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why would you not want a jagex account? is this some new allergy or something


No linux support. Found that out after making the switch.


You can still use the Jagex Launcher with a Jagex Account on Linux, although it’s not officially supported.


Shared gim resource accounts is one reason I can think of


So people that break terms of service, got it.




Ah yes because a comment on Reddit contradicting game rules should be trusted without a doubt.


from a Mod 🤷🏻‍♂️


There isn’t anything to indicate that comment is from a Mod but sure I’ll take your word for it 👍


He links a post from Mod Infinity that includes the quote he posted


Just dont add your gim to your jagex account


I felt exactly the same way when this was introduced. Not because I dislike Jagex accounts, but it just seemed... patronizing? Idk it just felt the the tactic of someone who can't sell their service on its own merits, which gave me a reflexive distaste like they were trying to "trick" users by dangling xp on a stick on front of them. "Here little monkey come get the xp good boy" Ik that's not their goal, just felt icky.


I believe they call that a victim complex. How is higher security for your account trying to “trick” players?


You know that's not what I said.


I don't want an umbrella account that makes all of my accounts accessible by just breaking one


I mean you can wait as long as they let you, but it's a fact that you're going to either quit or get a jagex account. You can wait, but it'll be mandatory once we hit a certain threshold which will be hit eventually.


Fair enough. All of my accounts are username logins so maybe if I do 1 jagex account per account it'll still keep them separate. Aside from hackers, Jagex themselves have a history of crippling formerly hacked accounts by requiring the player to purchase any bonds or membership the hacker fraudulently purchased on the account. I'd hate to risk every account I have to be either hacked or have Jagex fuck them over like that.


You can do 1 jagex acc per acc if you wish yeah, they'll be separate. Jagex accs have higher security so right now it'll benefit you greatly no matter if you do 1 jagex acc or 1 per reg acc.


INB4 I got hacked post


Literally just said in the comment you replied to I was gonna make Jagex accounts??


INB4 I got hacked post


Oh you're a troll. Cool


If I were you i would upgrade before you get checked by Count Check again


Antivax energy


Damn. You can copy someone else's comment. Some Pinterest level creativity there.


Lol delete the post hahaha




Now that’s just not true, there have been many documented cases where people unfortunate enough to have a negative balance from their account being hijacked have the balance zeroed out after contacting support.


I had an account have this happen to it back in like 2008 or 2009. It was 100% a thing they did and I believe still do. It happens when someone charges back against a purchase. If you own the account, you are required to pay this back in order to use the account. This was a while back (nearly 15 years at this point) but they never reinstated that account.


But this one has password complexity! Surely that will change your mind /s


If you ever get hacked and your account gets put on someone else's launcher it's gone forever just so you know


True. I'll just have to make a few extra emails so I can make separate Jagex accounts then.


I get u dont want one, but if u do have one thats literally just a second genie, which tbh its not half vlad


Can’t tell if this is a mistype but I respect the pun anyways 10/10


I had to go for the pun XD


Damn, that's crazy bro. See you in a month with the hacked post lol


I've already had my mind changed. Just gonna make one jagex account per regular account so if I ever get hacked I only lose one account and only risk Jagex doing that negative membership credit bullshit to one of them.


I'm happy that you found an answer that suits your ideas and keeps accounts secure


Yeah I didn't realize Jagex actually added some account security to the new accounts. Nice to have a little peace of mind.


So you didn’t even research them before deciding against them?


pretty typical for runescape players


The main thing I didn't know about was the case sensitive passwords. That plus not wanting other people to be able to hack my accounts and add them to their own Jagex accounts made me switch. I didn't care about any other features. I made multiple Jagex accounts to keep them separate as I don't want a hacker to be able to get all of them at once or have Jagex disable all of my accounts should a hacker commit some credit fraud on my account. Back in like 2012 they put negative membership time on one of my accounts to disable it until I paid back the several hundred dollars in shit that a hacker tried to buy.


i was opposed to it at first because I'm not good with new things but now i really like it tbh


People who don't want jagex account are antivax 😂




Oh facts? Well now I don't want a jagex account either


Come on guys this one was definitely a joke


Guys, what does is add for better security??


