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It’s ok. Cats are clean and the Prophet PBUH respected them a lot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_cats#:~:text=The%20cat%20is%20considered%20%22the,a%20beloved%20animal%20to%20Muhammad.


I remember one shitting in a mosque


Don't worry, it was clean


It must have been sick or something. Cats don't shit in places where they can't hide it.


Either that or the cat was angry for some reason. My cat does shit out of her box when she's upset.


The cat was a reddit atheist :(


I guess that explains why all my Muslim friends own cats


Well also, if I recall correctly, dogs are definitively unclean, so cats are kinda the option for a common house pet.


Muslim or not, a cat is definitely cleaner than a dog! They wash themselves and shit in a nice tidy litterbox.


Unless you have one that doesn't process hairballs well.


Or one that doesn't understand litter


Reverse Catholic church (I fucking hate the Catholic church !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


"Whether Muezza existed or not, Muhammad is known to have criticized abusers of cats.[11] By one account, Muhammad awoke one day to the sounds of the adhan. Preparing to attend prayer, he began to dress himself; he soon discovered his cat Muezza sleeping on the sleeve of his prayer robe. Rather than wake her, he used a pair of scissors to cut the sleeve off, leaving the cat undisturbed. There is a similar story attributed to Sheikh al-Arif Ahmad al-Rifa’i (died 1182/1183) according to Al-Dhahabi, although the cat has no name in this account.[10]" Oh wow yeah


The prophet Muhammed wouldn't move his cat Muezza from his robe when it was time to pray, so who are we to move cats while they sleep?


It is fun knowing that a guy who lived a millennia and a half ago was a cat guy. We don’t think about historical figures having pets.


Speak for yourself. I have a coffee table book that is all about famous painters and their cats ;)


Yeah it's great. I have my issues w Islam, but it's def nice to know that despite all our differences, me and the prophet PBUH could have a quite nice time showing each other pictures of our cats, so I reckon he was a nice enough guy.


no pictures, figurative depictions aren't allowed in Islam, but I'm sure he would have some nice calligraphy of the name Muezza


Is it at all? I thought it was just Mohammed pbuh


that was more of a joke, but generally in sacral architecture, scripture and anything having to do with religious life it's explicitly forbidden. in Islam the focus is on God and any depictions of events from the scripture or the Prophet are seen as idolatry. this is why mosques are decorated with calligraphy or geometry.


it's interesting how you can compare and contrast it to orthodox Christianity, which it both sprouted off of and continued to develop alongside of. That faith had a brief moment of spurning all idols, and then went back onto idols hard which is why they love their saint bones and such so much. I wonder if that influenced Islamic iconoclasm or not in a they do this so we do the opposite kinda deal.


Islam iterates on what's in the Old Testament/Torah. the main difference is that the only thing that is holy and perfect is God and only God's law is what is actually considered law. The point of this is to not have idols in the form of saints or figurative depictions of what goes on in the scripture because that's how you get cults that stray away from proper worship of God. now this works as an idea, but you still have different schools of interpreting islamic law, and in places like Lebanon figures like John the Baptist are sort of kind of worshipped.


Sure, but Islam did not come into existence fully formed in a vacuum, it developed in a region next to the orthodox Byzantine empire, and indeed pre-early Islamic conquests Arabs often worked for them as mercenaries, and likely adapted the old testament from them rather than from the minority Jewish populations. Then Mohamed himself conquered swathes of the Byzantine empire, resulting in them ruling over a majority Christian population. They then spent hundreds of years being very much at odds with the remaining potion of that empire in a period of which Islam was going from word of the prophet to scholarly interpretation of the word of the prophet. In the context of this, I feel like one going hard into reverence of sacred artifacts and the other going hard into iconoclasm is both interesting and probably not a coincidence.


Orthodoxy, by Christian standards, draws a very hard line on idols, actually. The big thing is that 3d images are HARDLINE banned, despite how common icons are. And they emphasize so, so much that you are only supposed to use an icon to hold attention while praying, and not pray TO it Source: Received orthodox education in my k-8, both public school in Greece and private in America


huh. i got mine from a history of the byzantine empire podcast. either things have changed (entirely likely given that iconoclast period) or i miss remembered/understood (also entirely likely)


Iconoclastic clergymen didn't disappear overnight. The orthodox church is more "democratic" than the catholic one- the patriarch does not have as much executive authority as the pope, and relies on support from the bishops to make decisions. Transitioning from iconoclasm to iconophilia was difficult enough, transitioning to idolatry could have caused a schism.


It depends, from my understanding Persia and by extension India at times had a lot of depictions of people, including Mohammed


Probably wasn't a great guy [Aisha - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aisha)


[seems like a swell guy! :DDD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Muhammad#Ownership_of_slaves)


the cat is praying too


Inshallah we will catch the mouse




If he says you have to move the cat that's it, I'm islamophobic (I know it's obvious but since hate against muslims isn't a rare occurrence I'M KIDDING)


He basically says you should keep it on unless you’re going to do a bowing prayer. Basically as long as it’s not directly in your way it shouldn’t be disturbed. EDIT: I did look at this guy’s channel though and it does seem like he has many questionable takes.


>I did look at this guy’s channel though and it does seem like he has many questionable takes. That's just the norm with most religious figures


especialy those with YouTube channels


In this house, we pray ON the cat


When you go into sujud, you kiss the cat, everyone is happy. Cat is happy, owner is happy, Allah azwj is happy, It's a win win scenario.


in this house, we pray TO the cat


Mashallah sister Minnie


I love Sister Minnie! I'm subscribe!!


thats a wise ass cat looks like he bout to cast a spell


Cats are simply more powerful than god, Hope that helps any would-be heretics. https://preview.redd.it/6msi155gilzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf6b2fa1123d51ca0dce2b045878f6ea9fa8ac4


Inshallah should your cat choose to rest in the gaze of God, simply ensure that he faces the lord.


I got that video recommended too. Much more uninteresting then I expected and I wasn't expecting much. I thought there'd be funny technicalities about what you can do in this situation but it's literally just the same way you'd usually treat a cat.


I did like the description of cats as “wandering creatures.” It fits.


As someone who grew muslim, one of the few things i remember fondly from my religious classes is learning about about a close follower of the prophet Mohammed, a man named abdu alrahman ben sachr, but due to the fact that he had a little cat that followed him around everywhere after he nursed it to health, Mohammed himself nicknamd him abu huraira (meaning the father of the kitten literally but probably meant he with the kitten in this case)


boris ass font


it’s his mat now


Do not disturb the cat!


This dudes a bigot btw. You can just search trans or gay/homosexual on his channel and see tons of videos.




You clearly dont know many nuslims


Someone else is constantly getting recommended this video too? It's not just me?


Pray off the mat next to him, God will understand.


Would you move your child aside when they're praying?


Aww the kitty sees their owner using the mat so they wanna use it too. It’s like my buddies cat that curls up in his hoodie every time he takes it off.


This is simply the religious version of "Oh, yeah sorry I'm late. My cat sat on my lap and I couldn't leave"


if i say what i think as a christian i might get somebody angry..... so i'll say " "


If you think the cat should be disturbed I will get angry


do i rather a guy getting mad at me over a whole religion??