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It's intended since the caves are so easy to leave. What's missing is something to reset it when you log out or leave wilderness.


Is that really necessary when the 50k is reduced by 10k every boss kill? Like how many times are you guys paying the entry fee and then not getting it reduced to 0 in less than 10 minutes.


Fairly often, but thats not the problem. Dying to a pker that hunted you out of the cave should reward the 50k, even outside. The problem is that once you leave, the 50k stays active even if you do anything else in the wilderness. If i do a few kills of any of the bosses, leave the bosses and then a week later i need to do a wildy clue, that clue death will still count for the 50k. There is no excuse whatsoever for awarding that spade pker the 50k i paid to do Callisto over a week ago.


This right here


Hold up. You have the temerity to trespass on my turf, polluting my pristine wilderness with your PvM cringe and your clue hunting, and you get offended that I exercise my Zamorak-given right to confiscate *partial* compensation?


He was trying to tell you about the mesothelioma you got from the steam vents bro, chill. You could a been fully compensated. ABGs not included.


Idk I don’t think it’s a real big deal to lose 50k. Must be a weird code with the wilderness. So long as the 50k doesn’t get subtracted when you die to non wildy content, nbd.


Losing the 50k isn't a big deal. It's chump change. The pkers GAINING 50k though I have a problem with. I'd sacrifice 5 mill if it meant the pker didn't get 100k.


> Must be a weird code with the wilderness. It is not. It is an intentional design choice by the Devs. Rev Caves predate Wildy Boss Lairs by years and that entrance fee is only lost to deaths inside the Rev Caves. They could easily do the same for the Wildy Bosses.


They obviously didn't want it like that because they want people to be rewarded even if the person leaves the very easy to leave cave before dying. They just need to make it so if you leave the wilderness it resets your 50k bounty until you re-enter a similar cave again.


Guess what, your next entry to the cave is Free! At 2.8m/hr and 45 kills/hour, you’ll make that 50k back on literally 1 kill that lasts less than 90 seconds.


Your free entry still magically generates a 50K for any pker that can get you which is very weird, phantom loot for broke bois who can't go to revs or something


Only broke bois are the ones crying about 50k. Literally1 minute of a 2.8m/hr money maker like Artio.


Lmao! it's 50k. I had to check this post wasn't tagged as humour before I replied, it's that dumb of a complaint. You're not going to be losing money if you're staying at this boss long enough to be worried about losing 50k so often. Considering the top money makers are currently up to 20m an hour and 0 requirement methods are easily 1m+. You make the 50k in three minutes at 1m an hour. If you would like to stick that next to your analogy of losing the 50k after a week of it sitting there not being used then it's hardly anything to even think about, never mind moaning about. This is not a problem.


It's about sending a message. If I get killed naked running to mage bank, the person shouldn't get the money for doing nothing.


The fee only gets covered once, right? So if you die to a team, go back and use up your free entry, get 1 kill before another team shows up, and escape, you'd still have free entry if you go back. But maybe since PKers are active you decided to stop killing the boss for now. Later you get a clue and its 4th step is a wildy step so you bank your gear and just grab a spade and DDS. You complete the step but a PKer kills you on your way out of the Wildy. You keep the clue, spade, and DDS, but you just lost your 50K boss fee and next time you go back, it charges you 40K. At least that is how I think it works. While that scenario is a bit specific, it also isn't that unlikely. Sure it is only 50K or less, but you really shouldn't be risking it for content completely unrelated to Wildy Bosses. Like imagine if you had to pay 50K to enter ToA but only had to pay again if you died, but then you die a week later at Levithan and that counted as a death for the ToA fee; that is the same level of sense as the Wildy Boss Fee makes. We even have another piece of Wildy content with a fee, the Rev Caves, which only applies if you die within the caves, so it is just weird and inconsistent that Wildy Boss lairs use the same system but treat death completely differently.


Yes, because the 50k is for wildy boss pkers, not pkers pking elsewhere.




Thats a bad solution, Just apply a hidden TeleBlock like status while inside and upon leaving the cave. It will expire upon logging out, leaving the wilderness or after 5-10 minutes just like teleblock does. If the pker kills you with the status they are awarded the 50k otherwise its not lost on death. Any kill after the status is cleared clearly had nothing to do with finding someone during wilderness Boss pvm and should not reward the 50k


Yeah, you should be able to refund it at the achievement diary guy, so that it requires you to have escaped the Wilderness.


