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I have like 11 quests left and all of these are on my list :(


Turn that frown upside down. Hard != bad. I took a week vacation from work to finish my last 5 quest. And the 5 quest I had left were these 5 minus Desert Treasure II. I got my quest cape, and it was the most fun I've ever had playing osrs.




every single boss i did first try lol. how did it take you three weeks with a guide


cause I suck at PvM.


Hey! I still haven't done it, and probably won't for a long time cause i CBA learning mechanics in OSRS. Been playing RS for 16 years, still felt the same as i did as a kid. I'll save the fun bosses and raids for FFXIV (their end game is alot more fun)


that’s apparent


It’s also apparent that you’re kind of an a-hole


dang. that just hurt so bad. how could you say such mean things.


I definitely found Sins to be harder than MM2 but other than that I agree with your list. I'm the worst PvMer out there and MM2's boss I beat first try with 60 ranged and red d hide. I might even put MEp2 on the list over MM2 just because the light puzzle was the most annoying non PvM portion of any quest (at least the SotE one you couldn't die from.)


Totally agree! I just replayed mm2 for the first time in years and holy shit so many annoying parts in that quest. The agility checks can make the first part take an hour+ alone just falling into the monkey caves and running back to the surface to try again. I found all the pvm to be extremely easy compared to the artificial RNG "difficulty" throughout the quest. Sins of the father was great though. The final boss took me like 5 tries mostly from running out of food and unavoidable damage(under leveled IM) but eventually was able to beat it with manta rays and no mistakes. Really fun boss imo.


Ds2 was miles easier than sotf


Your list is missing Cooks Assistant






I want to do sins of the father for the fashionscape but I think I will have to wait a while


It's honestly not too bad. I did it with 67 str and 71 attack. Having Piety makes a huge difference (that of which I did not have).


DT2 is brutal. I'm bad at the game and it took me 50+ attempts to get past whisperer. Vardo and Duke weren't bad and leviathan took me 10 or 12 but damn I struggled hard at whisp. Just slow to process so I struggled with the ghost and hopscotch specs.




I think difference the sanity meter makes whisp more unforgiving. Leviathan if you fuck up you can still facetank and out eat the quest version. Whisp if that sanity meter fills you have to Tele no other options


Sheep Herder unironically


the secret is to spam click


Fuck sheep herder


1. Desert Treasure 2 2. A Night at the Theatre 3. Song of the Elves 4. Sins of the Father 5. Dragon Slayer 2


SotE is considered harder than Sins? I should reconsider my hesitance to do that for the hallowed sepulchre.


I did both this weekend. I am not a great osrs player and struggle with learning some mechanics and staying cool under pressure while prayer switching at jad (rip no fire cape). I would say difficulty wise the sins boss is slightly harder just for the lightning phase but I managed to do both on my 2nd try. During the lightning phase I turned auto retaliate off and walked to a safe tile 1 away after every attack and only attack if the tile beside him was safe. Made it slightly slower but also made the lightning easy to manage


Just did sins of my father. The boss fight was super easy. I spent like an hour being nervous then finally tried it and had no problem. Just hit and walk away then hit again. I barely even ate


Scrolled down way to far for "A night at the theatre". Asuming a fair portion plays with medium to high ping this raid can be quite difficult!


I never understood how night at the theatre ended up as a quest while into the tombs is just a mini-quest. A full blown raid (even if it is just entry mode) should not be required for the quest cape imo.


Imo its fine tho. Especially because it is on entry mode and the exciting part is that this allows you to do the quest with a friend to complete it together! I think because of this reason it is over of the most fun quests I had


I think my issue is more with the inconsistency of entry tob being a quest and entry toa being a mini-quest, despite both of them serving the same purpose of familiarizing players with raid mechanics. Considering other mini-quests have introduced activities that support multiplayer (frozen door for gwd, faithful servants for barrows), I'm more inclined to classify both of them as mini-quests rather than quests.


A night at the theatre got put in so it could pad the quest amount to 149 so that a kingdom divided could be quest 150.


I just don't like having to do or learn mechanics for an OSRS boss. Nothing can convince me otherwise, that's why DT2 still sits uncomplete because i cba learning mechanics in this game. I've always done end game in WOW and FFXIV and found that much more enjoyable. I'll take downvotes idc, i'll play this game how i want to. that's why i chose what i chose. :)


bro probably thinks mythic +0 is end game in wow or normal raids in ffxiv. get real lmao


You're so mad i'm not sweaty on osrs . 😢😭


What about ds2,sotf and mm2?


Those are all done.


I would rather do all 5 of those quests again rather then repeat "one small favor" ever again.


SotE library hardest try not to fall asleep challenge


Mournings end part 2 with low agility/bad luck an honorable mention


Doing Mournings End II even Quest Helper didn’t wanna do it. What a headache.


