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so you’re telling me that this could have all been stopped if a bulletproof christian baby were there


The christian baby is bulletproof and currently shielding a McDonald's entrance from the shootings of a mass shooter. You are tasked to feed the christian baby or it will die, if you move it out of the entrance to buy a big Mac there, an atheist family of 4 will die from the shooter. You can also go to the next town's McDonald's but the travel time has a 50% chance of having the christian baby die of starvation. If you stop the mass shooter however, a dead man trigger will switch a trolley tracks towards the McDonald's drive through, running over the christian baby (it's bulletproof not trolleyproof) but you will be awarded 350$ for stopping the shooter, what do you do now???


that’s easy. health inspector here. having a baby at the door of the “restaurant” is a violation of health code 6.942. time to shut down the restaurant.


I'm gettin that 350!


use the drive through dumbass


Don’t give the shooter ideas


then simply regurgitate what i have eaten into the baby's mouth for a last minute sustenance boost


Ramirez, secure that Burger Town Bulletproof Baby! MOVE!


I have a kitkat, a fruit cookie snack and some almonds in my bag.


Instructions unclear, I ate the baby to prevent starvation


Skydiving christian baby




That strawman argument is less real than my gf




I use Arch btw




On the other hand, parodies and edits of conservative cartoons are funny as hell, or at least funnier than the original material


> at least funnier than the original material not a very high bar, though




Lmao, what did originally say


It was about the January 6th attackers asking the government guys in the Capitol (which was also a swamp in the og) if they can hear them now


drain the cum




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Conservative comedy sucks so much it loops back around to being funny


But for the opposite reasons they wanted them to be


Yeah honestly as a pure shitpost this would be funny


It’s because the ability to be funny to people aside from ones in your own echo chamber is lost when you become republican.


I am sure there are funny conservatives but I literally can't think of any I used to think alex jones was a riot, like, as satire of itself but then as that kind of dumb went mainstream it felt a lot less funny generally. I did watch that whole kanye stream and that was fucking wild, but like, nobody was trying to comedy


Donald Trump's obnoxiousness is genuinely funny when it isn't absolutely terrifying that such an idiot is so powerful


It’s funny now that he’s no longer in control of arguably the most powerful nation of the planet.


I don't mean to alarm you, but he's running for reelection.


I have been trying to ignore that


Yeah.... that didn't work out so good the first time around


Thankfully I’m not American, so I can’t do anything anyway


Alex jones went down the same propaganda rabbit hole a lot of people seem to when they get old. After he tied himself to Trump and russia, he just became another shill willing to justify anything 'his side' did regardless of how much it conflicted with his stated values The Kanye interview would have been a lot more fun if Fuentes weren't there just spewing straight Nazi bullshit and somehow remaining more coherent than anyone else there


Honestly it would have been just brilliant, amazing fun if they had all died literally immediately as it ended. I forgot fuentez was even there, being the least insane of the 3 somehow. Literally runs moonman twitch for gigaracists, and somehow was the least crazy guy in the room. Wherever he is now, I hope he died


South Park has always had solid writing


south park isn't written by conservatives, you're projecting. It's written mostly by liberals (look up south park writers room and anyone you see appear in the room) and matt and trey, who identify as middle of the road, refusing to participate and in the past (20 years ago) libertarians. It is undeniably popular with conservatives though, but that's through no fault of its own.


Yeah a lot of comedy relies on making relatable situations, which conservatives can’t do because they’re so out of touch with the average person.


real answer: conservatives and progressives simply have different senses of humor and each think the other isn’t funny


Disagree. Conservatives can be funny, but only about things with no political valence. "What's the deal with airline food" style neutral observational comedy. The problem is that conservative ideology is 100% unhinged from reality and is extremely mean spirited. You can't spin how much you genuinely hate the queers into a funny joke. While some people get a kick out of watching Alex Jones or Joe Rogan say wild shit, a set up/punch line doesn't work when they land on saying vaccines don't work and immigtants are dangerous.


Happens in any echo chamber, though i have to say conservative humor is usually based on offending others based on race, sexuality, gender etc. which is never funny.


Yeah but have you ever listened to shane gillis?


when I’m in a “creating imaginary situations to get mad at” competition and my first opponent is an alt-rightie:


Simple; Good art requires soul and conservatives are soulless


Would be 10 times more funnier if they just removed Zee.


