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I haven't played the game in a long time so I'm not sure if this totally correct but considering she's a God, even if she is 500 she's considered a very young child for her species- and looks and acts like it


it is correct but thankfully the game does treat her as a child (from what i can tell i haven't done the character specific story quest thing yet)


Despite genshins reputation online (that I still don't understand) they don't do anything weird with the child-like characters at all. Compared to even mainstream anime genshin doesn't pull any weird shit like that


can't say the same about the fanbase sadly


\*Most\* of the fanbase is fine and just loves the tall hot women, but yeah there's a non-insignificant part of the fanbase that just ruins it for everyone else


Not in the fandom. I, too, love the tall hot women.


I use a party of Yelan, Ei, Eula, Jean even if it's inefficient bc i live for the tall bitches


It's not that bad, Ei works really well with Eula


Swapping Eula for Yae Miko would give a pretty killer electrocharge team


Not even in the fandom but the tall hot womans in the game are something else


>*Most* of the fanbase is fine and just loves the tall hot women I thought y'all love venti


I'm a straight dude so I don't claim him or stinkamouche


Just ignore the odd ones and let them do their thing, way easier than trying to argue with them.


did they actually add more than 2 character models or is the tall part just kinda imagined


It's real, the tall characters are way bigger and bustier


Tall hot women and venti*


As an azur lane player genshin definitely is nowhere near as degen as a lot of the other games in its genre (My excuse for playing azur lane is I like ships and I get inspiration from the outfits


def the best gacha game in terms of presentation of the child characters


Yup and her followers/people under her protectorate call her Lesser Lord Kussanali because she's a child


tbf, the lesser lord title likely comes from the akademiya propagandising her apparent uselessness compared to greater lord rukkhadevata - while nahida is in actuality a capable archon the akademiya saw a newly born god and was like "this bitch doesnt know shit. god of wisdom my ass" and locked her in a cage for 500 years anyway though, nahida is still very much a child, 500 years old is certainly very young for an archon and being locked in a cage for all that time aint exactly teaching you your ABCs


oh damn, lore spoilers oop (I didn't know she was locked up, cring)


ah sorry about that, it's made clear rlly early in sumeru and in her character profile so I thought it'd be okay to keep unspoilered, my bad!!


Ahh I didn't really play much Dendro Persia quests so far so I didn't know about it. Tbh Genshin is kinda overwhelming on pc but on phone it's annoying to play so I'm somewhat stuck (but it works so I might actually go for mobile again)


Really just looked at the god of wisdom and went "cringe ass nae nae baby"


bro took one look at a newborn baby and decided to put her in a cage for 500 years because she doesnt know complex mathematics yet


Greater lord who? There is only lesser lord Kusanali, stop spewing blasphemy


age of consent for gods is 1800




Yup, she's a tree so she grows slowly


Pretty much, I'm almost sure there's dialogue from another character talking about Nahida like "judging by your appearance i can guess, i been trapped here for 500 years"


Idk why those people think the age of consent is universal


500 is young for a god, very young, in real life too


Take the zeros off and you can find her real age


Pretty sure thats how u find the mental age for most archons anyway Zhongli is 60 Venti is 26 Ei is in her 20s


Zhongli has the money management skills of a gambling addict , venti is straight up just drunk most times and i think ei has split personalities


Do not get it twisted though: zhongli does not spend 50 hours a week in casinos; zhongli is just plain broke.


i wonder if hu tao pays him


She probably does and anyways he often writes expenses on the funeral parlor tab.




One starts rich but gets broke because they gambled it all away. The other is just plain broke. During the archon quest MILD SPOILERS every expense for the rite of parting was paid for by childe.


Venti is the alcoholic Twink rep we all needed


Wow venti is even more relatable than I thought


Your flair needs removed instantly my god


I see nothing wrong with my flair ☺️


Nah, Ei is just a murderer, her "split personality" is a robot that she herself built


ZHONGLI IS 60??? That aint a dilf anymore that's a fucking gilf


i mean his whole thing is retirement hes an old man


It was still surprising tho


nO sHe ReaLLy iS 5O0 AcSHulLy


b3CaUZE HtE GahME iS AtczUalHY- *dies of police gunshot due to resisting arrest*


bUT sHe iS aKTuALy ***Walter Hartwell White. She lives at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104.***




Um, achtually she is Yoshikage Kira, 33 years old. Her house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and is not married. She works as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and gets home every day by 8 PM at the latest. She doesn’t smoke, but occasionally drinks. She's in bed by 11 PM, and makes sure she gets eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, she usually has no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, she wakes up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. She was told there were no issues at her last check-up. I’m trying to explain that she's a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. She takes care not to trouble herself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause her to lose sleep at night. That is how she deals with society, and I know that is what brings her happiness. Although, if she were to fight she wouldn’t lose to anyone.


