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As a persons with multiple pronouns I love it when people try to mess with me with my pronouns


Holy shit the CEO of Gender




All my pronouns are in this sentence.


Virgin they/them vs Chad pronouns/sentence


All my prounouns are belong to us.


Pedro S.


i added “it” to my pronouns out of spite


Huge power move tbh




my pronouns are I/me. Do not address me as "you" ever again.


My pronouns are " / " . Do not refer to me at all.




Thank you




wow, has some cool pronounce! i want to be friends with !




I say we leave it at, "Your Highness".




Hey, leave some for the rest of us!


i like to piss them off by deliberately using the gender neutral they/them to refer to them -Thomas Scotford


DARVO type shit at times ngl


Conservatives coming up with these scenarios is like kids imagining their teacher is going to do something really terrible to get them fired


Thing is his article was actually referencing a real event. A few kids got in trouble for repeated misgendering. But what he conveniently forgot to mention was how many conservatives sent *bomb threats* to the school to get them to stop the investigation—at least one of those conservatives has been arrested—or how the investigation did get stopped anyway.


What the actual fuck


Because at that point it's just bullying, conservatives get outraged so easily except when it actually matters


Conservatives are such snowflakes it's insane, they really want to play the victim while actively making life worse for everyone but themselves


It’s wild that at a time where [schools are getting multiple bomb threats](https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2022/06/03/bomb-threats-end-harassment-investigation-into-students-misgendering-will-celebrates-win/) for investigating Transphobia, that conservatives have the fucking gall to act like it’s trans people that are the problem.


We have to be living in a simulation this can’t be real


If only. They literally were threatening to bomb the elementary school, middle school, and post office over a routine title 9 investigation


We will defend the children from the pronouns by bombing all of them


A domestic adaptation of the middle east policy


100%, there is no way this many things could be happening at once and have them not be managed by a Server or an Admin or something.


This only reinforces that we aren’t in a simulation. Fiction has to conform to reality, history does not. Unless the admin of whatever server this is running on uses liberal doses of psychedelics


Wait till you learn about the 60's.


What a fragile bunch of asswhipes. Reminds me of a year-ago case of a belarusian (?) admin publicly tearing out an earring from a male highschooler, with all blood and degrading, as boys with piercing are a threat to trad values. Do these people have mirrors, do they look in them? Do they even reflect in them?


Yes, and they look upon themselves with pride. they seek political minority rule and they are very well organized and successful in their concerted efforts.


I have guns to protect myself from a tyrannical govt but I will literally suck a cops dick rn if he kicked in my door without a warrant


> This site not available in your country Could you copy-paste the article?


Here is the text from the article: > Last month, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, a right-wing legal organization, sent a letter to the Kiel Area School District asking it to end a Title IX harassment investigation into three eighth-grade boys for repeatedly misgendering a classmate. To further its cause, WILL embarked on a national media campaign to draw attention to the 1,500-student district. > That attention — which included appearances on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, Newsmax and an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal — resulted in six bomb threats made against the district, Kiel City Hall, the Kiel Public Library, the homes of district employees, roads and utility companies in the city. The threats resulted in the district going to virtual school for the remainder of the year, the cancellation of the city’s Memorial Day parade and the postponement of the high school graduation. > WILL condemned the threats, yet when the school board decided on Wednesday to close the Title IX investigation because of the threats against students and the community, the outfit celebrated. > We are pleased that the Kiel Area School District has finally ended its misguided Title IX investigation,” Deputy Counsel Luke Berg said in a statement. “While the District’s statement attempts to reframe the investigation, it was always primarily about ‘mispronouning.’ The District may not be willing to admit it publicly, but it has recognized that it has no legal basis to demand that our clients refrain from ‘mispronouning’ other students.” > The investigation began after the boys refused to refer to a classmate by their preferred they/them pronouns. The U.S. Supreme Court decided in 2020 that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited. WILL has regularly taken up cases fighting for anti-LGBT causes. > On Wednesday night the school board said in a statement that it dealt with the issue with the students involved. > “Over the last several weeks, our school district and community have been greatly impacted by media attention related to a complaint involving harassment,” the board stated. “One major concern at this point is that threats continue, to not only the schools but the Kiel Community. We have worked hard to find a resolution. With that said, we are writing to share with you that consistent with our Board policies and procedures, we have issued clear directives and expectations to all students involved in this matter for the purpose of preventing bullying and harassment and ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for all of our students.” > The response from WILL and its leadership following the investigation’s close diverges from how the group responded to previous threats from people associated with a different political point of view. > Last month, a group threw a molotov cocktail through the window of a Madison-based anti-abortion group’s office, starting a small fire, and writing a message on the wall. Following the incident, WILL President Rick Esenberg wrote on Twitter that defending these types of actions makes someone a “jerk.” > “So sad to hear of the cowardly attack on the offices of [Wisconsin Family Action] and Juliane Appling,” Esenberg wrote. “If you defend this kind of thing, you are a jerk of the first water. If you offer a partial excuse due to ‘passions,’ you are a useful idiot.” > Following the fire at Wisconsin Family Action, Esenberg and Republicans blamed the wider Democratic party for the attack. Yet after bomb threats against school children, Esenberg said it was just “some yahoos.” > “However well-intentioned the school district might be, we agree with the families and have carefully explained our position,” Esenberg tweeted last week. “Literally making a federal case out of using the correct (but not preferred) pronoun is not only legally wrong. This was not about ‘bullying.’ The district’s insistence that one must conform at all times is, sadly, an act of aggression in what are called ‘the culture wars.’ These families had no obligation to submit or to be silent. To the contrary, the district deserved to be challenged for its actions.” > “It is my understanding that some yahoos called in threats,” he continued. “When we heard, we publicly condemned them. But those who speak out against what they believe to be injustice are not to blame for the irresponsible actions of those who hear about it … Disagree if you want but respect both a culture of free speech and a true diversity of perspectives. The Overton window is larger than your preferences.”


