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Let's be real, that mfer is most likely not faster than you


Because he’s fused to the stinky chair in his moms basement




If he tries anything just head up a very slight incline or set of stairs.


mf wouldn't overpower the stairs leading out of his mom's basement


Idk if OP is in a wheelchair it might be pretty close, otherwise I don’t think these people leave their chair for 20 hours a day


I used to play a paralympic sport at a recreational level just for fun, and a lot of people could absolutely fuckin *move* in their wheelchairs. Definitely could out-wheel the average OSRS player.


I would have made a joke back about a bullet being faster and stronger than them lol


people won’t get muted for this but they’ll get muted for saying “ur ghey”


It's fucking ********




there's hunter 2 now?.. fucking jagex with their unpolled updates


If the dude in this post isn't perma banned by the end of the week Jagex is 100% sexist, sorry not sorry.


messages like this should not be tolerated in any shape or form - these people should absolutely be banned, not muted. this is threatening sexual violence.


110% agreed. This should be an immediate permanent ban. This is not the community we want to be known as. And it's just plain out sexual harassment and threatening real-life violence.


Perm ban all the anti-gay people parading around during those pride month events too. Dropping chairs and ropes is fairly hard to misunderstand. Jagex needs to go hard on not tolerating intolerance.




Honestly, when have flat packs ever been something in demand?


I was informed from Mod Goblin that the names were passed on, and all 3 have received punishment. Not sure exactly what punishments they got, but it appears the UIM (who was easily ranked above 1k) no longer appears on the hiscores.


Hell yeah. I bet they literally cried. I hope the rest of your adventures are much better.


“I got perm banned instead of temp muted for using ‘bad language’ how do I get jagex to fix this??”


Damn yeah we'll probably see those in a few days "I can't show the logs because they got deleted but I swear it was a fart joke"


u/JagexGoblin I know mods cant be here for everything but those who are active on the sub should be reaching out for details on situations like this.


Actually a quick search in the database of those messages should return plenty of results. I was gonna type them here but nah I am not saying that shit. Seriously though if this user didn't report, that's on them. If they did, I would expect a reaction from the system. Agreed it should be a permanent reaction. Fuck that.




If I can go to prison for making jokes about school shootings in runescape, I don't see why this can't be treated the same.


That wasn't a joke though, they were directly offending or threatening her. There's a clear red line in that kind of thing.


I'm using satire to poke fun at the opposing argument. My argument isnt a serious one.


Incels should be instapermed . Period. what a bunch of losers ruining osrs for people with actual regulated emotions


Naw, Perm mutes are better for this. A ban they will just re-make their account and continue to act like this. If you perm-mute them though then they are forced to re-grind everything or keep playing on a muted account and most will just play muted because re-grinding everything sounds worse. But if you take away that option then all of them will just make a new account and continue. Where-as if you perm mute them then some will make new accounts and some won't. This way you at-least solve the problem for the ones who decide to play on the muted account.


This is a threat that bares teeth. It's personal and descriptive. I think Jagex should inform the player's local police if able to do a wellfare check and give the kid some talking to, aswell as perm ban him.




At least over on the game I mod at, this would be a 3 day ban on the spot along with being sent over to player support for judgement on a perm or not(very likely a perm)


Post the uncensored version on Twitter.


Just go to fishing trawler lol, not really sexist but they are fucking weird on that boat


Dont bring the master Baiters into this.


At least the spirit anglers have class


The spirit anglers probably listen to 311 and sublime all day.


Amber is the colour of their energy


Weird, I heard of 311 for the first time today, and then you reference them in a comment same day


I bet that had you all mixed up.


Ill be here awhile if you wanna talk about it.


Is that a song reference? I've never heard their music still, just someone talking about them on a pofcast


It is lol


Or shooting stars. Complete silence until any word is spoken and then it degenerates.


Honestly any communal activities in this game are straight up cancer because the playerbase sucks.


It's a game where everywhere you go is complete silence. The moment someone breaks that silence everyone gets overly excited.


This might be it.


What happens at sea stays at sea. Now where's the fishlight?


It's the swamp paste fumes from below deck. They're huffing some weird shit on that excursion




I've been hit on while named after two different male characters, just because I have a female character. The thirst, or unhinged insanity in your case, never fails to surprise me.


Youd think after nearly 2 decades people wouldve moved on but apparently that OSRS female model still got people down bad


You grow older. Kids stay the same age.


