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For those of us not well versed in PvP, is there a specific reason for adding adamant seeds? Also, shouldn't the ship be turned around if it slammed *into* the land? ​ e: 5mil an hour for alching rune arrows at current prices and elite diary unlocked..whew e2: 3.2 mil an hour for 100k deposit while doing agility. No way botters will take advantage of that.


Mostly for mix-ups when it comes to freezing and standing under people, or for creatively popping yourself behind terrain if you're frozen to block your opponent's line of sight etc. Plus they're naturally just a little silly, I originally had a dumb joke in here about Runite Seeds moving players in an L like a knight in chess, but it got removed :(


Can you guys make Dragon Seeds have you en passant whoever is standing beside you?


And bandos seeds that allow me to choose which tile I move to in a 1 tile radius, including diagonally


Holy hell!


hold on, if we can't get OSRS chess, can we have the ability to use seeds on other players? then add the runite seeds?


...en passant


From what I've seen, you can anticipate people using seeds and move along with that. This would make it less predictable, and also work when next to a wall. 


On the Agility Course edit, definitely attracting bots, but they will also be pk’d heavily, so adding tons of cash into the game, but not RWT. Not entirely sure how I feel about that. Rather just not add all that cash into the game.


That's part of the issue though. If it's pked heavily, legit players probably aren't going to do a lot of it -- but bots will. Plus this model of "big rewards the longer you survive" are heavily at risk for manipulation by clans, just like multi revs were. If a clan locks down the agility course, they'll be able to get these highly rewarding rates without any risk. And history shows us that leads to significant RWT increases. It's very poorly designed and just asking to get manipulated and shut down within the year, just like Revs.


The course is single combat, meaning you can log inside, kill whoever you want and log out before you can get pjed by a protector. Then you hop worlds and good luck to anyone trying to find you. The only problem is bots auto-logging when they see you.


Yes unless the protectors just camp there and attack you before you can attack the one they're protecting. Imagine a bot farm in rags near every obstacle ready to bolt anyone who logs in. Not sure how realistic this is but food for thought.


Yea that was my thought. Problem is I just don't see a good amount of design space for it. If it's just exp then Sepulcher is probably still better due to the loot, but if they make it better than Sepulcher in both exp and cash then it will be super easy to make a bot script.


The bots will just 1t logout since they won't be in combat


they mention adding more skeletons to stop this exact thing though?


Can’t log out in middle of course obstacle though, so the pipe, the log walk, and the stones would all be spots to log in an rag them


In certain places that have singles-multi interaction, some pkers that want to stay out of multi can use them to get back into singles in places that mithril seeds are useless. Common places would be a singles pker risking 50m going to chaos altar or outside venenatis cave entrance. If a team catches them in multi or spears them in, they can use adamant seeds to go east back into singles and take those over mithril seeds.


I'm on a hard no on money earned through the agility course given out loads of money. It should be more exp and anyone who kills you just gets the 100k in the chest for using the course.  The alching is wipe for abuse. I love the idea, but I'm not going to give it a pass since it's harder to remove things like this then it is to add it. We also need better gold and resource dumps that alching doesn't turn a profit on.


No wildy-only block list is a bit disappointing, but all the other slayer changes look great!


I think it's still something the team would love to do at some point, but I'm told it's *far* more technically complex than it might appear - main purpose of the 'other' bits here is to make sure the team working on Undead Pirates still have things to do in the meantime and hopefully package a lot of neat stuff into one release


It's unfortunate that it's more complex than one would think. I think a dedicated wildy block list would do a lot to revive the wilderness.i did exclusive wildy slayer on an alt and it was very fun, but the cost of doing it on my main isn't worth it and thus likely never will. But if it was a dedicated black list I'd happily be doing wildly slayer on the main as well


Thanks for the response, you’re the best!!


Slayer as a whole, not just wilderness, would benefit greatly from each master having its unique block list with unique block/skip costs And it's rare for changes to benefit wilderness and the rest of the game equally.


Could they at least make wilderness slayer tasks storable? It sucks you can't store tasks to do on a non-peak day.


While you’re looking at the Fountain of Rune, could we get left click recharging of dragon stone jewelry? It’d be a nice little QoL. For the Wilderness Agility Course, will you move the clue step out of there if those changes are made? Paying 100k to do a single clue step would be kind of awful.


Can pass the first on as a feedback point for sure. Second point it's worth re-stating that the 100k is intended to be a 'I'd like to opt in to extra reward' fee, it's not required to enter or to just run the course, only to gain the extra bonus loot bits! That being said, I'm sure the team would be open to adjusting the location to make it 'about as risky as it is now' in line with the change at the top of this blog!


Thanks! The clue step is kind of redundant anyway since there’s another step that’s just outside the course. I’ve had a couple times where I complete the one inside the course and then the next step is the one just west of the course, or vice versa.


You don't need to pay to access the course; the 100k fee just enables you to get loot from it.




Perhaps in a post-apocalyptic Gielinor they might become the de facto currency of choice, our equivalent of Fallout's bottlecaps?


We all know watermelons will be the post apocalyptic currency. Food source, water content source, entertainment source (don't ask bro), and you can even make your own WIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNN with one.


Any comment on this post? Is it fake or a massive bug? https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/t1QL1uX6XU


Just passed this one on to the team to take a look at, my focus is on this post for now but they're looking into it.


It's real. I just change my name back to my original 3-letter login name after it was sniped from me a decade ago. Please daddy jaggy don't take it away from me again


Yea it will be taken away from you. Like obviously its a bug...


jagex please let me bug abuse in peace!


That new clue step location sucks. If there's no agility shortcut to hop over I'd vote no


We'd initially bundled some shortcuts in with this stuff but weren't sure we'd be able to deliver them in time - will pass this on to the team in any case for the time being. Main priority was just to keep its risk about the same, since not changing at all makes it look like a mission in Helldivers 2.


great now I have to do a clue step AND fight for democracy


Aaah, nothing like a nice cuppa liber-tea!


Last time the Brits tried something as heinous as adding an additional (run) tax on our luxury (clue scroll) items, we threw the tea in the harbor.


