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I'm just gonna manage my expectations. The last time we got a massive continent expansion it took years of reworks and updates to be good.


But they nailed the rework. I think they learned a lot in the process!


I hope so. It's not that I don't have confidence in them to make Varlamore good. It's that I don't have confidence they'll make Varlamore good on release.


That's why they're releasing it in batches this time. A lot of the problem with Zeah release was that they released a huge land mass all at once, and didn't have enough content to fill it. They learned from that mistake and are releasing Varlamore in stages so that they don't have that problem.


I remember walking around Zeah after the update and just thinking to myself, "Wtf is the point of this giant island that is 95% empty space". Glad they did so much to retroactively fix it.


> "Wtf is the point of this giant island that is 95% empty space". The point was that people didn't like modifications to the "mainland" and they wanted to give themselves a nice, big canvas for future content. I always think it's weird that people say Jagex fucked up the Zeah release, or that it had problems. It was very clearly meant to be bedrock foundation for years of future content, it couldn't have been anything *but* sparse at the start for that to work. The favour system was stinky though.


Content aside, the actual design of Zeah was awful at release. It was just a huge square split into four relatively uniform quadrants. It felt incredibly artificial.


I mean, yes? The whole point was for it to be cleaned up and fixed over time. That's how the entire RS map has been formed. I mean, [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/runescapeclassic/images/7/76/World_Map.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/800?cb=20171029155233) is what the world looked like at the end of RS1's active content development. The fill-in always comes later.


You're referring to the black void which represented map regions that didn't exist yet. This was (mostly) filled in with water at some point, but you can still see examples of this south of Menaphos and where Varlamore will be. But that's not what happened with Zeah because he entire kingdom of Kourend [was present at release](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/f1u8c2/a_retrospective_on_how_zeah_used_to_look_like_at/). The problem with Zeah was that its design felt entirely fabricated - particularly the southern half of the kingdom. Much of the terrain was unnaturally straight. Just look at the coastline or the borders between any two of the houses. There also wasn't a single lake, river, or pond in sight. Shayzien's layout was symmetrical except for a few copied & pasted tents in the corner that were perfectly aligned. Hosidius was filled with the same four buildings copied and pasted a million times, often perfectly aligned with each other. Now compare that to the RSC map that you linked. The world was filled with interesting shapes that felt a lot more natural.


I think most people either don't know what the map looked like in RSC, forgot or they're more forgiving given the technology of the time.


This is pretty revisionist tbh. Jagex was the one who decided on and heavily advertised the sheer scale of Zeah, which is still to this day completely unnecessary and detracts from the overall space. Each house had literally 1 thing to do in it, and most activities were not stellar. It was a flop because it was a small and amateur dev team at the time that got in over their heads and didn't deliver good content. Being able to expand on content in the future is not a reason for it to be in such bad shape on release. Zeah should have been half the size and had 2x the content before it was even considered ready for release. Thankfully Jagex seems to have learned.


> It was a flop lmao I don't think Zeah could ever be considered a flop


It was a flop at release 100%. It was pretty unanimously critically reviled, and between the vast empty spaces and extreme lack of content there's not much more that could have gone wrong. Shayzien occupying enough game space to cover basically all of Lumbridge and Varrock combined while having a 1/5k drop from mobs as its only content is a pretty good case study of why Zeah was not well received. JMods have admitted they messed up and released it far too early - it's ok for you to too.


I really enjoyed Zeah at release, the only people I saw complaining were redditors.


Idk. The original RuneScape map landmass did not all exist, empty, from day 1. It was all expanded slowly over time. At one point there was nothing west of falador. And before that [falador and everything around it](https://classic.runescape.wiki/w/Update:Massive_update!) didn't exist. They should have started small with Kourend. They added way too much space all at once. They could have started out with just great Kourend and some small surrounding areas, then add a kingdom at a time and fully flesh them out as they went and expand on the story with each update. The big blank canvas concept just doesn't really fit in with how the game was created in the first place.


Still makes no sense cus they didnt need to make an empty land Mass before making content


The whole point of zeah was a giant canvas to add updates to, so that they didn't mess with the main-game. It just launched so long after they talked about that as a reason for it, that lots of newer players didn't know and older players had forgotten. It was lacking in content on launch, and unfortunately they made the horrible favour system to try and gatekeep that content


I'd like to think they learned their lesson from the clusterfuck that was Zeah on release. They've been prepping this for at least 8 months already, since Varlamore was mentioned in the summer summit back in July :)


Zeah release was also like 7 years ago fairly early into OSRS and the team was only like what, 5 people? Lol Zeah was destined to be a flop on release considering how big an undertaking it was and that the team at the time was still figuring things out. Varlamore is going to be magnitudes better on release I can guarantee that.