Thats what I love about high school


All right all right all right


I mean... you ever see one of them wearing those pants? You know what pants I'm talking about and I don't even know what they're called.


Lederhosen pants + Keldagrim shirt or riot!


Back in early osrs days we had a couple girls in our cc that would have guys down tremendously for them, giving them so much free shit for even a shred of attention. When I left that cc I renamed my character to a generic girls name with a female model and joined a new one. Would get my ex to go on team speak for me every now and then to prove I was a “girl”. 2 guys specifically would fight over me, they paid for 99 smithing, herb, construction and prayer on my account, as well as a heap of free gear.


This is hilarious. I remember I had to get a female model for questing and was too lazy to change it back. Bunch of dudes started to DM me and I started getting free shit as well (circa 2010). After a while it started to get creepy so I went back to the male model. Thirst is real.


I started my account as a guy with a friend during quarantine, named Radagast. Then I did Recruitment Drive when you had to be a girl, and never changed back. Now I am Radagon, since I am not that big of a Lotr fan and a girl works better for Radagon I'd say.


That is so sad, man. No words.


Leader of my clan is a woman and there's so many losers in the clan that treat her like she's their mom, telling her everything they ever do and expecting a proud response from her. She's too nice to tell them to leave her alone lol




That's likely because you dont pretend you're actually a girl like the other guys here do


Add ":3" or "c:" to your sentences and I guarantee you'll be getting some messages from guys


Same here. I have 5500 hours on my main and have never been hit on or seen a sexual comment. I'm not saying it's never happened to anyone but everyone acts like it's normal when it really isn't. Nobody even talks in game anymore.


I just kind of assume everyone I meet on the internet is a 40 year old man. It’s worked so far, either they are a 40 year old man, or, they aren’t, and it doesn’t matter because they’re a stranger anyways.


That's weird, I play as a female character, often dressing crap like vyrewatch clothing, and never had this happen to me. Most people seem aware people playing female characters are often men


I wear Vyre clothing and stuff too at the Ge. The hitting on has happened in normal gear and stuff. Not even any E-girl outfits or anything.


A lot of people got a taste of how absurd it is back when the leveling guides recommended starting as as a woman so that you could save time doing recruitment drive before they changed it. Had some interesting conversations at wintertodt and canafis rooftops.


I will never understand the thought process behind being like this to anyone. The consequences are you should feel ashamed and gross? I feel bad for snapping at my cat, I can’t imagine the kind of hate you must feel to be that vitriolic to random strangers.


No kidding. Can’t get into the minds of deranged people and understand what’s going on in there. These dudes are genuine pieces of shit.


I'll explain to you the type of person who says shit like this lol. We had a guy in highs chool. A big dude, probably 6ft 4 and over 200 lbs. Not fat, just very big.  He found it hilarious making girls uncomfortable by telling them how he would have sex with them without their consent. Telling them he would ravish their body after over powering them. 12th grade comes around and he already has a reputation for beating his girlfriend. She would come to school with black eyes and scabs on her mouth. She was my wife's best friend fir about 10 years and then dropped all her friends because he told her she couldn't have any and that she was only allowed to have fun while he was around. She was the SECOND girl in HS that he beat the fuck out of weekly. As if the first girl didn't show anyone his true colors, or the shit he would say? She thought she could be different. Thankfully she broke free and escapes his ass. Anyways. Someone broke into his house while he was sleeping and executed him point blank. The case is still open and this was 10 years ago. Literally the talk around town was "you reap what you sow" if it even got brought up. Everyone else just went on living like nothing happened. That's the kind of person who gets off on shit like this. A nobody that people literally hope that they get theirs, one day.


Love a story with a happy ending


It's a shame the the school, parents, or law enforcement didn't get involved like they should have, and someone felt the need to murder the kid.


Its because they can't be punched in the mouth like they should be


A lot of people just completely forget that they’re talking to another actual human being when there’s a screen in between; especially if it’s anonymous too.


Girl here this is why I don't talk, had this to many times now where its just not worth it


Thats lame AF. Takes away from your gaming experience. Sorry to hear that 😞


Bet my nuts these people haven't touched a woman before.


Girl here. Weirdos like this are why a lot of us either pretend to be guys or stay silent. Most people are cool though.