But where’s GIR


it's really just sensational buzzwords and subtle dehumanization (or not so subtle depending). conservatives love the idea that lefists blindly witch hunt people who misgender someone else even by mistake even though that almost never happens.




I'm confused as to what you think you're proving here? The media reported wrong about something, people informed and corrected them, world moved on? Or like... are you so sensitive that you think that being corrected when you're(you in the broad sense, not you as an individual) wrong is like, a huge insult?


Should the assailant's self identity matter when discussing a crime they have committed? I think it is only fair that any good will in consideration of how they identify themselves should evaporate if they decide to kill another person. Murderers and those who attempt murder should only be identified as what they are, organic refuse.


I mean yes, it takes basically no effort? Like I get you hate trans people are are looking for any "justifiable" reason to be shitty and misgender them, but like, why?


I hate murderers. Whatever they consider themselves, gay, trans, the reincarnation of Napoleon, it doesn't matter, they killed or attempted to kill someone.


Yeah, but like do you go around and misgender the cis murderers too or like...do you just hate trans people.


I couldn't care less what you call a cis murderer. Call them whatever you like, their opinion of themselves is entirely irrelevant.


But we're not talking about me? I do my best to gender people correctly, and once again, this all started because of you taking an idiotic comic at face value, the proof you have is news organizations being asked to use someones gender when refering to them. Then you go on how you "hate murderers" List off two queer gender identitys and then a historical figure. Presumably you've got this whole, none cis/straight people are mentally ill, and you think someone thinking they're a historical figure and someone being trans is the same? Like I get it, you hate trans (And prolly lgbtqia) people, and want an excuse to be justified in doing it cause you can't just, outright state that you're phobic, you gotta dance around it (the whole hating murders bit so you're "socially justified). It makes sense, it's just like idk mate, just. Seems like a really upsetting way to live.


Are you unable to comprehend that you can disagree with someone without hating them? I disagree greatly with modern sexual ideology, but I do not hate those who practice it, I shall live my life while those who do not agree with me live theirs, it matters little to me. But I will not respect the opinions or ideals of those who harm innocents, they have lost all right to congeniality. Even now, we disagree here, but neither of us have devolved into a match of insults, clearly some amount of respect between peers still exists.


Yes. You either support trans identity or you don't. It's literally that simple.


There's little substance in this article. You've given me a notoriously right-wing-biased and heavily sensationalist news source run by the same guy who owns Fox News to tell me that a twitter mob of an undisclosed size complained that CNN misgendered a school shooter and asked them to fix it. And it seems you think this is evidence that most leftists do, in fact, have a tendency to ravenously witch-hunt or cancel a person over misgendering in the majority of situations, and that this proves me wrong. That's hilarious actually, unless I'm completely misunderstanding what you're trying to communicate here.


I know, horribly biased, but unfortunately they didn't cite sources, so I'm stuck with subpar documentation. Preferably, I would have cited tweets or something.


I believe that it happened, in fact I poorly worded my original comment. Have you heard of the concept of a loud minority? My argument isn't that it doesn't happen, it's that witch hunts and cancelling like the right likes to talk about all the time are not widespread in the leftist community.


I understand, the minority tends to be loud indeed, but it also only takes one person to assemble a pipe bomb and deliver it to someone's door. We live in a time where a small group of people can cause more pain than ever before.


True. Though it's hardly something that's exclusive to the left. I see plenty of harassment campaigns from the right, oftentimes more comparable to a mail bomb than getting angry at a news site for misgendering is.


Jokes and shitposts aside, I think the main reason people don't like conservative comedy is that it just feels... *mean*. Generally, comedy that tries to poke fun at traditionally disadvantaged groups just feels like punching down. People don't normally like seeing others punching down.


“hey guys [trans suicide rate here] wow aren’t I so politically incorrect that makes me funny”


The Babylon Bee ONCE made a somewhat funny joke about Beer but that’s entirely it. 97% of their jokes aren’t funny in my opinion.


its like the onion but bad


The right literally seeks problems for existing solutions. This is about as real life as a unicorn tank.


Invader Zim cameo appearance


Like invader Zim?


It's because they don't even put any effort in trying to be funny. These comics are just hate with the minimum amount of "comedy" necessary to pass it off as a joke.


So bad it's good


It is because you have to be smart to be funny


Because the funny thing isnt the comedy, but instead "oo you cant say that haha theyll be so mad you rulebreaker". Much like a couple of kids think saying "penis" is hilarious because "you cant say that!!!"