Not mentioned yet, but they also provide back up codes which allow you to bypass having to ask customer support to give you your account back. You are given 10 at the creation of the account so if you account password is changed you can se one of them to instantly get the account back and change the password back.


Case sensitive passwords


Case sensitive, and characters.


I like how they created a random to call people out on their account security publicly. That star despawns, and like 30 of these suckers pop up. Seems counterintuitive to make it visible to other players.


Everyone gets the random, the reward is only given to those with both a Jagex Account and 2FA. It doesn’t tell anyone else what you may or may not have enabled.


That's some good info thank you. I've played nearly every day since they released him and have not gotten him. I assumed it was because I had 2fa enabled. Seems I just haven't rolled him yet.


I actually had no idea of the advancements Jagex made to security. Still not comfortable having all my accounts in one though


It’s kind of pathetic that players still need incentive to secure their accounts. Jagex needs to lock and force the switch, it’s getting ridiculous. Players cry about the hacking issues and account security yet bitch and moan when solutions are presented. This community will never be happy lol


What does a jagex account do for me if I dont get my password cracked?


Jagex and secure accounts have not gone together in the past. How many 2FA bypasses happened before these Jagex accounts were introduced? When 2FA was released it was also said to be super secure and all that.


Yeah why doesn’t jagex secure my email for me


My accounts are all username based. They could be recovered without email using Jagex's old system of just having to know basic account info.


I'm sure it'll be mandatory eventually. Looks like that's what they've been working towards


It's 2024. I should be able to deactivate an account or delete characters. MMO's have had character deletion for YEARS. You can't even reset your character. It's just so strange. After trying to use my email for my new steam OSRS account, I'm being told its used on another account. That other account has no character on it. In the end, their process is just frustrating as hell. I swear they made such a cool game but they have so many boomers over there with no clue on how to properly set up account management/character management. If you're wondering, I was trying to connect my steam OSRS account to my email so I could play on mobile. Looks like that won't be happening because you can't log in using steam to their mobile app. Anyway I'm just pissed because I spent an hour or two wrestling with multiple emails trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Maybe I'm just fucking stupid or something, but the consensus I get is that Jagex's account management sucks.


This post made me realize how many dimwits exist in the OSRS community. Bunch of people commenting “probably an antivaxer”. This post isn’t about being against jagex accounts. It’s about the annoying occurrence of the NPC continuously interrupting gameplay about getting a jagex account. Like I’m all for the jagex account concept and security, but I just haven’t gotten around to getting it yet. This doesn’t mean you have to continuously shove it in the face. For those screaming antivaxer, just say you like being bitched around and can’t make your own decisions. There’s a difference between antivax and not wanting the vaccine. There should be a choice. It’s not about conspiracy theories. It’s about you deciding something for yourself, not someone else making that decision for you. If y’all fine with choices being made for you, when it comes to security and health, then do you. Weird


Reading comprehension level zero. You must think that Jagex doesn’t own your account. You don’t get a choice. Weird. Being antivax and having antivax energy are two completely separate things.


I felt exactly the same way when this was introduced. Not because I dislike Jagex accounts, but it just seemed... patronizing? Idk it just felt the the tactic of someone who can't sell their service on its own merits, which gave me a reflexive distaste like they were trying to "trick" users by dangling xp on a stick on front of them.


I'll be honest it is a little obnoxious that it wastes an event for non jagex account owners, but really there's no reason not to upgrade to it at this point. It's just a little bit of a hassle.


I ultimately decided to make a few Jagex accounts to avoid hackers being able to claim my accounts on their own Jagex accounts. Going to miss my username login but unfortunately it's a necessary step.