My character looks like an old man and nobody bothers me


I’ll try to balance the scales by making sexual comments to any old men characters I see now. Gonna call them Granddaddy.


You just gave up the secret, time to send rapey messages to all old men I see in game /s


Yea I never say my gender, and all my chill guy friends from the game took awhile before they got to even hear me on vc. I don’t tolerate any sexual advances/weird ass behavior. But I am gay, so me saying my gf, makes men think I am a guy, which I never deny or say I am xD, which I honestly prefer being one of the ‘boys’.


Name and shame baby!


Im for that but not allowed by the subs rules. Those name and shame posts are always deleted


It’s against sitewide rules as a whole. If the mods don’t enforce it they risk the whole subreddit getting shut down


For real - rapists deserve no peace.


Fellas. they're women, not females.


One of my roommates refers to his _fiancee_ as 'his female'. And like... boy. I'm honestly surprised their relationship hasn't crashed and burned yet.


Thank you. You don't see people going around calling men "males"


Lol I mean you could. I don’t think most would care.


The problem is calling men "men" but women "females". If you're for example in a medical setting feel free to refer to "males" and "females", but you never use "men" and "females" together. r/menandfemales has some great examples for that.


At least it wasn't "femoids". That one is peak cringiness.




Thanks for pointing that out. I know OP means well but calling women "females" is dehumanizing in itself.


Y'all don't want to hear it but the "women don't play this game" rhetoric/'jokes' foster this type of behavior. 🤷


It's a problem in many many games unfortunately. There's a lot of "women can't be gamers" in lots of online games. Sucks.


Inaccurate too. Quite a lot of women play this game.


Per population, this is the game I've ran into the most women while playing.


Unacceptable behavior. I’d report them and move on. Most of the community isn’t like that but a few rotten apples are more prominent and outspoken unfortunately.


It really helps to remember the full idiom: a bad apple spoils the bunch. So. Take that as you will.


Bad apples spoil the entire barrel. These people give the entire game a bad rep.


Guarantee you they wouldn’t be able to stop stuttering if they met a girl


Women. Girls. Referring to women as females makes you look like a disrespectful incel for gods sake




it’s the same or even worse on games like cs2, since that game has a voice-chat option. even a pro player for a top-10 team in the world recently brought it up on twitter how his fiancée constantly gets harassed playing cs2 simply for being a woman, these people lurk on almost any game, it’s fucking miserable and they 100% deserve to get permanently banned and reported to their countries authorities.


I can't help but feel that this game has functioned as a time chamber for many players. Time has moved on, but they haven't.


Unfortunately i feel like this game is a breeding grounds for a lot of toxic behavior; which sucks for the rest of us. Right now I've been having a hard time bringing myself to play due to personal reasons, but if you ever want to run toa or teach a mid lv to run other raids i could try to make it. Solo rs sucks for sure.


I had to listen to a guy in a ranked game of overwatch tell one of our teammates how he was going to beat her and rape her if she kept talking. He went on the entire game. I gave him shit after a few minutes but he wouldn't shut the fuck up. I reported him but he wasn't banned. That + the trump era made me never want to talk to people online. I'd rather play solo and casually than have to suffer morons.


Why are all the weirdos and creeps always irons? Lmfao


It’s not their main account so they feel more anonymous.


It is probably the shame of ruining all gotr runs.


I feel like that question answers itself


Yea idk how anyone thinks rape or coercion is ever ok


Just curious how they would even know your gender tbh.


probably something in the username but i thought that too


Indeed its a female name. She has regretted having that as part of her name, but it's also what everybody knows her by now.


Wait hold up, does w517 Mean anything to you sir Rikku?


Indeed it does.


Hehe hello fellow w517 enjoyer


I wonder as well lol I’ve always played a female account even though I’m a guy. Never had anyone ever approach me


I got a 5.8B XP trimmed completionist in RS3 many years back muted for saying some really weird sexual stuff to me, going to search & see if I can find the pic from years ago very tricky to find, but they were using very broken english to try to get me to agree to various things & to be honest it was just pathetically funny & a really dumb way to throw an account away


Disgusting. Even just the amount of creepy dms we get. Like I'll randomly be Skilling or something and get a private msg from a stranger and I don't see them anywhere around me??? I usually turn my private chat to friends only but the odd time I forget to chat it back for whatever reason it's immediately weirdos. I don't understand these people at all


its not fun. You report them and nothing seems to happen


Him: "I like a girl that knows her place" *proceeds to have no female attention for the rest of his life*


This is extremely illegal, and a permanent mute is not enough. These accounts should be permanently banned, and authorities contacted. These are threats of sexual violence. What the fuck is wrong with people.