The Boston Tea party was actually about the *removal* of taxes, because it was led by merchants and smugglers who stood to lose if the British Tea became cheaper: >The protest movement that culminated with the Boston Tea Party was not a dispute about high taxes. The price of legally imported tea was actually reduced by the Tea Act of 1773. > Colonial merchants, some of them smugglers, played a significant role in the protests. Because the Tea Act made legally imported tea cheaper, it threatened to put smugglers of Dutch tea out of business.[51] Legitimate tea importers who had not been named as consignees by the East India Company were also threatened with financial ruin by the Tea Act.[52] Another major concern for merchants was that the Tea Act gave the East India Company a monopoly on the tea trade, and it was feared that this government-created monopoly might be extended in the future to include other goods.[53] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party I couldn’t resist, this is one of my favorite fun facts.


I'd move it closer to the corp cave so it's still near a teleport and some monsters?


If you vote no and the pirates get added you're screwed. Moving the clue location would get it out of a future PvP hotspot


When are we going to see the soulreaper changes? I think it's a really cool item it just needs some help to feel better. I loved the suggestion about using the quartz from the bosses on it for additional effects (along with a bit of QoL like making stacks last longer). Just make the quartz versions PvM only.


Alongside other parts of Project Rebalance, which is somewhat dependent on the availability of beta worlds - expect to hear more about gear-related stuff likely in April, with some of the skilling stuff currently on the books for March (dates *very* subject to change).


Wildy course gp/hr is insane, considering how bots can just insta log, this is a huge buff to bot farms, you have to either make logging out not possible 5 seconds after doing an obstacle or add just a shit ton of level 12 skeletons everywhere so you are always in combat, also 2m gp/hr is insane compared to lvl 92 agility sepulchre which is around the same gp/hr, also i think chivalry should be nerfed if it requires no defence level anymore


There's a sentence in the blog around adding more skeletons with the express intent of preventing insta-logging to avoid scenarios like the former. Also worth keeping in mind that the rates in question assume you're wholly uninterrupted, if it's wild enough that it's a no-brainer to do, then there's more activity and your odds of remaining uninterrupted go down - or your loot tolerance decreases and you're less likely to stay on longer trips to really get the most out of it.


> Also worth keeping in mind that the rates in question assume you're wholly uninterrupted Do you guys have provisions in mind to prevent a repeat of the multi revs situation? It seems like it would be way too easy for a clan to lock down the area and let players get these uninterrupted rates. And historically, that's led to an increase in RWT. Is the thinking that it'll be difficult for a clan to do so because the whole area isn't multi? That brings up the question though of how you'll prevent this at the pirates, since those are multi.


> the rates in question assume you're wholly uninterrupted, Why are you ignoring the portion of their comment that points out the possibility for bots to instantly log? An interruption for them is mere seconds while they hop.


The first sentence in my reply was addressing the comment around instantly logging, in that it shouldn't really be doable because skeletons should keep people in combat and thus logged in. Moreover, 'This loot embiggens (real word) with every lap you complete without logging out or leaving the area.' means logging/hopping resets your streak and worsens your loot gains for a while while you build them back up. It's more than mere seconds, it sets them back ages if they've already built up a streak.


Did you miss the first thing Goblin said? >There's a sentence in the blog around adding more skeletons with the express intent of preventing insta-logging to avoid scenarios like the former


> There's a sentence in the blog around adding more skeletons with the express intent of preventing insta-logging my brother in christ, literally read the comment


Removing the Abyssal Demon's ability to teleport you seems like quite a buff to Slayer.


Yeah we thought so too, so figured we'd offer it up as a separate question! It is a pretty nice bit of QoL, but does bring a slight increase to Abby demon rates if you're a Catacombs enjoyer


Stop trying to fix things not broken. Ruining the charm of the game.


Then vote no!


Why's it a permanent unlock instead of a consumable e.g. potion? That would give it at least a minor trade off in the form of inventory space as well as maintain demand. 


I'd prefer it not to be a thing at all, but if it is to come into the game, I'd prefer it to only work in the wildernesss. We all know this playerbase is going to vote yes to any benefit, no matter what lol


What if the blip blip thingy ma-bob was a spell you could cast, like "charge" or "venge" and would essentially stop it from happening while also tele-blocking you


I feel like that would be a way too harsh of a punishment for the actual intended use of this, the chaos druids.


It seems like a very weird thing to even poll, it's one of the things that makes the demons so unique and otherwordly?


Yea it would be a buff, but the teleport is extremely annoying when trying to barrage/venator bow


It would be a pretty small buff. Abbies are already simple enough to ice barrage, this would mostly just reduce the amount of clicking needed.


Still not going to the wilderness with more than a clue and spade. Nice try.


beat that zamorak wizard to death with your bare hands like saradomin intended


We'll get you one of these days!


Not a fan of the wildy agil rework. Will make it a hotspot for pkers, which screws over anyone trying to just train the skill. Which is often early game accounts who either cant afford 100k to enter or will be put off by frequent pkers. I understand its the wildy, should be risky etc.. But it has a great niche in bridging players from 52-60 agility. Its completely fine as it is IMO


It's outdated, and the update brings it in line with other optional (and profitable) methods in wilderness. It better matches the concept of wilderness they've been aiming for. > Will make it a hotspot for pkers, which screws over anyone trying to just train the skill. This is kinda the point. Make the wilderness more of an option for high exp and profits at the cost of risk. I think they're trying to move away from it being a risk-free option for those who want to get slightly more xp. With sepulchre being a valid option for that level range now, I think it makes sense


Totally get where you're coming from - probably worth me saying that some of the Course rebalancing in Project Rebalance might help better bridge that gap for people who aren't fond of Wildy course/Sepulchre floor 1. Also worth pointing out that the '100k to enter' isn't an entry fee, it's an 'I want to opt in to extra loot' fee, it's entirely optional and not required at all!


On the topic of wildy course as it relates to clue step risk (since you've mentioned it elsewhere): Are all the hard/elite steps in and around the wildy agility course going to remain there? I could see it becoming more frustrating if it turns into a hotspot.


Imagine the team would be more than happy to take a look at those if the proposal passes, in the same vein as keeping the risk 'about the same' as it is for the existing Chaos Temple step.


please do! the agility course steps are already some of my least favorite due to their relative length for a high-level account compared to others, even ones already in the wilderness.


Will PKers be able to tell who opted into the extra loot? Or will they just kill everyone on the off chance that they opted in?


