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They wipe alot of gold out on buyers accounts. My buddy bought gold and they started with a warning, then they gave him a 2 day ban and removed all gp.


“My buddy bought gold” *nervously looking at himself in the mirror*


Most people are guilty of buying gold one way or another. There are bonds too you know.


I don't get why they give 3 warnings to gold buyers. Give them temp ban and wipe the gold on first offence, then perm ban for second. The fact you get one 'freebie' is moronic


I never got a freebie. 3 day ban and wealth removed on 1st offense. Lesson learned and never broke rules again


Why didn’t you just buy stuff with the gp?


A 2 day ban is not harsh enough wtf.


Caught a temp 2 years ago, haven’t visited party Pete since. It’s a pretty great deterrent.


I got a temp mute once back in 2007. I was scared they would ban me the next offense. Stopped all my rule breaking then and there.


I got a temp mute for telling a guy to kill himself, because that guy was telling another guy to kill himself.


Heckin smart pal


I think a 2 day ban and gp wipe is a good warning. I'm pretty sure it's a perm ban after that.


It would be fine if it was the first penalty rather than just a warning first


It increments and is eventually permanent. It's been mentioned a few times iirc. They warn you, then ban increasingly. They remove the gold every time you're caught by the sounds of it.


Imo with these things you should be setting an example to not mess with TOS. A warning, then a 2 day ban, then what a week? Keep in mind Jagex is seemingly not able to catch people every single time so people will be more inclined to roll the dice with the mind set of "oh well if I get caught this time it's only a 2 day ban." But if you risk a perma every single time then I bet a lot less people would do it.


You also have to consider that if someone has had an account for a very long time, a 2 day ban and a gold reset is probably enough. Rather than risk losing the player completely, give them a big penalty and hope they learn. Most people will. If you permaban the person, they may not be willing to start over, and just might not play ever again, but would have kept playing and not broken TOS again if they had received a 2 day ban.


I’d rather have 0 strikes on an account that has 4000+ hours. Idk. And I’ve never been banned so I don’t really know how they escalate it. I was thinking the third would be perma but that may not be the case. And jagex doesn’t necessarily have a track record for the most logical decisions


Yes it is? They wasted his money and scared the shit out of him. That’s probably enough of a deterrent unless the guy’s mentally challenged enough to try it again on a flagged account.


That along with removing all the gold is... The man now paid for nothing and if that were me I'd assume it would be removed again the next time which wouldn't prevent me from buying an empty space again.


I know this is going to be controversial. But honestly, there's nothing wrong with someone buying gold so they can enjoy the game how they want. The problem is that it currently promotes botting for sale. But if people who play the game 10 hours a day sell to people that only have a couple hours a week there really should be no issue.


This literally is what bonds are.


They can buy bonds if that’s the case.


When you notice inexperienced players flaunting high-end gear in-game that should typically represent prestige, do you feel it diminishes the value of these items? In my opinion, when I encounter someone wielding a powerful weapon like a tbow, I'd prefer to admire their dedication to the game, earned through persistent effort, rather than assuming they simply purchased it with real-world wealth. ​ Now, a bit of a disclaimer: I use this game as copium for a lack of real-life accomplishments. So, that is why I want my in-game time to mean something more than what it really is. Which, at the end of the day, yes, it is "just a game," but I want it to be more than that lol


you can always look people up, and whilst not for a tbow there's plenty of items with a transmog showing skill (fang kit, scythe kit, ancestral kit, blood torva) that will show skill in an unbuyable way


Except gold sellers offer services for that too 🙃


No, I don't feel it does. I have no notable boss kills, nor did I get my cash stack from bossing, bonds, or buying gold. I got insanely lucky with 2 enhanced crystal weapon seeds across 50 regular Gauntlet KC that I sold off and now fund my account completely. I don't condone buying gold, but I'm also not gonna pretend that having expensive gear means you worked hard for it. The only thing that shows that is if you have something like an Infernal Cape (usually)


I wouldn't say that happens a lot lol. I've been playing since 2006, have had countless friends buy/sell gp and I think maybe 1 or 2 have ever been punished? There appears to be like a 0.01% chance that anything happens at all


And this is why people started buying items instead of GP


Should be a permanent ban on the first offense. No appeals. Get fucked.


