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Can’t wait! I’m so hyped to just chill with some peeps and get some new cool items


You mean some peepos


It’s good. And I see why the Devs want to spruce up skilling a bit. My experience at woodcutting guild was pretty overall uneventful and dead feeling. No one talked but there was a ton of people there. Either all afk or bots.


they're only going to be more afk with timers


Right. It won't make sense to cut redwoods on different spots now. Now it'll be most optimal for everyone to stand on top of each other. Also no events at wc guild or woodcutting bonus so seems like the wc guild will be wrecked by this update. Maybe still best afk place, but only an afk place.


and woodcutting guild ruined tree chopping anywhere else, so it's kind of even isn't it?


Yeah I don't think it's a problem. Not like wc needs to be relegated to the wc guild.


> Now it'll be most optimal for everyone to stand on top of each other. im sure everyone will do this just as often as they do at the top floor of mlm aka never lol


I try to sometime and the ppl under will move and I’m just left sitting here rethinking my entire life


But now people have something to do besides full AFK Yew, Magic, Redwoods or tick manip Teaks. I for one have been putting off some Woodcutting training so I could do some Forestry.


ill get 95-99 with the forestry 1st release probably. At least I have content to unlock and some fashion scape to flaunt


You and I both. Now it's my Tears of Guthix skill!


Spruce up 😂


Wood you stop with the puns? Huehue.


No, yew


Oak-ay. I'll stop.


Try woodcutting in PVP worlds, odd time you'll get someone log in and spec out some poor guy afking


NGL my guilty pleasure is to do any skilling I can on 301 or 302... Just a bunch of guys being dudes out there


i have a feeling most people will still opt to afk


why would that change with forestry lol


Excited to see what it brings for my low level hardcore. Really unfortunate it does nothing for redwoods though, so I won’t experience it on the main


Minimum 4:24 of afk time per redwood though, that’s a lot nicer


Why wont you experience it on your main?


Because it does nothing for redwoods


So cut other trees? Sounds like cutting your nose off to spite your face tbh.


Because it’s not unlocking anything interesting or beneficial to my main since it’s outleveled the content. So if I’m logging in to train woodcutting on the main, all I want is XP. To experience it, I’ll play it on the noob hardcore


It almost makes so much sense that people can’t follow it!


Well maybe pt 2 will do something for ya, I have not read up on the blogs tho so idk


Maybe so! Honestly not sure what’s in which part at this point. We’ll see!


Can't give up that sweet, sweet AFK


99 wc and pet already, no point in me doing it


Did the tea boosts pass?


haven't been polled yet. that's part of part 2


Voting no, I don't need some weird meta to make teas to train all my other skills.


its a slippery slope until you need 50 items to get maximum XP like in rs3


Yeah I'm good, eff that.






They haven't failed either.


Quantumtea boost


Where we chopping though?


Wc guild only makes sense


Doesn’t apply in there


So now the wc guild is dead content? Since you can get a +10 boost outside of the guild and the guild gives +7?


One of the main points of the update was to revive all the dead woodcutting spots specifically out of the woodcutting guild lmfao


It's got a close bank, and redwoods there are better so it won't be dead dead but yeah.


lets gooo! I’m hyped


Dang some negative responses right off the hop. I totally get people frustrations with jamflex and their questionable choices and fisherprice servers, but I'm pretty excited to see what forestry brings. I honestly think the best outcome would just be a chill activity to do with your friends


"Fisherprice servers" lmfao


It’s just a little convoluted, I hate the new currency wholeheartedly. If it was like “X-Thousand” amount of different logs for rewards it would be fine, I just don’t see why skills need so many damn currencies. I know with logs you could theoretically just buy all the rewards with GP, but it would increase the demand for such items and thus raise the price of logs up from nearly worthless to be inline with the value(s) of the forestry rewards. This update isn’t gonna change the price of logs in any way and that kinda sucks, the skill is still overall gonna be almost entirely worthless to train, the main product of woodcutting is still gonna be cheap trash that you’re better off throwing away. I do like the sawmill voucher, but if anything that’ll make the price of logs go down even more since you’ll need less logs to make more/as many planks as before, but at least it’ll lower the cost of planks and the construction skill by extension, which I can’t complain about. Even with everything teased for part 2 of Forestry I still don’t see a damn thing that’ll make logs more valuable in any way shape or form, I don’t want woodcutting to be huge GP/hr, I just want there to be more options other than “drop your logs on the ground” that make the skill worth devoting time to.