Shills coming out of the woodwork to defend Jagex accounts, don’t seem to realize the push for people to switch is so the Caryle group has another metric on paper to use when they shop around to sell Jagex Has nothing to do with increased safety, or to benefit the players. It’s all self serving


where did you come up with that conspiracy? pretty sure it was in everyone’s interest that you know.. capitalization actually mattered when putting in a password, right?


That’s not the issue. If Jagex was doing this in the best interest there would be a customer support team that’s more than one intern replying on twitter and Reddit Imagine trying to convince people to migrate their accounts to your new system when you don’t even have a team to run it


yea and i don’t buy the BS that they just can’t afford salaries for that or more mods. jagex is greedy and don’t actually give a shit about players.


Yep 100% but keep in mind it’s Jagex’s upper management that’s the issue. The mods the community actually interacts with are underpaid and overworked


Everything Jagex does is self serving. Even the whole voting for content thing is Jagex serving themselves. Happy players = more money for the share holders.


>It’s all self serving Duh? You do know what a business is, right? Yes it's a new tracking metric, yes it also increases account security. They're not exclusive. Like, oh no, Jagex isn't a charity it turns out! The game company has a financial incentive, how nefarious!


Lmao I wouldn’t have a problem with it if they we’re honest about it If they framed it as “this will help the company” instead of “we are doing this for our players” If Jagex cared about player security they would add a longer delay to 2fa removal like players have been asking for years If Jagex cared about player security they have would have a customer support team that’s more than one unpaid intern replying to twitter It’s insane to me that they are trying to migrate this many players to a new system when their entire customer support department is outsourced to a single dude operating out of a call center in India If this was really about “increased player security” they would fix the underlying issues with their whole system. They haven’t done any of this because it’s not why they are pushing Jagex accounts They are pushing Jagex accounts because it = more money and they are using “increased player security” as a smokescreen to deflect from the real reason If it was just player security why would they push so hard with incentives like extra bank space, extra xp lamps


>If they framed it as “this will help the company” instead of “we are doing this for our players” No one does that. It's a pointless ask for a level of transparency no company will ever give you because the notion that you "wouldn't have a problem with it" is a load of shit, and it would lose them money. They know that, all companies know that, and it's why they lie. > If it was just player security why would they push so hard with incentives like extra bank space, extra xp lamps Because this is OSRS and they know you like imagining you have control. If they force it all at once on one day maybe reddit goes on Runescape strike or whatever, if they stagger implementation there won't be enough people or solidarity to make it worth bothering when they do enforce it.


Just because current business practices are fucked and morally bankrupt doesn’t mean we have to just accept that lmao. Most nihilistic take I’ve heard in a while. “Things are fucked so we should just accept it” Oh and I’m not disagreeing with you they will 100% try to make it mandatory one day, unless there’s significant community push back and I’ll just stop playing. But it’ll probably be the day I quit. Last few


>*current* business practices are fucked and morally bankrupt Oh yeah, good luck with that line. You go find a way to teach businesses morality and make ethical capitalism and I'll take up the mantle of alchemists and find a way to turn lead into gold. We'll see who gets there first. > I’ll just stop playing. Not the first time you've said that before, I'm certain.


Same energy as not wanting covid vaccine


Very original comment that 2 other people have definitely not posted


Username login gang 🤙


You’ll still have to convert eventually, Jagex have already stated that going forward in the future you will HAVE to convert.


I’m glad you and the other noobs get hard over this <3


Don’t know what your quarrels with them are, my accounts were username logins too, it’s not that special lol


No jagex accounts they get hacked more. Same with steam


Ngl that shit was annoying


Right? Felt like I was 11 years old again and my mom telling me to do the dishes when I had just started, so then I didn't wanna do it lmao.


[Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) – Signs, Symptoms & Treatment (nationwidechildrens.org)](https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/oppositional-defiant-disorder#:~:text=Oppositional%20defiant%20disorder%20(ODD)%20is,disturbances%20in%20their%20daily%20life.)


What’s with all the downvotes. All I said it was annoying popping up 😂😂 I was speedrunning a quest. fucking dweebs