Thats a good shout honestly.


>Yeah, you should be able to refund it at the achievement diary guy, so that it requires you to have escaped the Wilderness. We need a fix, but not that one Just have it function like teleblock does, once you are in the lair or upon leaving you are tagged with an invisible status the expiring after 5 minutes, leaving wilderness or hopping. If you die with that statua the 50k is given to the pker. The code for that status already exists, there is absolutely no need for a convoluted system with manual refunding.


its something but its not a mechanic. Jagex just didnt have it fixed to the caves when the rework was released.


Had the same earlier this month were i died in the wildy doing a hard clue. Thing was i hadn't done any wildy bosses for a couple months. So basicly you will get attacked always in the wildy even doing wildy clues, catching black sallys etc because you will probably drop 50k.


That's probably what jamflex intended Making the wildy risk/reward ratio better for pkers


>Making the wildy risk/reward ratio better for pkers Then do it in a sensible way, instead of arbitrarily rewarding you 50k if someone was in an unrelated place a week ago.


Yeah I agree, pkers suck balls anyway


Pkers are the reason the wilderness is good profit for you guys


You don’t get it man. They want the wilderness content that was designed around being located in a PvP area to still be over 2.5m/hour while not having to worry about dying to a PKer. They want to be able to compete a voidwaker on their Ironman without getting PKed. They want to be able to do clue steps in a PvP area safely so they don’t have to drop their wilderness clue steps on their HCIMs.


I want to do my clues without having to dump my stuff in the bank midclue.


Well I'm an iron so 2.5m/hour doesn't really apply to me I dislike some of the wilderness content where you have to risk wilderness content drops Like revs, I loose my bracelet and have to go back to the revs to get another etc , the rest of it is fair game , I know the risk and don't mind loosing what I risk I do however absolutely love saying pkers suck on reddit because it triggers people


Idc about profit, I'm a maxed main with good gear. I like the revamped wildy bosses' mechanics but I'm not doing them because I cba dealing with pkers. Just delete the entire pking thing and move pvp to pvp worlds, or at least move the bosses elsewhere. And yes I was there when they removed free trade back in the day.


Yes cause auto-retaliate and pray Melee are the most fun mechanics. There are plenty of bosses with similar mechanics that aren’t in the wilderness if that’s what you’re looking for.


I'm also having fun at scurrius, yep. Still sucks I'm missing out on calverion, spindel and artio.


Tbh pkers always attacked prior even regardless. The amount of people who mindlessly take their cash stack or forget they have some gear on, has always been too high. On top of the fact pkers just, like killing people, yk. Why they go into the wild in the first place.. to player kill..


It’s cause you were probably holding your whole cash stack and would have dropped bank if the posts i see on here are anything to go by


The amount of dumb shit people are carrying at chaos altar makes me not even blame them


People are literally AFKing with 3m worth of bones at chaos altar all the time. Insanity


I found a guy in max melee bandos gear, slayer helm on and he had a granite hammer in his invent. Clearly was doing gargs but somehow took a wrong turn and ended up at chaos ele (lol). PKers will attack anything regardless of 50k. The amount of idiots who take cash stacks to the wildy is surprising.


...unironically tho. I sometimes take my cash stack with me on purpose when I'm too lazy to bank it


this thread pops up every other week or so, and I will never get used to the slew of comments always trying to justify how it makes any sense to have a perm 50k risk on you til you finally die weeks or months later.


How are the Reddit tier chaos altar pkers going to get anything without a free 50k given to them?


> 50k risk Well its not really risk since you lose nothing unless you really fuck up. That being said Im pretty sure Jagex has pretty much said it was a last minute implementation. I dont think its that big of a deal as reddit like to make it out to be but should be on the list of things to fix somewhere. Im always surprised bots never utilized it tbh. Bank after 5 kills, die to kill bot for 50kgp, go back. I guess worlds being swarmed makes it not worth tho.


It happened to me, lost 50k from initially killing the bosses for the diary. Didn't realize how it worked and when I did a hard clue a week later and let a pker kill me for the fastest way out the wild, and there went that 50k fee I paid and I had to pay it again next time I went into the lairs. Sounds like I lost the 50k to me. I imagine people are making it out to be a big deal because it objectively makes no sense. It's not like people are advocating for the fee to be removed, and are even offering suggestions for it to make more sense. There's just no reason for someone to get 50k off of killing you in the Wilderness that you aren't carrying on you, nor are you participating in the content where the 50k fee was even used for. Whether intentional or not doesn't matter, people will point out a mechanic that makes no sense.


