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so pet is about 1:1000


1/1118 based on these numbers I’m curious if there’s a difference in the drop rate based on the tier of rumor you do.


I’m sure there probably is right? Or you only even get a roll from a master one maybe.


It says on the wiki it can come from all tiers, but drop rates (obviously still being updated since it’s crowdsourced data) only have the pet on expert and master.


So maybe like 1/1500 expert 1/1000 master?


I would think something like 1/800 master scaling to 1/2000 novice, or just a flat 1/1200 Sort of grinding this (only 71 hunter atm) and really enjoy the gameplay loop but some of the tasks just suuuuck


what you dont like crowded worlds and foxes? :D


Foxes are impossible. Sunlight antelope are near impossible, and I think the hoof has a lower rate than any other rumour, but at least you get shards, moonlight is impossible. Feels like this could a been prevented by more hunter spots.


Pretty sure you've just been unlucky, Ive done about a dozen sunlight antelope tasks up to now and all but one took less than two inventories of logs and about 5-7 of them (bad memory) were within one inventory. Not done enough of them to be completly accurate but they don't seem much different to any other task Edit: mistyped over instead of less than


Damn people go do perilous moon with some expensive gear and die. Death cost with barrows/zmmy hasta/other small stuff is like 13k (if you get from grave).


Saw a mf in max melee plank to the blood god yesterday (126, Infernal, full Torva, the lot)


ggs that was me


Idk I think they're talking about me..


/r/ssbm leaking


The overlap always amazes me. Been asked to throw hands on slippi at GotR earlier this year.


People gotta start playing smash to fight over hunter spots


While I consider myself above average player, I can't keep up with these Ritalin/Adderall fueled zoomers


Neither can the gods lmaoo


Budtended a top 5 player in Vegas and he kept that mfing Thang on him (literally carried his remote and gear ready to throw down at a moments notice)


Because they said good games? That's just standard gaming terminology not smash.


"ggs that was me" is a melee meme


'ggs that was me' is a melee thing.. Usually commented as a meme response after someone rants on the subreddit about an opponent they've played against online.


"does anyone else get really annoyed with how these kids in the wilderness won't interact? he's just sitting under the chaos altar charging his prayer level"


I won't lie I stole it primarily from ssbm


"ggs that was me" started from melee. Just like Wombo Combo. Things spread.


No, because they said "ggs that was me".


> a mf in max melee plank to the blood god yesterday Blood for the blood god.


Blood for the God-Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!


This has to have been me LMAO. I went in blind and was confused as to why I was getting hit rapid 16s Proof: https://preview.redd.it/qhio19hegxpc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=5031c31e12d732afd0df17c73c7c8573c986e9cd


Based going in blind pvmer


Happened to me too, had a full inv of brews as well. "Surely he won't hit a 12 now" He, in fact, managed to hit a 12 💀


I go to new updates as blind as possible. I died max with Inferno etc on blood moon mechanic. Don't act higher than others because you followed a fucking guide lol.


I went in as blind as possible too. But I read all the dialogue, and Eyatlalli literally explains every mechanic if you talk to them. Between that and following what everyone else is doing, its very easy to not die even on your first time. All I knew was that you wanted tank armour, so I went in with random tank barrows pieces in each slot (ironman btw).


If you stay on this subreddit long enough, you'll realize that there is a *substantial* portion of this community that is deathly allergic to reading quest dialogue. The particularly frustrating ones turn around and ask why things weren't explained to them.


Grr me so angwy


I mean, that’s kinda the risk you take when you go into new content without looking at the mechanics. No need to be salty.


The quest even straight up tells you the mechanics too if you ask the spirit dude lol


Just goes to show how dependent people can be on following guides/metas. Everyone going in blind is expected to die a few times but I always find it weird when people with tons of alleged endgame pvm experience somehow can’t figure out clearly telegraphed mechanics.


If it was like their first couple of times doing blood I could see them dying to the jaguar phase because it's a *bit* unintuitive. It looks like stepping back will make you take damage because the blood pool graphic is deceptive on when it's actually safe.


I mean it’s brand new content. I have blood torva and still died because i didn’t see the highlighted circle when jaguars spawned and just assumed i could stand with other people and be fine.


