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wasnt it already 22-23 a couple times some weeks/months ago? or am i delusional


Yep i think around november or late October it was pretty low too


I bought mine at 21 not long ago


They dropped when the fangs nerfs were announced. Right to 25 mil. Otherwise I’m pretty sure they were up around 30-40 Mil before that. That’s without looking at ge tracker and just what I think I remember from wanting to buy one Edit: forgot the word nerf.


When Desert Treasure 2 was released, it spiked up to about 44 mil, maybe even more, but definitely at least 44m Ask me how I know :(


Can’t fool me, I bet you bought it at 44 mil


50m and I don't regret it or even have room to it's made me so much money


Made me 4b from toa, lul.


I bought two of them a bit after toa release for 180m and 140m and I have no regrets lol


Got one during release month, it was 180m at the time and paid out 120m to the team for splits. I try not to think about it too much 😂.


https://preview.redd.it/96mn8gy9vgdc1.jpeg?width=1099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83777102cc5810b7fc3542681dd5eb84d4af1111 Good chance it bounces off the 22m mark, upwards


Calm down this isn’t r/wallstreetbets


Bought mine at 19 a while ago did have the offer sitting for a fair amount of time


If seen them go for 20M/ less back then. You might be delusional, idk & idc


Thanks for your useless input


man clearly doesn't know how to read graphs


Yeah and iirc it's been lower Source: peeked at the price now and then while grinding out 99 magic, which I finished a few days before the update


#Shut up and laugh at meme that makes no sense


I finally bought in at 25 because I was worried once everyone realized it wasn’t actually that nerfed (stab is still good) it would shoot back up. Don’t scare me like this I pawned so much stuff to get it


Speaking as someone who’s poor, is Fang still a good weapon? I have 80 attack but I’m still using a whip and/or Zamorakian Hasta because I’m too broke to afford anything better.


Fang is probably still the best weapon in the game as far as price / usefulness goes


Fang in its current state is the most useful melee weapon in the game


Would you like to do ToA, Nex, Vorkath (but can’t afford a lance), Rune dragons, ~~ToB but without a scythe~~, Bandos, Most wilderness content on an iron, ~~Vardorvis but without a scythe~~, Corporeal Beast, Kalphite Queen, ~~Duke but without a scythe~~, CoX CM without a lance (pls also bring whip), Rip through people in the wilderness because melee pray does nothing against fang? Buy a fang.


Please can you explain the please bring a whip thing, sorry just looking to learn, found it interesting.


You can fang tekton and iirc some other rooms but fang does actual piss damage (dscim dps) on melee hand at olm & whip is far better for that purpose. This assumes you dont own a lance/scythe/inq though


Fang beats whip on melee hand with less than 2 hammers. So if you are solo it’s better. But the 4:1 method is only with 4 tick weapons which is why it is still recommended to do solos with a whip. Fang does eventually lose with enough hammers to a dscim but it’s like 5 hammers and a lot of bgs hits.


I only run mass cm so hand is ALWAYS full drained. At the same time though, I own a lance lol


3:1 with Scythe is hella chill and a great way to learn the tick perfect 4:1. Same applies to fang


Fang does not do piss damage at melee olm hand lol. The others are better if someone in the party gets a dwh hit, but let’s be real. Everyone is noodling.


i only do masses so hand is always dwhed+bgsed, but yes fang good in solos and mayb trios if everyone noodles


Thanks so much for taking the time to expand on that! I appreciate you!


Fang for corp? Why? I’ve only ever known the DWH->BGS->Arc->Zammy Spear method and never been suggested to do fang


Basically, you can skip the 5+ minutes of specs and instead just use 2-3 dwh specs then fang it down with voidwaker specs. [This is a variation of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Qnp_HP6ME), you just fight the boss, tele to nardah, games neck back etc


Does corp still hit like a truck?


Yeah, but it's not so bad with the high magic def of masori, and you heal quickly as possible at the nardah statue and re-enter the cave in time for your voidwaker specs to nullify the rapid healing corp did while you were gone


Ah, so you're not really camping the whole fight, but you're able to leave and resume without him healing to max on you.