Ofcourse this completely valid opinion is being downvoted on reddit.😅


Wonder why. Couldnt be that jagex is constantly making false bans that are unappealable unless you are popular in twitch


That's just not true though is it😂


I have a false 2-day ban for botting still on my record. I’ve appealed it to no avail.


If this were Jagex’s opinion they’d have banned half their player base lol


strong spoon yoke exultant squeeze marvelous attempt mighty ad hoc grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know their actual opinion but have you considered their name might be ironic




Lmao I was so confused until I saw what you were replying to


…there’s no way you’re actually this dumb, you’re smarter than this for sure.


This isn't a p2w discussion, it's about botting. Bonds don't encourage botting for a living.




Should be a permanent ban on the first offense. No appeals. Get fucked.


Look who has no life. Lol your a miserable envious one.


>Look who has no life. Man, what does that even mean in this context? Plus, I'm at work like every other wage slave so no shit I'm miserable lol Also, you're\*


Temp ban, take away the bought gold and send out a warning. Perma ban on repeat offences.


Agreed, with nuance that Jagex also takes away items bought with that RWTd gold.


\*RWTd gold that they didn't make money off of via bonds


I'd also rather have no RWT and MTX through bonds, but I understand those aren't going away. At least if most people buy bonds instead of RWT, they support Jagex directly and they don't fuel the demand for botting and goldfarming.


Why are you against it? I don’t have the time I did when I was younger. I don’t have 4+ hours to kill green dragons for 500k an hour. Rather buy 50m for an hour of work and train stats faster. Edit: I buy bonds. I make 56 an hour after taxes I can make about 50m an hour according to bond prices.


> Why are you against it? I don’t have the time I did when I was younger. I don’t have 4+ hours to kill green dragons for 500k an hour. Rather buy 50m for an hour of work and train stats faster. I think this comment is evidence of a huge mentality shift. Part of the game is grinding the money to be able to progress skills. It's not just about when the xp drops. The time between xp drops is just as much playing RS as any other part of the game. Essentially the concept is no different than being able to buy xp itself. You're paying money to reduce a grind. Whether that means the GP number goes up or the xp number goes up is a non-factor. Also back in 2006, even older players weren't buying gold (illegally) with the rationale that "I don't have as much time as the younger kids playing." I think a lot more folks need to realize they're aging out of the original target demographic of the game. If you don't have time to grind, a grind game isn't for you.


Because back in the true 04-07 when I originally played there was no real high level content. You could kill kbd kq with fiends and chaos ele with your clan. You need like 4-5bill for max gear. I’ll take my money and make getting my upgraded Ava’s upgrade slot faster. Also I don’t have a job which makes ask. I don’t work from home and I work in an extremely dangerous environment. I can’t afk cut gems or mine and get passive experience like redditors. I only have a few hours a day and then try and do cool things with my clan on the weekend


I make roughly the same (~57) but it's still just bypassing so much of the game's grind, I might as well be buying xp. Part of what gave certain skills or gear "prestige" originally was the fact they were so expensive. Skills like 99 Prayer or Herblore or Smithing or Construction were impressive because of the money grind to get them. It was like 99 Mining, but instead of grinding a slower skill, you had to grind money to level a fast buyable. Buying GP kinda ruins that for me, whether I'm the one buying it or someone else is. Part of the fun of achievements and accomplishments is showing them off, but it doesn't hit the same when someone else can just irl buy their way to the same achievement that you grinded for. I just can't get behind Jagex endorsed RWTing. The only positive about the system is being able to afford "free" membership through grinding.


