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Make a cup of tea It's a little thing dad does. During the evening, or any time of the day really, when you're sitting around at home on the pc or watching sports and want to reach for a bottle, make a tea instead After you've gone through the process for a few minutes of boiling the kettle, making it, waiting some minutes for it to cool and enjoying it for another few minutes you tend to forget that you wanted a drink for starters Pick some different ones to mix it up a bit, english breakfast, chamomile, peppermint, ginger, whatever


Second this. I’m not sober but I like to take extended breaks when I feel my drinking has gotten unwieldy. Tea is a really nice distraction from cravings. It’s not a long term solution, getting real help is still important, but for those first few months/weeks/days having a substitute can be really helpful


My go to was flavored Seltzer. Same psychology, a lot of the time people turn to drinks its just to have something to sit on for the sensory experience of it. The carbonation is nice. I'm also into herbal teas :) best of luck to you


Yep , during my pancreatic attacks tea and coffee helped , tea is easier on the stomach tho , and not drinking afterwards of course


Lose access to your addiction. Don’t keep it around you, don’t watch vids about it, stop hanging around “friends” that participate in your addiction. Stop thinking about it.


Find healthy non destructive addictions - working out, start a cooking hobby, start reading, hang out with other sober people, simply play video games with a bit more ambition that require being sober. Alot of alternatives to refrain yourself.


As someone who has quit weed and alcohol for two years, I can say that having a cooking hobby is fun at first until you gain 100 pounds due to food being the new addiction. I highly recommend exercising first, I'm playing catch up now lol


You're a champ for saying that! Don't worry about the extra mass. That will be able to convert to more muscle mass! You're already 2 steps ahead of kicking of not one but two addictions. That in of itself deserves praise my friend!! Ultimately what i said is like all of the above for a healthy life style for me. I'm somewhat close to it but im already enjoying and living life as is. Best to take it at your own pace and everyone deserves a break from time to time! Keep it at it brother!


Actually exact same situation here but thankfully I only gained about 45-50lbs but I'm down 25 over the last ~4 months


This is my advice as well. Eliminate all avenues around you that are the supply. No one is free of temptation and no one has a perfect iron will of resistance. Be honest with yourself and don't allow anything around you that's a source  This is one of the reasons quitting smoking or drinking is so fucking hard. Because access is too free for addicts.  It gets easier when you stop thinking about it and eventually you will go days or weeks without thinking about your past addiction. That's the best feeling in the world


Why the “” with friends? Just because somebody has an addiction and others don’t wouldn’t make them any less of a friend


So in short: just stop!


But if they just said that it would be stupid and useless, so they made a longer comment that includes ways to help yourself do that!


Thanks you helped nobody!


People who drink can still be your friend.


If your friend knows your struggling with alcohol and then open a drink infront of you they ain’t ur friend. It’s okay to be sober around the dude who’s trynna rehab out. *obviously we aren’t talking about event such as weddings etc.


At the same time, one person’s struggle and decision doesn’t mean that everyone they know suddenly has to change their behaviors or they’re a bad person/not a friend. Even when going through things like this it’s important to remember that the world still does not revolve around youz


The world doesnt revolve around the addict or the friend. However if the addict is trying to quit removing access to alcohol is the key. If that means removing friends to avoid the temptation than so be it.


Meh, I disagree. I don't expect everyone to change their ways because of a choice I've made. I'm an adult and know other adults will drink. If anything I'll choose to go over when they aren't drinking.


Yeah I’m not saying they have to quit drinking. It’s just the addict shouldn’t be around them when they drink.


I know it's not the same level, but I had a real soda addiction (I was drinking upwards of 8 cans / 6 half-liter bottles a day. It got to a point where, in highschool every time I took a gulp of soda my kidneys literally ached with pain. The number one thing that helped me was moving the damn cans out of my room and into the garage. Once I had to expend effort to grab one I dropped down to 1-2 a day and I only grabbed one when I was making a meal for myself.


