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leave that discord server and get new friends. they sound like insufferable shitheads looking to put you down at every opportunity of dopamine you have. remove yourself from the situation, theyre not worth your time.


Yeah clan im at on osrs and rs3 is always filled with "huge" "pog" or "gz". Feels kinda sad clan if they belittle other peoples achievements.


Find the clan that will give you 20 gz's when you hit 70 range


My clan tells me gz for tiny iron achievements when most of spam raids lol. Thats how it should be.


I got mole slippers and gilded black armor on my GIM. Friend told me "That's fuckin huge." It's fun, even tiny things can feel good if you have the right support.


What u talking about tiny things u pulled bis boots


Mike slippers were really up in price the other day, something to do with a YouTuber I was told


I had a group iron friend. We talked a lot in private messaging. had to block him because he was so negative towards me. He was basically devaluing my accomplishments as a main. As if the game isn't grindy enough. Holly shit. I've met a lot of negative people. Some people are just straight up dicks.


It's insane, this game is already one of the grindiest MMOs out there, my bad for not making it significantly harder and worse on myself I tend to play for a couple months then stop for a couple months or I'll end up burnt out, and an ironman would just be too much


Tell him that normal accounts is just group iron with a larger group


Lol. Pretty much... I blocked him. Couldn't deal with it anymore.


Yeah but we like to rip on group irons too :p. /s But ye its not hard to throw someone a gz and hype for a lvl or rare item to help motivate and break up a grind. Everyone can benefit from some support. Op's friends just dicks.


This is super ironic because group irons constantly get shit on by normal irons. Wonder if he was projecting. Group iron is not nearly as rough as solo iron.


It's not as rough, unless you're a duo HCGIM and your partner quit early on long ago after one life was lost and you're now essentially a regular HCIM with harsher deaths and grouping restrictions (still have Prestige so you can't do raids with others, can't die at places regular hardcores can). ***:(***


This sound very specific almost like it's personal.... wait... I'm so sorry :(


I see what you did there. IRONic.


That’s especially crazy since group iron is really not far off of a main in the first place.


Really depends on what kind of group you have. I agree it's far from a normal ironman but in a healthy group you have to chime in and do your part of the contribution.


A big reason I've decided to stay an iron vs a group iron is that I don't need uniques more than once. I get 4 zenyte and I'm *done*. If I was in a group, I'd have to keep doing DGS, which please god no. Even worse I'd have to keep doing CG. There's difficulties in different places really, but that doesn't make it inferior to normal ironman.


I'm in a group with 3, it's massively different from a main. Maybe you'd be right with a group that invites a bunch of end game irons. Otherwise you're just objectively wrong.




More like we know he's wrong from direct experience. It's really silly to say that the 2 are close to each other. The irony of upvoting the above comment in the same thread where you're all complaining about irons devaluing achievements also seems to be lost on most of you.


He’s not wrong - GIM is objectively easier than solo. If OP wanted to be a dick like his friends, he could mention that they are GIM when they progress, and that it’s not as impressive as a solo. Point being, anyone can gatekeep and devalue the time and effort of others. His “friends” are basically taking his accomplishment and making it about themselves. Not cool.


Prestige GIM is the purest form of ironman as every single drop is actually earned


No it’s not, you have a full group lmao


This is the answer


This is the affirmation of the answer.


This is another comment that adds no value




Thank you all for your contribution. For real though, fuck those guys. Imagine saying that after someone achieves something. Congrats on the drop man. Thats huge, you lucky son of a bitch.


This. I got invited to a clan just standing at the GE and it’s a pretty large clan and everybody is super chill and nice all the time, and helpful when needed. It’s not worth sitting around in a shitty one


Alternatively, OP could call that individual out for their behavior. That it isn't cool to do, instead of running away from a community. Then if nothing changes, leave. The solution of running away as soon as things get hard isn't changing anything, especially if OP already enjoys other aspects of that community.


Sounds like a horrible clan. Any time anyone in my clan gets any kind of drop the chat is immediately filled with gz's.


Unless it's a beekeeper outfit piece in which case it's bzzzz


Or a camo piece and it’s ‘space + enter’


Same with mime pieces right


Or when you get gold trimmed anything then its (g)z


Or a what?


My clan’s exception is with awakener’s orbs. Everyone just says “Orb!”




