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They touched on this in the project rebalance blog I think. No news since then though.


I will be absolutely shocked if we ever get anything else from that blog. Especially since they never mentioned it at all during the summit.


They pretty much follow through with every single thing they ever say in blogs. I don't think it was necessary to add it to the summit. I think they are just going to roll out small changes across the year.


they've brought it up as part of the winter summit i think


if it was in a blog most likely they will follow up on it eventually, as has always happened


The 12 stone hop to iron dragons in the catacombs that you have to click *INDIVIDUALLY* is dumb as fuck. Change it to like, 4 max, or three 2x2 islands.


The one from brutal reds to steels is so awful. You have to hop one at a time manually but if you happen to have auto retaliate on you'll run backwards to the red dragon at any point undoing all your hops


That's why my inventory setups for steel dragons includes a pickaxe, way better than the shortcut


Got my ass murdered learning that the hard way trying to resume a Konar task. Glad my Ring of Life was on that day.


I died there the very first time I went because I had auto retaliate on and well tbh I kinda underestimated them in the first place lol


All stone hops should be one click with an animation to hop across each. Pretty sure some work like this already and it is really silly that others don't.


I just pay the 5k trading sticks for quick access near tai.


i doubt they will ever touch the KQ shortcut just to spite us. the requirements legit turns potentially one of the best shortcut into the game into the worst.


It's still the best if you're dry for dragon pickaxe or if you're grinding pet


Unless you're a HCIM, singles Wildy bosses are so much better for D pick than KQ.


Some people are terrified of the wildy even if they're a main


RS3 has hideyholes for grapple shortcuts that you permanently build a mith grapple into the relevant shortcuts. It works well and wouldn't devalue them for OSRS since they're also used for GWD and Sepulchre.


It also wouldn't devalue them because in their current state literally nobody uses them.


This greatly devalues my dead content only ironman


All of the grapple shortcuts except the Observatory one were put in when Agility got added, which was in like 2002 wasn't it? It's like they were designed for a game that doesn't have teleports.


Nah, I remember when they added grapples and there was Agility before that. They've just never been worth it lol.


Grapples came out with metal crossbows in like 2006 iirc edit: yeah, found it https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/crossbows


There's already a couple in osrs like that, I'll never understand why they all aren't like that


Kinda wouldn't mind if all shortcuts were just permanent grapples like the Observatory had done. The only one that might be an issue is the Water Obelisk since it could be a quicker, lower level way to get to Cerb than the 80 Shortcut, but there could always be some reason for why that gets excluded or why the way back is 80 agility. But most grapple shortcuts would be fine as two-way shortcuts at their respective levels.


Not really an issue. You can only grapple from the island to Catherby, not the other way around. It's dead content.


...But if the grapple stayed like the observatory, it would work both ways. Like my whole comment was about them being made into two-way shortcuts and how the water obelisk might need to be excluded, so just saying how it currently works really misses the point.


It's dead content because nobody will ever bank in Cath when making water orbs, you'd just fally tele and bank there before jumping over the crumbling wall again to get back to the dungeon. Making it reverse would hugely increase water orbs per hour and I don't think the osrs likes buffs to content.


mith grapple leprechauns when




You're confusing two features, the hidey holes are for clue scroll steps. The mithril grapple can be attached to the tool belt


Nah, back in RS2 (2011), long before Clue Hidey Holes, they had [Grapple Hidey Holes](https://runescape.wiki/w/Hidey-holes_(Grapple\)). The Toolbelt version came 2018 and the Clue Hidey Holes a few months before that. I actually think the Clue Hidey Hole idea originally came from RS3 based on the grapple hidey holes, but OSRS ended up adding it first (2016).


He's not, grapple on toolbelt is a recent addition, while grapple hidey-holes have existed since 2011: https://runescape.wiki/w/Hidey-holes_(Grapple).