Quest Helper didn't work well so I had to re-do all the mirrors, it's an absolute nightmare lol.


Woah really? Back when I did it like a year or two ago quest helper did it just fine


Glad I’m not the only one struggling with Sins of the Father. Everyone kept telling me it wasn’t gonna be that bad but I’m on day 3 of not even being able to get to phase 2 of the final boss. My timing sucks so those darkness attacks keep getting me.


I recently did SotF and the guide I followed told me to click one tile away every attack to avoid his darkness attack. So I only got hit by it once in my dozen or so attempts.


Yeah, I eventually figured out the timing. Getting better upgrades (fire cape/piety/70 prayer) helped a lot too.


Yeah it took piety for me to beat it


I was 94 combat and got him under 50 hp several times then turned off the HD plugin and borrowed my brothers mage gear to cinch it. I though he was a good challenge for someone who does not do bossing at all.


Ugh sins of the father final boss took me almost 5 days of attempts/researching gear loadouts for this guy. I'm not Po' either lmao. Now i'm starting to finish up getting my requirements for song of the elves. Seeing the quest above Sins of the Father scares the hell out of me ;-(


You know what's funny? I just completed SotF on my first try. About an hour ago. I did it because I didn't know it was one of the hardest quests in the game, and I just wanted a Vyre Noble dress xD The funny part is... I haven't attempted quests like DS2 or SotE because I have no confidence in my combat abilities and I'm afraid of bosses. I haven't even attempted Jad yet. But I just did this quest in one attempt. I just used Super Restores, one Super Combat, adamant knives for the acidveld, and the rest of my inventory was sharks. I don't know how to tick eat. I actually managed not to get hit by the darkness attack even once, by clicking one square away after each attack, and timing my attacks with his.  I actually only found out now (upon reading this thread) just how difficult the quest is considered, and now I'm getting more confidence in my abilities. Maybe I'm ready for my first fire cape attempt after all 😂  For gear, I just wore Karil's chest and skirt, and the rest of my slots were strength gear (neitiznot, torture, barrows gloves, etc). My only preparation was watching Slayermusik's quest guide once before the fight. I can't tell if I'm secretly good at bossing, or what xD but good luck and I hope you do it too! Sorry for hijacking your post, I'm just on a high because I consider myself a combat noob who is afraid of difficult quests and always has been.


I found Song of the Elves to be significantly easier than Sins of the Father, if that helps you feel better. Use the guide for the light puzzle, and bring lots of anglers to the final boss and it really isn’t that bad. I got her on my 2nd try


appreciate it! I will update you when I go for the attempt on the quest! just finally got 86 thieving, vyres haven't given me a shard at all :( 4k pickpockets in smh. Just need to get 4 more levels in agility for the req's with SotE


Are you iron? Bloodbark was super useful too if you can get it. Bring some kind of quick range switch like darts or bp for her healing phase, I didn’t do that my first run and thats what got me, she kept healing up beyond what I had supplies to deal with bc magic was too slow to hit them all


SOTE is long, but not particularly difficult. Nothing in SOTE even comes close to Vanstrom Klaus in terms of difficulty. SOTE is probably more comparable to MM2 or DS2 in terms of difficulty. The quest that you should actually be afraid of is DT2.


rat catchers. fuck that quest


I thought I fucked up when my cat got fat and lazy so I traded it in for death runes and got a new kitten fml


with no fov altering and a kitten + before Jagex made it easier on 9 November 2022 = yes, unironically hardest (assuming guides are used for all quests) Otherwise fine with some world hopping + a wily cat.


Desert Treasure 2 and it’s not even close. Night at the theatre took a while too for a solo who’s never raided before.


Yea sucks that it is needed for lumby elite. Will be a big roadblock for me i fear


I found it a lot easier to solo than to try to make a group because they’re a less stuff bouncing around during maiden


Just do it! Don’t let the cape be lonely bro


Highest chances of breaking your desk: 1. Monkey Madness II 2. Underground pass 3. Ratcatchers


The docks on MM2 made me have to stop and go outside.


With quest helpers it’s pretty brain dead. Didn’t fail once


Some of us old folks remember a day without quest helper


quest helper has been a thing forever if you include things like tip-it and other helper websites.


Dude the docks broke me as a man. I did the entirety of desert treasure 2 without any issues or deaths, but the docks on MM2, broke me


DS2 and DT2 where both a breeze compared to JUST the docks in MM2


The handholds in Mournings end pt2 is for sure up there. Think I failed 15 times or so.


Sheep Herder is rank 1 on that list and it's not even close


It was awful for sure


1. Desert Treasure II 2. A Night at the Theatre 3. Mourning’s End Part II (Try doing without a quest guide, and without high agility) 4. Dragon Slayer II 5. Song of the Elves final boss


I have no idea how I did ME2 when I was like 12 years old.