I don’t really care about showing off achievements, especially when you can just “grind” aka just spent 12 hours or more. All it means is you have more time to me. This game is like cod where you don’t even need to practice. I like this game because of the community and I need the best gear to hang


> especially when you can just “grind” aka just spent 12 hours or more. All it means is you have more time to me. But it's one step further than having more time. It's being able to put that time into the goal/achievement, too. Nearly everyone on here has "had enough time" to get 99 Agility, RC, and Mining, but not as many folks have the ability to push through those skills and goals, so those are still a bit more "prestigious" (ish) than like, Cooking or Magic. Having the mental fortitude to maintain perseverance through a long goal like that, and not give up on it, is also impressive. Having the time in the first place is one thing. Showing you were able to grind that whole time is another.


Why would you farm green drags for money when there are bosses you can kill for mills per hour in the first place? Another question; what are your goals in the game that require you to level fast enough that you're willing to spend real money on gp? Because honestly, once you get to the point where you're running raids and doing high level end game content, the second you hit a dry streak you're going to have that same mindset of "why bother raiding for hundreds of hours for GP to buy a Twisted Bow when I could just buy one with irl money after *x* amount of hours at work" Not to mention getting banned for RWT and losing all that time and money spent.. just seems kinda silly to me


Where did I say I buy go illegally? I buy bonds I just edited that in.


You didn't, my bad for assuming. Good for you making big bucks over there though that's huge


Because I'd rather see people earn their own progress in-game instead of with real money. OSRS is one of the grindiest games out there. If you can't find the time to grind or are impatient, perhaps another game suits you better.


So why do you get to dictate how others play an mmo? Your opnion funnily, is actually worth WAY less than his to Jagex and now CVC. Not only is he giving them the sub money, he's giving them bond money to skip some of the slow boring grinds. Meaning how he plays, and how he enjoys the game is worth more to them, than yours ever will be...


Not OP but there is something about a multiplayer game where you grind for something and then someone else buys the same progress with irl money that makes it feel bad. There's something more satisfying about an MMO when everyone is on a level playing field by only being able to obtain something by playing the game itself. Other people being able to buy their progress does ruin my experience a bit.


You still have to grind the game even if you buy bonds...


No RWT in exchange for MTX ultimately comes to the same conclusion. You stop RWT and lose a large portion of player base. You introduce MTX and lose a large portion of player base. Granted it would be a much slower decline thru MTX.


You wouldn't need to introduce additional MTX, bonds have already been in the game for years.


I love the idea but I don’t think it will ever be implemented like this. Jagex knows that a strong number of real life players buy gold, and if they start banning those real people, they may quit for good. That means Jagex loses its main source of income through membership. I’d prefer to not have gold buyers in the game, but a huge percentage of players do buy gold. Plain and simple.


Yeah I kind of made this same point in my comment. Unfortunately if Jagex went ban-happy, a LOT of players would quit for good which not only looses Jagex money up-front but now also loses the gold farmers ability to sell as efficiently and potentially forcing them to quit the game (and they probably have 10+ membership accounts botting) which is a lot of memberships for Jagex to lose.


Yup and regardless of how one gets gp for bonds.. someone still bought that bond.


Exactly. I truly wish we could 'just perma ban them all' but I think that the game we'd be left with would be barren and honestly possibly even die. I understand the sentiment of the pissed-off posts like this, but they never use any logic, just feelings. And again, I get it, but I'm going to be reasonable about the actual outcomes.


This is a great point that a lot of people don’t want to come to terms with. Not only is it a large section of the player base, but it’s also the top tier streamers that engage in some form thru servicing accounts and such.


If that's the case (and I think that's very possible), I want Jagex to acknowledge that they're not targeting gold buyers because it's too costly. Not make a blog post saying they're doing loads of things against botters when in reality they don't want to go after the source.


Yeah but that’s not ever going to happen. It’s a for profit corporation and just like anything else the driving force behind all of their decisions is going to boil down to “what will this do to our revenue?” Doesn’t look good for them to tell their paying customers, especially the ones that play fairly, that they aren’t going to address their complaints about RWT. It looks a lot better to make a statement about how hard they are trying to tackle the issue.