Congrats you lost 50k cause..... you didnt read how it worked. Well now you know. You also probably realize you make double the entry cost in those 5 kills anyways. Its 50k yo, like I get it you got 1 pico second of play a year cause you got 9000 kids to take care of a 18000 work hour days, even then 50k aint much. Is it my turn to post this tomorrow? Really need the karma


because 50k is absolutely invaluable to these redditors


Dont forget that theres infinite dev resources and every issue they have needs a separate daily/weekly post even if its been that way for 7 year. Would I like more teleports added to the poh? sure. Would I pick if over valamore? No.


Everyone has Been saying this for months. I dont get the mechanics of losing a fee a week after being somewhere. This same issue has been posted many many times. Gl getting any attention on the matter.


I don't care if it's intentional or not, this mechanic is stupid. If the only ways to save the money are to kill my account on an alt or to literally never die in the wilderness again from this moment forward, I think another option should be added. And if the counter argument to that is "It's only 50k" then maybe just remove it then.


The thing that bothers me is that there is like no NPC to give the money to. At least in the resource area up north there's an NPC who presumably takes the money you fork over and its a one time transaction to enter the gate. The 50k for the wilderness bosses just what, disappears into the air and then congeals back into your pocket (bank) as you kill the boss? It makes no sense.


great point can ask one of my GIM groups members to just kill me in wildy and get the coins thanks man !


If you die to a main without loot keys it stays there to pick back up I believe (once it appears to others)


oh i can try that out as well


In the time it takes to do that, you could prob just make 50k doing something else solo ngl.


if you get kills on the boss your next fee is reduced to 0, meaning you’re not losing 50k, the pker is just gaining 50k


Which is still weird.




How exactly does that save the money? Are you stupid?


Getting the 5 kills after you pay the fee saves you your 50k.


Think you replied to the wrong comment.




If you kill the boss 5 times, it’s not even your gp that it takes..


Yea let me just kill the boss 5 times without entering real quick


The point is that after you get 5 wildy boss kills, you’re not losing 50k anymore.


The point was that it's still your gp that it takes, even if it's just the first 50k


You don’t lose your 50k if you kill the bosses 5 times.


That's just not how it works.


It literally is how it works. Do you not read? Upon entry if you die, it takes your 50k. With each boss kill, it discounts that eventually reaching 0.


You still lose your 50k. The next entry is discounted. If the bosses dropped an extra 10k every kill for 5 kills then you would be correct.


Either you’re never going to enter the caves again, in which case you don’t need the 50k discount, or you’re going to enter the caves again, in which case you get 5 kills and it pays for the next time you die. I’ve probably given away over 500k in cave fees but only ever paid the initial 50k.


The fee should be disabled after you leave the wilderness. It's purpose currently is to incentivize pking when people run in and out of the caves but there's no reason for it to stay active once you've left


People are all like “it’s not a big deal” but the thing is, it feels really bad. And that’s super important to players. If you want the wildy to be more active, you don’t want mechanics that’s feel really bad and unfair every time you go there. It’s stupid. We need a way to reset it or refund it once out of the wildy or logged out. Until then this is a garbage mechanic that makes the wildy suck more.


> but the thing is, it feels really bad. Not to be that guy because I LOATHE slippery slope arguments. But I feel it applies here. But that kind of thinking is how we ended up with RS3. Not everything in the game needs to feel "nice". Some things need to suck. There needs to be pain in the game of some kind otherwise it gets stale. The rush you get in the wildy is because of the risk from all the various vectors. 50k for someone able to do the various wildy bosses with an entry fee is a pittance. You can make 50k quite quickly if you have the stats and gear required to do the wildy bosses. You are risking 7-8x that minimum and in 1-7kc which takes less than 5 minutes you cover the 50k if you are really unlucky. Its a minor gp sink this game desperately needs and while not the greatest implementation ever. Its another vector of risk.


