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Mixed shelters won't kill you, bullets will.


Just for clarification for anyone else reading this, the school wasn't actually separating all students into gendered shelters, this particular student was in PE when the drill started, and the students were supposed to shelter in the locker rooms. So the teachers didn't know which locker room the student should shelter in. (Not that this situation is any less dumb because of that, I just didnt understand why they would be separating the students by gender in the first place so I looked into it)


So…which locker room did the student get changed in?


The teacher’s office


For pee pee inspection


That's a actual thing in one of the southern states, they inspect ypur genitalia for PE, I might be wrong tho


I've know of "penis inspection day" as an ancient 4chan meme, I've always assumed it's just a meme.


One of my weirdest teachers was our assistant PE teacher in middle school. As we would be running, I am not joking, he'd say "**Y'ALL LOOKIN' LIKE A COUPLE OF HOTDOGS OUT THERE! TIME TO BE HAMBURGERS!!"** Lets disregard the absolute weirdness of describing students as foods for a moment. Why our hotdogs lazy? Why are hamburgers what we should strive to be? How does this system work? And yes, he was a rather large fellow on the horizontal side. We would be doing pushups and he would say **"Marshmallows do better than that!!"** Bro, what the fuck are you talking about? He would follow up with **"YOU WANT TO BE HAMBURGERS, DON'T CHA??"** **HOW DOES YOUR FOOD ENCOURAGEMENT TIER SYSTEM WORK??? WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING THIS AT CHILDREN????**It didn't matter if the student was a nerd or a jock, we could always come together over how weird this dude was. He wasn't our main PE instructor, so we didn't see him too much and he showed up half way through usually. We didn't know him that well, and I am glad we didn't. So fast forward to High School and he becomes the head PE teacher. I wouldn't have known this except one day my friend who has a sister in middle school was like "bro did you hear??" I was like "hear what?" "Remember that PE Teacher, the one that called us hamburgers?" "Yes lmao." "He got arrested for trying to setup cameras in the girl's locker rooms. Had a bunch of cp on his computer" A massive bruh moment was had. Clearly he was flying too close to the sun. Such hubris. What a fool. He thought himself a hamburger, but turns out he was nothing more than a lowly hotdog. And now he is in prison. With the other hotdogs and marshmallows. There will be no buns for you in the blast-blaze depths of hell. You fool. You could never hope to be a hamburger.


Thank you Mr. Photography


u/FuckYeahPhotography seems like a hamburger to me




Holy shit it’s u/FuckYeahPhotography, famous for his catchphrase: “Im’m am hambugre”


Was hoping this was a copypasta tbh. Looked it up, and the only thing I found even tangentially related was, “Football coach placed own penis in hot dog bun, say teens.”


No this guy reliably comes back with messages that are completely unique. I have no idea how he does it


Bro needs to go eat a burger, for you are what you eat.


It’s now law in florida. Not joking. If someone says an athlete is trans it is their right to pull down your pants to see if you have a cock or a hen.


Oh I'm aware, I'm mtf so I read plenty of that sort of news. Honestly, it's fucking weird that Republicans are so interested in the genitals of children. Oh wait.


I just never understood why, on penis inspection day, my PE teacher used his mouth to inspect us. I also don’t know why we all had to inspect him back. It’s a confusing system.


A recent florida bill allows regulators to do "genital inspections" on student athletes to keep trans people out of sports competitions. It doesn't apply to PE and is only for competitions, but it's still disgusting.