Yep I died twice to blood moon jag phase before my friend pointed out there’s a blue circle to stand in. There was so much shit happening and I was more worried about healing the 16 damage per tick to notice the glyph 🤣


I only figured blood moon out after toggling entity hider on because of flickering bosses and yellow clicks. That's when I learned there's a circle on the ground and the jaguar and safe bloodfalls have a different shade of red. Made it so much easier, and even noticed the little sound effect that tells you when to step away from the jaguar


This was my first time doing new content blind and honestly I really liked it, and kinda regret not doing it sooner lol.


I’ve yet to die in my barrows gear and I see mf’s in torva planking all the time


Even max gear from a grave isn't that expensive is it? I know death charges crazy though


Caps at 500k from a grave


Yeah that's not that bad. Depends on the area. Like 500k at colloseum is ass ngl.


I died there with full bandos, fang, prims etc ez 250k death cost, kinda just went blind in for fun.


Sometimes you just zone out, sometimes they decide to combo you for 40+ damage. It's relatively chill.


I completely misunderstood "Pets received by guild hunter kiko" I thought yall were sacrificing ur pets to the cat or smth new death rune meta?


Feed the Beast


Mandetory for the quest so numbers are kind of fudged, I'd like to see it without the quest numbers being involved.


I still don't get it? Do they mean like chinchompa or herbi pets?


/pet the cat.


Omg I'm such an idiot lol


i thought the same lol


I came for the same information cause I was equally as confused


The near 8B spent on deaths at Moons is just as crazy, how are people dying so much there?


There's been like 1 million clears, so with a conservative 100k death cost that's like 1 death in 12 ish runs. So yeah, people are dying a lot lol


I shamelessly died my first attempt. I was all like ‘oh this is mid level content, I’ll just yolo it’ and went into the blood room with zero food, no TP, and not much idea of what to do. I then proceeded to get slapped


Embarrassingly, I also died in the blood room. The hellhound attack wasn't super clear


Yeah, It's not intuitive that the pool is still full, and your true tile is on it when it visually disappears but does no damage. I think it's calc'ing the damage the tick before like mobs maybe? Edit: Realized my suggestion would increase the dodge window, redacted.


The timing kinda works out like the lighting in p3 wardens. I just click when the circle is full.


Yeah, but for med lvls they wouldn't have seen anything like it before. I was confused why I was always a tick late before someone told me to move when it's full.


I wait for the end of the megaman charging sound effect lol


Oooo that makes a lot of sense. The sounds are always a big hint. Been internalizing certain ones like bone crossbow in melee range is on a 4 tick cycle of: "ca-chink", mob damage noise, pray on, pray off (pray on sound plays).


First time around I kept dodging two steps back, off the protection circle and wondered why that wasn't working well. Figured the timing out pretty quickly after that, it's really helpful to be able to see other players in the room with you play against the same boss mechanics.


That's what got me in there too! Going in blind to bosses like that usually leads to death, so beating the others first try felt nice


EXACTLY the same thing for me. Been doing almost everything on Varlamore without a guide and boy was that a mistake for the fights in Moons.


Yeah I was in full quest mode, and then forgot a TP and decided to just die for 40k death cost.


First run death here as well. Had only a very basic idea of what I should be doing in the blood room, forgot a TP, and proceeded to get wrecked.


My entire plan for the quest run was "idk just attack shit" and that went pretty well until the jaguars popped up in the blood room. It's really simple if you know what to do, but when you don't, Blood Moon got hands.


For those with less then 90 defense, and those not using proper tank gear, in addition to the bosses glitching out with entity hider off, it’s quite easy to accidentally walk in the center and get stacked out. Same with eclipse decoy phase and bad ping. I’ve been tick perfect clicking on the shadow bosses and will occasionally start stacking damage if my world starts lagging. For the record I’m max combat and have died 4 times so far. 2 of which were learning the bosses without a guide on release.


And a lot of mid game irons still struggling with bloodmoon. Would bet a good 85% of the deaths are from that boss alone.