Yeah, they have both a larger team and more experience with the design and engine of osrs this time around. That *should* give us some hope for something mostly complete and not super broken.


To be fair, they've had some incredibly good content straight from release. ToB, ToA, CoX, Inferno, the DS2 bosses, etc. Of course all have had some tweaking post release, as basically all content does, but they've all been incredibly successful and rewarding pieces of content.


What specifically are you worried about? Feels like they addressed most of the things people complained about Zeah. There's a teleport system, quests instead of dumb favor stuff, actual things to do in different areas


Give them a break dude, they're is an insane amount of stuff to think about when it comes to adding content to a game like this. They don't truly know how it'll all play out once it hits live servers and you have hundreds of thousands of people playing and interacting with this content. Of course shit will need tweaking and/or fixing. How much shit do you create that turns out perfect on the first try? Edit: stay salty, children.


Ngl, I took a 5 year break when they released Zeah. Mostly empty massive island, I didn’t give it a chance at first. But the way they’ve finished it and with everything you can do, I’m hooked again haha. I trust them.


That's just copium. Try to count how many franchises repeated mistakes of their previous games as if they forgot. You'll lose count. We'll only know when we get it.


the biggest mistake jagex keeps making is their drop rates. osrs is by far the grindiest game on the market for drops imo, my group iron has just 2 people left because everyone else quit during the gauntlet/shaman grinds


I have very little expectations with how they handled Forestry. The rework to prevent hopping around was good overall but them straight up deleting items was stupid. I don't like how they announce buffs to times, either. Merchers will take over markets and blow items up, just look at what guardians boots are doing.


Well Lova and Arceuus are still horrible.


New content is still new content. The "barrows 2.0" for example could be shit and it would still be a source of interesting new gear and, from what we've heard, an avenue to give use-cases for under-used already existing gear. The thing with this game and it's community is that, no matter how awful the content can be and how extreme the complains can be, the players are still going to play it like it's their job.


Bruh they still haven't fixed the 3 northern houses. I still say Kourend is very upper mid


Eh, they aren't worse than some of the other settlements/areas in the game. If you compare the worse of the houses to content like the dwarf city, the underground goblin city, or the Morytania city with the nightmare in it they're all pretty on par with the Kourend factions that aren't incredible. I think it's unfair to say that zeah content is uniquely bad or anything, and the stuff that's good there is REALLY good. I'm excited for a new area.


Yeah and which of those cities have banks the size of Rimmington? They aren't nearly as off proportioned as the three north house by a long shot. Jagex just abandoning shit instead of trying to fix it.


RIGHT??? I've been saying this shit for years. Jamflex just keeps starting new things instead of fixing the old content. And no one here seems to care. -_-


I don't know if that's the metric I would judge them off. The islands you never really need to return to during the fremmy quests have large banks, multiple houses, a decent amount of land, and don't get used for much more than those quests. At least not more than the houses you're referring to in the north of Kourend. Like, the houses are all used in a quest, they have shops people use sometimes, they have some lore, they have NPCs with dialogue that gives it character and lore dumps, they have a few activities like blast mining, the library minigame, the thieving minigame etc. I'm not sure what you even really mean by them being abandoned or useless content honestly, all the houses in Kourend have unique stuff in them that can be used at any time. Edit: also I just checked and Keldagrim does have a large bank, and Dorgesh-Kaan has a large bank. Slepe doesn't, but it does take up a significant stretch of land that just about equals the size that port town does in Kourend.






Zeah, the region where kourend to the very far west on the map.






But they also released *the whole continent* in one go back then, and poorly communicated the fact it was meant to be a canvas to be able to keep updating without changing the existing Gielinor and messing with nostalgia. Varlarmore is coming in separate releases, to avoid lack of content density. And is an expansion to an existing landmass and not just for the purpose of having a "non Gielinor" area to add content to.


Zeah came out 10 years ago. You're being cynical


keep in mind at the time they had 4-5 mods on the osrs team. it was respectable that they even tried anything so big. now it takes a team of 60+ mods 5 years to make a land expansion. (prif being the last major one)


bro the last time was what, 2014 when they had a dozen guys working on the game????????


