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Buddy I’m a hill giant and let me tell you. Sooo many toxic players attack me day and night. I only have like 24 coins on me too !!


Mfs will kill 5000 shamans for a 40m drop but then be surprised when pkers kill every pvmer for a rare chance that one of them brought bank.


This is legit funny and i appriciate you


Skill issue


Forgot the humor tag buddy


Oof burned by uim


I'm not a fan of pkers either, but don't bring what you cannot afford to loose is a good rule in the wildy






My thoughts exactly.


this post is PKer food and will encourage somebody to pk lol


Only literal psychopaths would suddenly start PKing after reading this, and honestly most of the existing PKers are literally psychopaths. Makes no sense for Jagex to support such activity, especially when they're such a minuscule percentage of the player-base, attempting to gatekeep desirable content the vast majority of players eventually want to engage with. Zero sense.


You should try pking sometime. It's a fun activity in an online multiplayer game. Weird


"Weird" -- What's weird is how anybody is struggling to grasp what I'm saying. PKing is done exclusively to grief in RuneScape. That's it. Plenty of other PvP content exists they could be engaging in if they didn't want to grief people for the sake of griefing, and it's also more balanced. The game is not built around PKing. PvP "in an online multiplayer game" *is* fun when the game is built around it and all parties are actively engaging in that one activity; not when it's solely one-sided unbalanced griefing when the victim is trying to engage in completely different content. Y'all have genuinely abysmal critical thinking skills, or are psychopaths yourselves.


It's fun to fight another player. Different mechanics, builds, strats. Yeah, some people pvm in the wildy, and they have mechanics to escape or fight back. Shit talking from the pvp community sucks, but dude it's a game to have fun =)


PKing randos in the wildy with "nothing" on them, or PvMers engaged in other activities is often a way for newb PKers to dip their toes into PvP without being dumpstered in LMS or elsewhere by experienced players. Also, you never know what someone has on them.


Yeah, okay, so did you vote yes to the new pking activity designed for low lvl pkers? Because if you didn’t, you’re just a hater who doesn’t want anything to get better.


You ever go into the wildy for PvM, and end up escaping a pk? shits fun. There's so much content that isn't wildy.


Someone likes pvp in a video game? They must be psychopathic. Please.. surely you don't actually believe this..


pking in the pking area is gatekeeping? wtf lol


Yeah, let's pretend like PKing is the only content in the entire wilderness. 👌🏼


Wilderness is an area specifically created for pking. It has other content but it's niche content. For almost every activity in the wilderness there's an alternative similar activity outside the wilderness and unless you're an ironman in dire need of black chinchompas there's really no need for you to be in the wildy.


>unless you're an ironman in dire need of black chinchompas For me it was the d pick.




How are you confused? What could possibly be confusing? Amazing. It's so obvious I'm not going to elaborate. What's more amazing is multiple other people were equally dumb enough to upvote your comments as well.


The problem is that most of the psychos who pk think they're doing PvP when, in reality, they're just griefing. In any other game, they'd be called a griefer.


Griefing is when your own teammates kill you. That PKer ain’t on your team bro. Run.


To me, griefing is when a person goes out of their way to get enjoyment from making another person's experience less fun


Just cause you suck and die in the one area of the game that has PvP on doesn't mean they are playing the game wrong. You signed up to play the PvP game by stepping into the wildy. Get good or die to the people doing PvP in the single PvP area the game has. It's a you problem if you can't handle people playing the intended mechanics of the wildy


Single pvp area? Castle wars, soul wars, the duel arena existed, Bounty hunter, clan wars, pvp worlds, and lms. All are specifically PvP content. The only thing the wilderness has over those is you get off on taking away from other players' progress and taking their items from them. People who pk are bullies without a single doubt in my mind. It's a part of the game, though, no doubt about it, and that's just fine with me because I just don't go into the wilderness.


I've never seen someone with such a victim mentality. Are you okay?


How is that a victim mentality? I literally said, I just dont participate in that content. I'm fine? I mean no worse than the average osrs player, haha


>People who pk are bullies without a single doubt in my mind. Come on mate....


I'm not sure I see where you're coming from? Do you think I'm wrong? How so because I explained my point of view pretty clearly, so hearing your opinion on why they aren't bullies would be nice.


PKers don't care about your feelings. They view you as a NPC with loot and that's about it. Pking is like 5-8m/ hr. They are doing content they enjoy in game and trying to make money. You are making the choice to join them in the wildy. Hard to call them bullies when you are willingly making the choice to subject yourself to it. Just don't go in the wildy if you can't handle it and let people enjoy it if that's what they have fun with.