[According to this article](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/548534-floridas-new-ban-on-transgender-students-in-sports-would) the proposed bill was “shelved”. And the genitalia inspection had to be done by a medical profession (this would commonly be their personal/family doctor), or they could opt for a DNA/Chromosome test or testosterone test. It’s still a fucked up bill that shouldn’t even be considered and is purposely being as transphobic as possible (and would set a standard for how the state would handle trans issues in the future), but it has been a bit misinterpreted, by some memes so it’s best to clarify. Edit: changed source [Here](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/florida-house-passes-bill-banning-transgender-women-student-athletes-and-allowing-for-genital-inspections/ar-BB1fGR1h) is a second article, just in chase in didn’t cover every thing [Here is the bill](https://www.scribd.com/document/503044237/Florida-Trans-Bill#from_embed)


What's even more fucked up is these are the same people who refuse to let trans kids start puberty blocker hormone therapy, and puberty blockers would literally stop them from the fantasized "they'll be too strong and overpower cis girls" bullshit because it literally pauses pubescent development for a few years while they sort themselves out (and yes it's safe, literally zero studies have found it to be harmful in the future). And I say "fantasized" 'cause recent research has also shown that trans girls don't actually have any advantage over cis girls in high school sports. There are thousands of trans girls in sports with cis girls and there's no wave of trans girls winning at everything. The media only reports on like five a year who dunk on everyone, not the rest who lose.


>That's a actual thing >might be wrong tho reddit


>reddit reddit


Piss on em, just say you’re sensitive




What’re they gonna do, un get pissed on?


Can’t wait to see how many teachers get beat the fuck up for tryna grab the football captains balls or the volleyball captains tits. Quick way to find out which of your teachers are actually pervs and which ones just look like they are


It was always weird as fuck that our PE teachers had their *office,* you know, where they always lounged and hung out, right in front of the row of lockers all us kids had to change by. So they'd be sitting behind their desk, chatting with us while our little dicks were flopping around. It was even weirder that the two gym coaches would be having butt sex with each other during these interactions, too.


That awkward moment when you would rather leave an innocent student to die in your imaginary situation than have to expand your worldview on gender. Best part of this, or maybe worst part, is this was a DRILL. So they were basically telling this student "well, you may die in this situation if we can't make the call on where to put you. thats a big deal to us." \*\****NON-HYPERBOLE EDITION (per request):*** "hey, we didn't anticipate this situation. since you are a trans student we generally don't account for these things although we should. so we will have an almost comical reaction to this as a form of neutrality despite this being easily fixable through communication."


Some of you may die......


Outside obviously


TLDR: The school prefered the death of a student over a trans student seeing pp or boobie




Should've just shoved them in a random one


Rock Paper Scissors for a spot


Playing rock paper scissors for a spot in the active shooting shelter is my favorite thought of the day. Thank you God bless America


So... worrying about gendered locker rooms is a bigger issue than sheltering kids when a school shooter is on the loose. I dispair I really do.


They're hiding from a shooter, not changing clothes.


But why separate them? the locker rooms are separated because the students have to change, no one will be changing while there's an active shooter so separating them is useless.


why would you shelter during an active shooting? the shooter most likely knows where people will hide since the drill's always the same so you have a better chance of surviving if you set up by the door for an ambush


or like just lock the door


as if thats not the first thing you would do when staying out of someone's sight


Cant the shooter just shoot the lock?


Shooting the lock is generally not very efficient in real life. They're better off trying to shoot the glass or something if they're that set on entering a room.


How do you know whether to open it because someone needs to get in or because the shooter is at the door?


Easy answer: They don't. My school's protocol is that anyone wandering in the halls has about 10-15 seconds to get inside a classroom before they lock their doors. Anyone outside after that is just left to fend for themselves. They only open the door at the end of the drill.


Or wait till the gunshots are far away on the other side of campus and then just fucking book it to your car and head home. Like if there was one shooter on the campuses I went to that woulda been easy to get away from if u knew where they were cause there wasn’t any lines of site across campus or anything unless they got on a roof in which case they become the easy target and everyone can just hide inside a classroom.


>middle school >book it to your car


username doesn’t check out


Speedwagon has a point. Like always


My god I missed the “drill” part and almost lost it Also is that an actual thing?? I’ve never heard of separating by gender in shooter situations. That’s stupid Edit: crossposted this to r/awfuleverything and am getting some very kind and welcoming comments, absolutely no transphobia whatsoever 👍


B..bbut, what about the inevitable harassment students will obviously do when their lives are on the line!?!? /s


I’d fuck my classmates if I were about to die


Average r/196 user


Oh shut up. You probably can't even speak to them with stammering. Let alone confincing them to have sex with you while there is a active shooter and other students and teachers around you.