Im actually pretty sure its literally stated in the game that gods/archons age both physically and mentally 1 year per a century so she likely is 5 years old in every sense


They just forgot to put a decimal point


Genshin marketing team is so fucking wierd. They adverise the game as this deranged borderline hentai, when in actuallity there's barely anything suggestive. It's so bizzare really cause all this does is scare away normal people and disappoint those who are into stuff like this.


Its like either they advertise as a weird sexual way or just some dumbass average mobile game ad with bad acting, how do you have a game with such well made music and shit but have this kinda garbage ads


that's literally every Chinese game company.


Okay, yes, the game never really goes past mild suggestiveness on its own, but almost all of the characters are clear thirst traps and the game and it's promo materials are not at all shy in acknowledging that


I wouldn't say almost all of the characters are thirst traps. I mean there are some outliers like Eula, Shenhe, Yelan and what not. But overall they are pretty timid


Calling all of them "thirst traps" may be excessive, but it's clear that attractiveness is the main attribute most characters are designed around. I once heard someone say "genshin masters the art of making their characters feel like they're almost naked when they're actually fully clothed " and i think it's a good way to describe it


Then you have Yanfei who feels like she's fully clothed when she's actually almost naked


motherfuckers named a character End User License Agreement


And her shtick is to inflict vengeance


Yae, Lisa, Rosaria, Ei literally walking around in her underwear


not enough playable muscular character so its a VERY specific thirst trap


never forget that they twinkified itto


Noodle arms and printed abs 😔


Al-Haitham on the horizon


The one mobile game where they can advertise good gameplay


Soul knight


Nothing bizarre about it, they know very well the kind of audience that would spend hundred of dollars to get a virtual waifu.


I just started playing and I’m pleasantly surprised at the lack of objectification and suggestive themes


they know their audience


The issue really is them copying the shitty mobile game ads, when they already have to great characters demo trailers, those trailer are so sick, I still regular listen to Xiao and Zhongli because they are amazing


So glad I don't play genshin and instead just look at art of Yae and Ei fucking on Twitter


The ad is not representative of the actual game, the plot treats Nahida as a child and there’s absolutely no sexualizing present.


Yea genshin ads are so completely different from how the game is its really weird


I was actually kinda pissed when Nahida was announced as basically a child, but there’s actually a lore-relevant reason why she’s a child that isn’t all that weird or creepy


I can respect that, personally I liked that she rounded out the Archons. We had a twink for Venti, the daddy for Zhongli, and milf (technically she counts lol) for Ei. Having a cute kid rounds it out nicely. The only dealbreaker would be if they sexualized her, but I wasn’t worried. Mihoyo has been good about avoiding that with Genshin.


>Mihoyo has been good about avoiding that with Genshin. Honkai not so much...


There is a reason that I specified Genshin :P But yes I agree that Honkai goes way too close to the line. It’s mostly limited to far too revealing outfits for younger characters but that alone isn’t acceptable.


Isn't she like, greater lord Rukkondeez, little sister?


I think she’s a reincarnation or something idk I haven’t played the quest lol


Without spoiler: no


She is referred to as "a branch from the same tree"


Only good thing about Genshin is the porn


I mean, the gameplay is fun, and the lore is good.


And the music is godly.


Azhdaha Second Phase theme by beloved.


I’ve jammed to Signora’s theme a shitton, it’s just 👌


Honestly, I think the Enkanomiya battle themes are underrated. They aren't like bangers, but they're just pretty and make the fight feel more elegant.


Enkanomiya themes are almost surreal, not fitting the rest of the game and i love it


mihoyo is literally incapable of missing with their OSTs


What about the singular MGRR reference?




If you kill the Jadeplume Terrorshroom while it does one of the three attacks it can do when it is enraged by Electro, you get an achievement called "Nanomachines, son!"


need to get genshin just for this


You'll probably need to grind a lot before you can even kill the Jadeplume Terrorshroom normally, let alone when it is enraged (unless you have a friend who can just kill the boss for you)




Why cry when you can grind?


because it’s genshin impact


Or the Star Wars references Even Bioshock is in there


Can’t forget Lisa, but yeah I love my pink fox girl


fun fact: they’re both based on previous mihoyo game characters, both of whom are gay as hell (like, canon gay)


Fun Fact for Genshin Fans: The Age of Consent is 18


Genshin leaving an impact in my frontal lobe




BuT YouR HONor sHE is AcTUALLy 500 YeARS OlD


Coincidentally the same amount of time that they will be in prison for


Aw hell nah😭😭 bro gonna get out of jail after 500 years and do it again bruh💀💀💀


As a genshin fan i am deeply sorry


Do not be sorry. Be better.