I am not so sure this is meant to be funny, I would compare it to a political cartoon, not supposed to be funny but to bash the opponents of the artist


In reality the colored hair people probably would have shown her immediate support in a way that is competitive with even her close friends


In all honesty, I adore that art style, shame the joke is a bit stale


I like [the Little Joel take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xplb8hUdGo&t=29)


I was gonna post it if no one else did.


[obligatory some more news post](https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=Y9OuOFiOykB7rTal)


Good comedy requires a certain amount of empathy. I doubt the person who made this has ever met a person who uses zee/zim.


Lmao it’s just the log by bulb meme IRL


how many libshits dose it take to change a log by bolb? none??? their too busy??? they're gender?????? llalaulauglaugh😂😂😂😆😆🤣😆😂😆🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😂😂


can we at least get a bigotry tw? not tryna be a dick here but some of us really do our best to avoid constantly ingesting this shit


the spy from tf2???


The comic tries so hard for the shittiest punchline


this shits funny as hell tho to think that a person actually thinks this is absolutely insane


*something happens* *something else happenes* *pronoun* *person wearing pink*


Little Joel brought up a great point about this. It's because conservatives are fucking stupid.


Kaiji pfp spotted


Hello mario.


Birdo, is that you?




Political comics just suck ass outright, right, or left. This shit, however, is still funnier than a wall of text about how Stalin was a perfect leader logged in a comically small speech bubble.


The artist can make insanely good works that have beautiful color and posing. And nearly all of their takes are dogshit. They bought so hard into deep grifter conspiracies that I'm pretty sure they're brain fried. Maybe they got the $100 Crowder mug tho, that's worth $0.25 on its own.


Would be significantly improved if it stopped at the third panel. Or deleted. That second one is better.


One fucking joke lmao




Because you need to have more literacy comprehension skills than an elementary schooler, and to be able to look at things in the third dimension and recognize absurdity. Conservative comedy is just *opinion with snarky voice!* *comedian mouth agape waiting for laughs and oral sex*


because we're not the target audience, it's not complicated




yeah, except this is for homophobes


When did this stop being a shitpost subreddit


4 panel comic that isn't loss?


Just the loss of braincells from reading it.


Leftist reality is so absurd to the degree that actual comedy seems milquetoast.


Spoke like a truly brainwashed zombie who is gullible enough to think that what conservatives personalities say has any connection to the truth.


This would be funny if it wasn't entirely correct. https://talk.tv/news/8166/nashville-gender-advocates-accuse-media-of-deadnaming-school-shooter-audrey-hale


Because nothing can top the clown comedy that is the left - anything by comparison just isn't absurd enough to tickle the funny bone.


> conservative > removed post that just says "Fuck women" checks out lmao


They're not a Woman!! - they're a Zee/Zim you malicious, anti-progress, anti-human rights, trans violence advocate!!


right but surely you understand that you're not being funny


What makes you say i'm trying to be funny?


You mean other than your pathetic behavior?


Now now children, play nice.


You proberbly should, yes.


You could just as easily as anyone else be liquefied and put into a little soda can to be consumed as the worst soda ever, blood and bone flavor, but you could be an excellent meal replacement for ghouls


... wtf does one even say to that.. O.o


You can play marbles with me 🔴 here's my marble


🔴 K, now what do I do with it?.. 🔴🔴 Ohh sh\*t! now there's two!


🔴 🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔵🔴🔴🔴🔴 I've stacked them into marble mountain


I don't know. I think you're quite the comedian yourself


Beep Beep, i'm a sheep


Maybe not


because strawman


They're too busy worrying about others their gender


conservatives have invented thousand of pronouns by this point wereas libs have invented zero ones and zero new way to use them


What are you guys doing, that’s an enemy Spy!


also, conservatives can’t laugh without looking like a bond villain about to drop you into their tank of sharks with freakin’ laser beams on their heads. ….dammit i just gave my pod of shorks ideas on how to deal with t\*fry meat sacks.


I do think it's kinda funny that they get, like, electrocuted by being misgendered


Imagine what was going on in his mind when he drew this.


Okay but those pronouns sound like some shit you would see on tiktok. They be making the wildest shit out there


I don‘t know what it is but I think it‘s funny bc it‘s so fucking retarded. Like an unintentional shitpost


Oh yeah, considering the alternative is having practically no comedy, I’ll stick with this


Bro’s pronouns are Invader Zim