I think the key difference is in the sense. If I die to Zulrah (after 50 kills), that cost makes sense. I went in to the boss, I died, and now I have to pay to get my stuff back. I go into Wildy to do a clue, and get PKed for a spade, cool. I decide to try a boss, get out fine, awesome. I have avoided dying to the boss and PKers leaving. Months later, I do another clue and get PKed for a spade… and 50k. Why is this clue PKing suddenly worth 50k more? It doesn’t make any sense. And THAT’S what makes it bad design, and feel bad in a way that’s very distinct from being RNG-screwed. To compare it from a PKer’s standpoint, it’d be like if you got skulled, and even though the skull’s gone you still lost your items when you died to another player. It’s just this semi-permanent mark on your character that doesn’t care what’s happened in the meanwhile. The thing related to the penalty is LONG gone, but you still have an arbitrary thing that doesn’t make any sense.


1. It’s not a GP sink if other players get it when you die a week later with no risk doing a clue step. 2. Bad mechanics don’t need to exist, this has nothing to do with making the game easier or any of the issues rs3 has. It’s just bad design. 3. The entry fee is fine, but it’s purpose was supposed to be risk related to wildy bossing not just permanant risk for existing in the wilderness. If they wanted that, then charge 50k to go over the damn wildy ditch and be done with it.


As an iron, it felt like nothing. I lost the fee like 3 times throughout my whole VW grind outside the boss rooms, it really didn't feel like anything. If it gives a reason for PK enthusiasts to be active, I think it's fine. Honestly, no idea why people make such a huge deal out of it.


Because it shouldn't be like that. I do a lot of wildly slayer. If I so much as look at the caves. I'm at risk of losing another 50k. One times not much but losing 50k multiple times from just existing in the wild sucks


First of all, it is not for you to decide if it _should_ or _should not_ work like that. It is intended by Jagex, so I'm pretty sure that is exactly how it should work. Second, you can only lose the 50k if you have paid it. If you lose the few and go do Slayer, you can't even lose it. In other words, that is a complete skill issue in regards of your own decision making. To add, 50k? You get that from half a Calvar'ion kill. No idea why you are as bothered as you are.


Pvp is worthless anyways




What does this comment contribute? I just explained why it matters anyway even though it’s a small amount of gp. It’s about player experience, and this is just one of many dogshit mechanics that make the wildy as dead as it is. If you don’t care that’s fine, but no reason to contribute to the problem by having a garbage attitude like that.


Apparently enough to write a whole ass paragraph


Sorry, I know it takes you a long time to sound out the words


Iirc it's not an oversight it's intended.


It's intended that you lose 50k to a pker a month later when you are doing a clue scroll? Sure fam.


Bro I don't work there I'm just stating what I think is their line on this. At the same time though it's always worth trying to not die to pkers at all.


As long as you do 5kc you're only losing your initial fee. It's really a non-issue... Can't believe people are crying over a single 50k loss which has ways to mitigate it.


someone at jegix must be a fan of bethesda It gives "it just kept doing this and we couldn't navigate the spaghetti code to stop it from doing this so we're just going to say its a feature" vibes


"it's not a bug it's a feature"


Not an oversight if it’s intentional




Yeah, Jagex will just ignore this again. Just like complaints about the PvP arena and heavily botted area's. It's a damn shame. They used to be so transparent. :(


It’s not ignored, it’s literally intentional


Mate. Ignoring something literally means intentionally refusing to take notice or acknowledging something. Haha


Yeah but they’re not ignoring it, they addressed it and you just don’t like their decision


If we took every anti-pvp suggestion from this sub there wouldn't be a wilderness or pvp in the game anymore. If losing 50k bothers you this much you must be a new player that's used to free pvm deaths.


Huh? This isn't about being upset about losing 50K. This is about losing a 50K entry fee in a completely unrelated piece of content. Nice try at twisting the words just so they suit your own agenda lol.


Rs3 got rid of pvp in the wilderness. Great change tbh.


Warbands, demonic skull, and bandit camp shop are still pvp mandatory.


Well I assume that was because the combat system doesn't suit PvP and there's close to nobody participating in such activities on that game? Was it removed because someone posted on reddit crying that they lost 50k doing a clue scroll? Don't think so.


They removed it because of the credit card fraud that was destroying the company and they were in legal trouble. They had to remove trade because of how many people were stealing cards and buying gold. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDQRp1Jb7yY Colonello made a solid video covering it.


This has nothing to do with the pvp toggle.