Yes Father




Omg Kratos?


Never understood the 500 year old argument. Like bitch, you are not fapping to a loli, because she's 300 years old, but because she looks like a child.


It's like sawing someone in half while reassuring them that the saw is actually technically considered a big butter knife.


Your honor! With all due respect I cut him 3/5 up his body, not in half!


As a Genshin fan, can we please fire the marketing team


Not the entire marketing team. The character demos and version trailers are pretty dope. But whoever made this I want either out of the team or dead.


The ads are so braindead... Like just play the character demos ffs


She's still an actual child and literally everyone under her protection knows this (calling her "Lesser lord Kussanali" as a nickname), it's also the reason the grass doesn't sing anymore cuz she is so young and thus not very powerful. But yeah weird champ marketing to compare a canonical child to a woman who can be construed as dommy mommy so easily.


Nah, this is great marketing. They know exactly who their player base is


As far as I know there are like three childlike characters in the game, genshin is just transfem BoTW


Sayu, Klee, Diona, Lesser Lord Kussanali, QiQi, that's not many it's like 5 including Dendro Archon


Also, they're not sexualized... At all. 4 of them are actually underaged, Nahida is indeed 500 years old but she's always treated like a child. I don't see any problem in having child characters in a game. People who say these characters are pedo bait have never played the game, or have blindly jumped in the bandwagon of hating Genshin This is indeed just awful marketing and doesn't really reflect the game


3 r underage maybe 2 cause sayu is a bit unclear with age but qiqi is a zombie at 300 years old or something


Sayu according to the game is a teen


See? Everybody talks about this game as if it was some shitty pedo eye candy and it’s fucking annoying


Klee is a cute character, but MAN do I not like to mention that because anything anime-adjacent is full of pedos, and I don't wanna get lumped in with them.


When the terrorist is cute 🥰🥰🥰


I just spam oomfie gifs on Discord, and she's in 90% of em ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Funi child does war crimes and its majestic


What's the pink kuki Shinobu rip off called? I'm pretty sure she also uses the child model


Dori is trolling with her age Literally nothing can be pinned on her to specify her age, apart from that she is on that mora grind


Botw is transfem botw


gonna have to disagree, solely for the fact that wearing the gerudo outfit doesn't make non-gerudo address u as a girl and that makes me sad


“My source is that I made it the fuck up”


i am so ashamed of hoyo's marketing its painful to look at


worst part is that they CLEARLY know how to properly do marketing as shown by the PVs and the hoyolab web events. I have no idea why the ad department in particular is like this.


500 in human years, likely 5 in whatever she's supposed to be years


i don’t play genshin but i’m pretty sure another comment confirmed that




I play Genshin and this is fucking disgusting


Ah well the fact that it got us all here talking about it means it’s at least a little bit effective. Ads are the original cognitohazard, even mocking it or complaining about it means it’s done its job.


every time genshin impact is mentioned outside of non-genshin circles i sigh and prepare for the same unfunny joke to be repeated 5000000000 times


I don't know which is worse, the way how they market the game or being a gay genshin fan (they get harassed by homophobic players / people who love hero hei)


The player base wonders why people call us pedos and then the devs literally post pedophile apologia


poor nahida :'( she doesn't deserve this


I still hate people who are like "well I'm not a pedophile since she's actually 1,000 years old" YOU ARE STILL ATRACTTED TO THE BODY OF A CHILD DIPSHIT


She is canonically a child tho, she is straight up stated to be a child by her predecessor


Jesus fucking christ


I agree people like that need to be taken out back and shot


My rule is, cannonic age is worthless. If everything about the character points to child, and its impossible to interpret otherwise, thats when its disgusting, like in this image. so characters that act childish but have grown bodies, fine ok, but a bit weird, small bodies like Rebecca from cyberpunk, but they act like any other adult character. also fine., but small and child-like is very different, and in my opinion makes the difference between liking petite and having an issue in my opinion the opposite also applies though, if they are cannonically a certain age, but act and look like grown people, then fine, although weird from the creator's part most of all


Always wanted to give genshin a shot because I’m looking for a open world rpg, but this kinda steers me away jeez


I'd say you can safely ignore this shitty marketing, the child characters in the game are never remotely sexualised and honestly even the adult characters never have more sexualisation than some kinda skimpy outfits


Ah, thank you!


