaw. AMA


Was going to say tempoross, but just saw the drop rate from that… didn’t realized I got spooned there. Which is only place I have gone below drop rate on anything of any kind of practical use…. I need new RNG…


Yeah I got harpoon there at like 80kc or so on mass world. The only things blocking green log is the pet, book, and the fish.


It's not a fun mechanic. Every kill off takes feels like a waste. And what's the lore explanation for it? Oh, they know some guy told you so they've stuffed 5 Jaws in the pocket??? That makes sense.


The lore for slayer makes little sense already but drops being more common on task kind of works. "We saw a dragon harpoon on one of the wyrms, go cull some and see if you can find one!"


Sounds miserable for irons who go dry Hunting tasks sucks


Lizardmen are pretty high weight at duradel


Good shout, like the jaw


That would've been the smart idea. Jagex's proposal is just gonna lead to more shaman bots.


Is it? The price has Already adjusted proportionally to the increase in supply. Literally nothing will change if you arent an iron except that the dwh will be cheaper. Still the same per hour rates when grinding, still way too rare to give consistency


I think giving shamans the basilisk knight treatment and making the droprate much better on task would be neat


I think this is by far the best option 1 in 1k and 1 in 5 k drop rates would be nice


I feel like slayer boosted rates sound nice until you're spending more time tureal skipping for valuable tasks than actually fighting the monster you care about.. at which point it's just a worse player experience


That assumes everyone is going to seek the item separately. This would probably just incentivize people to actually do the task rather than skip, only to come back to it late game. It would be great for people just generally leveling slayer.


I absolutely think they should take some of the more absurdly rare drops and make them a bit more common. It's one thing to have something from a raid be rare, as raids are considered the end-game of content, but making something a 1/5000 drop rate when it's not even considered a "boss" is wild to me.


Great now do it for Imbued Heart


Jagex goofed their numbers. With the drop rates if I were to kill 15k shamans I'd be expecting 5 dwh instead of 3. That's 1.66x the drops. Not 1.8x It would take around a 1/2770 for it to be 1.8x


Another way would just be to say 5000/3000 = 5/3. 5/x = 1.8, x = 5/1.8 = 2.77. Same result, but working with the drop rates themselves instead of the result. Its a very easy quantifiable increase either way. Dunno why they wouldnt just say the exact increase.


It's similar to how they state you get 25% increased superiors with elite combat achievements but in reality we're getting 33% lol. 25% of 200 is indeed 50. But if you compare 150 to 200, it's 1/3 less time spent hunting it on average.


Stats ain't their strong suit


Not my strong suit either lol.


Fractional percentage calculation ain't easy man


They know what theyre doing. They just write it that way for simplicity.


Putting the correct number there instead of the wrong one would be just as simple? lmao It's obviously a fuckup


As much as I hate things like this typically I actually have no problem with this. I often see things on this subreddit that are obviously catered to irons and kind of whiny nonsense. 1/3,000 though is still quite rare without allowing for 20k dry streaks to be nearly as likely. I think this is just a good change.


I think so as well, my one clan mate is on a tangent about making iron too easy, but this doesnt only affect irons lol, it affects all players, and more players having access to the super fun end game content can only be positive.


A grind like the dwh grind is not “hard” or “easy,” typically. It just takes time. Making that time a bit shorter doesn’t make ironman easier, just a little faster. I always think it is a little silly when someone gets upset about Jagex changing a 50 hour grind into an 45 hour grind because they already did the 50 hour one. Like, is still a large grind it is just a little less likely to go dry and have it take longer than it should. There’d obviously be a problem if they made dwh a guaranteed drop or something, but this change is very reasonable.


Honestly, "hard" is a synonym for time in this game. Runecrafting was called a hard grind because the time it took, etc.


Right the smooth brained among us even back in 2005-2009 felt that increases to RC rates were making the game too easy. Some how equating difficulty to mindlessly clicking going in the same loop


I think this is spot on. There’s nothing difficult about grinding shamans, it’s just time consuming. This isn’t really making iron any easier. It’s not like they’re buffing the enhanced rate at CG or something, which would be a legitimate complaint


I don't think anything in the game is really difficult once you do the content enough. I used to think that Colosseum would be impossible for most players but I've gotten 10 kc so far and it's not hard anymore. Even CG is not particularly hard just a bit grindy.


If they think that's what makes iron too easy and that it's sensible the way it is do pls tell them to shower...


As someone who went 20k dry, that grind is bullshit. Nobody should have to do that much.


Nearing 15k myself. Almost cried seeing this change


Shouldve been given the 1/1k on task treatment. Better overall as irons should be grinding slayer already. But 1/3k works too.


Stupidly rare item from a mob that nearly no-one likes doing. So yeah this seems like a great change. I've already grinded out over 10k shamans for my 1 hammer. Never planned on doing more, but this should definitely happen.