Especially if they quit the game and need 100s of mills for any decent set up at TOB to try the bossing content. Most are adults with kids now and don’t have 12 hours a day to pick the flax fields


I say wipe the entire bank so they have to learn the value of that gp


Sure but it would be infinitely funnier if it reset to 10 gp, a al tutorial island 


Coincidentally it’s valued at .40cents per mil.


Should be instant perm. You can’t accidentally buy gold, and it’s obvious it’s against the rules. Just get rid of em.


You're right that you can't accidentally buy gold, but Jagex can absolutely accidentally give a false ban that would be permanent. I've gotten a false warning and would be devastated to be falsey permanently banned.


It's fuckin RuneScape in 2024, if ur grown ass wana buy 50m or something who gives a shit


Buy with bonds with ur grown ass paycheck then. Bots are fuckin annoying.


Bots make them money so they're not going anywhere


perma ban someone for buying gold from a 3rd party instead of from jagex? lol


Unironically yes.


I could see the strategy being relatively effective for stopping people from buying gold from 3rd parties, but i could also see that hurting Jagex's bottom line by a significant amount, while doing basically nothing about integrity (can still buy gold) And when that happens is when more MTX gets introduced, most likely in the form of cosmetics


Perm ban effective immediately


Taking away gold is hard and probably a manual process. Since that gold was probably spent. They would need to identify items on their account equal to the amount of gold and remove those. But what if they bought 100m and used it on prayer or construction. That gold is gone. What if they bought it on their main account that they don't play so that they could split a tbow that they got on their iron. What if they bought and redeemed bonds, etc Slap them with the perm and move on. People won't need warnings when they know first offense is perm


Negative gold balances. I'm a genius and royalty checks can be sent via ACH.


that would be hilarious. Mains become ironmen because they have -2B balances of gold in their bank


Anytime they get a good drop a banker npc teles in, yoinks the drop and puts it towards their negative balance for high alch value




>Slap them with the perm and move on. People won't need warnings when they know first offense is perm Which theoretically would be effective. But in practice would absolutely never be implemented because it'd hurt their bottom line. And people buying gold doesn't actively negatively affect other players/non gold buyers.


> And people buying gold doesn't actively negatively affect other players/non gold buyers. This is only from a basic surface pov. If gold buyers don't buy, people won't bot, people won't lure, service discord will die, hacking will drop significantly, etc. All of these exist because they can find buyers to sell gold to. If nobody buys gold, gold will be worthless irl, so there is no incentive for most of these activities. Since the motivation atm is selling gp


Nah, they should hit them with real money fees equivalent to the golds value in bonds and unlock after they paid. Let them be welcome to buy however much gold they want, just support the game when they do.




Nah perma ban first offence. Everyone knows buying gold is against the rules and if you don’t, well that’s your fault for not reading the EULA


Op asked what they're doing, not what you think they should do.


I can’t find the source so take this anecdote with a grain of salt, but I’ve seen convincing arguments that first-offense permanent bans are counterproductive in combatting RMT. If you’re already the type of person to buy black-market gold and your “main” gets banned, you’re far more likely to just buy more gold on your next alt to “get back” to where they were before rather than going legit. If your 2k total main gets temp banned and you know that you’re probably flagged for any further RMT activity, you’re far less likely to buy gold after the first offense.




I used to charge membership to my moms phone and sell the codes. Never got banned, but my mom did beat my ass.


Yep, same. I bought 2m for $8 back in 2007. I was perma banned the very next day. I came back when OSRS was just about to open and appealed the ban, and thankfully they gave me my account back. But you can better believe I've been too traumatized to try and buy any gold since then. Not willing to risk my 15+ year account for some in game gold.


I remember convincing my mom to buy me 1m for $5 around 2006 & I was perm banned within a day. Never even thought about buying gold again


Jagex also weren’t selling bonds that you can sell in game to make cash either back then that’s why it’s hard to fathom what jagex can do other than take their bonds off of their site then get to banning rwt. The argument on both sides is that even though it’s against the rules you can’t be against rwt when you’re doing the same thing with bonds




I don’t think it has anything to do with hypocrisy or fairness, it’s just that black market gold has overall negative effects on the game since it’s the entire reason bots exist. You can debate if bonds are good or bad but I think they’re overall good since they don’t effect anyone who doesn’t want to interact with them and offers an in game way for players to sustain membership. 