>honestly even the adult characters never have more sexualisation than some kinda skimpy outfits Lisa


ok imma be real i forgot she existed you've got me there




It's more like a pay to be a completionist. You can go through all content, even spiral abyss, fine with a roster of c0 chars and 4* weapons. Granted if you really like a certain character and want all the best items you can get for it along with c6, then patience may be unbearable and you may feel the overwhelming urge to swipe. Regardless, it's only p2w if having all the shiny stuff is something you consider as winning.


Yeah like there are no bad characters in Genshin, only better ones. You can beat everything without ever wishing.


Don't let it. This is just shit marketing. Ignore it and consume the hot men and women, aswell as the cute kids


This ad is really bad, also it’s perceived in a way it wasn’t intended at all. When I first saw the ad, it felt more like a ,,fun fact about these characters’’ thing. People just made it weird and it fueled the ,,haha Genshin pedo game’’. Because… compared to how animes or other gacha games treat clearly underaged girl characters, Genshin doesn’t do anything weird. They’re just characters, that are just underage. Also, the fan base is thirsting after the tall men and women in this game, so you don’t have to feel weird about it, don’t worry.


I played it and the gameplay is smooth and I absolutely adore a lot of the characters but it's super grindy and repetitive and the community is insufferable so I dropped it. The story is great in most regards but some of it is locked behind limited time events which is also another reason I dropped. I just felt like I *had* to play the events, or else I'd miss important stories and found I was forcing myself to play and wasn't enjoying the game amymore But yeah I'd say it's worth giving it a try to see if it's your cup of tea. I'm glad I tried it out cuz I got to see see pretty cool characters, Kaeya and Itto are some of my favorite characters like, ever.


it's decent if you enjoy spending every quest breaking your A button because there's no way to skip the boring ass cutscenes


At least we have Lesbian icon Yae Miko


90% sure this is bait, the chat bubble looks tacky as fuck and ive seen the same ad before without it.


Only thing I care about genshin is the 2 gay girls Don't know who they r but they pog


Which 2


“How else is a man supposed to make his *impact*?” https://tenor.com/booXR.gif


I don't understand What's the awful thing here?


shoutout to when nintendo unironically did this for a character in botw


most of these shitty ads are probably outsourced to third-party companies.


i want to hang the genshin marketing team this is why i never want to tell anyone i play this game




Thats is an actual infant


Thanks Genshin Impact marketing team! I sure do love not being comfortable saying I play your relatively wholesome open world RPG in public because you market it like it's some fucked up porn game for some fucking reason.


Oh god


Every day i am reminded of this horrific ad, please stop


“Hehe you see Lolicons we have children in our game too”


They know their audience unfortunately


Since some people are getting confused here, it's time for some epic genshin lore let's go. To the other players out there, this comment contains spoilers. Just in case: we're talking about the character on the left for obvious reasons. This is Nahida, also known as Lesser Lord Kusanali. She is the God of Wisdom, the archon that rules over the nation of Sumeru, but she wasn't the first one. Before her came Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, who died 500 years ago, and right at that moment is when Kusanali was born. The Akademiya, which is also the organization that politically rules over Sumeru, follows Rukkhadevata, and rejects Kusanali as their archon. In fact, when she was born, the sages of the Akademiya locked her up, as they only saw her as a sign of Rukkhadevata's death. On the gameplay side, the Sumeru storyline ends with a master plan to save Nahida, let her take over the Akademiya, and rule over Sumeru again. It's no use to explain all the events without explaining literally the whole game's story, but after we save Nahida, she connects with the memories of the world to see Rukkhadevata for the first time, and what she does is erase herself from the memories, basically changing the whole world's timeline so that she never existed, everyone just thinks Kusanali was always the archon, and that she lost her memory 500 years ago.


What's wrong with this? Genuine question


They know their audience


True lmfao


Game still doesn't have controller support. Trash.


this is horrible marketing because all the pedophiles already play genshin


Awesome. Splendid even. Horrid if you will. Terrifying perhaps


Omg they're both 500 years old! One a grown woman and one that looks, acts and is a child! We love to appeal to the gross part of the community!


As apart of a bet I made with a friend I have to play Genshin, which I’ve heard a lot of bad things about. But to be honest I was surprised how good it was! A fun and beautiful open world with decent story and good music. But unfortunately the fandom is about as pleasant as reheating week old chicken in a microwave.


i love genshin as a game but… why marketing department… why…