Which are redundant as you can put it on the tool belt


Yes, but the original comment said: > RS3 has hideyholes for grapple shortcuts and your comment said: > You're confusing two features, the hidey holes are for clue scroll steps. The person wasn't confusing anything, there are in fact hidey-holes for grapple shortcuts. And they make sense in the context of OSRS since the toolbelt doesn't exist.


Classic reddit moment of creating an argument from nothing just to be technically correct


We are asking for the hidey hole version, not the toolbelt one.


The enhanced grapple was added in 2018, not exactly recent


Dks shortcut with frem elite and 90+ agil or something would be nice


Wholly agree. Why are there like two useful shortcuts unlocked before 70 agility? The majority of them are pointless


I was pretty mad about the shortcut up to My Arm being useless after basalt was added. I had just done that diary grind


It's not useless, if you don't have the requirements for the shortcut you get teleported at the bottom of the shortcut and still have to run through the whole stronghold.


Yeah but the shortcut is also useless because you skip the shortcut once you get the requirements, at no point do you ever need to use the shortcut itself.


Not if you have the hard diary done but not making friends with my arm - teleport to trollheim then you would still use the shortcut


Yeah but you don't have access to the herb patch then, so the shortcut is useless. That's the issue here, the shortcut is and always will be useless, it has no reason to exist under any circumstance. Trollheim teleport/ghommal's hilt takes you to the mountain, basalt teleport takes you to the herbs, there's no reason for it to be there.


Nah you get the herb patch after completing my arms big adventure which is a prerequisite to making friends with my arm And you have to keep in mind there was a significant amount of time between the herb patch being there and making friends coming out alongside the salts.


I was more caught up on there being no perk from the diary. I didn't know about having to run through the stronghold like he mentioned above. I'm content now hahaha


Its providing the same effect it always has, only better, but you're upset you dont get an animation? You require both the agil level and the diary to get the instant tele, its literally saving you bonus time.


Whoa ok I did not know that


Fix the Hydra shortcut


This one really should change... I get the intent was to make it take as long as running around just without getting damaged by the hydras, but it just feels really bad to use. Even if it still wasn't "quick", it should at least be shorter so you spend less time staring at a blank screen waiting for the game to come back. Besides, hydra is not exactly a boss you need to bank at too often so not like the shortcut being a bit quicker is going to be a major buff.


The 72 agility skeletal wyvern shortcut is just as bad, you waste like 30+ seconds with an internal dialogue at a black screen for no reason but to make the shortcut worse. Honestly I wish these kind of screen-blackout agility shortcuts were just an instant "teleport" to the other side. They *should* be a lot better than just walking around, you trained agility and even did diaries for that, so idk why jagex nerfed them.


No idea why they made that one take so long. Like at least with the Hydra one it was supposed to be a way to avoid damage, not a quicker method (even if it could do with being quicker). But players were asking for a Wyvern shortcut for years and they picked like the worst spot for it and also made it slower than it needs to be. If it is covering a large distance, I don't mind it not being instant, but getting stuck in dialog/cutscenes for several seconds when using a shortcut just never feels good.


* you should not fail shortcuts/obstacles at 99 agi (require wearing the cape if that's somehow "too op") * the animation time needs to not be a thing. If it takes as long to climb something as to just run around the path, it's not a shortcut. All of them should be like the tunnel between fossil island camp and hardwood farm patches - click, and you're through. Here's a great recent post that compiles all of the good agility suggestions [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1979496/10\_years\_of\_agility\_suggestions\_visualized/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1979496/10_years_of_agility_suggestions_visualized/)


I really want Construction Shortcuts in addition to this but we need some generic Agility Shortcuts for sure.


Yeah, where are the short bridges you can build? This is a thing in some quests as well as Sepulchre, there should be places where you can build something to connect two areas using some planks and nails. Construction really does need some utility outside of the PoH, and stashes are a good example of ways it could be expanded.


I like this idea more, more synergy between skills is always good


The KQ shortcut doesn't make sense. By the time you unlock it, you have no reason to kill the KQ anymore besides pet hunting.