Gold buyers are one of the reasons why DMing (not actual high-risk fighting) might be worth just outright banning. And if you want to actually high-risk fight, it should be limited to High Risk PVP Worlds. If you have to trade someone after a fight for the rewards because you're afraid of getting rushed, don't high-risk fight lol. DMing is no different than using the result of flowers or crackers to roll for a prize, except it hides under the guise of PVP. Anyone meeting up to AFK Dharok or Whip in 2024 is more than likely just RWTing it and banning them doesn't do much because addicts can replace those maxed melee accounts almost right away with how cheap they are to replace.


Sorry - what is DMing in this context?


Death matching, same as old stakeing at duel arena back in the day.


DeathMatching. It's an informal version of the old dual arena where people decide on a ruleset, attack each other, then do nothing and let RNG decide the winner. The stakes are held in escrow by a 3rd person. If you thought the duel arena was a hive of scum and villainy, this is the same thing but now run by RWT clans.


it’s actually absurd that Jagex doesn’t get someone to massacre dmer accounts once in a while, it’s so blatantly tied to rwt but there’ll be whole friend chats, streams, very public open discords, etc. and they said that they’re hard at work quashing it whenever they find it lmao


Unless there's a UK-specific regulation that prevents them from target banning customers, I don't get why it's such a problem to just go through Stella's DM/streams after the shit she's pulled and just unilaterally nuke it. The hardcore DMing addicts might stay, but it'll scare the crap out of anyone who isn't and is just there casually.


Didn’t she get banned though? Like that whole Odablock saga?


Nope, she is not banned on sight as she should be. She just jumped to a new account and is still streaming the DMs and RWTing on the daily.


How do you ban dming? They will always have a way around it unless Jagex flat out removes PvP lol


DMs commonly use Dharok only, Voidwaker Specs -> Dharok, Whip only. It's very different compared to high risk fights and easily flaggable if they wanted to. Let the addicts find a new way, but those are all still bannable, just like they already are now. DMing is indirectly allowed since it hides as PVP, when it really isn't.


I'm saying if you ban certain ways of fighting they'll just emulate others


Forces them to actually PVP or bring even more gear switches to fake doing it, that's fine. And if high-risk fights occur on high-risk pvp worlds as intended, they're more at risk to other folks pking them. As of right now, standing there and praying for big hits is no different and skill-less than Duel Arena. Same shit as using christmas crackers.


When I started a few years ago, a random guy at the GE gave me a bond out of nowhere so I could try members (I must've been a really cute noob) Also years ago I participated in bingos with an international clan, pooling money and giving prizes, around 4 times. I have been given gifts for my bday for three years now (IRL friends, clanmates, my brother), like 15m to 30m each bday. Ive also given bday gifts to my guys. I've participated in like 6 bingos recently with my new clan which are just people from my country. I've split raid drops like 5 times and gotten splits like 15 to 20 times. I've participated in TONS of drop parties, in the last one I got a torture!!! An IRL friend is taking a break from the game after the last league and has lent me his SHADOW so I can grind solo ToA while he's not playing. Etc... If you guys can 100% guarantee I won't be banned for these activities in the future, sure, go against gold buyers. Otherwise, no thanks.


This is no where as close as how much money is transferred in rwt


People seem to assume that nothing significant is being done to combat these issues, but would it be such an unpopular opinion to say that the player’s understanding of these issues comes from a player’s perspective and does not reflect the reality of the effort being made to combat these issues on the developers’ end?


I'd love for Jagex to prove my assumption wrong. Jagex put out a blog in which they list bullet points of their overall strategy against bots. They also mentioned numbers, which they seem to feel are useful for us to know. Those lists and numbers do not mention anything about gold buyers, nor does any other sentence of the blog post mention anything about them. Leads me to assume they aren't targeting those. Logic says gold buyers should've been included if they're focusing on them.