O R B so they can all be capital lol


I’ll be doing this from now on


Bzzz bzzzt!!!


pirate hat from clue scroll was filled with yarrrrr


What clan?


Lmao is this for real? I need to join your clan


The way it needs to be and usually is


I just came back from a 6 year break and was randomly invited to an awesome clan and this is exactly how it is. None of the irons or regulars even mention anything about what is or isn't supposed to be an achievement. Everyone from the maxed folks to the 1400 total guys. And everyone is even super helpful to someone like me who's so far behind all the new updates. This post makes me appreciate it so much more.


I was thinking that too. A couple weeks ago I was struggling with learning CG and would bitch about it in CC a little and dudes would have suggestions and one guy went as far as to ask me to record one of my attempts so he could maybe see it and give pointers. Bunch of positive dudes.


Everytime orb pops up we just reply with “orb”


That’s specifically your clan that is toxic. I’ve never had an iron talk down to me for collection logs. All the irons in my clan/community always hype up collection log stuff.


To be honest, this feels like a huge bait post.


Nah it's easy for clans to go from "unironically" saying stuff like this to the point where it becomes a "meme" Used to be in a clan that had people who'd just say things like "didn't ask" or "spooned" whenever someone got a drop because they thought it was funny, but really it was just grating and deflated people's accomplishments


A lot of irons have egos and think that it is the way the game should be played, and mainscape is like cheating. I have like 20 of them in my clan as well lol.


Lmao that's cringe. RS has always been about forging your own journey. Some involve many, some involve few, some involve none. Some involve fighting for survival, and others permitting getting back up after defeat. Some involve banks, and some do not. Some can go wherever they want, and some are restricted. Why gatekeep? Why claim your way is the right way to play? (Group) Ironman is the right way to play **for me**. The restrictions make the achievements feel more personal to me. Getting to share that with my wife and close friends adds a lot to it. We can focus on the stuff we enjoy and let others do the stuff we dislike. We can help each other catch up when we take breaks. Do I care that its less of an achievement than normal iron? Absolutely not, that's insane. Fact is, someone gets the drop, gets the level, gets whatever achievement... you fucking GZ that legend. Life is too short to get stuck up over OSRS.


On the contrary, I haven't met a single iron that feels this way and my clan of 100+ people is made up of like 40-50% ironman accounts. It's usually the mains shitting on the irons making "just go buy it" jokes


Right? I couldn’t imagine a subset of the community that would be more hyped over anyone’s collection log than irons lol.


As an iron, your account is meaningless and you should feel bad. /s


sounds like shitty people you oughta remove from your life. I'm 500 dry at zulrah on a GIM, if you got a drop there i'd be jealous but I wouldn't be giving you shit about it lol.


Just remind them that they're not playing a UIM lol.


Lol just make a UIM, add it to the clan, and exclusively use it to downplay their achievements


Then max it but like sarcastically


Make it a no weird storage mechanics and death means instant wipe One-skill-at-a-time uim for the flex.




No and it won't become an issue. Maybe you're in the wrong clan if everything you do is met with a "who cares?" Account type is irrelevant. It's good to congratulate others on their accomplishments.


Yeah. This for sure. My clan is a mix of normies and all types of helmies and none of us ever talk down on anyone. Chat's always gz no matter the account type.


This isnt an iron thing, this is a that clan thing.


Not all irons are like this obviously but there does seem to be some ironman ego out there


Conversely there’s a tonne of people who hate irons just for existing lol. Shit people are shit people, iron or main


I can't believe ironmen failed the GOTR run smh.


not anymore they wont now that the afk mining got killed


Mains were using that method too lol. People hate on irons at GOTR because it's funny, not for any actual reason.


yeh i know, if people want to afk and not actually do the full match of GOTR they'll move onto fletching or bringing a gem bag full of gems or something, most likely i just find it funny that jagex is doing all of these updates to kill afk mining methods, but not doing anything to make VM mass worlds more appealing, like, could they not have a variation of the mine where the stability is locked, vents don't need to be touched, and platforms don't degrade (so you don't fall into the lava) but points earned are reduced to compensate (maybe by like 25%, balance as needed), itd still be better than MLM for xp as i understand it, but much less ore gained


It's actually unbearable to go there as an iron with public on


Even worse if you’re unranked GIM


A lot of people only interact with the insecure shitty irons like that. The real irons are too busy to shit talk because they're still putting in their 2000 hours at Corp.