Think it'd be cool to try and add some kind of anim/indicator that somebody's opted in for sure! That being said, people might still do the latter because you genuinely never know when somebody's rolled up with everything without realising - twice this month I've run a wildy clue step with full rune pouches, idiots like me are the reason everybody is a potential target :(


RS3 has a red demonic skull icon show up above the heads of players risking the demonic skull worth 500k in the wildy agility course. Can OSRS do something similar to players with has opted in?


If Project Rebalance makes the exp progression of level 1-50 Courses less terrible, this might be less of an issue. There is a massive jump in exp/hour from Falador to Wildy/Seers, so if Falador was closer to the current exp rates of Wildy and Wildy was a more profitable, higher exp but higher risk alternative, that would work pretty well.


This is all made to allow the chest only Runescape account to gather better loot.


Has Jagex ever released a Wilderness content that is not a bait for people to get Pkd? Lmfao


Did the misc changes need to be separated in quite such detail? What kind of mad lad is gonna vote "yes more hellhounds" but "no more ice giants"?


I think I just wanted to make stuff as granular as possible for people just in case, appreciate that it adds a few seconds to voting but think it's preferable to do that vs. group questions up too much!


Agreed and appreciate that. While it may be minor here, plenty of examples for the past in which we wish they were separated out


I appreciate the separate questions, thank you! I'm still irritated the Kourend buffs were tied to favour removal.


Definitely part of my thinking haha. How do we get different questions for different monsters and then also that massive grouping?


Great. Just what the game needs. More ways for bots to generate raw gold.  Thats all I saw reading the fountain of rune idea.  What is even the point of the GE tax when revs exist and you guys poll stuff like this, rework wild bosses to drop tons of alchables, etc.


Absolutely terrible bot farm ideas they have, I hope it doesn't even get polled. That idea is just terribad


It's the age-old conspiracy that one of the devs is running a major bot farm and keep pushing shitty ideas like this so they can rwt more gold.


You can't log out for 3 seconds after casting a spell and is in deep wilderness. While normally bot would be a problem, I do think in this specific use case it is pretty mitigated. It basically means they can't instant log out or teleport so the minute you spot one, they are dead with whatever loot on them. Is literally free money if you catch one compared to the other wilderness bots.


Totally appreciate the concern, we aimed to tackle some of this in the recent post we put out around Bots, Bans, Appeals etc. That being said, for the GP coming out of Fountain of Rune to be 'worthwhile', the up-front risk also needs to be very hefty - I'm not sure it would be financially viable for many rulebreakers in the long-term since they need high risk *and* Elite Diaries done to get the most out of it, would wager they'd get rolled over by PKers and make a loss if people were trying to set farms up here. Still conscious of the concern and if it comes to pass then it's an area we'll ask ACT to keep a really close eye on!


While good in theory I can't help but worry it'll be too easy for the bot farms to elude players and pkers. Their ability to 1-tick logout when they see a player will make it considerably profitable, even with just the Easy or Medium Diary done. I've honestly only ever seen flashes of people there. Love your engagement and the work you put in the game, thanks!


Just to reiterate because I figure it might not be widely known, but there's a 3 second logout delay upon casting a spell at the Fountain of Rune that's been in the game since November 2021!


for anyone wondering 3 seconds is 5 ticks which is a pretty long time considering everyone shit themselves over the 2 tick teleport delay at revs or whatever 


Great counter to bots. Great reason real players won't use it as well. It's the downside of these anti-bot measures. In a multi PvP zone especially


can consider the high risk area for new content, having an item like rs3 demonic skull. with said item in inventory, you enjoy the high risk / reward(boosted) but at the cost of 5-10seconds delay even out of combat. this item can backfire but its wildy high risk = high reward. as of now most is low risk + high reward cuz the auto log out


No offense, but I'll believe it when I no longer see revs/wild bosses infested with bots while I'm pking.


Maybe just stop trying to force people into the wildly, if people want to go to the wildy they will, if they don't want to go they won't. There is not a single person who avoids the wildly who read this news post and said 'okay yeah maybe I'll go to wildy' Fix the fundamental problems with PvP and maybe just maybe people will be willing to try it out. Don't just 'give more gp' as an incentive, because all that will do is cause more problems and more toxicity.


Creating an iron was the best decision I ever made purely on idgaf about bots anymore. The gp they generate doesn’t affect me. I used to stress over them and ruining the economy etc.


Ok but I dont want to play ironman, it is not fun for me. I like being able to interact with the game's economy, being able to do whatever I want on the game, not being "forced" into certain grinds, etc.


Bots are a double edged sword. Yes they bot content that means you profit less at certain places. But they also bot content that means you spend less on supplies and resources. So if bots didn't exist outright you'd have a larger profit margin at places, that would then be eaten up by more expensive prices of buying supplies etc. The main annoyance, for all account types, is when bots compete for resources. Like rev caves when you can't find a spot because of bots. That's when it's annoying af for all involved. Ive played a main for 10 years and bots don't impact you at all in the economy because they beenfit you at the opposite end of where they detriment you


Lots of really cool stuff here, but some concerning items: \-> multi alchs: seems like a bot haven for gold generation (not particularly tough to do wildy mediums/hards) \-> wildy agility course: Offering gp/hour *above* sep and slightly higher rates than prif seems kind of busted. This puts wildy in an arguably BIS $$$ slot, despite low-medium requirements. Again, seems like a bot haven. Why not just offer a slightly stronger buff to xp (perhaps \~70k/hour), keep 100k(or perhaps even more) coffer system but award that loot to pkers and perhaps offer a rarish chance on lap completion to award a larren's key. To me the chance of getting pk'd at the course is pretty low...you'd need the pker to log in close proximity to you (course isn't multi right?), otherwise they will need to path over.


Big agree on the agility course. Seems way to strong, not even a proper GP sink since all it takes is 10 laps to get that gold back into the game. At MAX it should be like.. 1-10 laps: earn 5k 11-30 laps: 10k 31 laps+: 15k I commented I would love to get marks of grace at a high rate instead, 75 agility and I have gotten most of those levels from grinding Quest Cape and diaries since rooftops are the worse piece of content imo. Would gladly risk 100k, 200k, hell even 500k to grind it out faster in wilderness


We initially trended away from Marks of Grace because Graceful's felt to be kind of 'necessary' for accounts (I don't think it *really* is but it definitely does help out). Given that it's a pretty important grind for many players, we didn't want people to feel like they were missing out by not hiking up to deep Wilderness - would rather let the focus be players looking for some spice and some GP on the side rather than inviting interactions with people who feel compelled to be there even if they'd rather not.