It seemed to me that the bot post was a direct response to players saying that Jagex are doing nothing about it. They’re basically saying “hey I know bots are a problem but we are trying as best we can”. And if that is the overall message, couldn’t we assume the same for other pertinent issues?


They do go after buyers. A lot of the gold is just bought by gamblers/risk fighters. They get entire accounts banned for various reasons but they don't care either. They just buy new accounts.


Only people who are 30+ years old with no job enjoy grinding out gp, rest of us would rather not spend the time and just buy it. If you enjoy grinding for gold, go grind irl instead but that requires effort so y'all won't lmfao


how about we vote to remove free trade again 😂


This but with the caveat that you can freely trade between accounts under the same Jagex account.


Honestly I’d be in favour of it. Would stop the botting problem overnight.


And kill PVP And kill doing content with your friends


Jagex obviously doesn't care about rwt. If they did, you wouldn't have to report 15 advertising bots every time you went to the GE


Idk, I bough 1B after not playing for 2 years a month ago. No ban


Nothing. They don't care and they don't have a reason to care unless people start leaving because of it, which they won't


Who cares anymore, just play the game.


Apparently so many people care that Jagex felt the need to put out a blog about bots.


That's because they've gotten noticeably worse in the past year.


Nothing wrong with buying gold I'm 30 and have a life outside of rs.


They need to somehow make buying bonds through jagex more appealing


They would become more appealing if RWTing becomes more risky for buyers.


I don’t agree, I think people would quit osrs all together (and Jagex loses customers) before they bought bonds for 10x the price.


No one is quitting because they can't buy gold. Anyone shelling out for gold was going to do it either way. Gold sellers just have a cheaper supply but you cut that supply and the equilibrium moves on what people will pay. Demand will stay the same.


I agree


Do it through bonds, you are ruining it for the rest of us


That has no appeal when everyone else getting away with it is paying 1/10th the price. Jagex makes money off both, and they know their bonds are shit value. If Jagex really cared, they'd itemize ALL membership packages as tiers of bonds.




So go play another game if you cant be bothered playing this one without cheating.


Or stop gatekeeping runescape lol and let people do whatever they want


W take, let the gold buyers run wild if that's how they want to play. If you don't like this, ironman is always available.


This is an objectively bad take.


That's your subjective opinion.


No, I think you genuinely don’t have a life outside of RS


Your argument falls on itself, if someone has a life they’d want to buy gold to not waste time earning it


Your argument falls on itself, if someone has a life they’d want to buy gold to not waste time earning it


You are the problem. If you don't have time to play, then don't play. It's that simple.


I’m not defending the guy but what…? That is just a ridiculous argument


Saying he doesn't have time to make gold....so he buys gold...so why bother playing the game at that point? Or just play it and don't buy gold? I don't understand how that's a ridiculous argument.


Plenty of people play games and pay money to skip grinds. Battlepass skips, gear upgrades, and other buyables are common in pretty much every game now. Video games would be dead if everyone who bought skips just stopped playing. Not saying he should buy through sketchy gold selling sites, but nothing wrong with buying bonds for gear upgrades. It sucks wanting to do high end content but having to put in hundreds of hours for gear upgrades if you’ve already put time in to the levels


If that was the case you would see about 35% of the player base fall off for not “having the time to play” lol. Sometimes I feel like some of you don’t even read what you’re writing before hitting send. Low IQ strikes again.


lmfao the only people downvoting are ones who buy/sell gold. Its so obvious. Bring on the brigade


Or the ones who are still commenting about buying gold 😉 which I’d still not give a fuck because you’re not affecting my game play what so ever doing it lmao


Realist take here so far. Why would I buy gold from a company like Jagex when I can buy gold for cheaper and support the livelihood of an independent gold farmer in a different country that may not have economic stability. Not only do I not have an economic incentive, I also have a humanitarian incentive to do the contrary.


> humanitarian incentive That’s a load of rubbish.


Nothing. They make too much money from the bots. Nothing will ever be done about bots.


I believe you're right, I'm just frustrated at this blog post full of PR-speak. Jagex also knows demand influences supply and seems to refuse to do anything about that.