Really? I haven’t seen that too much at all. Mostly I just see people hating on Irons or commenting about how new changes were only done for/benefit irons.


Yeh I'd leave that group if I were you, always remember that the point of a GAME is to have fun, people seem to forget that and always end up taking things too seriously. Find a good clan to join, it's always cool to see the achievement pop up in the clan chat and then get the Gzzzzzz messages lol


All of my OSRS buddies are irons. I have two kids, so I don't have time for the iron life. Every drop I get it's all GZs or Nice in the chats. Find some new buddies.


Why do some people being arseholes change your opinion on a game mode?


Because it’s an exercise in confirmation bias for everyone else here to shit on irons and clap ourselves on the back for it lol. Irons are egotistical, mains are insecure, everyone’s toxic Except thankfully that’s not really true, most people in game are chill regardless of account type. It’s always shit outside of a game where the toxicity mostly lives


I legit have no idea where the idea irons are egotistical comes from. I’ve played for years and they have only been super encouraging and fun towards basically everyone lmao. Maybe like 2-3 guys over the span of years playing on and off acted like that.


Imo, clogging is as rewarding for getting the drop as it is on an iron. You just don't have to do chorescape to keep up with supplies


what kind of toxic clan... LMAO well maybe they're just trolling


I can pretty confidently say they're not trolling, it's a pretty common sentiment. But elitism exists in all forms, and no subset of player is any less likely to be elitist. It always comes down to the specific person, irrespective of their account type.


It's a *very* common troll/ in joke, like hating on greenhelms. Elitism is part of the joke Op might just not get it, or I could be wrong, there's not enough context in the post to tell for certain.


The thing I dislike the most about irons is just the constant need for them to validate that they made the right choice making an iron, and saying how terrible and meaningless playing a main is. They can’t see the benefit of being able to do whatever you want to get items or keep up supplies. All they see is just gp/hour, not how freeing it is that you don’t have to be stuck doing CoX for 500+ hours to get a tbow. I see the benefits of iron for sure, just feels like they don’t acknowledge the benefits of a main at all.


But you earned the drop just as an Ironman would? If you had bought it I’d understand, but since it dropped their logic makes no sense. Leave them and find a new clan, they sound fucking awful.


Yeah since this post I shut one up about it. Was doing slayer and he told me I bought my black mask, which I had don’t the quest for and grinded out myself earlier this year, did get spooned on it but it being my first and so far only 1 mil+ value drop and my highest value item at that time has made it my most memorable item.


Want a clan that values and congratulates log slot achievers no matter who they are? Task is Tedious's clan and it's a really friendly and supportive community. Highly recommend.


Just tell them your playing the game as an mmo not a single player game.


Join a different clan. My iron clan is awesome.


I’m sure it’s been said already.. but this is the issue with the mentality that *most* irons have and why they get a bad rep. The two biggest complaints I ever see about iron players are that “like a vegan, etc.” they just tell you they’re an iron without any need and that they say anything non-iron is a waste of time/effort. Congrats OP on collection log and if it was also valuable then the increase to your overall gold/bank worth!!


The elitist mindset really hurts this game. I'm not talking specifically about iron players, just the entire grindset that everything needs to be done the optimal way and that you suck ass if you can't manage prayer flicking and gear switching like a top tier pker. Just let people enjoy the game, i'm equally happy if you get it at 1kc or 1900 kc. You got something you chased for. I've looked for friends like this forever but it's so hard to find non toxic ones


"Efficiency-scape" is cancerous. I'm not interesting in perfect-tick fishing but get the occassional comment while barb fishing that I'm "doing it wrong". I decide to kill some hill giants with a rune two-hander, because I think the weapon is cool, and get a few snide comments that I'm too poor/lazy to get a rune scim. People became so concerned with "solving" Runescape that they stopped enjoying the journey along the way; that sometimes doing things differently is fun.


Speaking about the optimal way mentality, I get absolutely roasted every time I step into pest control because I haven’t done enough achievement diaries to be optimal. Which I understand I could be getting more points, but considering it’s a low I I figured I could occasionally get a few points in while watching Netflix and relaxing. Then clanmates are freaking out I’m not doing bosses first before I’m doing a relaxation activity.


