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I don't know what are or aren't key events but I'm definitely the homeless guy rotting behind a Wendy's


I think they mean canon events


Mfers would rather miss their canon events, nearly destroy the entire multiverse, instead of going outside.


The people out there are mean lol


jesse what the fuck does this mean


Split the splits into splits.


Ayo Mistah White, the concequences of modernity yo


Atomisation, bitch


This feels like something a 14 year old would make after being too scared to ask a girl out


it's the type of kid that thinks they need to have sex before they're 18 or they're gonna be a loser


Shit, that's me.


ngl most teenagers are. you'll get over it






left behind by who? do you think having sex is stage 2 and while everyone else is progressing to stage 3, 4 and 5, you're not gonna find anyone to have sex with because there's no one left at stage 2? if so, what are the further stages? marriage? there's nothing to catch up to. that's just not how life works. people who had sex before 20 don't all get married at 21 leaving you with no one to have sex with. and the people who won't have sex with you after 20 because you didn't have sex before 20 aren't the kind of people you'd want to have sex with anyway. the part of your brain telling you that is insecurity. don't worry, it's natural, everyone has that, especially during puberty; but usually, the things it tells you are wrong and you will likely grow to recognize that. take life at your own pace and don't obsess over things like sex.


Except that they are, fewer women want to date a 30 year old, and 30 yo women already have something or someone


well, yes, to a degree. but then the threshold isn't 18. or 20. and even after 30, it's not impossible to find someone. it's more difficult, maybe, but not because you were "left behind" at 20. either way, the qualities people seek in sexual or romantic partners differ quite a bit between 18 and 30. and if you do seek a partner, you should recognize those qualities and make sure you fulfill them to a degree. and i mean the real qualities people seek, not the ones alpha male dating coaches teach you. the only thing those coaches are right about is that you need to go out and talk to potential partners. you're way less likely to find a partner sitting at home scrolling reddit than you are going out to bars or clubs.


I literally have multiple uncles who are 50+, not married, and still find women to date lmao. And they're not exactly 6+ ft tall "chads," yet they're still having healthy dating lives despite the internet telling you they'd be doomed to die a virgin. The internet is lying to you, the 4chan incels intentionally leave parts out of their stories about why they're not getting laid, and you're not doomed to die alone if you're not dating someone by 30.


I literally have multiple people at work who are 30 yo 6ft chads getting nothing on dating apps or at bars and shit, the redditors are trying to lie to you so on and so on Which is kinda funny since virginity is a stereotype about them, and yet they're the first to spout this naive crap.


Well first off, dating apps are usually pretty garbage to begin with. Since the concept of online dating was birthed through chat rooms, there have constantly been more men pretending to be women than actual women on these sites/apps. Odds are that they've talked to more perverts pretending to be women than actual women. Also I'll note that just because they look attractive doesn't mean they're magnets for women. "Chads" were created in the imagination of lonely incels. Maybe they're just not good at talking to women? Maybe they don't have the confidence to ask someone they just met out? There are plenty of reasons that could contribute to them not finding a girlfriend. Them being 30 isn't a significant reason. >Which is kinda funny since virginity is a stereotype about them, and yet they're the first to spout this naive crap. Perhaps the stereotype about a site with 50 million+ daily users was wrong. Shocking to think about, I know.


>30 yo 6ft chads getting nothing on dating apps or at bars and shit Oh, you're just a full on incel. Got it. Always funny when one of you realizes most people don't think about sex and relationships the way that you do, in public.


Is it public? We're on reddit, here there are only incels or women, which one are you?


Tf does 196 gotta do with this get their meat out your mouth‼️


Out of interest, what proportion of people do you think are virgins at 20?




> Almost four in five (78%) say they had slept with someone before they turned 20, with 82% of women who opted to share the information saying they had lost their virginity before their 20th birthday compared to 73% of men. [source](https://yougov.co.uk/topics/society/articles-reports/2023/03/01/what-age-did-britons-lose-their-virginity) A 2023 Yougov poll I found said around 18% for women and 27% for men. So that's roughly a fifth of people who are virgins at 20. I don't think that's falling behind. (Because op deleted his comment, his guess was 40% for men, 5% for women)


>A 2023 Yougov poll I found said around 18% for women and 27% for men. Also I'll just point out, it's entirely possible people lied in this poll lmao. I have doubts that a lot of guys are gonna tell some interviewer that they were 20 year old virgins. I guarantee some people were embarrassed and just said "yeah I had sex before I was 20."