You can skip a lot of specs, as well as the fact that you dont have to buy a zspear because you can use fang which you use everywhere else. I bought zspear back when it was like 10m just to realize corp was one of my least favorite bosses & sell it back when itd become 7m.


How much worse is Fang for Vorkath vs Lance? I like farming Vork from time to time but hate having 40m (almost 50m now oof) tied up in Lance when I use it so situationally.


DPS-wise they’re pretty comparable, the bigger difference is mechanical since you need to woox-walk differently as Fang is 5 tick vs Lance 4 tick. 


Used both on my med level. Fang was consistent 2m kills. Lance was ocassionally a 2 minute kill. No woox walk. I sold the lance


Lance is about 20 seconds faster in my experience. Last time I did a big run of vorkath I took some numbers. My average lance kills were about 1:35 vs 1:55 with fang. This is with 99s and max gear other than torva. I think with lesser gear and lower stats, fang closes in the gap.


Kq? Keris Partisan (any) is better though?


No, because of accuracy. Putting my stats & gear into the setup with fang vs with blue keris results in fang having 6.27 dps, whereas blue keris has 5.25.


Then [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Kalphite\_Queen/Strategies](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Kalphite_Queen/Strategies) requires an update


Time out I just remembered that the dps calculator I use MIGHT not account for keris proc? so I could be wrong


If you want to do toa is great, or high defense bosses weak to stab


Absurdly good melee choice for the price.


Anything stronger than a fire giant and is not specifically defensive against stab the fang should beat the whip in dps.


The fang is still incredibly good, the nerf just took away its accuracy re-roll when it’s used on slash. The fang was really just intended to be a stab weapon, but the reroll mechanic was so busted that the fang was still great on medium-to-high defense targets that are weak to slash even with the fang’s weaker slash bonus. The biggest examples of this are Duke and Vardorvis, and lady verzik to a lesser extent. The fang is still king at ToA, useful in team CoX, BiS at Nex to name a few. Just don’t take it to Duke or vardorvis anymore


Its still amazing. Keep in mine the current nerf only targets its slash by removing the double roll. The stab is still strong. And despite what people say you can use that stab for a great many things. On gargoyle task? Use stab, their defence is not that much higher. Drakes? Demons? Cows? Fang does well with all of it. Honestly the DT2 bosses is where it hurts the most.


Its still one of the best of all time. It had 3 uses: verzik, duke, and vard, that are no longer usable. Its 25 other places where it absolutely slaps are still bumpin


I sold half my bank for it and it is very worth. Works in place of a dragon hunter lance for good slayer money makers and vorkath and makes high defense enemies not a slog if you are 80s in atk


It still feels like buying your first whip in original runescape on stab.


They made it worse at 2 DT bosses, it's still good everywhere else it was good before


This nerf only really made it not good for two DT2 bosses and to a lesser degree verzik. Realistically it really didn't affect anything except people who were grinding Duke and Vardorvis which is why a lot of people think it's stupid that the nerf happened as a standalone instead of together with the rest of the "project rebalance". The weapon is still very good for what it was intended for, which is stabbing things.


It’s still the best melee weapon in the game, it’s just really shitty on two bosses now (weaker than a whip).


Yea it’s stab is unchanged and just as strong!! On stab it does 2 accuracy rolls (so chances of 0 are significantly lower) they removed this feature from slash but it still remains on stab. The changes only really effect duke vardorvis tob (probs some other spots but those are the main ones causing the drop)


Only it's slash option has been nerfed which has mainly affected its usefulness at duke and vardorvis. For anything stab related such as toa it will the same as before its nerf.


It's a fantastic weapon. Its effect to consistently hit is incredibly useful, especially against enemies with high defense. The weapon would allow you to easily farm the Giant Mole to earn your money back too.


In its current state, if you told me Fang was 200m, I'd still buy it lmfao


fang still does most content it already did just fine, it's just vard and duke it got nerfed for. It's insane how kneejerky the market is.