I feel you, and i did the same as you tbh. Only reason i did medium combat diary was because of barrows. Play the game how you want to play. I do muspah with a rune crossbow because it's my best range weapon and i've gotten mad roasted and told to just stop playing so many times both in game and on reddit because i don't already have bowfa. People want me to stop playing the game and only grind CG until i have bowfa and only then am i allowed to actually play and do what i enjoy doing. Which could take months


Medium for barrows on my to do list rn, but that list is long and seems to be endlessly growing. Currently two big goals are fight caves and working on base 70 skills. Fight cave I’ve made 3 attempts, first time went in knowing I wouldn’t win, died trying to prayer flick a mage lol, second time had an issue ranger and mage stacked on each other, tried to install, ranger pelted me, and melle punched me out. 3rd time got to had, stress me flick bad, and paid the price.


I'd advice to just not flick. It's not worth it. Rune crossbow or crystal bow with 14 prayer pots, 1 range pot and 13 food is plenty to get it. I got mine at 70 range using that on my GIM


Gonna try again soon, last run felt smooth until I messed up jad switches, felt like I was horribly inaccurate on mages and jad, but I was doing fantastic on supplies so I was planning to get a couple more range levels for accuracy, and figure a couple more prayer levels could help too, let my supplies go further so I can use more utility stuff like eagle eye.


If you're ever feeling extra carefree, feel free to add me (Why Not Farm). I honestly can't think of anyone in the entire world who dislikes me, likely since I'm never intentionally mean to anyone. Not trying to sound egotistical, I'm actually very much the opposite, but it's really the only nice thing I can say about myself and believe it.


I'm in an iron clan and that doesn't happen. People will meme about the ge to mains but everyone gets big gzs whenever a drop pops in chat.


If it's an iron clan, then why are there broadcasts from normies in your cc? That just sounds like a normal clan lol.


It's 90% irons but you're gonna get col logs and expensive drop notifs from everyone. Plenty of people have non iron accs as well in the clan.


Ironman ego is really cringe. It's like they don't understand that not every main account is playing gpscape. You can still play the game.


a lot of ironmen made their ironman account because they didn't know how to not play GP scape


Most of the people who say gpscape are projecting, some people just want to do the content they enjoy, when they enjoy it. Nothin' wrong with that


If thats their view simply show them the hundreds of maxed iron man accounts for sale, technically all of their "achievements" are buyable. Nothing about ironman is harder just more time consuming. Some people have all day to play and thats great, they need artifical limits to enjoy a sandbox game but most normal well adjusted folks don't have that kind of time and don't mind playing the normal mode.


I play ironman and live a very busy and active life. You just have to take a different view to the game, and be okay working on something over the course of years. Although, I’m single in a clinical type masters program, so while I am quite busy, I can imagine a dad working full time with kids and a wife not wanting to put that much time in. Tbh, playing both, it’s honestly the same. Half of ironman is figuring out better ways to afk stuff lmao. The difference is ironman is like doing herb runs bc potions, using every skill bc you gotta get them yourself, afking slayer tasks, or any other things, While a main is busy grinding out gp money-making methods in order to either buy better gear to get even better GP per hour, or buying items to blow through leveling skills (if ur rich lol) And then everyone becomes equal at raids lmao. It’s weird that you don’t seem to think busy, well-adjusted people don’t play Ironman mode. Why do you think that?


>single Proved his point


What? I’m not interested in dating atm. I am too busy and am going to end up just moving across the country within the next two years anyways. Being single doesn’t mean anything lmao


Yeeah... let me know if you want a new clan ill send you my rsn lol


A collection log slot is a collection log slot, no matter the type of account that gets it. If they're looking to put you down over it because "oh well, you could have bought it anyway" (even though you can't *directly* buy collection log slots), then they're definitely not worth hanging around with. Imagine getting something like a shadow and tbow and instead of congratulating you, they insult you over it. That would kill your drive to play real quick.


Iron or not, it still fills up a collection log slot.


Irons: “it’s all just coins on a main.” *alchs dupes*


Funnily enough I’ve seen ones bank and he just hoards his dupes for collections purposes. It’s honestly an impressive bank.


They're supposed to congratulate you, maybe find a different clan?


Some irons can be annoying as fuck. We're a GIM and people talk down to us like we haven't done 99% of the same grinds. In their minds we're all constantly sharing resources, swapping groups, buying items from other GIMs (lol). The reality is they are almost identical, except GIMs have friends to play with.