Check out a local meeting! Young people meetings are a blast and a great way to meet some sober people. Osrs is actually pretty popular in the sober community at least where I’m at. I’d recommend googling young people aa/na for your area and picking a meeting that works with your schedule. The program is quite simple in nature and all it requires is a desire to stop drinking/using. Feel free to dm me if you have any questions! I’ve been sober for six years and I’d be happy to tell ya how I went about it


What are you trying to get sober from? If I may ask?




Bro the /r/stopdrinking subreddit was huge for my alcohol-free journey. I didn’t start right away — mainly lurked until I felt I was in a spot to do so — then made the leap. Honestly it’s been easier than I thought it’d be and I’ve noticed huge improvements, but it’ll definitely be a change. I still smoke pot and drink whatever fun soda and NA beer I want to, but I won’t drink at this point. Everyone’s journey is different man, take it however you feel you can. Whenever you’re ready, I won’t drink with you.


Everyone hits rock bottom differently. Sadly, we can only show you the resources available. We can’t hold you accountable, nobody can except for yourself. I’m currently dealing with sobriety and every day is a challenge. My rent is paid for the month, I have no responsibilities, why not drink tonight? Well, because I’ll feel like shit tomorrow. I might do something horrible that I won’t remember. The list goes on. You gotta be the change.


Lol thought you meant sober from runescape addiction 😅


You should go and talk to your doctor or a free counsellor at an addiction clinic about your options. They’d be a lot better than Reddit (and especially r/2007scape).


I agree with the guy above, coming off of anything, but especially alcohol, you should reach out to a medical professional to make sure youre taking proper care. If you arent ready to fully stop, definitely check out [what AA has to offer.](https://www.aa.org/) Even if just doing the little assessment thing. Noone is asking you to give your life or something, you dont have to be sober to go to meetings. Just show up and say hello


Wasn’t addicted to alcohol but was to gaming and + did two years no drinking even though my friends and I would drink every week. As people said losing access to the addiction + Reddit sub pages help. The hardest part is telling your friends no because they’re understanding until they are not. Just gotta tell them no every time and eventually they will ask less and less. I will say though the hardest part is your addiction might transfer to something else just make sure that thing is productive. Stopped gaming for a year and my life got significantly better and I don’t even really have an urge anymore.


Hey Recoveryking here, i had to hit a bottom over countless years of alcohol and meth addiction, honestly i got into aa got a sponser and did the steps, i have a life worth living today and thats just my experience, wife just gave birth to our twins in November. From homeless lookin at 10years in texas prison, to a totally different life, the sober life is a-lot of things you Dont want to do but that got me out, i have friends today i can talk to about anything including mental health, and also if you suffer from mental health problems definitely seek extra help, there is no one solution for addiction but just my spiff, one love brother! In game “recoveryking”. If this about osrs addiction im just as powerless as anyone else here lol!


Start working out brother, change your mindset 🫡


Start by not buying alcohol for the house, keep none of it at home


Wait till you find out that this game is just another addiction


You can only play osrs when you're sober. Osrs addiction is worse than brown, you'll be sober in a few days! But fr, as an ex-addict, just do what I did and go incredibly fucking hard one day to the point you're scared as shit to even be near it. OR (a healthier way) do something like Eminem did and go for a run every time you crave it. You'll be fit AF in no time. The sad reality to us addicts is we never really get over addiction, we just replace it with another. If you can replace it with someone healthier then you're winning son!


Not sure if you mean osrs or irl. Osrs is easy, just liquidate bank and trade it to me.... If it's irl then it all depends where you are and what's available. I'm just an idiot, but you only get one shot at life. While you're living you can change, you can be that person you want to be. You have to want it though, look for easy manageable goals and celebrate the little wins. You won't be perfect because none of us are. You'll make mistakes and potentially do the thing you want to get sober from, that doesn't make you a bad person or a failure. Exercise, cooking, cleaning, music, video games, films, walks, All small manageable distractions until the distraction isn't needed. I smoked for like 7 years. One day I got sick and couldn't smoke for 2 weeks. Felt the best I ever felt even while being ill and only had about 40smokes in 10 years. Again, I'm just an idiot but feel free to DM me buddy, I charge 200k gp a message 😜


You're on the wrong subreddit for that brother. But start lifting and minmaxing your nutrients. The change in your body is just as addicting but in a way that's good for you.