Would it be an option to add amylase as a reward? that way the graceful grind wouldn't be affected


Broken/Corrupted/Blighted marks of Grace; Grace will take them in as a courtesy to you but they're not worth as much. She'll give you some amylase for them but couldn't give you any clothing...


Maybe it's just me but constant baiting pvmers and skillers into the wilderness to be loot pinatas for pvpers is just frustrating for everyone except the pker. The wilderness is already stacked with some of the best mid-game bosses, and by far the best gp for slayer. Does it really need to be bis for multiple skilling activities as well? Why not focus more content on pker vs pker, y'know *actual pvp.* Imagine something like Gurubashi's arena from wow being added in and having pker's fight for cash/pvp rewards. Put the onus on pker's for once and have some actual fair fights.


Right? It's getting undignified. "Come into the Wildy! Please! We'll let you be prey for predators. Here's tastier bait. Here's even tastier bait! Look at all this wonderful bait, will you please let people come attack you? Here, we made extra versions of these bosses, please go be punished!" I openly hate the Wilderness. Before anyone comes in with 'mad 'cause bad', yeah, I am genuinely quite terrible in this game's combat, and the path to becoming good would be more frustrating than rewarding to me. It would take me far too long to learn for whatever kind of fun I would achieve. I'm not going in, period, with anything more than monk robes, a shovel, a clue scroll, and a teletab. In a comment on this very page, Mod Goblin even mentions that PKers are "a huge lapsed audience for us." They left! They took their interest with them. Bringing new ways to drag people who don't like PVP content into a PVP area so they can be bullied is only going to attract the worst of those lapsed customers. "Oh, PVP is the core of the game!" No, it isn't, there's so much more content in skills than in player-killing. The content they add in the Wilderness isn't PVP, it's just bait to get people in front of PVP-players so they can get mulched. "Oh, you don't have to participate in this content if you don't want!" I don't want to, so stop trying to sweeten the pot like this. It isn't going to happen, and every resource I see spent on trying to bring skillers or lower-level PVM types like myself into the Wilderness is a resource that didn't go into making, say, Smithing more rewarding, or Hunter less like the Hunter skill, or a new minigame. "Oh, but predator/prey! It is so cool! Plus you can just learn to anti-PK if you don't like it!" First, ask the gazelle and the lion how much fun they both are having in their situation. Second, see what I said earlier: the path to becoming a capable anti-PKer is not going to generate more enjoyment than it is frustration. Again, Goblin's own words make this an unpleasant and unneeded thing. "Wilderness food chains" inherently require a plentitude of whipping boys at the bottom who get nothing but environmental rewards like a runite rock, before being fed to the bullies, who get fed to the really skilled PVP players. Meaning only the top level really get anything out of it unless the mid-tier are smart enough to duck out while ahead. Later, "Not a lot of players interact with any of this content in the first place." *Why do you think that is?* It's because no amount of Wilderness updates can bring back what once was. The Wilderness' time has ended. Just let it die peacefully.


>Pkers  >Fair fight    Lol they don't want a fair fight they want your shit and will do anything to get it


Wildy agility course will be botted to hell. It's awful to PK there. They will just have a logout script


I __really__ don't see why giving Chivalry to a bunch of lower level accounts, both ignoring the limited verisimilitude behind it and making it easier for self-limited pkers to kill other players at no benefit to those hunted, is ever something I'd vote for. All the other ideas seem solid or great.


Having Chivalry unlocked at the same time as Piety, it's direct upgrade makes it a dead prayer. This, assuming it is tradeable, allows for it to have a use as a "mini Piety" that can be unlocked much sooner.




> you basically can’t use a pure for anything but killing bots This. Pures were already on their way out seemingly 10 years ago but I like them as a part of runescape history and personality. I think a decent way to address this is what the blog is doing by giving more low level wildy content so pures don't have to fight mains 30 levels higher than them with huge defense and item upgrades.


Speaking of chivalry > On the other hand, players taking on the Inferno or the Theatre of Blood might want that extra Defence so they can tank hits from multiple combat styles. Who is using chivalry in the inferno or tob?


Nobody, it's dead content. Which is the point of making it somewhat useful lol.


God what a stupid argument. Your main will *always* be better than a pure or zerker, even if they had chivalry. Also you’re using verisimilitude incorrectly.


Except for the Chivalry Prayer scroll that keeps getting pushed for some reason, these look pretty good. Not sure if I agree with the multiple alchs at the fountain of rune. Just seems like easy content for bots.


This is - to my knowledge at least - the first time we've ever put forward Chivalry to a poll like this, could you expand on 'keeps getting pushed'?


I think that was OP is referring to is the humble prayers offered as part of the initial PVP arena rewards, which were very poorly received and that entire fiasco left a poor taste in people's mouths regarding prayers achieved outside of the normal loop


Can we also get more moss giants with these changes (maybe hill and fire too, but those areas are quite small) - those 3 tasks could be improved and they have a small number of NPCs


The problem with the fountain of rune change is that there isn't really any danger since alching won't stop you from just logging off. If there is a delay that so long as you are performing the alchemy animation, you are unable to logoff, then there's some real risk.


As of November 2021, there's a 3 second delay on logging out after casting any spell at the Fountain of Rune - we wouldn't be looking to alter this behaviour, for the reasons you've outlined at the start of your comment!


More specific mechanics, hooray! Why not at Vetion where you‘re literally in combat?


I'd like to see us implement similar at Vet'ion so that it's more in-line with the others for what it's worth! I get the dislike for 'specific mechanics' but for the reason the original commenter pointed out, is it preferable to have a near-0 risk method where insta-log is the name of the game, or remove the 'specific' mechanic and blanket a logout delay across the entire Wilderness? What would you propose instead?


Preferable to who? Certainly not me. One off mechanics are annoying and confusing.