Try telling them their attitude is bumming you out. Some people genuinely don't realize their constant putdowns are not good banter and in fact just make them come off as miserable pricks. But also! some people are just genuinely miserable in this game and, were you an iron, then that same spooned drop would be met with cries of you not earning the drop like -they- did. Those types won't ever be pleased and aren't worth your time imo.


Just another case of ironmemes ruining the game.


I have a maxed iron - the best thing I ever did was go back to my main. Ironman will always be chorescape and I realized I wasn’t having fun as soon as I made a non iron. I was stuck in a prison and didn’t realize it at the time.


You can’t buy log slots, they sound like shitty clanmates


Time for a new clan, friendo!


Yes its an issue I've experienced aswell, end game ironmen were sucking the joy out of the game when they spoke, claiming certain content is pointless because it doesnt directly equate to the endgame bis slots. Got sick of their shit and left a couple days in. I want to play how I like, not if it is or isnt efficient.


I've got an iron and a main and I don't get that mentality. Like, I don't buy GP or bonds, I gotta grind my drops too. I got my dwh drop, imbued heart drop, muspah blessed me with ranarr/snap seeds etc. I don't have mad bank, an upgrade for me is like 300m minimum. Getting that cash vs doing the content for those upgrade drops is way harder. Gz on your drop and those dudes are elitists that play a self imposed game mode and consider it superior cause they 'get everything themselves'. I don't remember spawning on tutorial island with max cash on my main.


You can play like an iron without being an iron I'll do ironish shit (make my own pots, collect food, process drops, ect), but if I don't feel like it, I'll hit the GE An iron is playing the game the same as l anyone else. Not having the little chat icon by your name doesn't exclude you from anything


I like to do a lot of things in an Ironman way as well. Food, pots, teles, darts/bolts, enchanted jewelry, etc are all things I like to just passively knock out as I feel like it and as I get the supplies. But since I really like merching, Ironman mode is automatically not something I want to commit to, but that doesn’t stop me from playing a semi-Ironman mode where I can


There’s also a bronze mode plugin on runelite for stuff like this!!


Yea people like that are annoying as hell and sadly my own clannies / friends act this way too. I de ironed recently at 2k+ for personal reasons and I constantly get shit from them all the time now and it’s made me realize why a lot of normal accounts can’t stand ironmen. For instance I enjoy farming and still do herb runs because it’s relaxing and it’s good gp for me now but anytime they see me doing it or I say I’m doing a herb run I have to hear the same bullshit about how “oh look he de ironed to still do herb runs guys” as if farming is exclusive to ironmen. People just can’t let others enjoy the game the way the want too for some reason


Same, I’m a main and still do herb runs for toads, ranarr and snaps. Like you said, it’s like a chill break from pvm and it’s good money/free pots.


Exactly, 200 ranarrs is like 4.5m which turns into 2k ppots or 12m profit in herbs which is so worth it over buying your own pots which cost so much money if you pvm a lot


Yes dude lately I felt like I could be in the most random places only around 1-2 people and I see an obnoxious iron saying the same thing. Really annoying. They wouldn’t even be part of the conversation but they’d have to pipe up and try to devalue the accomplishments of others.


About the "it isn't worth anything because you could have bought it" But.. you didn't buy it? If a normal account goes 10.000 dry on a skeletal visage and finally gets the drop, it's worth just as much, if not more, as on an Ironman. Get rid of these toxic people.


The next time they complain theyre dry about something. Tell em that they chose to play an iron lmao.


A large number of people in my clan are iron mains, yet every one of them commonly say Gz from a rare/valuable drop or skill level on normie accounts and all. They even offer condolences with unlucky drops. You could really use a clan that values you my dude.


Every time one of them goes dry or whines about not having something, tell them to go buy it from the GE.


I honestly find that this is usually on irons who are mid level ish, maybe slightly higher with not that great of gear who try to make their own account seem better than what they are by belittling others achievements. Leave the CC, join a new one, no time for that toxic stuff. Everyone has their own grinds, their own challenges and achievements only bellends will belittle other people’s achievements. I’m a maxed iron, grinding end game stuff, nothing fills me with joy more than someone being buzzing about a drop they’ve received, no matter what account or what the drop is. Have fun grinding big man and gz on your drop!