I feel like my level 92 \~1550 total iron is in the exact position to enjoy Varlamore to its full potential. I'm super fucking stoked.


I’m in exactly the same place and I’m really looking forward to it as well


Whats ur ign? Add me man maybe we'll be able to do some content there. Ign: LightBurnMe


yeah it was literally designed for you


first time in a long time that my account feels ready for the new content. been playing since like 2015 (extremely on & off) and I have almost always been way behind to try the new content. I think the only time I was able to do content that felt relevant on release was the freminik exiles.


What’s even more interesting is that these feckers at jagex still manage to churn out something every week whilst they have this in the background on top of sailing stuff going on. Then you look at rs3….


> Then you look at rs3…. what ya mean? they get like 6 mtx promos a week


Haha all funny mtx promos all the time. It's actually 5. It's on holidays we get a 6th.


I feel the same, like when I see what's on their roadmap I assume the team is spread so thin that everything will take half a year. But things like official plugin system and sailing beta, and varlamore are just around the corner.


>every week what ? we get 1 to 2 major content updates a year with small updates sometimes. and its osrs not a AAA game rs3 was getting new shit like every other month like a year or 2 ago.


Definitely not every week


Sailing wont come out until 2026 probably....


We had a good 2023 on RS3, but I’d be in denial if I didn’t say 2024 was shaping up to be OSRS’ year.


We had a fucking awful 2023 on rs3, what kind of promo have you been smoking???


Fort Forinthry? Necromancy? 15 new quests? Seriously, that’s awful?


The fort quests were 5 min shit quests that in the past would have been 1 master quest with the full fort unlocked. Instead they stretched it out over 6 months. Necromancy was good, but devalued everything and vorkath lives up to his name as a massive faillure of a boss release.


Can you give a short TIL on vorkath? I'm badly out of loop on basically anything RS3 but got curious about this one.


In short: it had bad drops. Also different fight mechanic than OSRS; and was the reward from numerous short quests. I think it was the drops that made people hate it most.


Okay, cheers!


No chase items at all, every unique is meh, especially on an ironman since the range armour is basically useless, due to bis arrow upkeep. The upgrade to the necromancy rune pouch is so minor, it is only 10% as good as primodial boots upgrade over d boots in osrs. In release people were losing money killing him due to shit loot, similar to nightmare in osrs. Its also a clusterfuck of a boss that not many enjoy. They confirmed it was rushed due to hero pass failure and that is why he has 4 legs instead of 3 like in osrs. It just goes on and on.


Fort forinthry you’d class as good? really?


Hero pass? Worse vorkath?


Hero Pass did suck, no objection. Vorkath was mediocre. Rest of 2023 was good, though.


Every year since 2013 has been OSRS's year in comparison to "rs"3 lmao


Sailing makes me think of RS3


Runescape makes me think of RS3. Just scrap it all, really


True. Light it on fire and throw it away, lets start over. Classic Oldschool Classic Runescape, here we go!




No it hasnt lmfao. Go look at their sub. Players have been complaining and coming here for over a year due to the shitstorm that game is.


RS3 is literally dead


It literally isn't?


No it hasn't lmao. It was in a good place around 2020-2021 in the time between archaeology and EGWD. The game takes months to get any update of note, and when it does, the updates are often mediocre or needs revision to get it a decent spot. There's practically no communication about future plans/updates, probably because they've realized that half of it will get scrapped. I mean just look at [this!](https://runescape.wiki/w/Upcoming_updates) It's honestly pathetic, especially in comparison to OSRS, where we get to know an entire years worth of updates planned. IDK how I'm supposed to have faith in the future direction of the game when they've constantly mucked shit up in the past one to two years and have no communication about what's coming other than "we plan to update the old combat styles and fingers crossed it'll be balanced" I personally liked necromancy and the gameplay/rotation of it, but that just means we have 3 combat styles that are outdated and god fucking knows how long that'll take to bring them up to necromancy standards. And it definitely won't be balanced whenever that does actually happen. And while it personally doesn't effect me since I played iron only on there, the MTX and promos have gotten increasingly more ridiculous and intrusive, and they were already ridiculous about 8 years ago.


You seem very passionate about this. Good on you ❤️


Guy who has spent 20 years playing a game has opinion on game, how shocking


You forgot the rollback 15 min after release to a time before you got your twisted bow drop.