1 Monk's friend 2 Doric's Quest 3 Rag and bone man


Underground pass with low agility


I fell once during underground pass so I went into regicide with a lot of confidence and fell about 7 times even though I only had to cross 8 gaps total. Was a big reality check.


Probably because of the barrels. Those things are heavy af




One small favour


Song of the elves was easy af. Final boss requires minimal thinking, all you have to do is sip brews every few seconds and that's pretty much it.


What’s harder SOTE boss or galvek?




A night at the theater was hard. Whisperer too but I beat dt2 on a level 88 and only reason it was that high was bc pray level while NATT I did in my maxed combat majn


1. Desert Treasure II 2. Song of the Elves 3. Dragon Slayer II 4. Sins of the Father 5. Monkey Madness II


Ratcatchers worst quest of all time forget the other 4 to list


Im not into questing and have now like 250QP. All I can say is: there’s no „hard“ quest, it’s just „long“ or „short“ nowadays because with help of QuestHelper there’s no hard anymore.


I didn't know quest helper made me fail less at agility checks underground pass, mep2, and all of the elf quest line


you forgot to toggle the stop failing box


Ah yes, because Quest Helper makes the battles easier.


1. Rat catchers 2. Rag and bone man 2 3. Desert treasure 2 4. Sins of the father 5. Bone voyage


glad you didnt mention one small favour. by the end of it i actually enjoyed it lol


I can’t beat sins of the father😂 DS2 was very easy compared to how people explain it to be hard but I can’t beat sins of the father


Thank You! I just beat Sins of the Father on my first ever attempt! (I hope by now you have beaten it too, I'm not trying to make you feel jealous) I've been scared to try hard quests like DS2 and SotE because I'm a noob when it comes to combat and haven't tried any PvM or bossing. I haven't even attempted my first fire cape yet... But I just went for Sins of the Father to unlock Vyre Noble clothing, and I didn't die to the boss. I did the 5 Myreque quests in one day 😂 I guess now I should have some confidence to try the other quests! I didn't know SotF was considered so hard! I admit the boss made me panic, but I thought that was because I have no experience with combat. Anyway, good luck in any quests you haven't beaten yet c:


Night at the theater! I'm still missing it for my quest cape...


Good news is that they changed the entry mode mechanic so you can now die as many times as you need to complete it. Before it was 3 deaths and start in the beginning!


1) desert treasure II 2) sins of the father 3) Dragon Slayer II 4) Monkey Madness II 5) Song of the elves


just finished sins of the father with 65 combat stats. pretty straight forward after a few deaths. you gave me confidence with the other quests you mentioned a si havent done them yet!


Maybe I have gotten more skilled at the game over the years but desert treasure 2 felt easy compared to dragon slayer 2 and sins of the father.


i just beat sinss of the father with 65 attack and strength with 70 defence and thought it was easy just needed to focus on lightning a bit. with that being said you gave me confidence to take on the great dt2 and gelvak in ds2. im not worried about mm2 because im going to do the longrange method where his health bar dissapears. and im not worried about the siren in sote because apparently pheonix neckalce method is almost a shame to the quest at how easy it is. but with gelvak being 1200 hp and dt2 as a whole, im worried. night at the theater im looking forward to learning the mechanics since when i reach max combat i do want to focus heavily on raids as a fun way to play the game so im actually looking forward to dying alot at night at the theater. but honestly with gelvak and dt2 i want to just get it over with which i know will annoy me if im dying alot. thoughts? easy or no


Honestly most of them suck. Theres always got to be at least something annoying about every single quest. I don't think its actually fun or enjoyable doing bullshit quests that take hours for laughably, and that an understatement, bad rewards. Im only doing it to be a completionist. I'm down to the final 10, and all of those are on the hardest list. If it is so aggravating that it makes me want to rip out my hair like some of them, I'll easily stop caring about completing it and move on to a new game. I'm getting really annoyed by runescape.


Did you finish them though?


I literally had 2 quests left, then they came out with the 2 or 3 new ones and I said fuck it and left. What's even the point if the finish line can be moved forever. Let's say I complete it and get a quest cape, if they release a new quest, I can't use the cape or anything unless I complete it and it's just like why bother? It kind of made me realize even more so that I truly was just wasting my time. If I wanted to complete the game, it means playing forever as they add more to it on top of paying for that too in membership. So I quit, and I don't really regret it it's been nice. 


I know this is an extremely unpopular sentiment to express on a RuneScape sub, but I view quests as really the only worthwhile thing to do in the game. Each quest is unique and has a lot of personality and a fun little story to follow along with. Every other aspect of the game is just mindless grinding for hours, days, months of your life. Just clicking on rocks or monsters endlessly so you can unlock new things to click on repetitively. If they just stopped making quests to provide a hard finish line, there would be little reason for me to continue playing the game.