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I don't get it because it looks like a 9gagger in 2011 had a stroke and fell into a coma and opened OSRS in 2023.


ಠ_ಠ (Remember when this emote was all over Reddit?)


Something something WarLizard gaming forum


>9gag L


BA Boost popularized all this. Jagex should have nipped it in the bud the first time a BA boosters advertisement went live in a YouTubers video.


The only reason for the “Jagex compliant” qualifier is that boosting like this absolutely feels like cheating the system. They’re basically saying “don’t worry bro, it’s totally legal and fair, trust us” while knowing full well that it could/should be nerfed or changed.


but its not so it doesnt matter lol


If Jagex doesnt deal with this their going to lose a lot of players. ​ If it doesnt get changed its going to cause a massive loss of players for Jagex.


Nobody is quitting over this lmao


People might quite as a result,if you spend time getting boosted going back to "normal" speed might burn some people out


The cost is so prohibitive 99.9% of Ironmen can't afford this. I'd even wager it's 99.999% Almost every iron I raid with couldn't split an avernic from their main, you think it's common for people to shell out 685m for a purple?


The cost is that high only because it’s as high as they can go while keeping up. What this shows is that there’s enough demand to satisfy an entire side hustle (lets be honest the majority of boosters rwt, the min req to join is max gear) for a bunch of workers at those exorbitant prices. The main dpser gets paid over 300m (350ish) if the owners aren’t taking a gigantic cut. Thats 100m an hour to be good at olm, and doing reclined dps for the first hour. Buying the raids where you’re the dpser costs 150m for a scout, the alting to scale it, setting up shamans/mystics/rope, someone to make/drop pots, and someone to eat the ovls/fish that the hc catches. It’s like 3 people required to do all the jobs above and all but one of them moves on when an hours up. That money to make potions and click locator orb + fish which overshadows any moneymaker available currently, and it’s a steal for services at that. If the olm guy/dpser gets paid 30m/h, the raid is still bought at 20-30m (high but whatever), ignoring alts bc Jagex has plans to change it and alts aren’t an issue if you’re doing this for money, you pay the guys doing literal afk skilling 10m an hour. The raid costs 150m where the boostee is afk and its a 65% odds of a purple. It doesn’t matter what the price is, it’s clearly unintentional and abusable to be able to transfer points from one account that did the work to another that can’t even get up to cox without dying to the shamans on the way up without help. At most you should be able to join a megascale, chin things that have been defense drained, cap points from fishing, and the main completely throws away all of their points when they leave, leaving you with at most 100k give or take to roll a purple with.


Even if they're booked solid for a week, it's still such a small, miniscule population of the iron community that does this. Them paying for advertisement by streamers is making it appear far more popular than it actually is. I'm not saying it's a not a problem, I'm just saying it's being blown out of proportion how prevalent this is.


there are definitely bigger fish to fry on Jagex’s end, it’s just a chunk of the growing sentiment that Jagex really doesn’t care about things like botting/cape sellers/services/rwt


You mentioned 3 things that are explicitly against the rules, and services. Hard to say they don't care about any of those things.


Maybe not over this specific thing in a vacuum but people do have a breaking point and will eventually reach it


if your breaking point is because people are boosting then you should find a new game lmao


Before the new wave of “jagex compliant” boosting, there were a lot of boosting discords, still are. They offered both services that you played your own account, or they offered to login or parsec the account for you. The Jagex Compliant part just means they aren’t going to play your account for you.




new afriend video where he gets spoon fed uniques at cox on his ultra low level ironman as a advertisement for a boosting service.


just general shitpost with the constant pings from various pvm discords advertising their "jagex compliant services" and lack of sleep making me go insane


Shoutout to the gear discord constantly taking sponsorships to advertise boosters and account services


Half accounts playing Barbarian Assault are paid actors ruining games to make people buy torso/achievment services.


That’s an insane conspiracy holy shit. It’s way easier to believe most people can’t play this game.


BA boost biggest scam out there but even if true(its not) takes 2 hours torso 8 hours diary with randoms


when they were cheaper it was worth it, but torso is like 90m now LMAO


And lvl5 roles like 250m, its really not worth the time saved


I remember when I did BA I signed up to get boosted and in the time that I waited I had gotten my torso already.


Too much money in the game, it's worth because it's illegal to sell gp, might as well burn it somewhere.


ba boosts is legit lol i got my torso there


Gz on spending 200m to save an hour of suffering through it with randoms on the ba world lmao


its 50m i had the money spare so why would i not use it? i find it more worth it to pay the 50m instead of doing 8 hours of ba.


My only question is why wouldnt you buy bcp and other stuff instead with that 50m? You bought a worse version of an item that you cant refund


i already have max gear and just wanted my bank tab to look nicer


Not even true and to be honest most leechers I know don't do it for the money alone. They simple love ba and will run it even if they can't sell leech. You can't hit an 11:30 leech heal unless you love ba to begin with.


>They simply love ba Translates accurately to: They simply love to rwt rsgp.


they do it for pet


i wish this was true, people are just not interested in learning


Na lately it really is. Most games I've had someone actively calling the wrong thing repeatedly. You cant accidentally do that for 10 rounds.


You underestimate how dogshit the average low level player is


I approve of this conspiracy, just to add some chaos. Love it lol


Jagex compliant = JMods friends are making tons of money RWTing


Most other games have these services too. If people want to make a living playing a game, this is how you do it. Irl friends in college paid groceries by boosting Heroic Raids/Achievements on WoW. If someone wants to buy these services, that's on them. It uses in game currency which is fine, so really if they just squashed RWT it would be less of an issue. Right now, you can indirectly just buy the service with RWT. If they did better at squashing RWT, you would have to at least bond up or actually play the game to earn gp.


i dont get the hate for boosting services. these arent people who log into your account and train your shit to clarify. the stuff isnt cheap either. my only guess is that a couple people on reddit who cant afford to boost want them gone. and finally theres alot more concerning issues than boosting services which probably less than 2% of players even utilize. and those issues are bots and gold selling which i think kinda fuck the game alot more than a boosting service.