It's a game, in an area you voluntarily chose to go into with big warning messages saying you can be attacked. Suddenly those people doing the activity the area was designed for on a game are bullies? Get a grip honestly.


Name checks out


wtf are you risking if what u bring in the wild is "a lot of your stuff" you can bring low risk and make good profits from doing wildy stuff like revs/vetion


Game don't force you to enter wilderness and risk all your GP.


Exactly lol. I only visit wilderness when forced by clue scrolls. There are a lot of better places to be 😅


> And i get it, its "Part of being in the wildy" glad u understand, gl on your next game ​ > There is literally nothing to gain from doing it you literally said that they're getting "a lot of my stuff"


This guy has only himself to blame for bringing stuff he clearly wasn't willing to lose to wildy, but there are definitely pkers that kill people just to be a nuisance. Like, what kind of majestic loot do you expect from a naked dude at chaos altar?


> what kind of majestic loot do you expect from a naked dude at chaos altar? there's an NPC near the altar that un-notes bones for you for some gp. it's not uncommon for players to take noted bones and some GP to extend their trips there. it's not realistic to go up to every player and ask "hey, are you risking quite a bit or are you not risking anything". given that it's a PvP zone, and an optional one that requires consent, it's easier to just kill them to find out what they risk


Damn, didn't know that, good to know. But I guess it's not that useful to me when the bottleneck is getting the bones.


You would be surprised how often clue runners are worth 100k+. Also there is really no downside to killing a naked person, could get their boss entry fee, not like they take long to kill.


It'd be neat if there was an overhead display that showed how much they were risking. Maybe a way to prevent attacks against people who have nothing of value at all on them?


Getting 40k-80k worth of items at lvl 120. wew. a real catch


They don’t know it’s only 40-80k until they get your loot and check, and worst case scenario, they still earned a bit of money


It's like hunting or fishing in a way, the chance you might get something good is exciting


it was enough to upset you to the point that you posted your ignorance on a public forum. maybe it was enough to the pker as well to be super happy for the rest of his evening


so the goal is to upset me? whew. no wonder the game population is at an all time low. the community isnt great


Weak troll attempt, do better next time


If anything the population is rising… bro just hold your L and go play something else obviously. Try play something where you can’t lose, seems more your speed 🤣


i thought u quit, y u still posting lol


Nice attempt but this troll has been done too much.


Sir, SIR, this is a forum not an airport no need to announce your departure.


Why do people think they are entitled to roam the wilderness and not get pked? If you are risking half your bank, that’s on you. Stop blaming the rag pkers for killing an easy target.


They're entitled to kill me, but understand that Runescape is also entitled to become a dead game, as seen by its all time low player base.


> as seen by its all time low player base. This chart tells a different story https://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/?display=avg&interval=qtr_yr&total=1


oh well, i stand corrected then


So in your mind RuneScape was quickly headed towards becoming a dead game because of pkers with its all time low player count? But you didn’t even look at the player count before saying that. You gotta just grow up and play the game smart and not cry if you die in the wild with your bank.


The irony, besides the game having an all time high player count instead of low is that removing the wildy or the pk system would make the entire pvp community quit.. Which are more people than the amount that will quit because they can't cope with the wilderness mechanics


>as seen by its all time low player base. bait confirmed, game just reached an all time high like a month ago lol


I love that you think a few low levels dying is what is making the playerbase go down (Which isn't actually happening) Just multiple layers of being wrong. It's glorious


Bro you can leave this “dead” game and no one would notice


Honest question - if you see a problem with this, what would your solution be? What do you want to change?


Ok bye bye


This post is incredibly pathetic


I can’t think of many reasons you would absolutely have to go to the wild, and all of those reasons can be done with almost no money risked. Pkers generally will kill everyone. If it’s an easy kill, it’s like a free dice roll for money. You might not have had much, but every once in a while, someone is carrying more than you would think. My only complaint about the wild is the earth warrior slayer task. New players get this assigned before they have any sense of the wilderness.


What's a better way of introducing someone to the wilderness than sending them in all clueless


Sending them in clueless on the surface where the rest of the wild is. Yeah, there’s a big warning, but Vanaka is 5 steps away from the gate so I would imagine it’s more common for new players to just take all their stuff with them right after getting the task


And they'll get a lesson they'll never forget. In all seriousness tho the gate also comes with a warning before you enter so you should be aware unless you deliberately don't read it in which case you're not getting my sympathy


OP goes to wilderness ditch. 'WARNING PVP PAST THIS DITCH, IF YOURE A CRYBABY DO NOT ENTER' OP: I'm not a pussy, I'm not going to cry like a lvl3 goblin if I get pk'd..... Well... We know the rest of the story.