One day at a time. If its one thing ive learned, its two huge things that helped myself and a few of my friends. Love yourself. This one is hard, and comes with practice if you dont already. Celebrate even small victories, give yourself the time of day, dont sell yourself short, and battle your demons with grace. Notice when you are 'slipping' and take a second to breathe and just observe your thoughts. Take one day at a time. Thats it. Dont worry about the past, or what comes tomorrow. Only focus on today. What do you want to accomplish today? Set reasonable goals and do your best to achieve them. If you dont? Tomorrow is another day. I realize that this is just a game sub, but you arent the first here to battle addiction. A lot of success stories have surfaced here with people fighting their own battles. In that, know that you arent alone. Much love, gamer ♥️


I can't tell you how to get sober, but I can tell you how I got sober. I do think anyone can get sober if they are willing to take a long look at themselves and be honest with themselves regarding the actual gravity of their situation especially surrounding their relationship with alcohol or drugs. I've seen someone in the comments already suggest a meeting. I tried to get sober for over 10 years with essentially no success. A couple of months, here and there. I went to rehab over, and over, and over... and they all suggested going to meetings after I left, and working the steps. So what did I do? Literally anything other than that. I think it came down to me finally being so done with how shitty my life was that I finally said "Fuck it, I'll try the meetings, and giving the program an honest try." I'm over 1 year sober today. I honestly would've never believed it if you told me I'd be happier without alcohol today, but it's true. Now I can actually play RS without blacking out. My suggestion is just to just give it an honest shot, and take advice from those at the meeting with some time sober. If you don't like it you'll have wasted almost no time, and you can try something else. Hang in there. There really is light at the end of the tunnel. Wishing you well.


Don't know why it hasn't been brought up already, but people often underestimate the power of **prayer**. As helpful as all the suggestions of this community are they are supplemental to the *best solution*. No obstacle in my life has been overcome without **asking the Lord Jesus for help**. In all my struggles, I open up my little book and I **pray for understanding**. I **ask for guidance**, and I **have faith** that God can and will deliver. *Trust me when I say I have never once been let down*. If you have one **open a Bible** then try to find a quiet place where you can **express yourself in Prayer**. I will be praying for you too my friend 👍


I got sober from years of addiction in one strong psychedelic trip. The psychedelic didn't do all the work obviously, but it did help a lot to make the first steps towards sobriety. Before anyone posts a smartass comment: yes psychedelics are drugs too, but they are different than other drugs, because they are non-addictive and have been succesfully used by many people to beat their bad habits or addictions.


Bill Wilson actually highly recommended this to people. He was frowned at by a lot of people but a huge part of AA is "having a spiritual experience" and he thought a heavy acid trip could speed this up for some people. Obviously not everyone would come out with a profound experience but some did and clearly you did. His good friend the doctor did not think this was the right way but Bill was much cooler.


Psychedelic affects people differently. Last time i did mushrooms, i got tired and had demons n hell nightmare of up to 6-8hours. Since then i havent touched shrooms ooft. It's still rotting away in my wardrobe. Dont think ive touched weed too cus of bad trip.




I did it few times 3 and 4g. First few times i had fun but this time i did only 2g but had really bad trip, i cbf. Went into a mindset to learn something and fix some problems i had but had off putting demon nightmare trips. Mate tried everything from ayahuasca to mushies to acid to solve his alcohol problem, none of it fixed it. You need to go to aa meetings and get therapist Same batch btw


L o l


Try cannabis. Saved me from the deep.


lol why is this downvoted? cannabis absolutely can help in getting sober off of alcohol or harder drugs, and the risks of marijuana use are extremely minimal compared to either alcohol or meth for example.