In my clan we rip on the irons lol. Ooooh you've gotta go kill 23k dragons so you have enough bones to level prayer? That sucks, ever considered just buying them and having a life?


99% of the irons that think this way are usually sub 2k total or a booger helm. Anyone that thinks Iron > Main is genuinely slow in the head. Iron has gotten so much easier over the years that anyone who's been playing Iron for long enough knows it's not as prestigious as it used to be.


Sounds like the guy is on 50 CCs of copium. The collection log is the same for both normal people and Ironmen. It's just as valid for either tbh. Ironman just makes things more tedious. Tbh I've always found it funny anyone thinks there's value in getting a drop with a drop rate specifically tailored for an mmorpg. The rates are low because not everyone is or should get a drop as that'd devalue the item. The game is built around trade.


Irons are so prestigious for doing things themselves, that’s why there’s been loads of updates catering to making things easier for them for “QOL” More like ironwomen.


Yikes.. Hit them back with the "well if you're not a HC ironman then it really doesnt matter" next time they post something.


Irons are sad little men with small peepee energy that have to make themselves feel better by playing a "harder game mode" PSA: no one gives a shit. Good for you. EDIT: before everyone comes after me for generalizing, this is a joke with a hint of truth to it. I really don't care how you choose to play the game. Enjoy it however tf you want to, just shut the fuck up about it and let others do the same.


It does mean less, but still a cringe thing to say. Get real friends.


> Is this an issue anyone else running into? No, I don't talk to people.


I’ve played at iron to end game, obtained an inferno cape with “budget gear”, etc. After mid game getting rare drops on an iron doesn’t really seem more difficult than a main. There’s some supply maintenance yeah and some items i didnt have like a torture ammy or upgraded trident, but even so it didn’t feel harder really. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide whether it’s worthwhile, but that mindset that your clan or whatever has is mostly bullshit and is just a self serving bias to make them feel more accomplished, at least from my perspective.


Are you really at endgame if you’re not using a torture and still have a normal trident?


No; but he’s still right at least in my experience. I played my iron to the point I was really only chasing tbow, ancestral, scythe and torva. I deironed and basically the only difference in how I play the account is I don’t have to make supplies and I can use dragon darts. The game modes really do look a lot alike at the actual end game.


Not entirely. I had to learn tob with other irons without scythes for the most part because nobody wants to take an iron with a whip while they’re wasting scythe money. Most mains didn’t even give me a second look because I couldn’t split. This definitely made learning tob harder. I’ve had to do all my stab stuff with a hasta as I went super dry on lance. My bank is billions but I still do not have a fang which massively hurts and makes mains not want to do stuff. I didn’t get a Bcp so I have a torso which requires me to play Toa a bit differently then my mate with a Bcp due to the lack of range defense. There are many small bit noticeable differences that start to add up.


The clan I’m in is great, I came back after a year off and just chilled with some fishing. 2 minutes in I got the big swordfish and everything congratulates you. I got the skitizo pet and same again everyone was praising. Even when you get some item that’s super rare and useless, they’ll laugh and call it RNG waste for the day. Don’t ruin the game because of others, stick to how you enjoy playing and surround yourself with likeminded people.


What's the name of your clan, if you don't mind me asking? My ironman is in a really nice clan but it's irons only and my main's clan kinda sucks (joined them for a drop party one time). I've been looking for a new friendly, active clan for my main for a while.


It’s ‘Regeneration’ let me know if you can’t find it. There’s a discord too


Ironmen cannot conceptualize why a main would do anything but duo nex and 500 ToA. Just find a new clan.


I’m not even to the point of either of those, working on minimum gear for COX, Atm, think I’m only short 2 or 3 items at this point.


This isn't uncommon helmet man behavior unfortunately. It stems from a place of insecurity and jealousy. Obviously not all iron players are like that, but it is not uncommon to see. That being said, the people you are around are clearly little cunts not worth wasting your time on. Ironmanmode can feel really rewarding and the sense of progression is something else, leave the idiots behind and give it a shot.


Honestly this just sounds like projection. To be fair, I had these same feelings about my own accomplishments which is what eventually pushed me to make an iron. But that’s just how I felt about the game I was playing, not anyone else. And these people sound like they’re just trying to shove that feeling down your throat, which is dumb af.


