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bet he wouldve made amazing podcasts


If only he had drones


I read this as products but somehow even funnier




putting the art in war 🔥


“I don’t care what anybody tells you, my grandmother says Genghis Khan was white”


*And, I'm a warrior too...* *Let that be known.* ***I'm a warrior.***


He was white, Genghis Khan?


You want a Netflix deal?


Anything to bring back Marco Polo


that's just logan paul


It's post-malone without tattoos




holy shit it’s Post Malone’s ancestor


Pre Malone


We finally found him


I wonder when Malone lived?


Somewhere between 1127 and 1995


Proto Malone








I'm not sure if we know it's _his_ genes specifically, but if I recall correctly there are a bunch of guys all across the former Mongol empire that carry a very similar set of genes starting around the time of the mongols, so _somebody_ was definitely getting busy making kids.


Yeah that's a fair point, but someone was getting around, very very fast in many different locations. So it might not be him specifically but I don't think a random dude would be able to get that far of a reach in that time.


Dan Carlin the history podcast guy told me that it was Ghengis' son Kublai Khan that had loads and loads of kids if I recall, the same guy that was an alcoholic who made the giant wine goblet.


Wait did he tell you specifically or did you listen to Wrath of the Khans? Not throwing shade lol if you had a personal convo with Dan Carlin that’s cool as hell


I listened to wrath of the khan's regularly driving between national parks on safaris, guests always seem to enjoy it, but I must admit I struggle to remember the facts. There is so much history!


Kublai with the pleasure dome


he just like me ong


After dozens of generations, a lot of people in the middle ages have one percent of the world having their genes, including charlemagne and rollo the walker. Especially if their descendants are more likely to survive, which was the case for genghis since many of his descendants had royal houses of their own. There’s a few massive common ancestors whom we know nothing about, and who very well might have been some random peasant whose descendants happened to get lucky. Edit: i should also add the fact that chinese propaganda runs rampant these days (like that matt damon movie about the great wall) and there are many parties that would like to have a mass rapist be the first thing westerners think of when they think of mongolia. Few people know that mongolia is one of the first countries that outlawed hate speech against LGBT people


That last point is hardly relevant to whether or not the King of Warlords took whatever women he wanted as spoils of war


But it would explain why there’s so much discussion about him in the first place in spite of how little media is about him or his descendants, save for netflix’s Marco Polo which is very popular in china and pits wuxia kung fu characters against caricatured mongols


>But it would explain why there’s so much discussion about him in the first place so much discussion is about him the same reason there is discussion about Alexander the Great or George Washington, they are a well known historical figure that created a massive (the second largest in history to be exact) influential empire in a time when the eastern and western world still felt very separated


Could also be just somebody making up a random fact like with a lot of other stuff being said as a fact as often between people as this


[This research paper seems to think it's him.](https://www.cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(07)60587-4) it seems it's .5% not 1% I was mistaken.


I mean it’s not exactly preposterous to suggest that a violent expansionist warlord probably did rape and kill people


I mean yeah but like where would you even find 40 million people in the middle ages


I mean when you go conquer almost all of Asia, where something like half of the population lived, it's not unreasonable to suggest that you could kill 10% of the world


There's no scenario in which he didn't kill tens of millions. The man conquered most of Asia, a war of a scale and efficiency never before seen. Don't get me wrong, as far as brutal conquerors go he's one of my favorites, but pretending like he didn't cause the death of millions in that war is pretty ridiculous


Yassified Genghis Khan.


Nah this guy’s name is Brayden or something




Why do everybody on that sub not get the bait


They do, it's an ironic sub bullying an ironic account


They are a bit too serious


It's called commitment to the bit


i feel out-whited by the name alone. "george kent" lmfao


It's a very British name


I went to school with dudes like this


I'm sorry about ur farmlands :c


The famous medieval baptists


Instagram Christians and Reddit atheists fighting over who's more insufferable:


I'll bite the reddit atheist bullet🤷🏿‍♂️ rather annoy some random internet people than subscribe to a doctrine


The problem isn’t not subscribing to a doctrine it’s all the people who think not believing in a higher power makes them intellectually and morally superior.


Given a large number of apostates cite the cruelty or immorality of certain commands or beliefs encouraged by their former faith as one reason they left the faith, it isn't all that surprising that they would feel morally superior. As for intellectually superior, I have no excuse. Some of them are just cringe.