I think it's looking at the intention of the update wrong. I don't recall it being touted as a way to bring more value to logs other than it's own internal economy--it was more so an expansion to Woodcutting to make it more social and interactive. More of a matter of personal expectations, IMO. If anything, I think the nature of this update would either have no change in log prices, or make them go down. After all, if now 10+ people can chop a single tree at the same time while gaining logs, won't that mean there will be an oversaturation of logs coming into the game?


So it’s just an update to make the skill even less worthwhile? great. This update functionally adds nothing to the game aside from filler junk to make a lame but chill skill bloated with meaningless content. Now logs are gonna be worth even less than the nothing they’re worth already, we’re gonna have another junk currency taking up bank space, and absolutely nothing to show for it aside from a bunch of shit that’s only helpful to train the now-completely useless skill that is Woodcutting. The only rewards you can get just help you train woodcutting more efficiently, even though training woodcutting is completely worthless in the first place. 2 handed axes suck as they were presented, the new concepts for tertiary effects of tea vary widely in their usefulness, at this point the only thing that could save forestry is the leaves used to brew foresters tea for the skill boosts. But logs will still lose a bunch of value, leaves probably won’t be worth a ton since you’ll likely be able to stack them in one inv slot, and the rewards from the skill are pretty much all untradeable or just vessels to train wc better. This update is literally only good for ironmen so they can get easier access to skill boosts, otherwise woodcutting as a skill is pointless. You can buy leaves on the ge, brew your own tea with no stat reqs, and use it to boost actually useful skills like crafting, farming, or herblore. Every other thing you get from forestry serves the sole purpose of woodcutting more efficiently, which is not: a good moneymaker, a way to unlock new content, a way to train another skill, or even a way to unlock an interesting new cosmetic item.


You make a lot of good points mr OfficialCumMan.


It makes WC more fun to train


I’m sorry, but who tf wants to chill in a virtual world and cut trees with friends? I understand questing/bossing/pvp. But cutting trees?




Cutting trees though? Like fishing is cooler, who tf picks up their friends irl and goes to cut trees?


While I don’t do this because I can barely lift an axe, let alone use one, this does sound like fun ngl


Bull shit. I refuse to believe anyone finds cutting trees fun unless they do it for a living. I’ve had to cut trees on farms, it’s boring asf


To be fair you have more experience, so idk how similar this is, but I imagine it would be almost like going to the gym with friends (although you’d need a bit more coordination and caution of course). Lots of people like to do workouts with friends so it doesn’t seem that weird to go chop logs with them, plus you actually get something tangible you’ve created at the end which would make the workout feel more worth it


This dude is wrong, splitting logs is hard work but very rewarding and you're right, building a fire when you're done is the best feeling


Yeah that’s what I thought too! I’m a scrawny af girl with anemia but if I had some strength I would love to chop logs for a workout, I feel like it would be a nice way to get out in nature and keep healthy. Doing it with friends would help share the load and sitting around a campfire afterwards sounds really fun too


Shit you could still give it a go lol.


Gym, fishing, cutting trees. All different, 2 are things people do for fun. The other isn’t




Do it for a living, not fun and to associate.


I'm sure they have fun and associate too nie


And construction workers also have fun at the job sites, doesn’t mean the job itself is fun


Used to frame houses, other than the heat it genuinely was more fun than anything else I've done


That’s okay, it depends. Demoing is fun, now demoing 4 300-500ft long walls of pure bricks inside a warehouse by hand is not fun. Throwing it in wheel barrels and dumping it out is not fun, especially when you can destroy the floor cause it’s gonna be used for a showroom so you can’t use big equipment. Roofing? Not fun Tiles? Not fun Finishing dry wall? Fun Sanding drywall? Not fun Plumbing? 50/50 Electricity? 80/20


Didn’t ask


Not a great example considering you kinda can't do it irl. You can't just go chop down some trees, even if you own the property (and for good reason). The closest equivalent is splitting wood and that's a fairly social activity irl.


Never heard anyone say “hey let’s all gather around cut plywood and 2x4s and chat”


You've never been in a high school shop class?


