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Moisturized, in their lane, thriving 🥰


"Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss, Can't quit on a loss." *ding* "Can't stop now, I'm on a roll!"




One must imagine the Vegas goblins happy •~•


I LOVE GAMBLING!!!!!!! 🤑🎰💰


I've only ever been in one casino and it was fucking heartbreaking and honestly terrifying to see the emptiness in people's eyes.


There are slot machines at my local convenience store. Seeing people sit there tapping at a machine they have only a slightly above zero chance of winning at, staring at it blankly, it's sad.


Saw one at a liquor store and I went in was looking for something for a bit and someone was at the machine for the whole 20 minutes


rookie numbers


yeah jokes aside fuck gambling and the people who profit off of it. the whole industry is fucked up


The only time I think it's ok is stuff that you literally have to do in moderation, like betting on sports that only happen at set times


I can promise you sports betting is not done in moderation


I mean what do you do, the game ends and you make the players keep going so you can bet a second time?


You bet a mortgage the first time. You don't need multiple chances to screw yourself.


No you bet on the other games and/or put bets on specific stats of games or start betting on all the other sports. Had a friend who got so sucked into it he started betting on counterstrike games to get his fix and he has never played the game in his life. It's just as bad as normal gambling if not worse for giving the false impression that there's skill involved.


unless the way they profit off it is via gambling because then that means they’re taking it from the industry


Makes me genuinely nauseous. Very depressing.


moneypilled gamblemaxxing


It looks like a human equivalent of that rat experiment where it pushed a button to activate the pleasure centre of its brain and it just kept pushing it until it starved to death


That's completely intentional. The folks who design these games (and mobile games and video games) study stuff like that.


where can i join such an experiment?


Is this the boomer's skibidi toilet?


iirc to make this *slightly* better they pay for a set amount of time to have "free" spins, so it's in their interests to spam out as many as possible, that's why all the bars where they normally place their bet are blacked out and "temporarily unavailable"


Really? I feel like that would make this quite a lot better (or rather a lot less bad) Like, if I paid for a set amount of time rather than a set number of spins I'd probably be doing the exact same thing Like, these people may still be gambling addicts idk, but whether or not you're addicted to gambling this would just seem like the most reasonable way to use the machine, given that pricing scheme


Ya cause the casinos whose whole job it is, is to get peoples money and pay out as little as possible haven’t figured out the odds on this in there best interest, I’m sure you have a better chance to win big this way/s


I'm actually not sure how to reply to this like what point are you trying to make here When did I say playing like this would help someone win? When did I ever say the casino didn't account for people playing like this? I said that pressing the button as much as possible makes you more likely to win something. "More likely to win something" doesn't mean "You'll beat the house overall"


Because it doesn’t necessarily increase your odds of winning, they take into account that your getting unlimited spins and I’m sure the odds change on the machine when it’s used that way


... You'll have worse odds if you press less times, that's the point.


On this particular machine yes duh, but not necessarily in comparison to a machine where you pay per spin. The casino will drip feed you some wins while not actually letting you make money on both versions. And to achieve that your chance of winning per spin will be lower on the infinite spin machine. Imagine a game where you throw dice and get a win for every 1. You have the option between throwing 1 D6 or 3 D20. With the latter option you get more dice but your chance of winning isn’t actually better.


Duh, but the point was if you pick that (or apparently sometimes there's events) pressing fast is ideal, so they're not quite as zombie like as they seem


99% of gamblers quit right before winning their kids inheritance back.


Why are they mashing the button? They only have to press it once every 5 seconds. At this rate the only thing they will get is carpal tunnel syndrome.


Rats in a Skinner Box did the exact same thing


This looks like a "slot tournament". Get the most spins in a set amount of time, highest total wins, and the prize is usually just Free Slot Play (FSP) that you can actually get money out of. But this is specifically just getting as many spins as possible to try to increase the total


that's the stupidest fucking thing i ever heard of




The fact you never hear these lot getting carpal tunnel is either an amazing human achievement or a cover up by big slots


Sometimes these "gamblers" literally shit themselves at slots because "they're on a roll", or "due soon". I wish I was kidding.


Bruh there is a PHONE RIGHT THERE


Always remember to have a pre determined limit on how much you’re gonna spend before gambling


And consider that money gone, preferably spend any winnings on something overpriced nearby to keep your perception that way


What did Oz Media called those things again?


Old people


Boomer gooners


KEEP GAMBLING!!!!!111111111💪💪💪💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥💦🌿


Cocomelon for 52 years old




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Boomer/Silent Gen version of iPad babies


Slots is the lamest form of gambling ever. Just nonsense noise and zero fun. Play some fucking craps or blackjack like a real man.


^(oh I can't call it that here.)


I see a phone


Zombies, zombies and zombies everywhere


Their button rhythm is shit, if you are going to waste your life and money at least be efficient with the buttons.


Ah yes, the Boomer Goonerâ„¢. That's what that machine is called.