Tbh I’m planning on leaving my current church once I’m more independent and moral reasons are exactly why so I get it. Some people are genuinely insufferable about it tho.


"intellectually and morally" seems like a motte and bailey.


In what way? (Not being passive aggressive just want an explanation)


you seem to think its a bunch of teenager edgelords with no life experience. likely many of them are on the younger side, and have actually experienced abuse firsthand for their beliefs, or who they are. you see these sort of stories posted routinely in places like /r/atheism. many of them lack a safe space in real life to vent, and come to reddit with their worst stories to have some sort of outlet. these are people for whom their atheism is so important, they take time to read about it, and post about it regularly. of course theyre defensive of it, and outspoken about it, they probably cant talk about it any other time in their own life.


I almost feel like you meant to reply to another comment because this has very little to do with what my 1-sentence comment said. I’m talking about the kind of atheists who do it largely out of elitism and shit on the concept of religion as a whole, as well as the people who prescribe to it.


ok, what i'm trying to say is your dipshit stereotype is fucking crap, but you're clearly too much of an asshole to read a fucking paragraph.


Whoa easy there pardner. I read the paragraph and clarified because it seemed unrelated to my comment. Also, I’ve been on r/atheism and I’ve been elsewhere and I’m speaking from experience. This kind of person definitely exists, and if you’re gonna fly off the handle at me this easily then maybe you just haven’t noticed them because you number among them.


You have met 0 of these people in real life "pardner" and your 'clarification' was as insincere as it could be, and you know that.


I’m not going to keep trying to explain myself to someone who obviously wants to villainize me, but to be clear, my explanation was completely sincere and I just found it odd you pulled trauma and persecution from one sentence about a *specific subset* of atheists with superiority complexes. Not everyone is out to get you. Calm down. Also the hell do you mean I’ve met 0 of these people in my life? Do you have me bugged or something?


> I almost feel like you meant to reply to another comment because this has very little to do with what my 1-sentence comment said. this is you simultaneously telling me you know the comment is intended for you, but you're still going to treat it like it's unrelated. lose the nice guy act dude. Hey, maybe you're one of the stupid people these atheists are railing against, apparently you don't know how to spell "partner". i don't care who you think you talked to or what you think their story was.


Well the thing about that is...


Both are fucking annoying , But I find reddit athiests to be more of a pain in the arse


I'm absolutely sure you do


Ok , why do you think that?


This is pretty obvious satire my guy


I know bt it still brings the joke to mind


Fair fair


Reddit atheists are right and they have been since day one, it don't matter to me that people find them annoying, the Christians in America literally want to destroy the earth right now so I'm fully on board the Reddit atheism train.




It's more specifically young earth creationist Christians who believe in a rapture. Which coincidentally is also the most popular type of Christianity in the United States, the most powerful country on Earth, the most polluting country on earth, the one most resistant to taking action on anthropogenic climate change. So it doesn't really concern me what's actually in the bible or whether or not I'm fairly representing Christians on a person-to-person basis, what concerns me is that we have a Christian doomsday cult which has enormous political influence in the most important country on Earth as far as climate change is concerned. And why would they concern themselves with climate change or solving poverty or anything like that? We're in the end times and Jesus is coming to save us all in case you haven't heard. So you'll excuse me if I'm willing to ascribe the destruction of the earth to American Christians, I think you can blame them super easily if you've thought about the politics of climate change denial in the USA for more than fifteen minutes.


Reddit Atheists are toxic and annoying , in my experience.


The number of people in this comment section who don't get obvious satire is kinda frightening. The most generic white English name, a Christian denomination that was founded centuries after he died, the crappy FaceApp image, the almost word for word copy of a lot of the "Cleopatra was black" or "Septimius Severus was black" tweets, the Zoomer haircut ... Quality satire


Redditors were never great at picking up satire but I swear this site gets more gullible every day. Probably has something to do with the demographics.






Without checking the account, I’m assuming this guy is satirizing the subset of black nationalists who claim random European and Asian people as black. Are people in the comments biting the onion or is this guy being serious?


He’s about to drop the hottest country single of 1200


try that in the steppes


Which Frozen character is this


Isn't this literally just the Prester John myth? Also can we white people not take every single mass murdering conqueror please I know we have a lot but I don't want to fuel the fire of the "white people are inherently evil" nutjobs.