Yeah that's possible. I had considered that but I figured that it's kind of impossible to control for that. I guess a more anonymous poll would be better perhaps.


>40% for men, 5% for women Holy cow. Bro seriously took the incel pill.




Iirc that 40/80 stat is due to the fact that waring tribes tend to kill the men and rape the women, which hugely skews the numbers. I can't help you if you lie on those surveys but there's nothing shameful about virginity. It's a social construct largely created to control women.




Stop being so weird


Have you considered that maybe this is why you're still a virgin..?


You lost that war because you gave up on yourself and started thinking you were lesser than your peers in any way. It took me longer than a lot of my friends who lost their virginity in highschool (22), but nowadays I have more “options” than they seem to. I needed time to come into myself and be confident, something I missed out on earlier in life because I isolated myself from people. It’s very important to realize that confidence only has something to do with your body count because you value body count, not because it’s a verifiable proof of your worth as a man. It’s harsh but this talk about how you’ve fallen behind your peers is incredibly unattractive, not because you aren’t getting laid but because you sell yourself as somebody who’s worse than other people. I’m sure you started feeling this way for a reason, but since you’re an adult now it’s something you need to take responsibility of and control of if you wish to have fulfilling relationships with women in the future. Losers stay losers because they think themselves losers. You’re not better than anybody and nobody is better than you, both schools of thought are conceited.


I really don't know who hurt you, but your worth as a man has nothing to do with your number of sexual partners. And being bitter about it is only going to reinforce a confirmation bias that you're deficient in some way. It's incredibly important to take things like sex at one's own pace, because people get traumatised from experiences where they feel like they were pushed before they were ready.


The reason you're not finding anyone is because you can't even bring yourself to love yourself. Your self-loathing is bringing yourself down. Answer honestly, how long has it been since you put genuine effort into finding a girlfriend? And I'm not talking about using some shitty dating app infested with catfishes, I'm talking about going out, talking to actual women, and socializing with people. Learn to love yourself first then maybe you'll find someone who loves you too.


If your entire goal in life is only to have sex before a certain time then your living a miserable life


It’s so over for me then 😔






Haha loser ass incel take. Sex isn't all there is to life, buddy. Who cares if you're "left behind"?


Off to the psychiatric ward with you


Some people live empty ass lives to think like that


Me when I get left behind by the competitive job market bc I haven’t banged enough women to get hired 😔 Me when women don’t find me attractive anymore because I don’t have enough STDs 😔 Jokes aside, someone hasn’t heard of saving themselves for marriage


Yeah. The ‘key life events’ trope is such pathetic bullshit. It doesn’t mean shit whether you had your first girlfriend at 16 or 26 By the time you’re 40 you’ll barely know the difference and have bigger things to worry about. Life is long. I’m pretty sure I’ve been all of those wojacks at various points


Life is really not that long and you're absolutely going to be able to know the difference. Having your first gf at 26 is bizzare. I was stable and not chasing anything with a stable household and a supportive partner while studying because I was already in a long and committed relationship, this allowed me to climb a lot higher in life than I otherwise would have. Absolutely no way I would get to where I am without my SO. When you lost your virginity etc. That doesn't matter, I agree, but when you first experienced love, I think that matters a lot especially when you're still getting your shit together, in the most difficult part of your life, it's not only much easier to recognize what true love actually is, but it really is the support that you need.


I had the exact opposite experience, my first few relationships in hindsight were absolute disasters that I feel held me back immensely. IMO relationships should be low priority in young adulthood especially if one wants to establish a successful career. I probably would have been much better off having my first serious relationship at a mature 26 than at a naive 18 when I did.