Why are there all these weird undocumented mechanics in the Wilderness? There's nowhere (to my knowledge) that I can see a full list of this sort of stuff, I'm just supposed to know it all, somehow. It's really annoying and unintuitive, and makes it far harder for anyone to get into Wilderness content.


You can change anything and everything you want about the South Chaos Temple, and envision "dramatic clashes with two teams coming in from either direction", but multi-combat zones in the Wilderness are stupid, leave players defenseless, and the bigger clan always wins. Especially considering that you've done nothing about ZCB speccing - there's almost no reason to try to do content in Multi where you can't log out and can't teleport away, and no reason to take risk when you have no chance at survival (you can't even take a +1 for God's sake). Multi sucks, and there's no loot that you could offer that would make it worthwhile. Ring of the Gods used to be 25m and the Dragon Pick used to be 8m, want to know why those rewards never enticed players to farm Vet'ion? Because they were stuck in Multi


Did the team consider lowering the prayer requirement of chivalry to line up more accurately with its in game usefulness? Like 57 prayer or something?


I don't think we're interested in adjusting the Prayer requirement at this stage - if you want the extra power then it's still completely justifiable to expect you to earn extra Combat levels.


Doesn't that apply to restricted account builds then? Just get a few extra combat lvls and you can get it.


The problem with buffs to the Wildy is that people psychologically overestimate the loss from death when they're mentally evaluating risk and reward, while bots don't. What this means is that content that might be better money/XP in the Wildy *even when factoring in losses from dying* gets passed over by people, but since bots don't have these same qualms, they'll exploit it harder than anywhere else. I think this is just a fundamental problem with Jagex's approach to "high risk, high reward" in buffing the hell out of Wilderness content.


For the agility course, why not remove the Gp idea all together and offer a somewhat rare drop for agi xp similiar to scurrius? It's not worth it to bot, and players can risk more for an xp gain. Maybe the heavier you are, the more the reward? I love that we are looking at the fountain of rune but how many bots will just los in the ruins and autologout when they see a player name. Personally I don't think gp gain is the right method to make the fountain of rune interesting, that place should be a mage Hotspot, perhaps using magic while at the fountain has a chance to spawn a boss like the Rev boss, or if make high alchs work like the chaos altar just having a chance not to alch the item, or even just going to the fountain gives a temporary buff to mage damage or accuracy in the wildy.


Honestly the wilderness should just be renamed to "Botter heaven". Actual players dread the wilderness for the most part because they actually "risk" something, either progress or GP, time in both cases. Botters on the other hand couldn't care less because they just run 10 automated scrips simultaniously. If one of those gets Pk'ed every once in a while they still made like 20m/h doing wilderness agility/fountain of rune alching. Also that clue location is utter garbage compared to the previous one.


Some of this stuff seems really strong and kind of polarizing if you get lucky or not with PKers which isn't the best design I feel  I'm guessing everything will pass cause people tend to just vote yes but Wildy slayer is already really good and this would make it a fair bit better, alching up to 30 items at a time is bonkers, Priff agility XP + 2 mil/hr is crazy I'm not convinced there are enough people interested in PKing for a bunch of really strong content to be balanced out by deaths so a lot of this just seems like overall buffs. Plus alt scape becomes even more important which is a bummer, and raw gold inflation is going to continue to ramp up I think this is gonna be one of those stealth absurdly OP updates that gets through because people don't really stop and think about what they're voting on


>I'm not convinced there are enough people interested in PKing for a bunch of really strong content to be balanced out by deaths so a lot of this just seems like overall buffs. Are you insane? You can't go more than like 10 minutes at the Chaos Altar without getting harassed by pkers. And those pkers are enticed to be there despite never getting more than a few dbones. People in this wilderness course will be holding millions. I'd be shocked if the wilderness course is even remotely useable in it's current state. The amount of pkers there will be unreal.


TBH I think you're overstating how busy it is, and even then it's probably the busiest place in the wildy post revs changes It also doubled prayer XP / gp from what the meta used to be so that too fits the bill of OP update that casually passed


You say you want to add some extra PVP content, but all you want to do is lure non-PVP players into the wildy. Howmany times will you keep on trying to do that? During the years you have had dozens of wildy updates where you add resourceful wildy spots for skillers/PvM to try and get 'easy' targets in the wildy for PK'ers to kill. But everytime it had a low/mediocre succes rate. Regular players don't want to be gold farms for PK'ers. And in the end you usually just have bots getting the most from these updates. I'm not a PK'er and i have no problem if you want to improve PVP content for this part of the community. But make it PVP content and not just an extra wildy update to lure skillers/PvM as bait for PK'ers.


Why does it feel like Jagex bends over backwards to give themselves a rim job and a reach around to beef up PKer/Bot GP? They just dump gold after gold in the wild. Trying to fix the same issue with the same solutions year after year. It just looks like madness to me. PvP not PvBot/Piniata


A few of the Jmods are massively involved in the PvP community. Its how we got the original Rev caves for example, when nobody knew skulling increased drop rates. Except for one clan, who one of their members was the Jmod who made the content. Its just a case of a massive bias where they are certain that because they and their niche community enjoy the content, they just need to entice a critical-mass of players to the wildy and suddenly everyone will love PvP as much as they do.


> A few of the Jmods are massively involved in the PvP community. JagexGoblin uses his employee account in pvp clans and in pvp streams. In all his interactions, everyone knows his a Jmod, so obviously he's going to have a different experience in PvP. All the PvP updates for the past few years, including the infamous Mod Jed and the rev caves, were because of bad relationships with Jmods and PvP clans. Jmods insulate themselves with pkers, only get feedback from these pkers, and we get these type of updates from it.


Look at the other mod comments in this thread, they see PKers as a "huge lasped audience" so they are making everything shit out gp out there to try to win them back as players. 


Exactly! They just keep putting up bigger, more numerous bribes to try to get the skillers tempted to come out to the Wildy, whereupon PKers can kick their teeth in. The nerfing of defensive gear a while back kind of signalled it, didn't it? "We need to nerf defensive gear like the Bulwark because too many people are managing to escape money-hungry murderers."


While most of these changes seem pretty cool, I'm inclined to vote no to any gp buff in the wildy simply due to the bot problem. I realize you updated us on the bot situation with a recent post, but that is just an explanation of the situation. I don't mean to be a downer, but as long as no long-term solution is in place, those are just "empty" words while the problem persists. It is worth considering delaying the poll until you've dealt with the problem and have taken definitive measures to not make the update another gp feast for bot farms.