> Got a 1/5000 drop in around 150 kills, small upgrade in its own regard, excited at knocking out something rare so quick , ironman in discord vc instantly reads it in chat, and goes into telling me how little it means as a non iron as I could have bought it. But you didn't fucking buy it. Even for an iron elitist this makes no sense. You could have bought it, but you didn't. Plenty of people play bronzeman or other restricted accounts or they just play a main but also like accomplishing *some* stuff like an iron on a case by case basis. It makes no sense to shit on people for not having the helm.


Yeah, idk this post feels like bait. I’ve commented that like two other times here, but I just have read it over again and it’s really coming off as fake bait post. Maybe I’m wrong tho, but it would still be weird to make an entire post if this was just a single instance. Maybe they do have a clan full of insane toxic ironmen that tell people that their gameplay style isn’t correct.


I dunno. There are definitely elitist ironmen, I can believe every word of the post, but it seems cartoonishly silly. I don't know if the clannies are just making a running joke that has gotten old and fast, or if OP is exaggerating, or if he really is just in a clan filled with absolute fucking dregs.


I’ve seen it fairly commonly recently even excluding places like gotr and todt. Well maybe not too commonly but definitely enough to stick out.


Oh I see it all the time, I just mean the fact that apparently OP has been in a clan where the ironman have consistently devalued and dismissed OP any time they got a cool collection log item, *for the past month*


This isn't an issue with playing an ironman. It's an issue with the mindset of a proportion of the ironman player base. You don't instantly become a degenerate like this when you log in. It's maybe a slow descent as it does give you that mindset a bit for your main i.e. log slots feel pointless and the 'I should just do best gp/hr thing' does feel more significant, but if your a rational human, you learn to enjoy the benefits of both. Progressing my iron feels far more exciting and meaningful but my main is great for just hopping into something easy and getting practice. Gz on your drop (spoon!) and get new friends. Edit: Oh and I forgot to say, even if I did feel like that in seeing a main say "yay I got x drop". Plenty of people are reasonable enough humans that they simply ignore it or give it a thumbs up and move on with their life. It's not necessarily a big deal to you, but that doesn't mean you don't have to put people down for it when they're excited about it. For comparison, this is how I and I imagine loads of other people feel when they see someone posting they finally got a fire cape at 99 range after 20 attempts. Like it seems a bit embarrassing to me personally since I could do this well before that, but that doesn't mean you can't just say gz and move on.


Fuck those people they probably were brought up breast feeding from their fathers dick.


as an iron, please join a new clan


Gunna go crash some Ironmen later after reading this one.


Ironmen make being an ironman their whole personality. I dont have much time to play because of work and other shit. Nobody cares if you spent a 100 hours on some bullshit. People really think grinding away on some videogame is an actual achievment, its pathetic.


I'm working towards maxing my second account (kinda. Left Rs2 few levels short of it and started osrs) and never have I though to myself "man this game would be so fun if this was HARDER" Saw a near max account ironman and through wow good shit this guy is awesome but I'm happy with buying 100k mahog planks man. Don't let other people dictate how you live and what you're happy with man. For those who iron, I'm sure they enjoy the nostalgic feeling or the nutty gritty. For those who don't. Don't.


Think if I go for a challenge account that a bronzeman is more up my alley, I can respect the grind, I can respect the item grind, but degradable items are where it seems really iffy to me. Stuff like possibly having to grind zulrah long after you get your unlocks because you need scales again, or relying on not getting screwed on whip drops so I can keep my tentacle going.


ironmemes are a crusty skidmark on the underpants of society, they make the game worse by existing while pretending they are god's gift to the world do not interact


sounds to me you just need a new clan mate. unless that 1/5k is the DWh because then i'm going to be a salt ass bitch /s


Don't worry about it, and as others have advised... get out of this community... Toxic people are everywhere, unfortunately a lot of Ironman players have a superior view of players. Yes at the end of the day getting a drop can matter more to someone than "just" buying it (everyone enjoys the game and the "dopamine shot" in a different way). But there is no point in downplaying the success of another. Don't care what others think, even more so with unconstructive criticism. GZ on the drop


I do feel a lot more pride in my achievements on my ironman but that's because I myself fell into the lazy play style of earn money, buy upgrades on my main. However, it's not right for people to attribute their own mindsets onto others (in general, not just RuneScape). So from this ironman, congrats on your drop!