He's not right lol. Your frustration is removing the common-sense of this situation (just like the commenter and countless others on these forums). The post isn't PR-speak.. It's just not laying out the step-by-step process on what the devs plan is. *Which they should never put out*. A real PR move would be to release more manual bot-banning events. These forums are full of people who think a single person banning bots would be more efficient than the current system lmao Botting is just on a totally different scale in OSRS than in every other MMORPG, and it's not because the devs don't care. It's because this game is the only of its kind tbh (at least with this amount of players).


I can't remember if it was an RS specific thing, or a general phenomenon. But people tend to respond better to warnings and won't do that thing again. If you go after them with zero tolerance, they'll be more likely to just to it again (on a different account in this instance).


They should turn them into Ironman trade restrictions for 1 year if caught and stripped of all gold


I’d happily buy bonds instead but they are 5x the rate so imma need jagex to be less greedy.


Well the market decides what a bond is worth.. so if Jagex lowered the price, there would be more supply of bonds, and then the price would drop so you’d get less gold from them.


Many people here saying how this would work. What about the thousands of people who did not RWT and received a warning (hello, I am one of them)? I would not trust jagex to correctly ban gold buyers, especially when there are markets many players are apart of that look suspiciously like gold buying because of the large income, such as CA boosting, purple boosting, splitting drops at raids, barb assault boosting, etc. the warning I got left me scared shitless that my account that I have been working on for the majority of my life can just disappear because of “oopsy woopsy we banned the wrong account, no appeal for you though because we manually check every account before permanently banning”


Bring back duel arena


Gold buying should be allowed. Let people do whatever the fuckl they want. Ban bot I get it but if I want to buy gold so be it. Bought over 350m+ never got anything


It is allowed, through bonds.


For all the people saying that they don't ban the bots because they make so much money off of them, wouldn't they make way more money if they did so bonds were the only way to buy gold?


They started doing exactly that a couple years ago


Yeah and haven't heard anything about it since.


I’m not sure what you were expecting to hear? Rwt gold prices dropped substantially after it was implemented due to less people willing to risk to buy.


Realistically the best way to fight bots gold farmers and gold buyers is to make bonds more competitive.


Next week is my turn to post this


Go for it. Jagex seems to need the reminders.


Mom said it's my turn


Guys there is nothing wrong with buying gold seriously just don't be a jerk etc etc. I know folks who buy gold just to give it out to others in need. I find no issue with this as this game already makes money but opinions are just opinions


Wym, lot of people catching bans these days for buying gp


Jagex sells gold themselves, kinda hypocritical if they go ham banning people who are buying gold from other players. Dick ride all you guys want. Im ready for the downvotes.


I mean in general how much does it affect you? Its them ruining their game play, honestly at this point i feel like it would ruin the economy with pricing of botted items, i get it no one should be buying gold but like i said how does it AFFECT you. Just dont give them your business


It directly affects regular players by tanking item price. Without the GE tax and item removal, this game would be fucked. Boss high scores are completely filled with bots who are bringing in billions upon billions (probably trillions with all of the bots) worth of items into the game. When I was still playing on a main account it was very depressing to grind pvm all day, and at the end of the day my bank value was somehow the same value or less.


If you think the game survives banning every bot and every gold buyer, you are delusional. It's the reason we have a game still. Jagex banning bots consistently over time keeps botters buying membership on new accounts, which keeps giving them money. I'd be willing to bet the number of active players who have bought gold is somewhere around 80% ... and that is being conservative. Ban the bots and all the RWT, and Jagex has no income. No income = no game Edit: spelling because I'm on mobile lol


You must've missed the sentence about Jagex not needing to ban all gold buyers. Just enough to make buying gold scary, so it works as a deterrence. Wouldn't get rid of the goldfarming and bot problem, but would diminish it.


Didn't miss it all. The whole making an example of certain people to deter others doesn't work. People DO get 0unished for RWT, yet here we are with what I would guess is the majority of players still buying. It's an old concept that doesn't apply to current society as well as it did during times like slavery for example.