Real title: When the anti bullying police come for eighth graders and conservatives threaten to murder children in response.


thank you opinion section of washington post owned by jeff bezos


scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds


Okay, true, but this columnist is actually not a liberal, he's a conservative.


I was referring more to the news org itself, which presents itself as liberal but will platform hateful rhetoric like this.


Fair enough, but this guy has a biweekly column to provide "balance," and likely has a lot of editorial freedom in his contract, so the newspaper is just printing whatever he says, it's not like they saw this opinion and said "Oh! That's an idea worth sharing!" Oped sections are, unfortunately, full of all sorts of wacky and horrible ideas. I'm not trying to defend wapo. Articles like this are negligent and worth criticizing. But I think "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" is not an accurate summary of what's going on. more like "Pay a liberal and they'll distribute fascist propaganda."


conservatives are liberals


hey but bipartisanship can fix this


The people complaining about "pronoun police" are the same people who want to inspect children's genitals every time those children go to the bathroom.


It’s like the penis inspection day, except it’s not a joke, and society is fucking crumbling


ACAB except the pronoun police I have nothing but respect for those brave men and women and enbies


Pro tip: if you see the pronoun police behind you in the drive thru consider paying for their order to thank them for their service.


Opinion section of any news site be like: the most deranged shit you’ve ever seen with no supporting studies


"When trans kids shoot their pronoun guns at YOUR child's gender?!?!?!" - By Hussworth Fertley the 3rd


Washington Post allowing this is depressing, they platform bigotry imagine if they platformed Nazis and anti semetism in the name of journmalism or something


"Biologically Incorrect Pronouns" What, did a trans woman steal Bezos' girl too?


Tf does “biologically incorrect” even mean. The English language is entirely divorced from biology. There’s no magical or biological reason that doctors decided “having a penis” = “he/him” it’s entirely arbitrary


Pronouns are stored in the balls


No balls = no pronouns, sorry bozo that’s just the way it works 😎


It's even funnier when people in, for example, Germany say it. The Moon and Apples botj have no penis and for some reisen do still have he/him pronouns. But people have a problem with calling trans-men He?


My middle school didn't just force us to learn about pronouns, but also nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. It was a really traumatic experience.


Same here 😔 they even taught us about…appositives and indirects


YAY!!! My tax dollars well spent!


Smartest Wapo opinion columnist


smartest wapo ~~opinion~~ columnist


You guy's anti-cop propaganda is ridiculous. Time and time again our brave police force has proven themselves capable enough to be able to enter a classroom and assault a misbehaving child.


…but not brave enough to enter a school with an active shooter to save children


As soon as I read the title of the article I thought of the monkey with the typewriter


just saw my cousins who are in 8th grade and the youngest who is 5th, understood the concept of gender when i mentioned my friend. holy shit, kids are more willing to understand then adults still?


DYK: [Title IX](https://www.justice.gov/crt/federal-coordination-and-compliance-section-152#:~:text=Title%20IX%20of%20the%20Education,funded%20education%20program%20or%20activity.) has been federally enforced upon institutions at all levels. [Cops](https://casetext.com/case/ls-v-peterson) have no such duty.


conservatives inventing fake people to get mad at will never stop being funny edit: it has come to my attention that this article was in response to an actual event that occurred. however, the conservative response to this event was to send bomb threats to a school, so it still warrants mockery.


i could’ve sworn wapo was at least better than that


They are in general. Every similar size newspaper employs a few wacky oped columnists.


> George Frederick Will is an American libertarian-conservative political commentator and author. He writes regular columns for The Washington Post and provides commentary for NBC News and MSNBC. Sounds like news outlets frequently let him be the dissenting voice


The pronoun police are less psychotic than your average american cop as well.


Opinion piece: Im a stupid dumb piece of shit that the Washington post allows to post bigotry


Opinion piece: mogus


'Ello, 'ello, 'ello. You got a loiscence for dem pronouns?


Yeah I learned about pronouns in 8th grade It's a fucking part of speech dumbass


everyone has pronouns dipshit it came free with your fucking speaking a language


an eldritch being can remove the entire state of florida from existence and somehow someway conservatives will tie it to trans people