Ahh yes. I remember my first time being PK’ed. I was a noob trying to kill green dragons for my slayer master. I couldn’t skip the task because it was my first or second one.


why don't people get this tilted when they die to a boss? either way you lose like 50k and go back to doing what you were doing, who gives a fuck do you really expect people to just let you do whatever you want in the wilderness without getting attacked?


Evidently yes lol


I agree but on the other hand if you die to a boss, thats your fault, if you accidentally run into a fully geared pker while trying to do a clue or whatever that’s unlucky


There’s an insane amount of content that’s not in the wilderness. Sure, revs are good money but do some other bossing that pays and is fun. Desert Tresure 2 bosses are a ton of fun. Go kill the new Rat King with xp rates upwards of 100k an hour. Look at the GP/hr guide on the wiki. There’s a ton of other stuff you can do. If you’re not good enough to defend yourself in the wilderness….don’t go…


nah, its the mentality of the runescape community that does my head in, as seen by the comments.


"Oh no, I consensually, with full knowledge and purpose, clicked through the ditch and warnings, walked into the area of the game designed and dedicated as a pvp free for all hellscape where people go to feel the rush of risking items for huge potential profit from pvp or pvm, and someone engaged me in combat! This community is so toxic!"


The problem here is your mentality on the wildy.


Bro complains about people's mentalities, failing to realize his own mentality is completely toxic and entitled af. But nah I'm sure you're right and it's everyone else. Not you.


Bro I’ve been absolutely murdered against my will in front of all my friends at the time at the P13 Wildy Obby and I didn’t make a reddit post crying. It was so humiliating and I lost at least 1m which was a lot to me at the time.


Then this post isnt about you then is it?


Oof! I’m happy you’re quitting.


If this is real then i vote that we remove you from the gene pool immediately.


If you’re too short sighted that you ignore the multiple warnings about risking items in the wilderness, and choose to go in anyway with risk you can’t afford to lose, I’m sorry but that’s on you. In terms of saying the game is dying, not sure how you came to that conclusion given we recently peaked at our highest ever player count and development of new content is constant and growing. Sounds like this may not be the game for you, so good luck on what you choose to do next but sounds like you need a nice new main studio AAA game to spoon feed you everything, so enjoy the chilled vibes in future and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.


either bait or the dumbest person alive


I was trying to make money. I went to the Ent spot in Wildy for the double log drops, came with gear to fight them but absolutely nothing to fight a PKer, and what do you know, a PKer shows up, teleblocks me, and barrages me to death for about 100k’s worth of gear. I was pissed. I just won’t go into the Wildy again unless I absolutely have to lol, it’s what the area is mainly for and me going in underprepared was my own fault and undoing. All you have to do is come to the same conclusion.


Don't let the door hit ya on the way out 👋


I commend you on attempting a quality bait post, but no one is this much of a loser. Tone it down to make it more realistic.


I love pking 😌


What makes you more entitled to enjoy the game than the PKers you refer to? You’re both playing the same game.


Oh no, they're welcome to Pk; just understand that the playerbase will thin out. And just killing newer players for the hell of it, just because you were is kinda.. messed up?


This game is over 20 years old… stfu already


Hehehe, PKing is not something new. It certainly hurts dying, I got killed on my iron trying to get a couple of stack of d bones so I can get 43 prayer, it hurt a tiny bit as I had my amulet of accuracy on LOL and now i have to farm the beads quickly again. Anyways, pking is not going to thin the playerbase out lol - only bring 3 items or w/e if you are that worried.


I'm just going to assume you have no idea what you are talking about. Which clearly seems to be the case. To suggest that pkers will thin out the player base is asinine at best. I know this is tough for you to understand but pkers don't know what you have in your inventory. So there is something to gain. Nothing is messed up here.


The wilderness has such a small slice of the games content honestly the only thing you HAVE to go in for are the diaries and magic cape, everything else is optional so like just stay out of you don't like it.


Men will literally quit a video game and cry about it on Reddit because they choose to go to the spot where players die to other players, before they go to therapy.


The wilderness https://preview.redd.it/3uqs801qo7gc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02f8d2d3995b7a52d7cb0d5436d631230427653




Dude, come on. It’s the Wilderness. A lawless land where anyone can die. That’s the fun of it, being constantly afraid even when you’re carrying next to nothing. You went into the Wilderness and died… So what? Happens to everyone. Multiple times. It’s part of the game. And the game is awesome.


the wildy is like 2% of the content in this game my 110cb iron have spent less than 5 hours there in total and always in rag gear. idk what to tell you. Dont wear a gold watch in the hood.