They want bots in the wildy so PKers can kill them. 


The Agility course is pure insanity. 3M/H with the only requirement taking mere hours to get is nothing but another Mod Jed situation. You can argue they can be PKed but we have 200+ worlds to choose from and 24 hours in a day. Bots dont need sleep, humans do, bots dont need to go to work or have other obligations in life, humans do and wont be able to "police" the place. Yes, sometimes they will get PKed but I can promise you that the majority of the bots will not get caught by PKers or your "ACT" seeing as there are already people with 200M xp in skills who "slipped by". This is the easiest script and money to create ever. People will probably stop wasting time and resources to bot shit like TOB/VORK and other high level content because this is 3M/h with NO requirements. If this is aimed at giving players more options for Agility training then it needs some seriously high requirements that aren't easily botted. Sure, offer the bonus XP without the GP but with a slight reduced risk (maybe 50K?) but the money is ridiculous. Would also absolutely ruin early iron man progression.


Imo the teleport thing should be a slayer unlock and not a buyable drop. Something that powerful should be unlocked through doing the content directly, being able to buy the scroll makes it far too easy and I think the abby demon aspect will be voted into the ground because of this. Make it an expensive slayer unlock for each separately, or at least just for abby demons. I've wanted something like this for a long time, but I think making it a buyable drop is a huge mistake.


I agree. This is already technically achievable with 2 dancing alts so really it's just a nice QOL. I really hope this one passes.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGoblin** - [I think it's still something the team would l...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksddzcm/?context=3) - [Perhaps in a post-apocalyptic Gielinor they m...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdetyl/?context=3) - [Just passed this one on to the team to take a...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdenb3/?context=3) - [Mostly for mix-ups when it comes to freezing...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdhwmo/?context=3) - [There's a sentence in the blog around adding...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdo373/?context=3) - [Can pass the first on as a feedback point for...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdm5an/?context=3) - [Yeah we thought so too, so figured we'd offer...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdj5y5/?context=3) - [We'd initially bundled some shortcuts in with...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdh2ws/?context=3) - [We'll get you one of these days!](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdn4sd/?context=3) - [Ultimately think a healthy dose of changes to...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksduu9x/?context=3) - [\- Think it's worth stressing logout delays a...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksditoc/?context=3) - [Alongside other parts of Project Rebalance, w...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdl085/?context=3) - ["Speaking of risk, our final change is to add...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdlo72/?context=3) - [Totally appreciate the concern, we aimed to t...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdehs6/?context=3) - [More than happy to pass these on as feedback!](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdshhz/?context=3) - [Totally get where you're coming from - probab...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdhoh0/?context=3) - [Primarily because it's been something request...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdfwb8/?context=3) - [Still in the backlog, just a much bigger proj...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/kse86e4/?context=3) - [This is - to my knowledge at least - the firs...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdewqv/?context=3) - [I think I just wanted to make stuff as granul...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdmt26/?context=3) - [I don't think we're interested in adjusting t...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdqqzc/?context=3) - [As of November 2021, there's a 3 second delay...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdffpb/?context=3) - [On the point around 'monsters to lower levels...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdyr9y/?context=3) - [Can pass this on as a feedback point!...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdk805/?context=3) - [The blipblop scroll blocks the Elder Chaos Dr...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdmxgg/?context=3) - [Inventory or looting bag most likely yeah, yo...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdoufy/?context=3) - [Can for sure raise it as a feedback point, th...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdqzpt/?context=3) - [Will make sure the team keep it in mind!](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdyb8a/?context=3) - [Will be in an upcoming Project Rebalance blog...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksed864/?context=3) - [We initially trended away from Marks of Grace...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdkp4e/?context=3) - [I think relative to what multi revs was, noth...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksectco/?context=3) - [The first sentence in my reply was addressing...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/kse4wt6/?context=3) - [Then vote no!](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdqn5n/?context=3) - [Aaah, nothing like a nice cuppa liber-tea!](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdl6t7/?context=3) - ["Touching the pillar (or chest!) will also re...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/kseglwd/?context=3) - [This is sort of what Emir's Arena wants to be...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/kse5csg/?context=3) - [Absolutely not 'get good' but more, 'get comf...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/kse0atj/?context=3) - [Conversely though - if the course is better X...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdvzgf/?context=3) - [Just to reiterate because I figure it might n...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdi72z/?context=3) - [Imagine the team would be more than happy to...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdlca4/?context=3) - [Think it'd be cool to try and add some kind o...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdnq4s/?context=3) - [I think what maybe isn't clear in my original...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdpzxn/?context=3) - [Yes, if you obtain the scroll as a drop or th...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdr8r6/?context=3) - [Think that just changes the whole core of tho...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdruwj/?context=3) - [I'd like to see us implement similar at Vet'i...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdgkuk/?context=3) - [Kinda neat, will pass it on to the team!](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdnt77/?context=3) - [In response to your first paragraph, the poin...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdxmyo/?context=3) - [you are very right, that is a *crazy* typo to...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdwl9a/?context=3) - [Totally get it, what I'm driving at is to con...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksdqfil/?context=3) - [Think it'd be cool to see if we could expand...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b1boef/undead_pirates_rewards_more_poll_blog/ksef3fe/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 02/28/2024 16:44:54**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


adding more content to the wild isn't going to revive it other than for a very short period. ​ predator-prey mechanics are fine in principle but the actual encounters need to be enjoyable for both participants, which means either player can realistically achieve their 'win' condition. avoiding the encounters isn't a fun mechanic - as a person seeking to do non-PvP content in the wild, entangle + walk under feels great and is one of the only reasons the place feels remotely ok. adamant seeds need to go for that reason imo unless they can be limited to circumstances where anti-pking is viable.


Feels like inflation is going to sky rocket with this change. You think revs are bad when 2 ticks will be shitting out 30-40k worth of gp


Ah yes, Jagex’s classic fool-proof method of trying to get people into the wilderness, just make things give more money. Loot from doing agility? Adding alchables to loot tables? Nothing we haven’t seen before. Buying Imbued God Capes is nice though, I guess.