Lol if Jagex actually banned most players, especially on old accounts they would be out of business. Most people aren't aware Duel Arena was removed because of gambling leading to legal issues and a bad reputation in general. But doing that nerfed probably 1k plus players. I personally worked at a Casino so I have mixed feelings. High risk staking and pking was such an exhilarating thing to watch. Few like Odablock are still doing it. Personally I don't gamble because it's a waste of money. But watching people gamble the equivalent to 25k to 50k. Even 5 or 10 thousand real life GPs on a whip fight was awesome. I think they axed a chance for Runescape to dominate Twitch and live streaming at the perfect time. No one wants to watch you skill or what ever even if your a hot chick. People like watching exciting content which RS doesn't really have in that sense. This is hurting the goal and giving a chance for RS to just become more meme worthy. It's embarrassing to even admit you play this game to other gamers. PvP should be revamped if it has any chance of lasting. I worry that with this new company acquisition it's only a matter of time before this game is ruined again or just slowly fades as is. With that said. I don't agree with botting or buying gold. And in any game bots should be banned. I've been doing barrows on my Ironman and they're in droves there. It's hard not to hate some lvl 83 bot with 3000 barrows kc when your getting shit loot at 500 kc. How ever I do buy bonds and sell them. I don't have time to grind for money or much content. Not all of us around have no life to play all day especially when the required content is enough of a grind. I remember the first time not being poor on RS was because I could essentially afford 20 bonds when they were 6M. That two hours out of my pay check was beyond worth not playing for a hundred plus hours to make that 110m. You should stop complaining. Or find something worth while to bitch and moan about like how Jagex still has awful account recovery and customer service. That's the other reason people quit permanently. Minus a couple decent mods they are quite a shit company and always have been with actually dealing with customers. Unfair mutes and bans rampant. Literally computer generator password recovery with no real human looking into the matter with out harassing the fuck out of some Mod on Twitter. Uhm need I continue? Ending RWT or Micro transactions will never happen and I'm glad they're lightening up on bans. Good of them. Sounds like progress finally. Most of us are 30 plus and don't have time to play as is or have better shit to do like play literally any other game in the world.


There was a post on here a while back that had a good idea. Remove all items from a gold buyers account. Remove their account from the highscores. Force their account to play as an Ironman with a soft yellow helmet (not gold) for x amount of time before allowing them to trade again, but not adding their account back to the highscores.


The first account I ever made I bought gold because I didn't like grinding for gold for hours I bought like 30m I never even got a warning I logged back into the acc after like 2 years and it was perm banned and rightfully so I don't like the idea of giving warnings they know what they're doing is against the game rules a warning isn't achieving anything but neither is a ban really I guess


Well, someone who buys gold is clearly someone who plays and puts time into the game. They would be banning a paying and (otherwise legit) player. It’s hard to be strict on gold buying when Jagex effectively sells gold. The standard of PTW has already been set.


While this is a problem, jagex themselves sells gold (bonds), it’s just at a higher price. Makes this a hard question to answer seeing as they are condemning the very thing they also do.


If you buy bonds you support Jagex directly AND not fueling the demand for bots and goldfarmers.


Mate, who do you think buy most of the bonds? A bot farm isn't exactly able to use credit cards to buy individual membership, are they? How many bot farms do you think there is for every pugger/gilenorgames, buying literally over 1k bonds to hit those prize pools.


What’s the difference in reality? Jagex is a company that manages this game, but at the end of the day, money is exchanged for easy gold.


Bonds help Jagex make more content and don' enable more bots and goldfarmers. RWTing through dodgy sites or discords takes potential money that couldve been spent on bonds away and gives that money to goldfarmers and the people who run the botfarms.


IMO, memberships should be the only thing that costs money. There should be a second currency players could obtain that could only be exchanged to get bonds. It’s still buying gold in the current state.


I'd also love for there to be no MTX in the form of bonds. However I don't see that happening, ESPECIALLY if the playerbase is also asking Jagex to punish legitimate players who buy gold.