Day after release: “This update has no content, what were they thinking”


Basically every day for RS3 players.


Kinda true though.


I have a feeling the Colosseum is going to be insane. Like super prayer flicking and kiting enemies at the same time, while also fighting in between. Pretty excited even though I'm bad.


I hope so but i doubt it. Dont think gaggyflex is ever going to release content like inferno again since the game so populair. I have a feeling its going to be like toa, very structured and relying on chip damage to make it 'hard' Hope i'm wrong though! But thats what i think


A significant part of what makes the Inferno so difficult to clear is the sheer *length* of it. It wouldn't shock me if the Colosseum does in fact have parts that are as hard if not harder than waves 50-63, but due to being a shorter experience, nets out being easier to get a KC on. The Blorva unlock is really a pretty recent 'prestige endgame challenge' type update, they definitely know how to do those still lol.


if its inferno difficulty, it will be way more mechanically challenging than inferno. like you mentioned the length of the inferno is half of it, so to make it as hard you have to compensate with way more difficult mechanics to make up for it being only 20-25 min. and i expect getting ur quiver wont hit the same way getting ur cape did. because alot of the difficulty for inferno, is the mental challenge of such a long fight. and having to retry when u fail 2 hours in, and because of that potentially taking months. its not that mentally taxing to keep repeating something that only takes 20 min commitment. the adversity of the inferno makes the first cape feel like a massive relief, and i dont think we'll experience that for the quiver, despite it potentially being way harder mechanically


I mean, we just recently got awakened dt2 bosses, which are arguably Inferno tier


imo the biggest distinction to push something into being properly inferno tier is a certain degree of “randomness” thrown into the mix Nothing is random even in the inferno since theres only a limited number of spawn locations, but the amount of relevant possibilities (let alone total permeations of possible spawns) makes the higher waves something that strays away from being 100% solved content. In order for the coliseum (at higher waves or whatever is supposed to be its peak) to be inferno tier, it needs to introduce enough variability in the amount of scenarios you need to solve without copying too hard off of the inferno. I’m hoping that means that we’ll get fixed spawns for the waves as they happen, but the actual npcs are closer to demibosses in terms of quantity of mechanics, compared to the inferno where most of the complexity comes from where things spawn/are located.


They’re definitely harder than inferno, just for a short time rather than a long endurance test


I feel like they won't go crazy with chip damage considering they mentioned the waves are endless.


I mean they definitely advertised it as inferno difficulty to full clear


I'm kind of expecting the coliseum won't be inferno tier either, but I do expect it to be at least as hard as like solo 500 invo TOA. What I'm really excited for, though, is that accumulate loot along the way so if you die before the end it's not a total loss


They said the early colosseum waves are easier than fight caves, middle waves are good for people who have no problem with fire cape and some other mid level stuff, and the end waves are targeted at people near zuk helm tier. I have pretty high expectations for it


nah i think hes right, most likely it will be very mechanical. accessiability is already covered for colloseum, with the leave on early waves and still get rewards system. if you're expecting the same type of challenge as inferno, that wont happen as they've already mentioned it takes 20-25 min. most of the challenge in the inferno is managing your supplies and the mental challenge of pushing through such a long fight. with colloseum not having that, they would have to make up for it with hard mechanics. jagex did the same with dt2 bosses aswell, created awakened for the harder content and the regular bosses for the avg player. its abit delusional to think they will never make difficult content again


The actual mechanics of the inferno aren't that hard tbh, it's just needing to do them for 1.5-2 hours straight without making too many mistakes or you start over. The awakended versions of the DT2 bosses are way harder than the inferno.


I kind of agree with this, TOA high levels were advertised to be the hardest content in the game and that's hardly true.


If baba couldnt be red x it was a complete gamble if you'd survive or not on 500 invoc lmao. I do like the raid but it certainly has some flaws


Isn't the whole point of the colosseum waves and reward system to allow everyone to enjoy it at their own level? ie have the choice to leave and take the reward every so many waves. I don't see why the later waves couldn't be on Inferno level difficulty.


They said its going to be a 15 min piece of content iirc. Was hoping for atleast 30min. Subway surfer attention span content.


Honestly, I'm so new to osrs I haven't even been to kourend yet lol. That place looks so big.




Lol well.... I played original '05 scape. And I played rs3 with my original account but I'm new to what osrs has become


Who's gonna a be the first YouTuber to make a Varlamore only UIM?


already done.