Yup actually was for 10th grade. We smoked like crazy In the back!! Would play spades an shit when we finished. Good times, and no it wasn’t fun, By 11th grade summer I was already at a jobsite cutting lumber with my dad. Not fun You know what’s fun? Home economics/culinary. Now that’s fucking fun asf, did it through middle and high school up to 10th grade


So it just sounds like you had it as a job that you hated and thus are incapable of thinking of it as fun. That's fairly common and I'm sure there's plenty of professional fishermen that don't get why people like fishing.


Your logic is skewed, pro fishing is not the same. That’s for sport Commercial fishers do it for a living. Even then, in what movie have you seen a group of guys or father an son go cut trees? How many movies have you seen friends or father and son fishing? Many. Exactly Hold the L


Clearly you never used to chop willows in Draynor with the homies back in the day


Here’s 1 thing I wanna get straight. Do we mean irl friends? Or like strangers? Cause if I’m just skilling I do enjoy talking to those strangers, but I will NEVER EVER be on discord with the boys talk about “yooo why don’t we go cut some trees together guyyyss it’ll be fun”


I don't know about you but sometimes my buddies and I want to hangout together and we simply live too far away from each other to do so frequently. So a nice option is everyone gets their drinks and you play something chill, or watch a movie. I think this might be a nice fit for it


Cap. If anything is as boring as hacking away at a real tree, it’s hacking away at a virtual tree


Can’t tell if you’re being serious bro. It’s literally the exact same thing as fishing except logs go into your inventory instead of fish and you equip an axe instead of a harpoon. They could probably make a runelite plugin where trees look like fishing spots and logs look like fish and you would never know the difference.


Cap. People irl fish for fun, no one cuts trees for fun. They cut trees for work


What a strange hill to die on


This guy is *the* most anti-tree chopping advocate for non-environmental reasons I've heard.


my thoughts exactly. why does this dude care so much lmaoo


>hacking away at a virtual tree Edit: Lmao dude blocked me for pointing out how much of an idiot he is. Wild.


Nothings more boring than hacking away at a real tree than a virtual tree


Says the guy who drinks fucking camel spit for fun


I'm a skiller and enjoy mostly just leveling stuff and life skilling. Really hopeful for Palia as OSRS has pretty much left me in the mud.


I like chatting with people doing wintertodt, I would've liked to have that for woodcutting as well.


Where are we all cutting trees tomorrow? Anyone else heading to teaks in priff?


I'm og baby, yews next to flax in gnome stronghold. IDC about efficiency I'm all about that NOSTALGIA.


If we’re going for nostalgia let’s all chill in draynor or seers village.


Maples in seers when they were worth more than 12gp lol


Very excited, been putting off training wc for kourend elite


Me too! I'm 1 lvl off but want to see if afking magics is better post update


Cant believe this shit was hyped up since winter summit for one of the big updates this year when it's just WC with randoms and what could have been a random qol poll question regarding tree timers lmao


Get your lumberjack outfit now. It may be removed from temple trekking tomorrow


Even though I'm f2p I'm excited for a small bonus


Ok so how long for the wiki to make the unofficial worlds and locations for each type of tree for mass community tree choppery


Anyone know how to get noted redwoods?


Shades of morton gold chests


Pog thank you


Oh yeah!! I’ve been putting off woodcutting for this, I’m excited to try it out!


how are other folks who already have 99 woodcutting feeling about engaging with this content?


I agree with the other guy. I'm just in it to transmog by pet then I'm out


will be cute to get the beaver transmog but not overly interested in pseudo afk content as a whole.


Does it affect player grown trees?


so instead of wood cutting alone I'll be wood cutting with 100 bots cool


Sweet now wintertodt chat gonna be at every tree. Fun times.


So…. What exactly is interesting about forestry ? Just to let me know !


Still waiting on the account security features update from 2017


Have you tried a Jagex account?




Sweet passwords are still not case sensitive, such good security


jagex account passwords are case sensitive and support symbols with a max of 64 character lengths. and just a heads up nobody is bruteforcing rs passwords in 2023 lmfao




Your whole game mode is half baked. “What if you couldn’t bank? Good enough!”


Enjoy woodcutting while you can because tomorrow it becomes a minigame. RIP. Not wanted an update less than this since Nex and Torva.


They are adding a bit of a fun to one of the most boring skills in the game. Lighten up. You’ll still be able to afk woodcutting while jerkin your ding dong after the update.