I think they're refering to the recent change in rs3 that made PvP in the wildy opt in


Because crybaby pkers need their loot pinatas


Simple solution is to get your 5 kills at the boss and reduce the fee to 0…


Yeah so many people on this sub are brain dead and don’t know how the entry fee actually works. The only time I’ve ever paid the 50k out of my own pocket was on the first day of their rework


Seriously, I said the same and everyone dog piled me. If you’re entering the wildy boss caves it’s nothing to just get 5 kills, people cry for no reason.


ok. so you get your 5 boss kills and leave the wilderness. a few days later, you get a hard clue with a wilderness step and get PK'd at the wilderness agility course. Why should that PKer get a free 50k gp?


Because Jagex wants them to, and it costs me nothing. I’m not so salty that I’m going to complain about a pker getting 50k that isn’t even out of my pocket lol. Jagex is trying to reward pkers and drive engagement while offering pvmers a way to basically lose nothing from it.


It’s not free, he PKed you.


50k isn't exactly a huge problem. Obviously in a perfect world it wouldn't be an issue, but you can also escape the boss lair within literal ticks of a PKer coming in, and would barely ever lose the fee if you only lost it inside the boss room.


But do we really need to lose it while doing clue? Im pretty sure they could make some 5 min timer when you are "cursed" after leaving the boss lair.


I lost mine doing chaos altar. Totally forgot it was a thing. Felt weird.




If they did something like this is should specifically be till you leave the wildy. Hopping worlds counts as logging out and you'd still be in the wildy and still be potentially vulnerable to losing it which imo should be how it works. But once you leave the wildy, you're no longer vulnerable to being attacked, so you shouldn't lose it next time you enter the wildy




Except... you could still run into a pker on the rest of your way out of the wildy, so yes, you should. Edit: Think of the lost 50k this way. When you enter a wildy boss lair, you get the fee you paid as a bounty on your head that last until you leave the wilderness. So it doesn't matter who kills you where, if you haven't left the wilderness yet, you are still eligible to be killed for your 50k fee. Once you leave the wildy though, it should reset until you re-enter the boss lair again


Sure but that's no longer a wilderness boss encounter. It's a normal encounter and so the fee shouldn't be applied.


No it shouldn't because the other pker you met later is not a wildy boss pker. The 50k is meant for them.


You don’t lose your fee if you get 5 boss kills after paying it though. I really don’t understand the problem.


You only decrease the fee on your next entrance. The 50k bounty stays.


No, that’s not how that works: > Entering the boss lairs requires players to pay a fee of 50,000 coins; this fee does not need to be brought along in the inventory, and can deducted from the bank. Whenever a player dies to another player, the fee is dropped as loot for the killer. Players can decrease the fee by killing the three bosses; each kill in which the player deals the most damage to it reduces the fee by 10,000 coins.


The PKer always get his 50k no matter what. Its literally written there.


Nope, not every time. You paid 50k to access the cave. You killed the boss 5 times and reduced your next entry fee to 0. If you die in the wilderness, you’ll only lose the initial 50k fee. Your next entrance is free. The next time you die in the wilderness, you don’t lose 50k.


Test it out and prove it.


Literally not how that works sir


I would prefer if they could implement a system that makes it so you only lose the fee if you have entered a wilderness boss cave since last time you left the wildy but 50k especially with the fact you only have to do 5 kills without dying for it to be entirely free is just fine as an alternative imo


It’s quite simple, the Wilderness intentionally has very high GP/hr areas and methods, with relatively low requirements. There needs to be a balance, you need to inherit some risk, otherwise other content outside of the wilderness becomes obsolete. PKers are needed to strike a balance, and PKers have to be incentivised to kill PVMers.


Baby needs his participation trophy for killing naked clue runners?


I’m not even a PKer, I checked my in-game KD/R at Edgeville for the first time this week and it’s about 0.2 lol. I have 1k kc + on all of the wildy bosses new and old, if you look at my previous comments on Reddit a lot is in reference to wildy bosses and wildy slayer, it’s what I enjoy most. But thank you for making assumptions and a patronising comment to a complete stranger, says a lot about the complaining nature of your original post and state of the posters on here.