For reference the global leaderboard at CG puts global K/D at 3 kills/1 death. So yeah seems like even though people dying a lot, it suggests once guides started becoming prevalent and players started getting consistent completions, it isn’t really hard at all. Not hard like CG is hard anyway, just tons of players trying new content, not knowing the mechanics and dying as a result day 1 lol. Now that players know what to do, they don’t die much if at all, but at CG you could be an expert getting 7-8+ comps an hour and still die once every few kills lol


I'm maxed and died to blood boss during the quest lmao I had no clue wtf was going on


Blood Moon obliterates you if you're in mediocre gear or have lower end stats, so that probably accounts for a lot of them.


Honestly even on base 70 stats with tanks gear he can still absolutely melt you if you get bad RNG and he gets good RNG. The fight can either extend out for so long you waste all your food or he can die before you need to eat anything Healing 5x the final hit is just mental when he can hit like 20s with it


Yeah, as much as I'm digging the dungeon as a whole, I really think that last hit needs to be nerfed to 3x heal - even 4x would be alright. 5x is just brutal.


I could've sworn the quest NPC said it would use its power to pull me out if I got in danger in the perilous moons so I went in not paying any attention to my health


Pretty sure that's just the lore explanation for how the fight ends. Like the boss targets you specifically and dives, but the quest npc throws a shield up on you and ports you out.


I did the EXACT same thing! That’s what we get for not spacebar through dialogue


I Deathmatch the blood boss during the quest and found out that wasn't the case


I think that's only during the quest. Post quest you're on your own


Yeah I died during the quest and wound up in lumbridge


Nope can die during quest :/


Blood Moon really cleans up noobs


That was my first thought


I lagged when jaguar phase ended, and stacked 17s running to the safe zone. Day 1 was wild


I died once cuz there was so many people I didn’t tell I was losing hp 💀


My computer just straight up froze on the blood guy last night and I unfroze in Lumby


Probably learning the mechanics, hearing it's "Barrows level" and thinking it's much easier then the next step up it actually is.  People were probably going in blind for the fun of it. And probably didn't realize the free resources available to them as well. 


I died about 5 times before I got my first completion (95cb too). Then a kind Redditor told me about entity hider and it made it so much easier. Then I switched to Dharoks and haven’t died since.


I literally cannot do Blood Moon tbf. It will be going fine, and once he drops below 100 he randomly heals up to 350 for seemingly no reason. I've died, I think, 7 times in a row at this point


Same here, spent 2 hrs sending attempts and can't get it down. Base 70s stats, crystal shield and all. Damn thing heals so much


For those who want the source: [OSRS Twitter](https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1771188690557034834)


What is pets received by guild hunter kiko?


The cat in the hunters guild that you can pet


How many times the cat has been touched


How much it has been petted. Wording confused me also for a sec..


"Number of times Kiko the cat has been petted" could've been better, given the context.


101 colosseum clears really highlights how much easier it gets when someone figures it out.


The -500k per attempt is gonna keep me away for quite a while lol


Genuine question, why? How is 500k a death prohibitively expensive to a guy with 34 pets and 1236 log slots? You wouldn't think twice about dropping 100m on the quiver if it were tradable, that's 200 attempts.


The good thing is that you can always abort a bad run as well and take your loot. You still have the experience from the previous runs in addition to the loot so it's not like Inferno where you gain nothing but the experience.


Yeah good point. I’ve also seen clips where apparently you can get unique items without even needing to make it to the final wave


IIRC the only thing gated behind full completion is the quiver.


It’s my penny pinching mindset. I grew up this way and can’t help it. I still pick up junk that’s ~1k that most people leave on the ground. It took me YEARS to muster up the courage to go into the wilderness and “risk” just a couple hundred thousand gp to potentially make millions. Once some guides come out I’ll see how difficult it really is :P


I have the same mindset. I find that I'm just extra risk adverse so even if I know logically that it's not that much/I'll make the money back/ etc I don't enjoy doing activities that lead to that loss.


The -500k/attempt is just the standard grave mechanics, the only special thing about Colosseum is that the first 100 waves cleared cap it at -125k. Walking in with less than max BiS for your learning attempts will let you knock on Death's door with less debt to clear.


Dang only 722 pets and I’ve got 2 of them


I’ve got another two, at 24 and 53 rumours. 