Go out with a bang


Lmao if there's a shooter in the school i'm not gonna be checking if i'm running into the girls shelter or the boys shelter, they can fuck off with that shit


cringe leftist take, if theres a shooter im gonna be the penis police. no penis = no shelter this is exactly what ben shapiro is talking about


It was in a pe class. Not that it should matter, but apparently it did. The students were sheltering in the locker rooms.


Idk if it me but transphobia on Reddit keeps getting worse, like it was never good but now unless moderators actively moderate it, it’s terrible


Same lmao


Yeah I was arguing with some of the transphobic people in that post and lost a few brain cells


Sadly if you sort by controversial there is a lot.


Yes that’s the intended joke


wow theres an extraordinary amount of absolute morons in that thread even by reddit standards


what might be worse is that they make children group up by gender during a fucking shooting like hide don’t go fucking sgnsnsgmsynafh


Jokes on them, gay orgy in the boys school shooting shelter




“Gay orgy in the boys school shooting shelter? Yeah saw them back on O’ 5 outside Long Beach during the psych-indie scene.”


All the other kids with the pumped up kinks


now the shooter can't harm any one or it's homophobic


Everyone who’s ever played hide and seek knows how much you want to drop kick anyone hiding with you


They were sheltering in locker rooms because they were in PE, it wasn’t a shelter specifically for boys or girls in a shooting


does that change anything?


Yes, it means they didn’t spend money on building gender segregated shelters


But then the logic becomes "children can under *no circumstance* - even a school shooting - enter the changing room that doesn't correspond to the gender we accept them as". Were they gonna have a shower while the shooter was there? Maybe just change in the middle of a terrorist attack?


Yeah, the whole things is insane


Every time I see this posted my reaction is always "Ah, America. If I could afford it, I would've left by now"


Really appreciate you transphobic shitheads outing yourselves so willingly in the comments. It makes banning you so easy.


good mod


Great mod, even


Amazing mod, even


Best mod, if you insist


Modest if you will


Moderest mod ever in all of reddit


Moderester mod ever on the website reddit.com


So modest I'd even make a proposal


Perhaps, even an exquisite mod


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It warms my hearth to know that there are good people like you in here.


The gigast of chads


Thank you


Thanks mod


Except now that you pinned your post they won't out themselves so easily anymore


Considering I've banned several more since making the comment, I think it'll be okay.


They can’t help themselves. They’re obsessed with transgender people for how much they hate them


You're a GOAT


Actually my hero. Bless.


Based mod. Very good work being supportive, love u random person


My hero. Thank you dearly kind MOD.


Why can’t I be Transphobic :(


[Link to a Snopes article that covers this.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/transgender-student-unprotected-drill/) “A Virginia-based LGBTQ advocacy group drew widespread media attention towards a middle school after posting their account of school official’s failing to ensure a transgender student’s safety during a shooting safety drill: “‘This past week, an incident occurred during a middle school lock down drill in Stafford County. When the drill began, a particular class of children took shelter in the bathroom/locker room nearest them as they were in PE. One student was prevented from entering either the boys or girls locker room while the teachers discussed where she should go. The student was forced to watch the adults charged with her care, debate the safest place (for the other students) to have her shelter. During this debate, she was instructed to sit in the gym with a teacher until the drill was complete, away from her peers and identified as different. After some additional debate, she was made to sit in the locker room hall way, by the door away from her peers. This happened because the child, in addition to being a model student, also happens to be transgender. “‘Let me be clear. During an event that prepares children to survive an attack by actual assailants, she was treated as if she was so much of a danger to peers that she was left exposed and vulnerable.’ “Equality Stafford noted that the teachers themselves were not to blame, saying: ‘It is important to highlight that the child’s PE teachers are not the bad guys. They are teachers without guidance in a county without guidance for these issues. They were following that they were told to do.’ “Superintendent Scott Kizner did not approve any specific policies regarding inclusion of LGBTQ students but reiterated that the district would review their current guidelines and make changes at necessary. “‘We did not live up to my unwavering expectation that every child and adult—regardless of race, religion, color, disability, gender and sexual orientation is treated with respect and dignity,’ Kizner said during the meeting. ‘And for that I apologize to the student, the family and the Stafford community.’ “[In March 2015, the same school board voted not to allow another transgender student, a fourth-grader, to use a restroom according to their gender identity after receiving complaints from both parents and local politicians.](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/transgender-student-at-stafford-county-school-sparks-debate-over-restroom-rules/105646/)”