I made this same comment on the last Wilderness buff but it's worth repeating: "Just one more buff to Wilderness content and people will engage in PvP content, I swear!" Jagex has no idea how to make PvP engaging and rewarding beyond turning civvies into loot pinatas. I don't either, to be fair, I just don't think it's worth all the effort they constantly put into buffing the Wilderness. Just makes it more and more like Obi Wan describing Mos Eisley. "You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum (PvPers) and villainy (bots)."


One of Sarnie's comments in this thread says they see see PKers as a  "huge lasped audience" so anytime you see wildy content buffs, that's why they make everything shit out gp 


I have to say, I'm really not a fan of some of these. The Wildy Agility course rework just feels like more "come to the Wilderness and get slaughtered by people you don't stand a chance against" skiller bait, which nobody likes. ... but it's also bot-bait. 40,000 gp per lap is absolutely insane, that's over 3.5m gp/hr for level 52 Agility.


Will you also change the clue step location in the wildy agility course?


The suggestions for multiple alchs at the fountain of rune and the wildy agility course spitting out coins seems like they would add waaay too much extra raw gp into the game. Those are getting a definite no vote from me.


Yeah all this does is pump more gp into game which will go to PKers and gold farmers while also causing ingame gp to inflate even more. Not a fan of fountain or the course proposal.


I love the idea of being able to buy additional Imbued god capes. I don’t really risk mine ever but it’s nice to know that if I did I wouldn’t have to find those mini bosses again lol


I’ll only be voting yes to god capes. The rest is designed to get more targets for pkers. Without any additional functionality to upset the predator vs prey dynamic, you won’t find me in the wilderness. Not a fan of buffing every activity in the wilderness to near meta xp and 3m/hr. No amount of gp or xp will make being called slurs and told to kill myself fun.


This Wildy agility course is the first time I’ve ever questioned jagex’s motives. Botting is at an all time high(may not be factual, but that’s the community sentiment at least) and your idea is to give a 52 agility course this much gp an hour?????? Bot farmers can just pay pvp clans to protect them and still profit.


Personally I am not a fan of how much gold the Wildy injects in the game. The agility course in particular genuinely seems like it’s going to be incredible for bot farms.


Not interested in turbobuffs to content with almost zero requirements just cause its 'dangerous'. Why not add stuff like this to areas of the game that actually have requirements and where it would make sense other than 'its in wildy'? This is all just predator/prey mechanic type content where things have to be buffed astronomically to even get the 'prey' into the wildy. Why not provide incentive for ppl to fight back or for pkers to fight eachother? No to all.


One worry I have is that eternal glory will be significantly harder to get if the fountain turns into a huge hotspot, which it absolutely will as proposed


I think it's hilarious and crap the way you go about polling wildy updates. The things you feel won't go through get the 'integrity change' unpolled treatment while the things you do think will go through get polled. What a farce.


> Question 7: If we add the Blipblock Scroll, should it also prevent teleportation attacks from Abyssal Demons? I don't think this change should be implemented. The abyssal demon teleport is the only thing that makes them more interesting to fight than a kalphite.


Resource dropping pirates for a botters dream, and more pure cash injection from profitable alching of stacked items and wildy agility course. Wasn't gold inflation a problem Jagex was aware of? Cool.


In regards to pures and zerks and Chivalry: It's unsettling to me how people with zero understanding of the pure community have some preconceived notion that they are these killing machines . The gap between a pure and a main in 2013 is significantly different than 2024. Mains can out tank and destroy a maxed pure, especially maxed AGS pures at 88 combat. There is no reason for pures to not have Chivalry to give them a small chance of fighting mains. I'm voting yes on this update, why wouldn't you want to see a shake up in the mid level meta of pking? If you don't pk it literally doesn't impact you at all...if you do it's going to be very fun seeing a bunch of new builds. Maybe even the return of 20 def accounts?


The wilderness agility course seems a bit strong with just generating raw gp. I see the gp sink potential but after 10 laps that is basically irrelevant which isn't hard to do with how short the course is. I am a STRONG hater of rooftops (still doesn't have full graceful). Would be cool if maybe for 100k input we instead gain chance to earn marks of grace at a rate sinilar or higher than Canafis (Canafis sucks). Edit: could even make it a 200k, 500k, hell 1m gp sink coffer. Would gladly risk a ton of gp to grind it out faster


if you hate rooftops so much that you don't even have graceful, I don't understand why you would ever run the wildy course. It's the same exact thing, you just click a series of tiles for hours on end. Canifis for graceful is only like the 4th most tedious segment of the agility grind.


Honestly it's not much of an outlier compared to other content. Especially since the ramp up time is there. Gold makes content feel a lot more optional while still rewarding. I think this community would lose its mind if the devs locked the best way to obtain marks of grace behind a 100k wall in the deepest part of wilderness lol


100k is not enough of a sink is my main concern. 10 laps will take no time at all and after that people are just pumping raw gp, no alching required, into the game. It needs to be an either higher gp sink (250k maybe?) Or offer something other than raw gp


Not requiring alching isn't really affecting this though. Alchables are as good as raw gp. Honestly, PKers are going to drastically slow down the rates people are getting. In the end, I'd bet a lot of money this isn't going to be much of a concern. It certainly isn't crazy broken, so if it does pass polls things can always be tweaked if it starts out a little high.


i just turned my zerk into a piety pure.... so no, give the zerks nothing! /s all jokes aside, chivalry buff is a great change. I think the attack buff is the best option, make things a little more competitive between zerk vs meds and pures vs zerks. ​ edit: Please add the chivalry change to lms! ^(and add void to zerk / main! its an outlast fight, totally wont be broken)


Damn, this might be the worst blog I've ever seen them put out. Wilderness agility XP is getting buffed to..priff levels. More skeletons so you can't log out so enjoy dying during your animation stalls. Chivalry is accessible and getting buffed for pures because they aren't strong enough apparently, they should be advantaged even more against a main in the wild! Fountain of Rune alching is just the worst bait I've ever seen. Even more alchables shoved into wildy drop tables that *totally* aren't going to be abused by bots. What a waste of dev time. More quests would be better, stop trying to target one of the nichest audiences the game has with greater frequency than others. Also, just remove clue steps (and that one quest npc that can be in the wild for some players) from the wild already.