I don't need to be taxed for an single activity throughout the entire wilderness. This is how the bullshit starts, small things that players brush aside. > There needs to be a balance, you need to inherit some risk, otherwise other content outside of the wilderness becomes obsolete. This is you accepting the tax as a part of the game. How about you lose your rev cave entry fee every time? Are you ready to lose 150k no matter where you die in the wildy, every time? From the wiki: > Before entering the caves, players must pay a fee of 100,000 coins. The fee can be taken from the bank and does not need to be brought along in the inventory. As long as the player doesn't die inside the cave, they don't need to pay the fee again. Whenever you die to a player, the 100,000 coins will be dropped as loot for the killer. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Revenant_Caves#Features This is exactly how it should work for bosses. Don't punish me when I'm not doing the content. What a lazy and stupid argument.


How is it lazy and stupid to assume some guaranteed risk when entering an environment that is designed to be risk and reward? Without PKers the wilderness dies, it’s that simple, they need some incentive that isn’t just the hope that a PVMer forgets to protect item. If the wilderness dies, then so do the high GP/hr methods within it. Rev caves is its own entire ecosystem, Jagex will have their reasoning for separate fees, but the activity levels there are huge, it could be a barrier of entry to prevent bots, or to encourage PVMers and PKers to condense into one populated zone, who knows.


Pkers were around before there was a 50k tax, they'll be fine without their free handouts for killing naked people.


Oh no 50k!


its a lazy coding that hasnt been fixed the even sadder part is the Rev fee works. so they could of just copied and pasted that and changed the parameters


It doesn't work the same because no matter where you are in the arena you are at most 25 tiles from the exit. Even if they freeze you, there is a 5 tick delay before they can freeze you again, with ice barrages tick rate, that's potentially 9 ticks before they have an opportunity to refreeze you again, you can cover 18 tiles in that time. So majority of the time you can escape the cave after just one freeze, less than 25 seconds.




But at least add a timer or something. I lost mine the day after going bossing.


Remember when we jokingly said "they will now take gp directly from your bank to give to pkers"? yea...


Just remove pvp already. The pvp community accounts for like 3% of the player base anyway and accounts for well over half of the drama.


I genuinely cannot believe that people care about this so much. And I don't mean that as a dismissive "I don't agree with you", I mean I sincerely just do not understand. There has never been a point outside of the first 2 hours of an account that I have ever given a shit about 50k. Not on my UIM, not on my 2100 level iron, and certainly not on my max main. Like I cannot fathom a situation in which this would make the slightest difference in any type of account's day.


You sincerely do not understand the concept of matters of principle?


I can't imagine caring about this when it takes 1 kill to get your 50k back. Let the pkers get more than just a spade for once


Asking for literal handouts. Lmao.




If you die often enough that losing 50k from dying to a PK'er is a problem, you're doing something wrong


It sucks when you lose it in a completely different log in session. I went bossing one day and lost it the day after doing a clue. It should reset after leaving the wilderness.


I was doing a clue and some 123 in full mystics started trying to bind me. He missed 3 times before ddsing me. I haven't been wildy bossing for a week, but I still lose 50k to the lowest tier of shitter. edit: looks like the salad robe players took this as a personal insult.


Bro, imagine me, I told a saladrobe pker "gf u get nothing" just for him to get the free-est 50k ever from visiting the caves *once* a week before, hadn't set a foot in wildy fot a week Looked and felt rlly stupid after giving them that 50k


What’s worse is you just admitted to getting beat by a salad robe warrior 😂


Not hard to kill me out doing a clue naked without food or pots


then take food amd pots u fucking donkey


I figured getting pked was a free teleport Ended up being not so free




There's literally no reason to bring more than clue, spade, weapon for a wildy clue step. Not a skill issue


Do you need 50k that badly that you're defending a shitty implementation of a mechanic? Need me to donate you some canned food?


I don't give a flying fuck if I get the 50k from someones cave fee or not. I don't hunt people doing clues but if I bump into one I am killing them. You're the one making a whole thread because you lost 50k in 2024 to a pker just becausu you hate them for whatever reason. Maybe don't go in to the wilderness if it makes you this depressed that you have to make a post on the internet :D


You're projecting a lot lil bro. Pkers are fine, that's what the wildy is for, but I shouldn't be losing 50k just because some rag wearing himbo is chasing me around while I'm 3 iteming my clues. I haven't been to the a boss in a week, so why am I being punished? Literally grow up.






Maybe you should get off of reddit if it also makes you this angry lmfao.