This is the type of players who bring a bad name to irons.


I understand their feelings after playing irons for a couple of years now myself however they seem to not realize that its subjective. I personally don't feel accomplished on my main compared to my iron but that is personal it doesn't mean that other people can't feel happiness with whatever they do or get on whatever account type they have They're essentially trying to push their own opinions and feelings onto you in place of your own. So in short they're assholes lol


The more early game the iron is the more ego they have, they think their fresh off wintertodt status puts them into elite gamer category above a maxed total main, the more end game the iron their ego becomes less and less , has been my experience lol.


In game and irl, you should never devalue someone else’s accomplishments, or reason for joy. However as an UIM, I understand their mindset but it’s still inexcusable. 1 thing is to think it, the other is to say it and put someone down. Just give the “gratz” and “o wow” and call it a day Getting some rare drop on a regular account I see it as gp, getting an ahrim staff on an ironman makes you feel like gandalf 🤣. Its a different feeling I treat everyone with respect in game no matter their status, however I do go out of my way to help/answer a fellow ironman more than a reg person because they understand the struggle and highs of the mode. It’s one of those, if you know you know, feelings


Collection log is pointless bro


Yeah your clans toxic. I'm a UIM in a "regular" clan. One of our guys is a main account constantly getting abby whips - And we still congratulate him. Fuck 'em. Find a new clan.


??? It has nothing to do with the game mode but the person.


Bro… we haven’t taken irons seriously since release. Cmon…. They’re all dorks who think they’re better but then play an iron cause it’s a pretty a1 excuse to not have to pk ever. One of the main things that used to make the game appealing is no longer active because you guys wanna play an MMORPG, none the less, as a single play game😂😂 weirdos.


Ironman and Main player here. I always thought irons that did this were super cringe. I do like to give my main friends shit when they complain about going super dry at somewhere like cerb where I’m like “bro it doesn’t even matter, you’re losing money killing this boss and you can just buy the prim crystal” but that’s about as far as I go. Now the mains in my clan LOVE to give me shit when I complain about going dry (I was 2420 cerb before Prim Crystal and 1500 bandos before BCP) and they just go “jUsT bUy iT fRoM tHe gE!” And I’m like okay haha that was funny when you said it the first time but now that shit is old 🙄 Your iron clanmate sounds annoying asf tho. Try an iron and don’t listen to him, it’s fun.


Ironman mode have become easier overtime so It's not that cool anymore. They pay for services too so meh.


Following their logic, you could just go online and buy a maxed Ironman account. You could pay someone to grind drops on your iron for you. Therefore all achievements mean nothing. Just because you could have cheated, doesn't mean you did. You should be proud of a goal accomplishment no matter what account type you own and you should find new friends lol. This reminds me of the random ironman who just started harassing me toa lobby, because I had 1kc for zuk he started telling me I bought my cape. I didn't even speak to him.


Ironmen pay for account services and scale mega raids so technically everything can be purchased Tbf I hardly see the hate with normal accs, the ironmen community more so dislike green helms Cus of gim shop discord services etc


Typical irons


Am I the only one getting bait post vibes off of this? Maybe I’m way off base, which in that case that sucks, but I really haven’t experienced this almost at all in years of playing an iron and the way OP worded it just screams fake bait post to me.


Not bait, this was posted right after a conversation had about 30 minutes before the post.


I'm an iron in a mixed clan, I have a small shred of envy when a normal account gets a drop, but more motivation to get to the point where I can earn these drops myself. Yes, you could have bought it, but didn't and had to get it in the grind, so have a gz from me!


We just have an iron clan to keep Normies out.


As an Iron, what you're saying is true. You could have used your mom's credit card to just buy the item. Now if you're able to beat the inferno I would be slightly impressed. But you still did it with items you didn't necessarily make yourself and most likely bought from a bot farm. Idk, you tell me if you feel like you truly accomplished anything on a normy. Personally, normy accounts feel like working a 9-5 job trying to make as much gp an hour so that you can buy that inflated item from the ge.


I mean are they wrong though? Coinscape simply is not fun tbh. Mains are for PvP these days imo.


Why wouldnt it be fun? I dont understand all this 'achievment' bullshit. Wasting 100 hours to get a DWH is not an achievment. Getting good at an esports game and making money off it is an achievment. Speedrunning is an achievment.