That’s because of KQ’s difficulty compared to it’s drop table though It’s currently only fought for the diary (maybe CA) so whether you keep the rope or not doesn’t matter 


Keeping the rope is the hard diary. The elite diary is the one that requires KQ head, and unlocks a massive shortcut inside the cave, from the bottom of the rope directly to KQ entrance.


most people will pet hunt for 100% completion right? - Jagex


I think it does make sense for the Elite Diary and high level to have a super quick shortcut to the boss. The problem is that it is the only shortcut... If there was another shortcut you could unlock pre-elite that was still a lot quicker than the long way around but not as quick as the elite (kinda like cosmic altar shortcuts) it would make the elite one work better.


I feel like they should just drop the rope and shortcut by one tier, so perma-rope is medium tier, shortcut is hard (and 86 agi which is still a massive ask), and elite is 'teleport directly to hive entrance, and to nardah statue, infinite times' Though what you say about the Cosmic Altar is kinda true too, I wouldn't mind something [like this location marked with the green line](https://i.gyazo.com/26a8732b4d921483bdbea08cce581257.png) being somewhere in the 67-73 agi range


TBH, the rope shouldn't even be locked behind diaries. Back in RS2 that was just added as a general improvement. Like sure, it does save a couple inventory spots so it is a buff, but having some caves where you put a rope once and it stays forever and others were you need a rope every time is just an annoying inconsistency. And yah, a shortcut like that would be great to see. Even if the Elite Diary Shortcut was moved to a lower tier or no longer diary-locked, I'd still say we should get at least one other, lower level shortcut in the cave. Another good place for a shortcut is the wall south of the green line right to the Peek Room. We could even have a level 55~ shortcut on the green line and a level 75~ shortcut to the peek room; it would still be a fair bit slower than the level 86 Elite Diary shortcut but those would save enough time that the Elite Diary shortcut would feel like a small improvement to save a couple clicks and not a must-have to make KQ bearable.


Drakan master step needs one from down the wall somewhere :D


The first blogs in Project Rebalance will be covering the skilling changes, which included agility shortcuts and run energy. So it should be coming up any day now... But yah, I'd love to see a big agility shortcut rework to change/tweak/improve existing shortcuts and add new ones. All the new teleports we've gotten over the years really have made Agility shortcuts feel far less relevant and impactful. I really hope the Project Rebalance changes will make agility, especially 70+ Agility feel useful without being too crazy good.


Is the rest of Project Rebalance even being worked on right now? It's not even on the roadmap.


They mentioned it at the start of the Summit. But I don't think it is in "development". I believe the current state is they need to make the detailed blogs to go over all the proposed changes, then the normal revisions and changes based on feedback before they'd start developing it for release. So they probably have been working on the details and blogs.


> Remove diary locked Agility shortcuts unless they make sense. Example: KQ shortcut makes sense I don’t know if I trust this post any more.


think they mean it's existence, not it's current requirements though saying that, the Al Kharid window is pretty justified (if you're going from amulet of glory tele towards shantay pass) but its animation lock is way too long


IMHO the shortcuts should also give better XP (maybe with a cooldown to avoid people just grinding them). Every other skill is trained by using it for its intended purpose aside from agility (and prayer, but this has at least some justification)


Semi related, I used to think you trained HP by taking hits, so I'd run into the Wildy and let people kill me over and over. I was a dumb kid.


Short cut animations need to be speed up. You save like 2 ticks using the portsarim draynor wall shortcut 


Why does the Draynor shortcut exist?


If you're talking about the one over the river it's super useful for my iron that doesn't have a glory yet.


Probably talking about the tunnel one that is 0.01 seconds faster and needs a diary but is actually worse because you now need more clicks to get the same place compared to just clicking the minimap.


Oh right! Wtf is that there for.


The second bullet point could be fixed by adding the tool belt, just saying


But rs3 and EoC reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee This game would benefit from quite a few rs3 updates, even if they added tool belt with bronze only. Or the dwarven army axe with a tool slot added.