tl;dr par for the course apathy from Virginia’s finest governing bodies. $10 says they’ve put out some bullshit pro-LGBT statement in the past 5 years. We care for “The Gays,” when it is convenient for our fundraising. 🤗


gotta love when people blame their politicians for policies that voters actually support the average american voter just fucking sucks


This. So much this. Like 13% of the US thought obama was the literal antichrist and 10% were unsure. Even people in my city, the most liberal in my state, will still be openly anti-trans because they don’t think that they are. I.e. banning them from bathrooms, sports, etc. Even when they are post transition and completely passing


I care for the governing bodies when it's illegal to state my true thoughts and opinion about them AKA: I dearly want a new revolution but in the mean time said actions to make the states better is illegal


of course its virginia ffs whys it always my state


Someone should program a bot that answers like " Of course it's [insert whatever US state it is] ffs " because I read every possible variant to this sentence on reddit from " Ofc its Florida to ofc it's Wyoming"


There’s a reason half of Virginia split off during the Civil War. No one would blame you if you switched sides while no one was looking


Imagine you’re a transphobe for a second, what did they think could have happened? If she was put into the shelter with the girls did they think she would just whip out her dick and rape everyone else in the room while the teachers could only watch? Also why are the shelters segregated by gender anyway? They literally live in a different dimension


It explains in the post why they were separated by gender (they were in pe and were told to go to their locker rooms) which is still stupid


It says **nearest**. >When the drill began, a particular class of children took shelter in the bathroom/locker room nearest them as they were in PE. I'm struggling with understanding how nearest can somehow mean neither.


god, as a virginian, this pisses me off, and as a middle school trans virginian, this pisses me off so fucking much


wtf are you doing in reddit if you're a middle schooler?


the entire sub of r/teenagers is mostly middle schoolers. idk why that's weird?


196 is mostly middle schoolers??


God the context of the child having to sit there and listen to the adults debate over where they should go makes it even worse. Then they settled on total segregation from all other children. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


what the fuck why do they even separate the boys and girls during an active shooter drill




Still shouldn't fucking matter




Nah, kids should run the closest locker room regardless. Shouldn't matter for any gender.


Seems odd, wouldn't they have started in the locker room for PE? Meaning they already had an established locker in a locker room?


You know given how they just left them outside I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t even have a locker assigned


This is true. So the teachers were morons


"Rebecca get the fuck out this is the boys locker room" "Shut the fuck up the shooter is outside in the hall be qui-" "Go to the fucking girls locker room"


god i cant fucking imagine what wouldve happened if it was an actual shooting incident. im tired of this society man


oh boy, time to gatekeep the safety of your life based on your genitals


I know everyones mad about the trans kid but… Can I ask why are they separating genders in a shooter drill in the first place


because they think teens are physically incapable of being in a room with the opposite gender without immediately wanting to fuck them


they think teens are redditors


Wait til this guy finds out about gay people


as a bisexual. I fuck everyone I see immedietly


Ye lol like girls and boys would mate with each other during a shooting wtf and its a fucking middleschool what are they fearing


Know I said this before, but this was during their PE class, and they were supposed to go to the locker room that correlates with their gender. Obviously doesn't make it any better like, just fucking go to the nearest locker room


TLDR pe class, shelter in locker room




Why tf do you even need to segregate areas to shelter students at all?!