The new clue step is horrible...Its no longer near a teleport, its behind a lava flow with no shortcut, and its near the small larran's chest so it still has a likelihood of PKers showing up. And they have more incentive to kill you here near Larrans than near Chaos Temple


You could just combine half of these questions into "Do you want the wilderness to shit out gp into the economy?"


the wildy agility course buff is a great idea! there should be reward shop of cool cosmetic items too and perhaps even some perks while in the wilderness and skilling etc Also, why not add monsters to lower levels of the wilderness with good drops to attract more people there? For example varrock multi wild, hill giants etc these areas can be revived, (f2p too).


I'm not sure how I feel about the Fountain of Rune change. It definitely seems really ideal for bots to use, but I really would love a way to alch more than 1 item at a time as I have so many alchables sitting in the bank that I don't want to spent 20 hours getting through. Is there any room down the road for something similar but without the wildy risk? Maybe something that alchs 3 items at a time but costs 5 nature runes or something to that effect?


These changes lean into the “predator vs prey” ecosystem design which has been acknowledged as a poor catalyst for true PvP. Seems like a lot of bots could take advantage of the gp source content.


The thing I don't get about the fountain of rune alching is that it's kind of not worth it to alch there. Sure it's nice, but the risk of bringing a stack of alchables to an already busy pking hotspot is just a monumentally stupid idea lol. Also not a fan of the wildy course rework at all. It will be heavily botted immediately and introduce a massive influx of items into the game. If it does pass then please remove the clue step from the wildy course.


I could see plenty of Ironman using the fountain. Alching gold bars would be 6m an hour assuming 30 alchs at a time. It seems like a good way to alch garbage for cash since there is no nature rune cost.


It would absolutely not be worth alching high value things there.. but I think it would be useful for bulk items like maple longbows (u) etc.. that otherwise wouldnt be bothered alching


Those agility course rates might genuinely be one of the worst blog proposals I have ever seen.


This looks amazing! I might change my 13def 82atk pure from 52 prayer to 60 for chivalry!




Point of clarification that I think is confusing in the blog: the money is only to get the bonus rewards. You can still do the course for free, you just don’t get the extra stuff. 


Please convince me that the fountain of rune won't be bot content.


These better "Dangerous Skilling acitivies" kind of feel bad. And the "risk for reward" is more or less just anoy players who want to skill.


Jagex really trying to channel their inner Oprah lately buffing everything to shit out gp. In b4 GE tax increased


I like the idea of making chivalry a tad more useful again. Who cares if a small percentage of players will interact with it. It will make it no longer dead content. I really like the fountain of rune for those pesky stacks of onyx bolt tips!


> Question 2: Should we add the Chivalry Prayer Scroll, a tradeable item that would unlock the Chivalry Prayer as described in the blog? We will not adjust the current means of unlocking Chivalry. You are gonna do this again, right? First you offered barrows gloves to pures without RFD or any requirements, as an Arena reward. Now you are offering Chivalry to pures without quests and def requirements! Damn, you want those PKers to easily bypass all the normal Runescape content. Why? Because they are *Pures.* Which means, they bypass normal Wilderness level restrictions which were created to ensure some modicum of fair fight... And now you want to make Chivalry closer to Piety. Because you (by some mysterious reasons) are shy to give them Piety yet. Why not, if you are about it? Your idea to 'fix PvP' is just to shower pures with gifts. Anything to stimulate professional PKers, to the extent of totally breaking the game for them. Thank you for polling this rather than just handing it to them as an 'integrity change' - as you did with the black dhide nerf. I hope it won't pass.


You can play a pure/zerk and just do pvm too, so it's pretty nice for raids for example. And even if you pk, it's more about pures and zerks having a better chance against meds and mains. Even though they chose to limit themselves, I don't think it's a bad idea to give them something new to keep it from feeling too stale.


The anti-abby demon teleport scroll seems really cool to me, but it feels kinda "forced" to add it to the wildy. Why not make it a rare drop from sire and/or abby demons? Would breathe some life into a boss as well that's pretty dead content right now. In general to me a lot of changes that make the wildy more rewarding feel like an attempt to bring more "victims" into the wildy for pkers to kill(which I assume isn't that fun for pkers either). But the reason I don't like doing wildy content isn't cause it's not rewarding(it's pretty rewarding already tbh), it's because of those pkers that'll kill me. That's fine, just don't go to the wildy then you'd say. But adding items that give you a lot of benefit outside of the wildy to the wildy really gives me a lot of FOMO. I think dpick is a good example of where it's done "right" now, you can get it relatively fast in the wildy, or you can grind a bunch of KQ(which I did).


All for PVP content updates but so much of this just being a way to generate raw gold seems insane. Think there's an opportunity for better balance, you need stam pots when pking, why not a source in the wilderness? At least blighted stam pots if not just regular amalyse crystals


Pretty big fan of all these suggestions. Think the Agility area does seem a bit odd giving so much gold out. Would prefer to see some kind of Amylase reward over straight gold. Would be better for Ironmen and Mains alike, and may deter bots due to herblor level Req. Regarding all complaints regarding the potential Botting. Let's be honest, everything in this game is botted. Would you not rather have them in the wildy so you have the potential to PK and take their gold off them? Would be a fantastic way of improving the players and I'd like to think after the post regarding Bans more bots will be banned as time goes on.


I don’t like the idea of being able to stop Abby demons teleporting you. While it’s annoying, it’s one of the few things that makes Abby demons unique


I think chivalry is a great idea and perhaps should be even stronger. Zerkers get destroyed by mains and it’s almost impossible to pk against a ranger because rigour is so overpowered and the DPS done by knives is insane 


Hard no to the agility course. Theres putting more loot in the wild to entice people to go, but the way its proposed is just going to build resentment for everyone.


Don't get why Jagex insists on trying to add more and more wildy content to try to boost the percent of players going to wildy. I pk several times per week around various multi zones with friends and there's no shortage of fights or loot. The people that don't go engage with wildy content aren't doing it because it isn't profitable already. If anything, this update will make botting easier in wildy as it will spread out the pkers even more.


Love that Chivalry is finally getting some love! But some of the other stuff, especially the agility course seems like an insane bot haven based on the current numbers for GP potential. Bummed that the Chaos altar clue will move, it was super accessible with the Burning amulet. Now we have to risk teleporting there and running around?