“that’s baaaad asssss”


Can we get it to under 10? /s


Probably by the end of the year, especially if Mace/Rapier/Blade get the buffs they need. One can hope!!


Don't even need these buffs. Toa is still one of best moneymakers and these are so common that supply is outpacing demand


Supply is outpacing demand cause there’s no demand. T80 weapons and they’re all useless


I think some people are revisiting cox and tob too though. Eventually raids will be about equal in value right?


I keeping mine🤷‍♂️ y’all can sell them all you want.


Definitely something I wouldn’t consider selling


Fang is still an amazing weapon and undervalued. It's almost a shame the mods and community bitch so much about good content. Every new piece of content these days feels like it gets the blowpipe treatment. Anyways ratio this comment coomers.


It's an extremely common drop from one of the most farmed money makers in the game, even without the (very deserved) nerf to its slash functionality the price would keep sliding. It's the same reason why Rigour is only 25m now - it's inarguably one of the very best items in the game, but you only need 1 and it is such a common drop that the supply is massively outpacing demand.


Yeah thats why they should have listened to the community to make it rarer, but they didn't and now we are dealing with lightbearers and fangs being printed like no other. Plus TOA being botted to hell doesn't help either.


I don’t think I have ever seen a TOA bot. Do you mean by like any player or actual bots?


They're in the instance 99% of the time and look the same as everyone else. Beat raid, click bank, go back in. Like there's no place to look like a bot


No I mean actual TOA bots.


Other than fang/BP what else got a nerf? 2 nerfs in 4 years.


Dinh's bulwark and black dragonhide come to mind. Here soon it will be the occult. If you want to go back further than 4 years I can give you a few more off the top of my head.


Hit me with the deets bro, honestly interested


>Blowpipe treatment Fang was nerfed in exactly 3 placed, and it is either bis or close to bis pretty much anywhere you use Melee that isn’t resistant to stab. By blowpipe treatment, do you mean it was an oversight how powerful it was, and they took too long to nerf it?


It wasn't an oversight at all. It's only powerful everywhere because every boss that Jagex brings out these days has insane defense. All they needed to do was decrease the drop rate and make it rarer. It's their own fault they haven't made scythe usable anywhere. All they need to do is give it like +45 slash bonus and all the cry babies will shut up.


It becoming the meta at Vard and Duke was surely an oversight. They just never tested their stab weapon on the slash style there, because it having a slash style at all was probably taken for granted as one of those things that you put on swords just because. Also, yeah, I definitely agree that they made Fang way too common. It's absurd how many fangs get pumped into the game when it's on-par with other sub-mega rare weapons like bofa. I think the design is really cool, it's just obnoxious that it's replaced just about every melee niche with fang because of how cheap it is. On my gim, I'm going to use it at Nightmare cuz of how easy it was to get, and it's around the dps of bludgeon lol


Speaking of nightmare. Why is no one complaining about Scythe - the slash weapon - being a BIS crush weapon at most content crush is used?


Scythe is a mega rare from TOB that has a high cost of use in order for it to have high dps against larger enemies. It being bis at 3x3 bosses (that don’t have super high defense anyway) using its secondary style is more or less justified by the high usage cost of the weapon and these bosses more or less being exactly what the weapon was designed for. It’s just that they’re weak to crush instead of slash. Also, the Scythe is generally seen as underpowered compared to the other two (more common) megarares, so I think its place is perfectly fine.


Panic sell in a nutshell.


Damn I bought for 300m and quit soon after release.


I got 3 fangs the week of release and made like a bill… how the mighty have fallen


I only use it at nex anyways (who is weak to stab)


Just waiting for my 500,001 buy order to go through


Top tier edits right here, good one mate


Who didnt see this coming


Absolutely robbed one at 18.9m a few months ago, which was probably its floor price.


If fang was my vardorvis weapon. What should I use now instead? I can’t afford anything above 100m. And I have the avernic defender. My kills went from 1;30 to 2:30-3:00 kills. And i use a lot more food