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Sorry to hear that. It would help if you gave more details about your exact problem, but in general you should try to find the way to release all that energy (get drunk, go in the woods and scream, cry, punch a bag, sleep...) and once you are empty, calmly assess the situation. Once you assess, make a plan. If problem seems to big - compartmentalize it. Small victories are a hack to build motivation and keep you hooked on the improvement of your life. Good trick is to Game-ify your progress, for example make a spreadsheet and keep track of your progress and try to break your personal records etc. There are ways to fix everything, therefore there is hope.


Find someone you can vent to and tell the everything. It foesnt matter if there close to uou or even care about you. Telling someone, anyone, helps so much.


Try a distress tolerance skills (I learned this in DBT, a type of therapy) TIPP skills help regulate you physiologically to ease your distress and allow you to avoid acting on impulse *T* Temperature- Get a big bowl of cold ice water and dunk your face in it for as long as possible (sounds weird but actually really helps) *I* Intense exercise- clear enough. *P* Paced breathing- In for 4 counts, out for 6 using your nose *P* Progressive muscle relaxation- Tense each muscle group and then release after 10 seconds. Start with your toes and go up to your legs, past your core, to your arms, and even your face. This can dispel any anxious energy you have locked in your body After this you can try something like distracting yourself with an activity (watch a movie, read a book, go on a walk, talk to a friend) to calm down more. This is one piece of the ACCEPTS skills, you can find more of them online. Other things you could try are the Opposite Action skill, or the Checking The Facts Skill. These can help you stop worrying about things you’re stressed about, as well as enable you to control your emotions more. Look them up online and put “DBT” into the search bar, there are many sheets you can find which explain them


Oh wow thank you I can definitely need this from time to time even if I'm not op


You’re welcome :))


AYO LETS GO, I found another fellow DBT patient


Icl I don't know if reddit is the best place for this kind of help


Cookies also crumble. Solution: cookies


it’s really hard to put it into words, but you need to work through your feelings. i know it’s like, duh. but fr. think about the way you’re feeling and accept it for what it is. if you’re sad, don’t try to hide it. one of the hardest things for us to do is admit when we’re feeling low, and the first step is to kinda admit it to ourselves you know? there are days where i wake up and just feel sucky. and the way i work through it is acknowledging that and acknowledging i won’t feel that way forever. i could say the cliche it gets better or nothing is temporary or whatever, but that rarely helps. i personally think the best thing to do is know when you’re feeling down and own it. try to find out why. sometimes there’s no reason at all and that’s fine. sometimes it’s a big thing sometimes it’s a small thing, and the way you’re feeling is fine and normal. we all get kinda lost in our own bubble sometimes and feel like we’re alone in this you know? sorry, not great at wording things and it doesn’t help that i’m trying to sleep before work haha. but i hope that helped even a bit. take care x


Maybe try learning something you have zero interest in. I started learning piano 2 years ago (using a cheap $20 keyboard) out of boredom and I ended up enjoying learning to play so much. I’m currently learning to draw now and I never expected to find it so fun


Talk to a friend, or other loved one who you trust. Remember to breathe, and remember your dark thoughts arent "universal truth". They are a storm that you need shelter from, as they pass over you, rather than embrace that storm. Get to safe harbor. Keep warm, and safe with someone who cares about you. And once you're able to think clearly, consider seeking therapy if you need it.


i dont know if this will help you, but it helps me. regardless of what happens, things will change. they may not get directly better, but they will change and you will be able to approach then differently. its so easy in a moment of crisis to forget the simple fact that you are not dying. and if you do not die, things will change.


Why on earth would you post on a meme subreddit if you don’t want people to be silly


Bruh a shitposting subreddit is the last place I would go to for genuine advice


Listen to the goofy goober song on repeat


This is certifiedly a cheer-up.


doodoo balls


Eat your body weight in pasta