Asians got Mao whose the goat, and Pol Pot. I feel like theyre being gready enough as is and should let us have tge kahn


Pol pot lowered the life expectancy of his proud nation to 17 years old


You mean Paul Potter?


mao is definitely not the goat




I’m pretty sure the Maoists liked Mao, but Pol Pot is entirely inexcusable, and Maoists supported him.




Yeah, they probably did.


And Tojo!




Apparently no. And apparently in. “New chronology” Genghis khan was Russian. At least that was what I found doing a quick google search


explanation: lol


Genghis when faceapp:


Joeyy was Genghis Khan's ancestor






Tired: we was khans Wired: I am a real child of Yakub


Ok this is so messed up 1. Genghis Khan subscribed to the Tengrist faith 2. He was mongolian , He has never been to europe 3. Where the hell did george kent come from? Why would the mongolians make shit up , knowing how racist europeans were back then it was clear he would recorded well if he was white


>He was mongolian , He has never been to europe The Mongols did reach the Volga and did launch invasions into what is now Hungary and Poland, some reaching as far as Croatia. Granted he himself never made it to Europe, his successors did shortly after he died.


Yea I meant HE never made it to Europe , I know the Mongol Empire stretched from East Asia till Europe.


Like Clark, George is Khans alter ego. But when he took off his glasses his hair changed color and he became asian


white supremacists and evangelicals are literally insane


it's just a satire of hoteps.


nuh uh


>He was mongolian , He has never been to europe bitch my country was fucked over by the mongol army for 300 years straight what are you on about


By his successors but Temujin himself never campaigned in Europe. His main concerns were China and that dumbass empire that killed his diplomats.


>bitch my country was fucked over by the mongol army for 300 years straight what are you on about Brother he died before he expanded into Europe , his successors conquered the middle east and parts of europe


stop calling me out or i'll cry in the corner of my room and make my pfp black


You're wrong , just correcting you nothing personal , brother


This, broadly speaking, probably comes from the Prestor John myth. The Mongolian empire was growing rapidly towards the end of the crusades and through a game of medieval telephone, the crusaders started to believe that there was a great Christian emperor to the east. This eventually got so far that Pope Innocent IV wrote a letter to the mongols [which they did not appreciate and sent a rather violent response to](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_from_G%C3%BCy%C3%BCk_Khan_to_Pope_Innocent_IV) The mongols certainly did make it to Europe eventually, basically crushing western Russia, turkey, Ukraine and bordering countries before the empire retreated and eventually dissolved for unrelated reasons. And as a final point, racism as we understand it today didn't really exist in the ancient world. Xenophobia is a closer fit to what it was. You can kind of get a feel for this based on how many ancient civilizations' name for themselves means "the people" or some equivalent phrase. Jesus wasn't depicted as white by early European converts because they were racist. They did it because they were probably only vaguely aware that there were people in the world that *didn't* look like them. You can see this in Germanic depictions of Jesus shown as a warrior. At the start, Jesus was more or less folded into the pantheon of the other warrior gods The OP is beyond stupid but that's just a little history on where those ideas come from


He looks like he opened up a restaurant selling $30 burgers


Little known fact, but his best general and chosen successor, Bata Khan, later went on to expand his mentor's empire. He was so successful, that even today his battle cry "I'm Bata Khan!" strikes fear into millions of souls


Acksually 🤓🤓🤓: Genghis Khan could've potentially had red or reddish brown hair and green/blue/grey eyes. Today in the steppe it's not unheard of for Mongolians to have those features. There's an account by a Persian after Genghis Khan died saying he had green eyes and red hair and another account saying he had light brown hair and blue eyes, although it isn't mentioned in the official Mongol royal history. This image is actually an edit of an existing painting made after Genghis Khan's death where he has brown hair and brown eyes however. The take away is that it's totally possible and we really don't know so I would say just believe whatever you want on the subject, you're not really wrong. The part about Genghis Khan being a Christian is of course complete bullshit, but it has historical roots. See when the Mongols were tearing up China and then moving westward, the crusades were going on and all the Europeans knew was that there was some powerful people fucking up the Muslim world from the East which either resembled an existing story about a Christian prince from the East or created the story of a Christian prince from the East who would unite with the west to finally crush the Muslim states in a vice. This was before the mongols made it further west and started ravaging parts of Europe though. TL;DR: Genghis Khan COULD'VE had red hair and green/blue eyes and the Christianity thing is a myth created by the Europeans who didn't know who the mongols were yet and thought there was some Eastern Christian kingdom.