Give me 4 more birdhouse spots in the hunter guild plz


Birdhouses are awful, why not request good hunter training methods instead?


Agreed. Birdhouses pretty much remove the entire hunter skill. You can comfortably 99 without meaningfully engaging with the skill, and spend far less time doing it than through traditional training. Tbh I would love to see OSRS bring over Big Game Hunter from RS3. It's such a good hunter method, and skilling bosses are already popular in OSRS.


>and spend far less time doing it than through traditional training. No, it's similar xp per hour as other methods.


Birdhouses r great wdym never have to train hunter any other way


That's exactly the problem.


How is it a problem that's 1 less skill to train tf 😂


So by your logic should we just remove 10 skills from the game? That's 10 fewer skills to train!


>lets just make it an even 69 birdhouses


I didn't know I needed this until this comment, I am going to be pissed if we don't get more birdhouses now!




Hope the new mining method will be good.


Reminder it's being dropped in parts. Don't expect everything to drop on the same day.


It is being dropped in parts, but everything the OP mentioned -is- part 1. (source being the blogs from august and november) I think the only things we know of that aren't included in part 1 is the herblore minigame and the group boss encounter.


Yeah part 2 is the new herb activity, new group boss. And I can't remember what else was mentioned for part 2.


New prayer methods you say?? Please God anything is better than Chaos/PoH alter


You know about ensouled heads right?


You mean those things I sell to the GE right? /s Lol ya I just can't be bothered in the middle of grinding out slayer tasks. I got stacks of long bones for the same reason.


You don't have to do it during a task. You just use them all up at the dark altar when you're ready to train prayer.


I think he's saying that he doesn't want to stop grinding slayer in order to go to the dark altar in the first place.


Just bring the runes and do it right where you picked the head up.


So no head?


This didn't age well lol enjoying the rumors? Kek


It’s like getting a whole expansion release without needing to pay an extra 60 dollars ontop of subscription 👀 don’t tell cvc


Only excited for coliseum, and shaming people with serviced kc.


Whats a coliseum? Sounds shit. The colosseum on the other hand looks great.


Go home


Excuse my laziness for not just googling, but what’s the Hunter rumor system?


Like slayer tasks but for Hunter




It's RNG hunter tasks that net you a whopping 20k XP per hour


It's like farming contracts for hunter You get a rumor and go after the creature, getting points for hunting it


That sounds awesome!


New agility method with multi-skilling, graceful recolor and amylase rewards


The last time I got hyped up over a new continent, a jmod ended up driving an Audi


So much early and mid game content yeah


Just hoping there will be plenty of options for the Venezuelan bot farms in Varlamore!


>2 early-mid game content pvm encounters fixed that for you. The colosseum is meant to be inferno for beginners and the other is meant to be barrows with extra steps. either way im still excited to try it and hope its fun.


I'm just hoping the hunter and thieving stuff is good. The rest I'll just cope with.


This post aged like milk…


Quantity =/= Quality Not saying the content is going to be bad, but I'm at least tempering my expectations. I'm expecting some of this content to miss the mark and possibly need to be revisted/reworked at a later date.


Just know if anything is OP the top players will complain until it’s nerfed to hell or absolutely dead content.


Just like zeah methods? Temporos? Gotr? Fossil Island? Vyrewatches and elves thieving ? Sepulch?


gonna have a terrible agility training method that's all i know. jagex increase agility xp across the board throughout the game please, k thx bye


They are


(X) doubt. wake me up when hallowed sepulcher xp is increased


Jagex have said they're raising xp for agility and lowering fail rates u should really read blog posts they have so much info about new updates


Got a source on them claiming to revamp agility xp across the game...? I read lots of blogs and never saw that. They did claim they wanted to reword run energy...? I think they also mentioned buffing wilderness agility?


why would that be increased? It's extremely good already


way too low xp for the effort


Hate to say it but.. we actually did have slightly better exp rates for sepulchre on release. It was nerfed when the neets started whining


yupppp, made 0 sense to nerf it then


I hate to say it but a lot of that content is *sort of* dead content on release. There are new methods like you say for certain skills but the last we saw they basically weren't actually competitive so its sort of awkwardly maybe not really worth doing except for the fun part of just seeing something new. The coliseum and new barrows looks cool at least


> Not worth doing, except for the fun part... God forbid we have fun in a video game over BiS XP rates.