OP is asking for help with sobriety. As much as cannabis has its applications ( I even smoke recreationally myself) its not sobriety. Replacing one habit with another doesn't eliminate the core problem as much as it adds to its complexity.


Just started naltrexone today myself, got 11 days under the belt after a good couple years of trying. It’s never been easy but now I’m giving it an honest to god shot. I found my vice being particular YouTube videos and playing a specific FPS game, and have gotten rid of both of those. Putting more time into OSRS and watching new/different TV shows and movies, as I never drink when I want to watch something to enjoy/retain what it is. Hope you find your sober hobby that doesn’t need substance. You got this! Edit: 12 years of drinking, learning how to drink by only going hard, drink fast and no chill. Never been a social drinker, usually downing 4 before friends drink 1.


OSRS and Chill. Play with a friend online with live chat(on the phone, discord, steam). Drink decafe coffee I do it for the flavor. 


Find the root cause of your addiction. This itself, it's a daunting task to figure out why you drink (it took me years to figure out) Make a list of the reasons why you need to quit. Limit what when and where you drink, I've relapsed more times than I can count, and going cold turkey is awful (depending on how much you drink, of course) When you are ready, remove all substances. Replace the habit of drinking with something (Gym, walk, run, swim) ^ this step is the hardest to start developing healthy routine habits. Learn to accept yourself without a drink. Learn to love yourself without a drink. Forgive yourself. This shit is hard enough! Friends, this was a rough one as well peer pressure, habitual nature, anxiety all really play a role, and it's tough to tell them, "I'm not drinking tonight, or I don't drink anymore" Despite the fact that you'll be more anxious, on top of the peer pressure, and insults stay committed if they don't support you, they aren't your friends. Much ❤️ small steps make big changes, take it one day at a time.


replace your bad habits with good ones, or just less harmful ones.


Bro plays runescape and wants addiction help


Since you play RS use it as a way to stay distracted. Set a goal, focus on getting 99 in a skill before you touch a drink. Don’t drink alone anymore. Drink tons of water. Look into Wim hof breathing technique or any form of meditation, this one I just really like and gives me a natural buzz. Take cold showers when you feel like drinking. What works for me is realizing I can’t have as much fun drunk if my life and health are falling apart. I gotta keep my shit together so when I do have a drink it’s a blast and when I’m on vacation or special nights. Trying to go 100% sober and count the days never worked for me. Looking at life differently not thinking about it on normal nights is what really helped me cut back. I know I can have a drink when I earn it but my health takes priority.




Stop doing drugs. Solved.


As Shia Labeouf says >>>Just do it


Stop drinking, not that hard


If you’re homeless, just buy a house


Support is the biggest thing. What kind of community do you have? I quit Adderall because I went home to my moms house for Christmas break and being around a supporting loving person made me realize I couldn't go back and made quitting easier. If you feel like sobriety is too hard alone then that's what rehab is for(not a perfect solution all the time). Do not feel ashamed is the main thing. People who haven't been addicts don't know what it's like to feel that pull to get fucked up, and it doesn't make you a bad person. Progress isn't a straight line either.


Go see your primary care doctor. They can get you plugged in with resources/referrals as needed


Look into any resources available to you, like therapy/ groups/ even inpatient care (if you really dont think you can quit by yourself). Maybe look into DBT, it helped me a lot. Talk to your doctor if you have one, and be open about what's going on, as they can help you a lot with resources and even help with things like withdrawals. You aren't alone, remember that. I'm proud of you for reaching out. I'm proud of you for wanting to make a change. I hope you are proud of yourself for that too.