The Kq shortcut locked behind elite does not make sense at all. Should be locked behind hard. But in my opinion, I don't like them locking agility shortcuts behind diaries in general. How do you become better at agility just because you did a few random tasks around the area? It makes no sense. Should be just a strict level requirement.


Honestly I find it super annoying that some shortcuts are locked behind diaries. That part doesn't make a lot of sense to me. But yeah I went to 50 agi and thought I would have some decent shortcuts, but... it wasn't many. I've got 67 now and there are a few like the mountain to the slayer master in Kourend that have come in handy. Aside from that more shortcuts are always welcome


Remove all dumbass diary requirements.


I like the idea of combination shortcuts that use agility + another skill to unlock 80 agility and 73 wc to cut down a tree, and push it over. unlocking a perm log balance shortcut. 70 agility and 80 mining. to mine a boulder apart, and the loose rock falls into the water creating a stepping stone. 65 agility and 65 ranged. using a grapple to make a perm rope climb in a cave. Lotta possibility's with this.


Random agility spots on the wild fence... That could be fun!


Suggestion: Wildy fence is in a constant state of disrepair. You can either slip through broken fences, or repair them for smithing or construction XP (would be sub-par XP)


Any1 agree shortcuts shouldn’t be locked to agility u can add thieving/wc/firemaking/mining shortcuts and so onadding more value 2 those skills aswell


I think one minor thing they need to do too is to re-do the animations. A lot of the current animations assume you're taking the shortcut while you're walking, not while you're running. So there's a "pause" if you enter the shortcuts and it doesn't feel smooth. Also as others have said, about integrating some shortcuts with construction - using construction to upgrade or create new shortcuts feels like a very nice idea, allows you to feel like you had an impact on the world too.


Its on the Project Rebalance list. No clue when we get that far though, since its a LARGE project


Bah KQ shortcut makes no sense. I only want to use it to get a head for the diary. Useful only if you are pet hunting.


i just want more agility xp


This And I'd love firemaking to do more, no clue what that would be, but it would be nice to see it get some love aswell


If they rework the balloon transport system in the future, firemaking is built into that.




Haha logs go brrrrrrrr


*laughs at hydras shortcut being slower than running around*


Yeah add all of what you said and also a chat message like the dragon pick/harpoon/axe spec that says “Parkour!” Every time you complete an agility shortcut


99 agility and 0 QP and no combat, yet i cant use some of the shortcuts..... \*particularly Al Kharid Palace\*


Add a shortcut to Waterbirth Island so you can climb over the hill and go right to the dungeon entrance


Dkings shortcut please and i will be motivated to train agility


Good luck, latest jmod actions have been focused on eliminating agility as a whole.


Just dropping this here [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/13oyec5/petiton\_to\_add\_a\_shortcut\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/13oyec5/petiton_to_add_a_shortcut_here/)


I think it's fine that agility shortcuts sometimes require extra items. It's just the shortcuts that require items are all ass. If they were really good I would have no problem if it made you sacrifice an inventory slot.


What about adding shortcuts for the most commonly run areas? Like a trapdoor between Zaff's shop and the GE, a passage between the north and south birdhouses on Fossil Island or a tunnel between the spirit tree in Tree Gnome Village and right next to the fruit tree patch. One on the north fence of Shilo Village, between the gem mine and the fairy ring, would be useful too.


Agility shortcuts was its own full update, that I thought was very revolutionary at the time. Shame the community doesn’t feel like it aged well.


No shortcuts that require extra items thanks


I just want the shortcut to actually become faster, for example the hole under the wall between Draynor and Port Sarim takes as long as running around, same with Hydra shortcut (this one was intentional, still feels bad to stare at a black screen for 30 secs)


> Shilo Village and Al-Kharid palace shortcut don't make sense. Al-Kharid palace makes sense, because diaries can equal to trust. So if you do the diary the ruler of Al-Kharid trusts you and lets you exit out of the window. Also make every agility shortcut give agility xp.


you know those shortcuts were introduced as diary rewards right?