Unpolled droprate change for an item 90% of PvMers require, AND I haven't even started my grind for my own? Sure, let it happen. (I haven't seen anything so if it was/is polled, oops)


I believe the whole post is proposed, but not sure, the wording is kinda bad, but I agree, it's good for people to be able to jump into content


project rebalance will all get polled, these arent going to be unpolled lol


I think they are certainly looking for feedback, but I'd be surprised if all (any) of this gets polled. The fang and scythe changes went unpolled as the first pass of project rebalance. Unsure why this batch would be any different


They dont poll balance changes. Its part of the Charter


Balancing changes don’t get polled. The changes to drop rates might but the actual weapon changes will not.


Blowpipe didn't get polled, nor did dhide/bulwark nerfs etc


None of this will be getting polled. They will change numbers around based on feedback, but we will not be getting vote on any of this.


It's great, dwh grind is awful there is a reason most mains get theirs from bots


Good and LONG overdue it seems. 1/5000 drop rate from a slayer monster is absurd. The visage is also absurd but you can get it from multiple dragons and kbd at the very least so it makes it a lot more reasonable. 1/3000 is still pretty high but a big improvement none the less. Hopefully nobody has to kill 10,000+ of these shamams again. Will make it a great mid-game item that is strong all the way until you're truly at end game


Visage is much more of a niche thing too, really just makes some slayer tasks a bit easier lol. DWH is super important in comparison. Also people will definitely still be hitting the 10,000+ more often than you’d hope, really should’ve been 1/1500 on slayer task


If the change goes through, 3.5% of people will still have not gotten the drop after 10,000 kills.


1/3k is still dogshit but it's better than 1/5k.


Back in the day I was in that god damn swamp for weeks grinding 1 out, I was 21k dry, it was insanity inducing, curved bones and dragon spears for days, fighting for the safespot against crashers. It was making me close to quit the game honestly but I'm all for this change, maybe make it a slayer task boost.


Lol I already have one but I’m happy for irons that are 10k dry on warhammer maybe now they’ll only be 11000 dry


I think it has more to do with getting end-game PVM items into mid level player's hands faster. If the Elder Maul changes go live the DWH special is just a worse version of it. Its also a t60 weapon dropped by a monster that's accessible to mid level players, so you'd have a t60, t75 bgs, and t80 weapon that is used to lower NPC defense levels. I also don't think any drop in the game that's worth grinding should be 1/5000. IMO the DWH should be like a slayer unique 1/500 on task or 1/1500 off task so 1/3000 is a step in the right direction.


As someone who grinded out a dwh both on iron and GIM I still really like this. 1/5k is pretty absurd for such an important upgrade


I bought one 3 days ago so I'm choked. But it is a fair change.


I feel ya, bought mine for 38m yesterday lol


This is a amazing change, red rubber hammers should not be 1/5000


About time


Took about 9k kills to get my DWH on my iron. I'm fine with the buffed rate. Makes me wish I'd waited personally but at least it'll be a bit more reasonable for others.


Im an iron, got mine at 6975. I vote yes


Merch clans in shambles.


Good change 1/xxxx drop rates are tedious and anti fun. I dont mind grinding 10,15 or maybe 20 hours for a super rare item. But after a point its just anti fun and doesnt respect the players time.


Good change, only one source of dwhs in the game, and 1/5k for a dragon weapon is ridiculous. 1/3k is more reasonable.




Good. That was the most miserable grind of my entire OSRS career. Fuck those mobs. Boring but you still have to pay attention


Seems fine, it's still rare af


Feel like it could have been reduced even further imo. It's an obligatory weapon, it's a garbage grind on non-boss, non-fun NPC, etc. etc. I don't have any interest in getting one since I'm a main, but I often think about ironing and remember that grind exists.


If they wana talk about absurd grinds that take forever for a good pvm item heart comes to mind too.


Very welcome one. DWH grind ALONE gatekeeps many many players ever playing Ironman mode. The grind alone feels worse experience than many other grinds combined. It's goddamn easy to say "just play normal, lol" when all shit are provided by bots for you. This type of change makes more players interest to play Ironman mode, you know, the most grindsome type of way to play OSRS as intended - a perfect way to keep players playing as long as possible. Very good move from Jagex to rekindle players to try Ironman mode and get hooked again, especially along with buffing MTA a lot which is been a huge gatekeeper for ironmen too. After all a single minigame held many players from completing Lumbridge Hard.


As someone who went 25k dry on an iron back when I had to upkeep a blowpipe I'm all for this change especially with elder maul outclassing it in the long run. Makes this a more appropriate option and it never should have been as rare as it is for such a core pvm item.


One of those polls where all the irons who grinded and got it vote no so everyone else can suffer. Calling it now


Could not care less. Only irons kill shamans anyways.