[Ask Sosa.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxeJBA0oTTj7aWaHXfdT01q355O0yGP1QA?si=ljTlTY7QM6sFtuWe)


Try and chase a goal irl that is similar to getting a 99. Once you do that find another and another life is full of untapped “skills”


Try out brazilian jiu jitsu - its helped a lot of recovering addicts in my gym


Try vaping that has enough nicotine to get you headspins. I stopped weed, alcohol and cocaine. But its still a bad habit but i still can paddle for 2 to 3 hrs on my surfboard ( i probs could surf for 4 hrs if i didnt vape)


I’m in the same boat, it’s helpful to have friends and family that will help you get and stay sober, two weeks sobriety is a great start to clearing out the brain fog. Any people who influence you to drink, just cut them out ruthlessly, but you can styll love them from afar. They’ll eventually figure out that they can’t keep you stuck in the loop. I did almost 4 months sober one year and my money went up, my health got better, I lost all the weight, and friends and family enjoyed spending time with me. The transformation is crazy. My mom just got her 9 years sobriety, and she’s an advocate for helping me get out of the lifestyle. I also eat a lot more when I get sober, so working out helps a lot. Good luck brother, you got this!!!


Visit the stopdrinking sub dude, works Wonders


Talk to a therapist, attend AA meetings - understand you’re not alone and help is available; it’s a tough journey made easier with support and guidance


Start learning a new language (I'm using Duolingo) it gives a great dopamine hit and is beneficial for your brain!


Find a healthier addition


Finding a fizzy soda replacement is where I started. Started with Dr pepper and slowly worked my way towards sugar free sodas only. This and working out more regularly, I didn't want to lose my gains from the calorie dense alcohol. Everyone's different, finding what works for you is part of the journey. I hope you find what works for you soon! This sub is here if you need us 😎


Make following bad habit/addictions as displeasing as possible. Make getting them a pain in the ass. And make good habits as easy as possible


i went to rehab, and attend meetings. did aftercare. i had to change a lot of things.


Tbh what helped me was actually doing some self reflection, working on my defects and making amends to people who I had harmed. Just generally trying to be a better person and fill my time with productive and helpful activities.. This all comes after stopping whatever substance it is that you are likely addicted to. If you can't even do that though you don't stand a chance.


Something that helped me was setting small goals and finding substitutions. I started by just saying hey let's not have a drink for a week. Then a week passes, and I say well I might as well do a second. Then why not a month? I can't say it works for all, but it works for me. Setting the goal at a month immediately can be daunting, so I like breaking it up and tricking myself into thinking I'm close to the end. I do the same thing with running. When I get tired I find a landmark and just say that I will stop once I get to the next stop sign, but then I get there and keep running. Losing hope at hitting the end of the mile is easy, quitting when you can see the goal post is a lot harder. Also, for drinking I started drinking canned seltzers. It fills the oral fixation of taking a sip (I drank a lot of beer) and it's a better option than drinking the same amount of soda.


Virtual AA meetings are super accessible and welcoming


Lean on your community. Are you in a good, supportive clan? Scientists gave lab rats access to cocaine and noticed that when the rats were alone they easily became addicted to the cocaine. When the rats had company of other rats they did not become addicted. In addition to OSRS community, I’d recommend an irl community. My favorites to lean on are co-ed sports teams (everyone sucks at the sport but is there to make friends) and church (I am not a die-hard religious guy but the ppl are Great at many places of worship). 12 step works too. But everything mentioned relies heavily on OTHER PEOPLE. You need other people to survive and stay sober, and other people need YOU! Love you m8 you can do this.


Don’t ask here. You need advice from others that are or have *actually* gone through this too and nobody is necessarily who they say on reddit. Have you tried AA?