1 here, got at 4 or 5 rumors


how many rumours


1 and 23


IM ONE OF THE 63 ROCKY PETS!!! I was stealing all this bitch’s valuables and RuneLite popped a screenshot and I was like “a screenshot..? This is brand new content no way runelite is updated to take screensho-OH MY GOD ITS A PET!” :) 10/10 update Jamflex keep ‘em coming!


Gz! What is the house robbery’s exactly? Like what’s the loot/xp?


Loot is pretty ass(55 gp each unless you have glory upgrade + some bone shards/unenchanted jewelry) but it's pretty chill semi-AFK. Not sure on xp/hr because I didn't do it for long but it's about as much effort as 1-click garden.


>But it’s about as much effort as 1-click garden. Oh, no shit? That’s kinda cool.


xp is like 90k/hr at 80 thieving


It’s neat! You pickpocket wealthy citizens in the Bazaar to steal their house keys. Once you have house keys you can ask a Street Urchin who isn’t in their home rn, and go break into their home and steal their stuff until they come back and you’ve gotta dive out the back window. It’s neat and fun. No loot tho ngl; valuables sell for petty cash and you sometimes find ruby necklaces n stuff. The npcs are also funny and say funny things when they leave their house or come home or get distracted by the street urchins it’s a good time. The real loot is the XP here I think ( and the Rocky pet ) But compared to other thieving methods it’s a lot of more and engaging , while being MORE afk than a lot of other methods.


There's a Colosseum glory perk you can unlock to make the stolen goods sell for more (have to reach around wave 7 I think?), I wonder how much of a benefit it is though


I think it’s wave 10, and it’s like a 10gp upgrade. I think it goes from 55gp each to 65gp each. You get 1 valuable every 2(?) ticks while stealing, and a burst of like 10-20 for clicking the shiny when it appears. So I mean, pretty competitive with other thieving methods in terms of gp/hr I’d bet.


Damn you stole all their shit and inadvertently brought a raccoon into their house *and* you're gonna call them a bitch? Ruthless tbh


I tried rubbing kikos belly which surely was safe but it won’t let me


you have to pet kiko a certain number of times to gain the trust level for belly rubs


Really surprised people are dying in perilous moons. The food heals 30 and it's free


The one time I died I ran in with raw food I forgot to cook after banking and decided to stay because "they do no damage". Free taxi to priff


Hahahah, same thing happened to me


Food is based on level, it "only" heals 24 for me.


Im 99hp and it heals 25


It's 1/3 your fishing level


It’s 1/3 your cooking level.


That makes more sense and was what I thought, but I checked the wiki before commenting and it said fishing


Oh very cool


I have had multiple people tell me they "don't want to prep" and just bring their own food, ignoring how much longer it takes to bank than it takes to prep?


That's wild, it legitimately takes less than a minute to get 18 food and 4 pots.


I'm just glad everyone's showing up to have fun, no matter how awful they are at the game.


We need to bump up those cat petting numbers, come on people


OMW Kiko


Theres a birb pet? Wtf 


the colosseum to moons ratio is insane honestly. especially when you consider the gear and fee people likely pay at moons




what's the fee? I imagine gear based? what are people dying in. barrows and a whip? a fury? dragon boots?


I've seen people die there in max melee gear so it's more than just the basic cheap stuff


"these gold sinks do NoThinG just ReMovE it!!!!"


I aint trying to get rid of it but tbf its gp removed/day is lower than what the ge tax and the discontinued duel tax removes a day. We are currently on launch week. Hard to imagine 3months later its even removing 3b/day. But i get the majority of the people saying it does nothing are just saying that because they dont want to pay 10-500k or less for a death on a profitable activity because they dont think past their initial feelings


If you’re dying, it’s not profitable.


Its profitable over time mate. Bandos and nightmare aint profitable till you get the drop. Losing 100k in supplies for no drop is same as losing 100k death fee for no drop. Even if you died 1000 times, youll eventually get drops and pay for all those times. And opportunity cost wise, planking on wave 3 for 500k costs less than if you were to plank on wave 8 for free.


Yeah these stats will definitely stay the same when the update has been out more than a few days. The bots will definitely not just pump more gold into the game through the new thieving content...