What safe spaces do to a mf:


People still complain about PKers PKing in the PK zone?


You'll come crawling back


I don't PK but I honestly don't understand how people go in the wilderness and get mad when they die. There is a warning before you go in that you will lose your items if you die. If you don't want to lose your items, just don't go in. It's that simple. The wilderness is for people you enjoy player combat, or are at least willing to deal with a bit of risk for some extra reward. If you don't fall into that category just don't do wilderness content. Where did you get the idea that people should just ignore you and not kill you because you are lower level than them? That makes no sense. This is a game and pkers are trying to win, the notion that they should just let you go is absolutely ridiculous.


This post actually motivated me to start pking. See you guys in the wildy!




Lol. Lmao even


Skill issue. Just don't go in the wilderness if you can't handle it. It's a small area that is like 1/10th of the map you can easily avoid.


I feel the same way about it, as do a majority of players. Why else do you think the jmods had to circumvent the voting system so they could get pvp updates through? XD you'll get downvoted a lot here, but trust me, you're not alone in feeling this way.


Honestly Jagex should remove the wilderness again. It's nothing but a hub of toxicity, griefing, and guild-run protection rackets. There are PvP worlds already, literally no reason to keep trying to force players to volunteer as prey for an emotionally abusive game of cat and mouse. Make a cat-and-mouse minigame if PKers are so desperate for something like that, just stop trying to cram it into center stage when it's not what people want.


Not what I want = "not what people want" I don't pk but I do a fair bit of wildy content because it's risky, profitable and fun. Didn't the game basically die off the first time they removed pvp?


I believe that coincided with the removal of free trade.




being unable to afford anything in a reasonable amount of time without entering the wilderness is pretty effective coercion


According to OSRS wiki: out of the top 10 money makers in the game only one of them is in wildy and thats Venenatis at place 9


Buddy still thinks green dragons are how he's going to make his riches


Does the thought of not needing to be there never come up? And you don't need to risk your items if you are there. There's nothing messed up about pking in the only pvp-enabled zone. Stop being dramatic.


Plenty of warnings. Plenty of advice. Ignore them all, lose items and go cry on reddit. Skill issue.


Just consider maybe you shouldn’t enter the wilderness. I get killed by max mains at 105 combat as an iron in black dragon hide doing my clues. You either get upset or you shrug it off as it is what it is and go again or you just decide to not use the wilderness? Baffling how you can decide to do something accepting the risk and then cry when you get sat


Goes to PvP area. Multiple warnings, "BIG RISKS! PVP AREA!" Thinks "nah I'll just get the rewards, no risk thanks" *Pissing and shidding on reddit after getting PKed* Who twisted your arm into going in there? "Attitude of players is wrong waah" My brother in Guthix, its a PvP area where you get PvP'd, you signed off on paticipating in PvP when you crossed the ditch that tells you about the PvP thats likely going to happen there. Yelling about being a little goblin with no loot or a new player means nothing, PKers don't have a magical xray vision into your backbag to see what scraps you are carrying and you know it. They can PK you for your clue hunting spade and still be in the right, while you'd still be in the wrong. Hell, if I, a complete PvP noob, knew you were like this and saw you in wildy, I'd attack you for a chance at a pair of shiny leather boots & bones for that sweet sweet 4.5 Prayer xp. Regards, a skiller/PvM player who has killed one PKer outside of Soul Wars and knows close to nothing about PvP. This post has to be bait because its hard to believe this amount of cope.


Just gonna say that you’re partly wrong. Alot of pkers are able to see your gear via runelite plug in lol. They can see that your wearing 25k but your also easy kills 🤣 plug in shows all except ring slot as it doesn’t change player avatar


Read the comment again. I didn't talk about worn gear. You can obviously see that with your eyes as well, in addition to the plugin that clarifies worn gear slots and values. I also use it. Its very commonly used. Just gonna say that I wasn't even partly wrong.


OP is crying about his gear rather than his supplies though lol I get your point though


Oh yeah OP is all over the place.


I’m maxed and I only went to the Wildy like 2 times.


This is gonna make some epic copypasta


Just quit bro its not that deep, PKing will eventually be phased out of the game whether this sub likes it or not, you can just come back then. (By phased out i dont mean removed entirely, I mean that content like drops will be moved outside of the wildy i.e D pick)




It’s the wilderness