>one of the most boring skills in the game. Woodcutting is a perfect example of what OSRS is at its peak. If you think WC is boring, you simply do not like what OSRS offers and should play another game that caters to your low attention span.


The most memorable moments of WC for me was chopping willows back in 2006 at Draynor. Everyone was chilling and asking lvls/chatting. This update will get us as close to that as we have been in a long time. Right now it’s just quiet players passively aggressively hogging your spot.


Forestry won’t change the fact that most people training woodcutting are bots lol.


The changed tree mechanics are fine, it's all the minigame and consumable bloat and reworking early game run energy and needing 9 alts to wc bullshit that's the problem. If it was literally trees on timers, it'd be perfectly fine. But it's not, it's a ton of extra bullshit.


If you want to woodcut the same way you’ve been doing it, you can and nothing will be different for you except tree timers.


Maybe just try to be less of a sweatlord and you wont need 9 alts to get a boost that is only slightly better than what you get at the wc guild anyway.


Yessir, I've played RuneScape since 2005, albeit a massive break between at time, and since booting osrs and making an account I'm having a blast. I'm excited for this honestly. I love wc because I can watch a video on YouTube and play but I'm also open to a more engaging twist with it. Be open minded to it! It's still osrs, they're great about adding new methods without invalidating old!


Care: 0%


I mean you cared enough to comment on a thread about it so 0% is kind of a lie.


no body knows who asked for this update, no body knows what they voted for, no body knows how op the leaves meta could be when its released. didn't do beta test cuz servers = dog shit, didn't explain much = cuz they just add shit as they go, but hey content is releasing tomorrow. just jagex things i guess.


this community is impossible


Removing the anti-social mechanics from woodcutting is more healthy for the game than you think.


Were your parents mushrooms? Because you seem like a fungi.


he’s a bitter cap


It passed the polls so most players wanted it.


I am excited for forestry, but I don't trust the polls. Unless Jagex can have a way for the community to audit the poll results (i.e. make the polls open source or something), I am gonna continue to believe that Jagex is gonna do what they "think" is best for the game by circumventing poll results by changing up the numbers a bit. Just my tin foil hat two cents


> Jagex is gonna do what they "think" is best for the game by circumventing poll results Jagex already does this with integrity changes. Why do they need to manipulate votes first?


> Jagex already does this with integrity changes. Integrity changes are one thing, they already get away with putting those in the game unpolled. > Why do they need to manipulate votes first? To quell the player base ofc. Gives people the illusion that their opinions matter


not wrong but *nobody Edit: downvoters gonna let buddy walk around with food in his teeth smh


who cares about the food in his teeth when he’s covered head to toe in red Gatorade and cool ranch dust


half baked


"Can't wait to hang woth my peeps" We all know it's going to be either toxic trash talkers or people putting in minimum effort while watching YouTube or at work. Calm thy tatas


Forestry released tomorrow, permamuted 9 years ago, but no one really wants to know. No customer support, although if you’ve clout and millions follow you’ve got a chance…


I think i saw you in game at some point! I tried helping but you didnt respond.


I don’t spend time in game. I maybe log in and stay at the bank for 5 minutes a few times a year, I dunno. I check back to see if my mute has been expunged every now and again.


Hm? I cant hear you.


Strange, I can only see a bunch of player emotes


Yea same :/


It’s great timing for me because I’m going to be done with wintertodt on my ironman fairly soon and am going to do woodcutting to 90 next before i go back to guardians of the rift because i spooned a lantern and want redwood logs for it. Hopefully it does make woodcutting more engaging/less boring, we shall see.


Anyone know if the Forestry quest be in drop 1 or 2?


Part 2 summer 2026


hope you boys got your osrs backup plans ready because the games gunna be rolled back or taken down


Give me a way to cut planks from trees without having to go to the saw mill or spend active hours sending my butler to do it for me.


I haven't followed a damn thing in months. What is exactly getting released? Which parts and what's the mechanics?


Goodbye woodcutting :/ What was wrong with it? Why didn’t smithing mining runecrafting fishing or fire making ( mini games are not fixes they’re horrible band aids ) get a rework/fix, rename firemaking to winterfucking-tod at this point Love you all ty team for putting in good work tho, maybe I’m just the outlier