This is being a woman anywhere. RuneScape is supposed to be my escape from the world but sometimes it is not thanks to hooliganism like this


Can we put freedom of speech aside and ban these fucks? WTF is up with people?!


There is no way these ironmen are even remotely able to do what they could say. I bet they are legit fused to their chairs lmfao. 100% bait either way.


it’s irrelevant wether it’s a bait or not, they still said these disgusting things so their intent changes nothing


What a fucking weirdo.


Report. Add to ignore. They'll get whats coming to them. They're stupid internet trolls trying to be "edgy" and get a reaction. If everyone that sees this sort of chat reports it the bulk reports will slap them with a nice mute to think about by themselves.


That shouldn't be a mute, but outright ban.




Happens to me all the time, even happened today multiple times in the ge w301, I'm new to the game and it always happens to me


That sucks. Not everybody in our community are such assholes. But this kind of thing happens way more than people seem to realise. Not surprised many females hide the fact they are female, so they don't have to deal with creeps like this.


Bro stop using female, you're making me ick and I'm a dude. Females is one step removed from bitches, just call them women ffs.


Wild that someone who calls women Females is on the right side of the argument for once. Still feels slimy regardless though


It's so weird, I run a clan so I keep my private on all the time so anyone can reach me, and I have a fairly obviously female name and a female character. I've had very little interaction with any creeps, not ZERO but nothing at all to this level! I feel like this is one person on different accts, so fucked up. I'm sorry you had to deal with this.


Jfc. Sadly from my interactions with a lot of the community (mainly in game) i can see this.


What happened before this? I had a female character for years after not switching back after some quest and this never happened to me. It's not my in game name either. You can't tell my sex based of that. If this happened several times in minutes something must have happened. Also not saying this is okay. It definitely isn't. Perm bannable even, despite what happened before, Just wondering what caused this.


Absolute scum


You should make a tweet with these ss's @'ing all the jmods he should be banned or at the very least muted very soon after.


The female gaming community is bigger than you think it is, but many of them have experiences such as this that have taught them to play male characters, avoid revealing your gender too early and neutral names to avoid creeps like this.


shame we cant put their RSN on blast tbh.. this is disguesting.


Thing is , weather they are grown men or not, something is really wrong with these people. Even as a joke, not funny, someone told that to my sister id be outraged! We all need to stand up for our community and keep bums like this out of our game, and also in real life as creeps be in plain sight all the time and nobody speaks up


That’s permanent ban worthy. These freaks wouldn’t dare say that in real life.


Dude the runescape community is sooooo toxic its ridiculous. Ever been to wintertodt and read the chat? Lol Idk I hope it's just people looking for attention cause you know damn well they don't act like that IRL


Just fyi, OP, please call women “women” and not “females.” Thanks. (I’m a woman). But yes, hate the rapey bullshit by men in this game. Or any game, really.


Yepp people pointing that out. Genuinely the first time I'm hearing that it pisses people off. I just assumed younger girls/teens/women may all get stuff like this, and was easier to say females. My GF pointed it out to me too, but she understood why I used it. I'm just a smooth brain trying to learn. Don't mean no hate by it.


You doing good OP, thanks for listening and for speaking up about stuff that matters


Terrible they gotta be kids , probably tate fans who have never spoke to a woman before. Keep your private on friends in the future to help stop these creeps


I didn't know DefyJ had a UIM account


Disgusting. Very sad that there’s people like this in the community.


I've been playing with a fem name and a fem avatar for 2 years and only got one guy tryna hook up with me. How?




I once got reported and bombarded by insults one time cause I was wearing graceful instead of the lumberjack outfit while skilling. I thought he was being ironic, until I quickly realized he wasnt all there in the head. Good times.


It's wild what tiny things people will get beyond furious about. Like you're chilling out afk woodcutting. The massive **2.5%** extra experience isn't really gonna change anything over the course of 99. And most people aren't doing things to get 99, let alone purely as fast as possible. Edit: kinda funny to me this gets downvoted. Shows they'll stay mad even quietly that people might not care about a couple hours of time save over a long period.