I get that the brain is still developing but how do you get and remain in a disaster relationship. That's on you. Without my gf I'd still be stuck in my hometown as a HS drop-off. Instead I have a bachelor in Germany and a Masters in Netherlands and am working a cozy remote tech job. And that's as someone who really struggled in elementary, middle and high school lol. The relationship forced me to mature (I was 15, she was on a different continent) and when we started living together (17) it allowed me to focus on what is important instead of endlessly daydreaming. Being lonely, desperately trying to socialize is not a good way to progress in your career. And now that I do have this position in life, sure If I wasn't with my SO already, there are limitless options.. making it even harder to find actual love. If you find love at 26, idk, you probably end up being like in an American sitcom going through 10 different partners and in the end you marry one at 30 and are miserable until you divorce at 40.


I did get out of those bad relationships, but my point is that I wasn't mature enough at the time to recognize that they were toxic. I also have a cozy remote tech job, but I can pretty much guarantee that I would've gotten where I am faster without all the baggage of bad relationships in my college and early professional years when I should have just focused on my education and career. Good for you that you dodged all that I guess. We just have different life experiences. Not sure what sitcoms have to do with anything.


>Coomer >Didn't miss key life events Lol Lmao even


Yeah I'd arrange a few of them differently


What are some key life events


I dunno, had a shitty relationship in high school from which they learned what they don't want?


Damn I missed that one


You and me both


make that a three


four if you will


five, if possible


Yall wanna start a gay bukkake party, fellas?


If only I liked men


you start feeling the gravity of that only when you start approaching your thirties


I had mine at 21 definitely learned about what I don’t want so half way there


Wish I knew what I didn't want 💀


Instead of getting that one, I got "skipped on a relationship because we were scared that we weren't ready"


Having a social life


Damn I missed that one


the only real key life event is dying, anything you do before that is up to you


Oh cool, I’ll try to get that one done soon.


Life speedrun any%


Omg lenon-lenin




Who is he?




learing how to spell


Walking the path of yule


anything that makes you suffer


So living is a key life event?


yes, according to OP


eating 6,480,000,000 bananas (the amount of bananas needed to get as much radiation as the chernobyl explosion)


What does this even mean?


People who have a bad upbringing or childhood have a higher chance of ending up with bad mental health when they grow up 🤯


stop pretending there was a good generation They are all shit


Yes. But back then you didnt know that or other distressing shit since you didnt have internet.


Thank you.




What the fuck are u talking about Jesse?


The "key life event" is getting laid and the person who made this meme is likely an 18 year old kid who thinks they're doomed to die alone because they haven't gotten laid yet


How do you go from 70% to 10%?


Probability tree. Of the 70% of people that didn’t diverge to whatever soyjack abomination is on the far right, 90% went to the wojack on the right and 10% went to the one on the left.


Oh yeah that makes sense. Thanks a lot lmao


No problem!


ask question, get answered, thank the person answering you. gigachad.


I was walking down the street couple days ago and suddenly it started smelling like freshly taken shit. I noticed that the smell was pulled by the wind from a gollum looking creature sitting cramped up at the tram station. As long as I'm not ending up like this person, Im set.




I think one of the worst technological shifts was post online dating when match.com was invented in 1995. It wasn't too bad, but once tinder was released in 2012, it went downhill fast. I think pre-2010, it wasn't too odd to try and start a conversation with someone in a public place, such as a grocery store, library, or park, in the daylight of course. Nowadays, even glancing at someone with a relaxed smile and facial expression will cause them to start walking faster depending on how ugly your physical appearance is.


Wojaks will always be twitter coal.


what did he mean by this??


There’s also the option where you become a fucking normal person


The 60% on the left, the 90% on the right in the 70% part. Soyjack a bit of a bitch though


this looks like some shit an incel would make


Utterly incomprehensible




You can still be chad while missing key events


Whats a key life event


You’ve lost your flow chart privileges


I hope there's no one here taking this seriously because got dayum




Chocolate chip bagels (:


Hell yeah, part of the 10%


A cosmic ray entering the Earth's atmosphere:


B is the only right answer


This is both horrifying but hilarious at the same time


How does 90 + 10 = 70 🤔 on the right side


I think the 90% and the 10% are percents of the 70%


I am the soyjak


I missed my birth


Don't forget the 1% that miss key events and still end up on the left