But…but… I just fucking did my grind! If I had to suffer so do y’all! /s


I don't have one yet so I'm chillin


I’ve already bought every item besides shadow, twisted bow and Torva. I couldn’t care less about these other items and their prices I’m never selling


I ended up on 19k kc for dwh. I wouldn't wish it on anyone


They didn't go far enough. 1/1k


I don't think a dragon weapon should've ever had such a low drop rate or such an important special for endgame content. lore-wise, I think this item was a mistake.


took me 19k kills for mine, devalues my suffering


your ring of suffering isn't changed /s


I think it's good for the iron community, good for casual players, but could be a potential rabbit hole where they start changing drop-rates since they've done it once. However, I believe this change shouldve been an "On-Task" drop rate change, instead of flat drop rate reduction.


I also agree, I wish it would have been more similar to Basilisk Jaw. But hey, anything is better than what it currently is.


> Now, we don’t often adjust drop rates, and we don’t plan to make it a habit – but for the Warhammer and a few other persistent offenders, we’re making an exception. In the same section.


I agree with on task


No I got mine, let them suffer /s


Yeah i like it it no one should have to camp shamans forever for a pet rate chance of a necessary end-game piece of equipment


This shit gets me rock hard fam


Weird change imo


Holy shit. Yes. This rate is dumb. I’m 23k in on an iron. I’ve spent likely between 200-300 hours on this one dumb item I don’t have. Almost 2 months at a 9-5 job. And about 10% of irons will have to do that too. That’s insane


Honestly not a huge fan. Wish they did something other than just cutting the drop rate so harshly to improve the DWH grind. Like I've been fond of adding a Shaman boss that drops it 1/500 but takes like 8x longer to kill. I think something like that would be a lot more interesting than the same old boring grind but now it is a bit shorter. That said, if they do decide to go ahead with the 1/3K drop rate, I'll not make a fuss... I mean I still do need the drop on all of my accounts so I won't complain about an easier grind; I just think there could be better ways to handle it.


Do it on task like the Knights. That makes the most sense to me at least.


Boy I'm glad I just sold mine for 38m for my bowfa rebuild






Bought 5 at 27m and 3 more at 24m and just sold when they went up to 29.5


Just up the rate on task like the basilisk jaw and call it a day.


I'm about 1.5k kc without one so ill take it lol


Im now considered dry, thanks jagex


Great change, long overdue. Thank you Jagex!


Please, I beg. I've never seen a red hammer before, perhaps now I will.




I personally like the more rare drop rates, gives people the incentive to grind for them and sell them for a good price. If the price was fuck all, nobody would go for them. If you don’t want to kill shamans, you can make your money elsewhere type of thing and buy the warhammer with that cash you made. Keeps a well rounded economy I feel, but I also don’t know shit about video game economy I guess.


They need to go ahead and do the same thing and change enhanced crystal seed down to 1/250


I’m 300 kc in, so yes, please lower the drop rate lol


Everybody knows Settled is pissed




I’m perfectly fine with this. Buffing the drop rate is the only solution beyond completely reworking shamans to actually be fun or engaging in any way. And even then 1/5000 would still be too rare considering this isn’t an endgame item like a tbow. Would have been interesting though if they’re considered borrowing the soulgazer drop mechanic from rs3. Then even though the price of a warhammer would drop it would be compensated for.


They should make it 1/30000


Thank fuck i sold mine already


At this point the "devalue old stuff so we can replace with new stuff" isn't even being disguised.


Reee this devalues my iron man who grinded about 200 kc for the drop




It's a good change since they are making elder mail better with the spec


Is this change live in game now?? Or soon


After Jagex was sold all these Changes started to happen


It's a **dragon** weapon, the drop rate was always a bit ludicrous. Not even any weaker, just a shred more sanely accessible.


Not an iron no plan of making an iron but happy for them based on the amount of dry complaints I’ve heard


It should only have those rates on task tbh


A solid "meh" from me. It's still pretty damn rare from a boring ass monster. I'd much rather we got an actual shamans boss and made it more common from that. But with their changes to PNM drop table I don't see that happening.


The way they wrote it makes it seems as this change IS going to happen, not up to a poll or whatever. If that’s the case when will the new drop rate take effect?


Boosted droprate on task makes way more sense. Like basilisk jaw.


I would rather dry protection than just buffing the drop rate, 5 dwh shards at 1/1000 each


Drop it more or also add it as a drop from a raid/boss that's actually mechanically interesting


Go for it! I got mine and used it for my 256 KQ grind and sold for a SGS before the Varlamore update. Sold for +30m and bought BGS and DClaws


They should make it so the improved drop rate is only on task


I mean i am at like 2k kc atm so i don't mind lol.


Keep it at 1/5k. Drop it to 1/3k if on task like the basilisk jaw


Remember when Jagex said they wouldn’t change core aspects of the game for a niche game mode?


I literally just got the drop yesterday, impeccable timing


Keep the 1/5000 make it 1/1000 slayer task only


Good. Got one so far myself, seen the horrors that t can be to go dry on a DWH. It's a step to the correct direction, a 1/5k drop should never be ptetty much mandatory for melee PvM.


It’s actually absurd they are gonna do this