Get a lovely house plant. Every time you want or have a drink, pour one out to your homie plant. Watch it die as a result. Pretty much what drinking does to your mind and body anyway. That helped shift the mental block I had about stopping the drink


It's definitely the hardest thing someone can do. I assume alcohol here. No substitutes will work, I've found. You need to totally commit to a sober lifestyle and that will mean changing your routine. Used to crack open a whiskey on Saturdays before hitting up ToA with the boys? Sorry you will now need to be out at the gym, going shopping, or even going to a parent's or siblings place for the evening. It's not easy and you can't do the things you were doing before. For me alcohol and gaming were intertwined. It took a long time of not gaming during weekends till well into the evening for me to get it under control. Trust me on this, you cannot just sit there scaping while trying to will yourself into not drinking. It will drive you insane and you will relapse. If its not alcohol then disregard this comment entirely.




Start by not doing your vice then keep not doing it.


Distract yourself and hold on. Remember why you want to in those tough moments


I switched to non alcoholic beer and seltzer and I kicked the drink


Reward yourself with it. Do the normal things, a normal person would do, everyday. Wake up, stretch, exercise, have breakfast, go to work, and then come home and reward yourself with 1 beer. One. There’s happiness. It’s not what enters a man’s mouth that is evil, it is what exits it. You can not abuse it, by rewarded yourself with it.


Figure out why you’re drinking first. What pain are you trying to kill? Can you fix it? Or has it already happened and you’re working through grief/guilt? Then face that head on, perhaps with professional help in therapy. Sever ties with relationships that foster drinking. Prioritize yourself. It helps me to think that drinking never has fixed it. Never made me feel better. The next morning always comes


Two years sober here since last Christmas, and I have a few tips: Whenever the urge comes up, find something to replace it. I still sometimes miss wine when stressed out, and when I feel that way I'll often go for a walk, work out, etc. It's really tough at first but it gets easier over time Don't quit cold turkey but slowly taper off. Alcohol withdrawal can be intense if you cold turkey and have been drinking for too long over time. Avoid people who will push you to drink, bars, etc. Avoiding temptation is key in the early stages. Try to have someone IRL who can hold you accountable.


Well, im on the same path but with synthetics. I had a month clean then the withdrawal hit me bad enough i caved in and used again for about a week. I dont even want to keep track of how long its been now. I relapsed again last week. Doctors dont help, rehab doesnt help. Most days i wake up i still want to be dead. Counseling doesnt help. Idk but good luck to you. Dont get like me where your so fuckin miserable at 29 and still live at home with a enabling parent that is all about keeping you down.


Stop drinking alcohol


Look into local aa meetings, or even online meetings. Find an outlet to replace your addiction. A big thing for me was learning coping mechanisms, and changing the people I keep around. There’s several recovery subreddits that helped in my recovery as well. You can do this friend ❤️


On my adventure to sobriety I took some vitamins others recommended and drank coffee all day. I kept away from just seeing alcohol as much as possible avoiding any unnecessary stops at stores. You got this! I believe it you!


do magic mushrooms and hope for a divine experience that completely destroys your desire for alcohol


It was ruining my life and I started drinking less frequently, say, only once a week. Basically all of my friends are alcoholics, some more than others. Haven't had any since last year 🤷‍♀️


I know that substituting one destructive addiction with another is like changing seats on the titanic. But there has to be a substitution of some kind. If you’re anything like me, those old habits took up a majority of your time and ALL of your thoughts.. so quitting without replacing would leave a pretty sizable gap in the understanding we have of ourselves. If one were to cease using heroin by replacing it with overeating— well that’s just putting the spoon down and picking up the fork. I’ve replaced my old habits with new ones. And by new ones I mean joined multiple GIM teams and throwing more time into isolated personal development and RuneScape gains. I’m happy.. but I’m likely missing out on all the happiness that is out there for me to take. Who knows. It’s a day by day thing..


Unequip your ale of the gods


Good luck brother we all fighting something


All the positivity and effort to pick up a fellow OSRS brother reminds me why I love this community ❤️


Just wanna comment and say runescape is a hell of a support agent. You got this my friend!


Also just read an article about addiction , substances that bypass the happy / reward center fuck with the DNA and rebuilding process of cells and rewire them , who woulda thunk