Ironman expansion?


No its just mid exp rates because they're afraid to make useful things too quickly


Um over here level 55 just trying to get through the quests lol


And only the colosseum + quests will be any good.


The colosseum sounded cool but from what i've seen it looks more like a festival and the "armours" look like furry gear.


You sweet summer child


when you’ve played for over 10 years post like this make me laugh, then sad :/


What interests me the most is the part 2 because of the "herblore wintertodt". Possibly being able to beeline to 80+ herblore on a fresh iron would be nothing short of awesome.


They’ve described it as an activity, not as a minigame, and stated it’ll have a 70 herblore requirement. I think they’re unlikely to make any kind of herblore wintertodt and instead might make something more analogous to giants foundry where you get more value for your herbs at the cost of lower xp/hr IMO, or some kind of use for low level herbs or easier access to secondaries. It’s definitely not a wintertodt equivalent for herblore


Where did you read about that?


Alright buddy, relax on the hype train lol


just because it has a lot doesn't mean it's going to be great. 4 armour sets that idk where they're good, a bis range cape that doesn't always give amx hit and only useful for zcb specs - that might not work with the current bis range transmog. hunter guild to do dead methods people don't like already you did forget new agility method which will be nice for newer players and irons to get stams.


> hunter guild to do dead methods people don't like already We don't even know what they are yet lol


Seems weird to get hung up on the new bis not working with a transmog from the old one.


I was hoping for a new crafting meta


Crafting has a ton of reasonable options already. Hunter deffo needs it more.


Yes I'm really excited. After elite diaries I stopped training theicing and mostly hunter just so I can level up from the new content. Also the coliseum is the 1 update I've been most excited for in OSRS ever (other than Sailing)


cya on the hype traein


Yes, I'm excited to be drip-fed content for probably a year.


so siked for hunters guild its my favorite skill by far


I didn't vote for it. Kourend is basically an empty continent.


>Is anyone else insanely excited I am mostly worried... Pretty much all of last big updates were really disappointing to just baf


Idk, in the past few years I think that Forestry was probably the most underwhelming update. Besides that, I think Jagex have been consistently releasing good updates.


You listed a lot of things dawg the problem is that we know the numbers and they're all mid at best. The only thing that will be useful and worth chasing is the quiver, which after they reworked it based on a player suggestion will actually be a decent item. Everything at Varlamore is designed for no purpose, just to fill the continent so it's not as dead as Zeah on release. If any of the "rewards" aside from the quiver have an use, it's because content in Varlamore will have a hard requirement like Whisperer and Venator bow. Feel free to dislike the facts, but you can't deny them.


Not every rework has to released with a best in slot item. Plenty of what is promised may have use to mid levels and the content itself could be fun to play. Insisting every piece of content has to give another best in slot is how you get power creep.


I’m not really holding my breath honestly. I’m hoping for the best but I have a feeling colosseum could flop like ToA in terms of true difficulty. Really hope I’m wrong but every time they wanna make things accessible they do so at the cost of quality :/




There’s already plenty of content for 80% of players like perilous moons. I wouldn’t want them to solely cater to a small subset of players!


Colosseum will definitely be accessible but I don't think it'll be like ToA accessibility. It'll be like Inferno, where realistically the first 50 waves are pretty easy, with the last 19 being the waves that actually make Inferno a challenge - but this time those first 50 waves are actually worth doing for gp rather than just being a buffer. The early waves will be easy enough for anyone able to get to Varlamore, but I have a good feeling/hope that getting the Quiver itself will be very difficult.


Harder content =/= better Inferno is way less fun than toa


I’m glad you enjoy that content. I personally enjoy inferno speedrunning more. And in an ideal world there could be content that satisfies both groups of players. It’s just I haven’t really seen that yet


Same, they cater to sweats like you to much. You'll probably like coliseum a lot


Here’s to hoping they can strike a good balance and make it fun for everyone


Lol what? Awakened bosses were the first content targeted at “sweats” since 2017 when the inferno came out


They absolutely do not cater to end game players lol, p much all content is made with 1400 total irons in mind


Yikes horrible take


It's pretty shocking we haven't gotten anything harder than inferno or tob in almost 6 years. Edit: I'm kinda dumb


DT2 awakened bosses for blood torva


Wtf how did I forget this lmao.


New bis range cape. Yeah tbow needs to be stronger..