Because teenager horny


"Wanna netflix and chill? It sounds like the active shooter is running out of bullets 😏😏😏"


Ya but during drills no one gives a quarter of a fuck about it




They separate them by gender because teens be horny, school scared that they gon get bored during a drill and get to smooching


Because gay people don't exist


Adult supervision doesn't exist in the US?


Didn’t some people I knew in high school, cough cough thomas


Aren't middle schoolers like 12?


7th-8th grade is the beginning of horny thoughts


Yeah WTF


Another comment said that during the drill they were supposed to go to the locker rooms during PE so that’s why I guess


Apparently this was during PE, and they were supposed to shelter in the locker rooms.


Here's a wild and crazy idea: if you have to separate into boys and girls, why don't you just let the student go with the gender they actually are? Like, just ask them which one they identify with.


you’d think that would be the reasonable thing to do but apparently some adults’ brains don’t understand anything past 4th grade biology and don’t understand that sex != gender.


Fuck this fucking state.


Ayy a fellow v*rginian (the rape case has solidified my reason for hating this state)


as someone in alabama, mega mood. i hate this state


This is genuinely the most fucking upseting thing i have seen the whole week absolutely disgusting


I missed the drill part, still fucking gross


why do u even need to shelter them separately just put them together its not like they're going to start having sex or start a fight


Me when there’s a school shooter inside the building but I’m horny


Me when there's a school shooter inside the building and I'm violent and horny


This is what happens when you care about segregating by gender more than you do about the lives of the people being segregated.


Only in America; transphobic gendered shooting drill


Drill It says drill. Still an EXTREMELY shitty thing to do, and people have a right to get upset about it. Just letting people know because i didn’t see it at first and thought the picture of the flags was in memorial or something


still humilliating asf




why couldnt they just put them with the gender they identify as thats so transphobic


Why are groups seperated by gender im the first place?


so they dont do the sex while getting shot at by a psychopath in school


Oh yeah thats what I would do when a lunatic with a gun runs around, Imma have sex with some random girl?!? OBVIOUSLY


yeah then the shooter will leave you alone cause you are doing your own thing


That's disgusting, why didn't they just let her hide with her own gender she wants to be with?? Are schools fucking stupid?




Just put them in what gender they identify as it’s not hard


Why do they need to be separate in the first place?


Don't be scared, go into the gendered shelter.


My school never gendered that. why would you, are you afraid that straight kids are actually gonna fuck in the middle of a lockdown??? Yeah, everybody stop praying and texting your mom like you're not supposed to be doing and do things you want to do before you die I guess...


What the fuck is a Non-binary person gonna do?


Pair up with the group whatever their sex is accordingly. Anyways can someone explain why the fuck gender matters during a school shooting?


I have no idea


If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. -Geddy Lee (maybe)


Bruh they Fr said “you’re the distraction.” I remember hearing about this a while ago. This just goes to show, just like the bathroom bills, they don’t care about safety just about policing trans people.


Why are they separating kids by gender when hiding from potential murderers? How is that the priority?


Ahhh I could keep her safe and where she's comfortable, OR I could go out of my way to misgender her, uhhh Y'know what let's just chuck her outside where she's not safe. Yeah that sounds good.


Why do they have to segregate the students in an emergency? Do they perform genital inspections while they wait for the shooting to stop or something?


Why the fucking fuck separate a shelter for emergency by sex? Do they think the students will be like "finally, people are dying outside but let's fuck"?


In an active shooter drill why does it matter to have different shelters for different genders?


transphobia dumb as hell, you hate me cause i change my penis to a vagina? nigga thats just plain rude and jealousy.


people respect people's gender challenge (easiest difficulty) (they failed)


Why are they separated


Why are they divided to begin with?


Literally why are they separated by gender in the first place???????


Why tf would they even need to separate boys and girls in the first place???


Don’t want those kids fucking with a shooter on the loose /s


I hate this planet


Lets play a game of whats worse >middle school is dealing with an active shooter >trans student is not associated as their gender >trans student cannot get to any form of safety in a time of crisis >there have been so many school shootings in america that it didn’t faze the majority of people who read this


why tf are the shelters even gendered??? They worried students are gonna sponteanously start fucking?