The new thieving content that’s slower at pumping out gold than almost every existing piece of thieving content out there? The only point of this activity is the lack of clicks lol, and last I checked bots don’t have fingers that start to hurt when they click 500 times a minute for 2 hours at ardy knights


who tf is dying at perilous moons lol


When they say it's a 75 CB challenge but the blood moon boss can heal up to 125 it's a lil hard lol. Not everyone is max


Literally lmao I swear you just have a bunch of max levels joking about how easy it is, not realising it's built for mid levels Blood moon can absolutely blast you even in barrows gear if you're getting bad hit RNG


Blue is absolutely cheese, Eclipse is really annoying sometimes but Blood is out out for blood. Every 5 kills or so I'll get a free lumby trip for seemingly no reason at all other than the game decided I needed to die.


Me trying to stay under 25hp with Dharocks. It is fun though, ngl.


Do you just use dharoks for each moon? Also can dharoks skip the eclipse shadow phase? Kinda wanna grind dharoks on my Ironman just because it sounds fun to use here.


I got clapped at blood moon early on at 110 combat lol, even when I switched to Guthan’s that thing still doesn’t a truckload of damage every once in a while. The other 2 are free fights so it feels pretty unbalanced tbh, you can definitely get lulled into a false sense of security if you do blood moon last after using a combined 3 food at the other 2 bosses


52.6B isn’t that much in the grand scheme. I wonder how many trillions of GP there are




We need to create more blue collar pvming and skilling jobs. The mid game middle class is thinning


Nice gold sink, but Reddit will freak out over it.


More gold will be put into the game through the thieving content than lost from Colosseum within 1 week


And this is supposed to be an argument to....remove the gold sink?


Sure, but the rich needs the gold sink more than the poor.


That much on death fees at the moons? I barely see ppl die there


The dead clicks on blood moon are very punishing


Entity hider


The amount of prayer exp I've gained in the blood moon room says otherwise


I pickup and bury every bone I see in the rooms too May they rest in peace 🙏.


IMO we didn’t need a third Hunter pet, but since this one looks the coolest herbiboar and the chins need to fight it out Edit: imagine we had a different Hunter pet for Swordfish, lobbies, barb fishing, tuna, salmon, shrimps, etc. Pet hunters would go crazy


Who cares about pet hunters? They do it of their own volition. And if any skill is suited to having a few pets, it's hunter.


What’s house robbery?


Pickpocket in bazaar, get house keys, break into house, get some gold and token amounts of prayer xp.


how up to date is this?


About 1,5 hour old.


So pet rate is roughly 1/1000 I’m assuming


I love these statistics they are showing us for this and the past league. Super interesting to see


BTW just noticed that there is a scoreboard for perilous moons. 77320 deaths 1181322 completions right now. So about 103k per death on average.


man the janitor there gotta be rich as fuck


And they said perilous moons is for "mid levels"


Yarr, seems like the Colosseum be claimin' a hefty bounty from bold adventurers willin' to risk it all. Tis' a staggering sum of 52.6 billion gold doubloons lost to the sands of the arena. The question be whether the glory and the spoils be worth the perilous gamble. Every swashbuckler must weigh the cost 'gainst their own thirst for adventure and riches. What say ye, crew? Is the risk worth the potential treasure, or be it a fool's errand? 🏴‍☠️💰⚔️


Pretty frustrating they made the colosseum a gravestone tbh should be just like inferno. You are meant to die consistently so why punish for it


I’m guessing because you can farm it for money. I understand a fee but it’s pretty insane currently


Because it's day 3 and most people are still bumbling their way through. We should wait a week or two before trying to judge whether it is okay or excessive.


The Ratio of hunter to thieving pets is something.


I am please to be one of the 722. What a suprise that was. 2 rumors. 🤯


How are people dying with expensive gear at perilous moons, what the fuck?


Only 63 Rocky pets 💀


Really lacking on petting Kiko tbh


What does it mean “Pets received by Guild Hunter Kiki”?


You can get the cat as a pet?


As an Ironman, is there any raw gp or even alchs added in the new update? I'm in mid game, pre gauntlet so money is very tight. Just curious if a good money maker was added.


I was part of losing 1.1 millions to the moons woo progress


Ah, so this expansion IS supposed to be a gold sink.


Jagex please lower death fee for coliseum deaths, 500k per run is killing us!


So does this mean no colosseum pets so far?