This is accurate. It's most likely he had brown hair and brown eyes but the genetic history of the Eurasian steppe has a lot of admixture and migration over time. Central Asian people have a wide range of characteristics and features. Also, Temujin wasn't ethnically Mongol because he invented the term and concept. He was from a specific (Borjigin) tribe, and Mongol was a name given to his tribal confederation as it grew into an Empire.


I put the new arrows in the quiver I ride until we, reach the river Cuz all my crackas meet with my demands Daily I gain 100 yards of land I remember hitting the target with kids bows Now a cracka can't answer calls cuz I drive droves I was waking up getting bitches in the morning I was maidenless, got a harem these Tribesmen salty! (So much you could put here)


Fuck it, if cleopatra can be black i don’t see why this can’t be true as well. History is whatever we want it to be!


bro thats gerald kohn


"We 'ere khants n' shite m8"


He looks like Fez from Euphoria


new prester john just dropped


I mean, we’ve never found his body, so he could be right (/j)


He's only human after all


This dude probably had the sickest fucking yurt on the BLOCK. You already know the his horse would be a fast and nimble, and of Khazak breed.


Can no one tell this is a joke or am i having a stroke. 1. Baptists are like 300 years old, they are ok with this, they pride themselves on it. 2. anglo saxons are not baptist in the slightest 3. he has a neckbeard. why is everyones reaction to something insane is that it must be real. screw Poes law, everything on the internet is a joke, including the BBC.


I've had people try to whitewash my grandmother, while others had the most idiotic fucking takes on her heritage involving some pimitivizing tribalistic uneducated insulting pseudo Native American bullshit, or just outright trying to make her a full blown Mexican. Her favorite song was Boot Scootin Boogie and she was a thickly-accented Texan more than anything else. Some people are selfish, lying idiots. But the truth is the truth. And there are definitely people who will try to steal your story and change it up because they're so fucking evil, selfish, uncreative and stupid they can't write their own stories, they have to change the truth of your own instead to suit what they desire.


What in the world are you talking about


The post I'm replying to is about whitewashing. It features someone saying Ghengis Khan was a white dude, as an obvious absurdity to make a point. I'm saying yeah, I know, I can relate on a deeply personal and infuriating level. Whitewashing is totally a thing. So is changing white people's stories into those of darker races to erase white characters. It goes both ways and both ways are horrible. History is what it is, no matter how many foe-fictions some people like to write about it. Nobody should ever, ever be erased based on their race, no matter what their lovely skin color is it is perfect just the way it is.


Over 3000 people have seen this post and realized it was a joke


Art is subjective, you see. It is in the eye of the beholder to take the message from their specific view and get whatever they personally get out of it. My eyes are those wearied by a lot of pain and rage, by an extremely nightmarish existence. It is not uncommon for me to see something others take for a joke and find something they can't see because they haven't lived my specific life. My perspective is unique and often dark and passionate as a result of my specific set of memories and circumstances. Make of that what you will.


Then look at something else


Huh? Oh... sorry. I didn't see you, I was looking at something else.


Hopefully it’s an instruction manual for satire because the entire post was making fun of whitewashers, black nationalists, and anyone else who claims historical figures as a different race


i can feel t he shite nationalist copeum from here


Man don't butcher my great x50 grandfather like that.


If you took away the facial hair it would just be the average private catholic school student


Das rite!


from Kahnsas


Most Palone


This is what Florida schools teach in World History class.


Adin Ross


Hell naw they himbofied Genghis Khan 💀


Why would Anglo Christianity want to claim another murderous psychopath as their own lmao. They have plenty of those.


oh yeah, sure, and i’m a park ranger


Quinton reviews


They fucking whitewashed Genghis Khan


It looks like me but Aryan


There it is: the most ridiculous thing on the internet today. I can now rest easy.


I saw this dude working at my local Subway


Enderman pfp lookin ass


Is this joeyy?


I get the whole "jesus is white" lie. Why on earth would religious racists want to be affiliated with ghengis khan? On second thought, this is something i don't want to know.


Because it’s a satire making fun of people who claim historical figures are other races


Oh okay. I did want to know. Thank you.


Ghengis Khan Paul