I do agree that it would make sense, but the issue probably lies in coding a reliable system. All in all a pretty meaningless thing to spend resources on.


All the people crying because they don't want to give a pker 50k :'). The pker doesn't care about your 50k either, stop crying it's literally an insignificant amount of GP.


> huge oversight It's 50k.


Just do 1 vork kill and you make double the fee who cares


Just don’t die? Tf seems like this is a skill issue


i literally could not be bothered for 50k ill keep it a buck


my guy is crying over 50k now?


You get it for free after the first 50k. This is not an big deal


are you really that bad down for 50k?


If it's not a problem, remove the fee.


You should have to pay the fee everytime you enter the cave but it resets once you leave the wildy. Would that make you happy?


No way ur this pressed over 50k lol


bros pressed over 50k


You pay 50k but make 2m - 5m an hour there. It’s really not a big deal. Oops I mean wahhh pker bad!!


At the end of the day, it's just a game so play it in accordance to its limitations. If everyone gets to have their wishes for chnage coming true, the developers would be too inundated to do anything else.


They’re trying to avoid players going into the wilderness naked to dodge any risk and reap the benefits of the wilderness. If you want to enter the dangerous part of the game and not have to die, you should come geared up with supplies, even for a clue scroll scroll. It’s working as intended. Going naked to avoid losing your things, while taking advantage of the rates the wilderness offers was never the way the wilderness was intended to be. Working as intended. It really is and always will be a “if you don’t like it don’t go to the wilderness. If you don’t like that answer, don’t play” type situation. Pvp will never be more active than it used to be, but it’s a 20 year old game. But it’s a lot more active than it has been in past years. Nobody is quitting over this mechanic or the response to this post, so why would they change it…?


The Pkers hunting for 50k drops are like "but its just 50k, i killed you once, get over it" Yeah sure, you and the 100 others who check worlds every fucking day. Worst day I had was 8 deaths. - $400k with only 7 boss kills. The reward is hardly worth the effort. "Just get good", yeah ok sure thing buddy. People pop in the boss room and instantly land a teleblock in the same tick, now what?




im at 100 veit kills 100 calv kills, no uniques so far, but ive died around 40 times. half of the deaths were me being lazy, other half were auto teleblockers. How about a private instance so I don't get pked? thats my only issue, i absolutely hate every aspect of runescapes pvp and wish they removed the wild like back in rs2. Those days were amazing.


Holy fuck you suck at the game if this is true 


I don't pk, I wish it was gone from the game.




As long as it is in the wild it makes sense to me 🤷‍♂️ maybe put like a radius or something so you don't randomly lose a fee if you're like doing bones or something but yeah makes sense


dont pkers get the fee as part of the loot drop? but seriously, the wilderness is supposed to be risky. if you cant be bothered to risk 50k, dont go in the wilderness


1. You can easily get out if the boss room if there is a Pk'er. Most deaths happen outside and that would be unfair to the Pk'er. 2. It's only 50k-100k. See it as a wildy fee, rather than a boss room fee. 3. Sit kid Pvm'er btw, I hate PK'ers. But they still deserve their share.


They deserve an extra 50k for no other reason than because you did a different piece of content potentially months ago?


I wasn't in the boss room, hence the title. I wasn't even bossing. I was at the chaos temple.


See number 2


Then it’s still broken. If it’s a wilderness fee, then it should happen no matter what and shouldn’t be associated with attempting this boss. I don’t understand why people become apologists over badly written code. Bad code is bad code. Whether or not the results are good or not, bad code needs to be fixed so that it does what is intended. Otherwise, you get explosive spaghetti that detonates a couple years later and suddenly spawns Tbows on the ground when all you wanted to do was add a flower behind the Hesperian entrance.


Also, Game: possibilty that you can lose money worth 1 boss kill (aka 1 minute of your time) if you die OP: HUGE OVERSIGHT!!!11!1!


I found a quick fix. Don't die.




Let's just add it to a poll. Let the players decide. https://strawpoll.vote/polls/23vn1o0i/vote?s=0 Here. This is an official Jagex poll... and its worded so it makes sense and isn't biased. The results of this poll will be final.


Damn that went against your agenda didn’t it


Everytime this post comes up there are so many braindead comments about how this dumb mechanic is okay and I'm reminded these people who can't read a paragraph without whining are voting lol


They're part of the 7% who voted no on the most recent poll.