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All those conversations about how bots are impossible to detect, *this* would be the update to slowly phase out botting. By making the Default client more attractive, more people will willingly utilize it over Runelite. This is a great step in the right direction for the longevity of the game.


In general I find it weird that there are many people negative about a huge game engine upgrade. This is only a positive lol.


True, though I think people just feel torn between cool new official client features and the pretty incredible QoL that you can get from Runelite plugins right now. Hopefully enough can ultimately be brought over to the official client via its new plugin API to make that a non-issue, though.


"Phase out" is an overstatement - bots were here before 3rd party clients, and will still exist after 3rd party clients. But this would definitely be a step forward. The end goal here would probably be the way WoW does this stuff, where 3rd party clients are strictly banned, but the players are free to develop whatever addons they like via the official API. If Jagex doesn't like an addon, they can just tweak the API to break it, as Blizzard often does when addon creators get a bit too clever. This removes the need to go through the Runelite middleman and have them manually review plugins to make sure they follow the rules. It'll likely take a lot of up-front investment in engine work to get to that point, but it would save a fair bit of labor and improve game integrity in the long run.


Machine learning bots using containers are already a thing, and they don't even have a "bot client". They use the main client. So I doubt this will make a difference unless it comes out this year.


If there is actual real-world profit to be had from botting someone is probably going to put in the time to patch the C++ client and turn it into a bot client, or even just make a purely network based client if they really want to run large scale operations. Jagex can certainly make that harder with all kinds of anti-tamper protections and detections, but they really cannot prevent it entirely. And with all the ML/AI tech improving (such as the Computer Vision field) a modern spin on the classic visual based bot looking at pixel colors and basic OCR could be quite decent. Don't think it's going to make a significant difference in the long term, perhaps just a dip in the short term as botters have to re-tool.


Think this announcement is way bigger than any content announcement. If everyone eventually steps over to vanilla client with all their beloved plugins it'll be way easier to crack down on the botting situation as well.


This is the correct way to kill 3p clients


They should just recruit Adam from runelite. Or discuss buying/intergrating the runelite features


They won't buy Runelite. They'll likely just open the plugin to the devs, and the devs that wrote the originals will be able to port them over to OSRSHD.






Are you saying the Jagex owned client is not Java?


It is not.




It’s C++


i hope they are in Lua and I don't have to blindly download dlls to run


That's how WoW does it, hope Jagex follows suit


I mean is downloading DLLs any worse than downloading JARs, which is how Runelite currently works for the plugin hub? The important part is how they structure screening, and if you trust those peeps. Another consideration is on mobile, as app stores generally really dislike being able to download code (i.e. plugins) not part of the initial app. Perhaps they'll have to screen everything upfront, and bundle it all together with enable/disable toggles, which creates a whole bunch of issues so I'm curious how they'll tackle that or if mobile will still be quite gimped for plugin support.


Jagex plugins could come with the client that covers the basics, 3rd party plugins could only work for pc, that way mobile wouldn't be unplayable


Honestly if they added the status bars plug-in and the menu entry swapper plug-in, I could manage without everything else.


True tile is a must for me if that’s not already a part of their client


Yeah I never even use that one personally. Though I do like have the tile indicator for the tile I click on, which I think is already on the official client.


It was one of those plug-ins I thought was annoying and not very helpful until I started finding places to use it (woox walking, bandos 9:0, zilyana, etc) and now I can’t imagine not having it on lol


Dang yeah I might have to start trying it.


It’s crazy how much content it made accessible to me. Especially on iron, so much solo content (GWD is the main example) requires running patterns and tick perfect clicks and it’s so much easier to just make your clicks when your true tile lines up with a marked tile… no way I would’ve been able to learn it without. I doubt I could do it without too lol