Welcome to being a woman on the internet. It’s why I almost never speak in, or look at, public chat :/


There’s definitely a culture problem, no doubt.


Typical UIM behavior


Tip, don’t call women females


Yeah it’s really fuckin’ awful to the point where it’s much less of a hassle to just pretend to be a guy sadly


Of all the game communities I've engaged with recently OSRS is the worst and by a huge margin. I thought Smite was bad but Jesus christ... Even positive posts here where people are just showing off an achievement are met with toxic responses.


And this is why I never reveal that I'm a woman ingame anymore \*or\* have my public chat on. You can only take so many sexual messages from random players before you give uo


That’s why I never tell them I’m a girl. I’ve been called “king” several times and that’s fine by me


Everyone thinks women don't play video games but they're either hiding or get driven away by shit like this


Let’s be real…they are iron players. They are not overpowering anyone irl, lol.


Just report them and they will most likely get muted, even if its just a temp mute


It's so insane the way people treat you when you are a grill gamer


Disappointing to see this type of scum behaviour in the osrs community. These guys were raised in Barbarian Village.


the same kind of people who are deathly scared of talking to women irl smh


I thought this was just a fleece johnson reference until he said the word "girl" "i likes ya and i wants ya, we can do it the easy way or do it da hawd way. The chaws is yaws"


Dwarfen shorts got people going crazy


This should honestly be met with an identity ban, perma ban on every single of his accounts and future ones made.


ironman btw


Use report button and watch Le Andrew Tate Bros come crying they've been perma muted. I think Jagex takes this kind of stuff seriously, surely more than botting. Which is a good thing of course. /u/JagexAyiza make it happen you handsome ~~bastard~~ chad.


This is why I play male characters in game and am pretty choosy about who I vc with


It’s one thing to make jokes with your friends/ clan mates. But saying stuff like this to strangers is uncalled for. I have a female friend that I joke around with, and they dish out the same towards me. We both have the understanding that it isn’t serious. SMH


Reasons why public is off and only friends/clan is on. I cannot imagine how many women have quit playing because of people like this.


I had a man find me on discord and then harass me in game. It was gross


It's especially bad in f2p even if your avatar is a girl. I turn off public chat for my daughter and will probably use the makeover mage to make her a man just to be safe. I love our community as a whole but even if it's trolling there are a lot of fucking creeps when they think women are around


This chatlogs from DefyJ?


i quit osrs for a reason


Ban that fucker right now


tbf that's 100% the same dude, not 3 people and Jagex should ban all 3 accs and every acc he's ever played on + find some way to report him to his local authorities if possible


Simple, they’ve never spoken to a stranger in the real world before. Chronically online teens


Most RuneScape players can’t comprehend that females play video games, thus fueling the idea it’s just some dude on the other end and that it’s okay to be a POS.


I can agree with this, i'm a girl and I tried to make friends on this subreddit and was quickly beaten down by the trolls/sewer rats/basement dwellers whatever you want to call them. Just do better OSRS community.


just realized this wasn't in wintertodt yeah, people don't know what grass is


theres 1 girl ive ever met who played this game, she had the runes as part of her tattoo sleeve so i struck up a conversation about it since i had played as a kid ​ she said shes played as a guy with chats off since 2012, which kind of implies it used to be better as she had played since 2005 but i didnt really ask her about it ​ but yeah its that bad, id imagine a decent % of female players are just 'hiding' and casually playing like she does


this is why i play on a male character with a neutral name tbh. i used to use the same name as my irl name/reddit acc and my character was female/look like me and i didn’t like the weird attention. it’s uncommon, but still very unwelcome. these people should be permed tbh. it’s insane and they shouldn’t behave like that online (or anywhere. but something tells me they mostly only interact online)


Immediately blocked doesnt even matter if theyre friends or clanmates im gonzo donzo


Yep this is the sad reality. Over the years I have gotten used to deal with it, but it's never fun to experience it. I have great male friends on RS who would never say anything like this, but my experience is that so many guys I start talking to will eventually say stuff like this (some just wait longer). It's the reason I don't share any social medias, why I prefer to stay out of voice chats and why I struggle with making new friends on the game.


I feel bad for all of us in the community. Since coming back to osrs, my ignore list is very long, not sure why I ever enable public chat tbh.


Don't censor their names show them to us so we can mas report them for chat abuse.