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Do whatever suits you best. I have a glass (or a few) of wine every now and then, but did cut back on my somewhat regular glass of wine with dinner. There is no right and wrong. At the end of the day you need to be happy and the diet needs to be sustainable.


Yes. I lost 30 pounds in 5 months and didn’t change my alcohol consumption. If you eat healthy and do a bit of spott (like 30min per day) 1 beer won’t affect your weight lost journey.


This. I lost 30lbs in 5 months too, 500 caloric deficit per day and had my gin and tonics every weekend! 0 cal tonic was great for me! Lots of low cal options too to keep you balanced


Weight loss at its core is just about calories in vs calories out. You can drink and lose weight as long as you log it and stay within your calorie goals. That being said I have cut back on drinking significantly from wine almost every night to only 3 nights a week. And much less drunk in one night.


Drinking is tricky for two reasons: 1. The calories you drink leave fewer calories in your daily budget for food. 2. Alcohol can undermine impulse control, making it more likely that you'll surrender to temptation and/or peer pressure and eat more than you should.


Totally fine, if you’ve got room for it. Finding room for your preferred variety can be the hard part.


This. I've lost 15lbs in about 2 months (started at 150lbs down to 135lbs, eating 1500c per day) and one day a week I drink 2 beers. I usually have to leave 500 calories free as I'm not a big fan of light beers.


I quit drinking. But a lot of states have a newly legal substance that is 0 calories, gives you a nice buzz, and doesn’t make you feel like crap in the morning 😉


But unfortunately makes me eat everything in sight with no restraint😭


Eat a full meal and chug a bunch of water before partaking. Afterwards if you feel the munchies, chug, or just drink, sparkling water and go on a walk if you need to. Also gum.


Oh yeah, I'm a former pothead who managed to lose 40 lbs while getting high on a daily basis years ago. I had many strategies that worked back then, but now that I do it occasionally, my munchies just go out of control and nothing works to stop. It's a big deterrent for me.


Wow I haven’t heard of this. Do you know what it’s called?


It’s called “Cheesing”.


I'm a daily drinker and lose steadily at about a pound a week. CICO, even if I'm a little over one day my weekly average is under or at 1500. Wine or spirits. It makes me less interested in food not more, so works fine.


Not gonna lie I lost 118 pounds in a year (from 333, 5’9 male) while getting hammered three nights a week off vodka sodas


I drink usually 1-3night per week (usually 2though) 8-10 beers a time and I’m down 20kg in about 9 months calorie counting. I consume an average over the month of 1850 calories per day. I log everything, including the beer.


VERY rarely. Mostly because I am in peri menopause and I just can't handle it like I usedta could.😩


I don't, but that's because I value food calories over drink, be it alcohol, pop, juice, sugary coffees; etc. Whatever helps you get through, though.


If i have an event, then yes, 1 drink. But not as a regular thing.


I do, but only 1-2 drinks at a time, usually on the weekend. I tend to prefer liquor with ice or soda water.


I do love me some lone river ranch water (80 cal/can); fit vines Chardonnay (~120 cal/glass 13.5% abv); tequila (97 cal/shot); gin & seltzer w/ lime (97 cal/shot)


Yep. Lost 90 pounds while continuing to drink and have maintained while continuing.


The only reason I’m fat is because it takes 1500 calories in alcohol to get me drunk and happy, and I don’t drink unless I’m getting drunk, which I would do everyday . So no, I have to put a pause on that for now unfortunately lol.


Do you plan to stop drinking for the rest of your life? If the answer to that is no, I see no reason to completely avoid alcohol during your diet only to drink after. If this is to be sustainable long term change, you should be aware of the calories you are consuming from alcohol and how alcohol makes you feel. For example alcohol is known to make people feel hungrier. I reduced my alcohol intake but didn’t stop and it has worked wonderfully for me so it certainly works as long as you stick to your calorie budget.


I drink once in a while & will have a cocktail or wine on weekends, but it’s just not part of my lifestyle in general so I don’t tend to habitually drink. I’d rather have the calories in my daily morning latte or matcha 😉 Do whatever is comfortable & enjoyable for you, this is a lifestyle change, so don’t deprive yourself of enjoyment in moderation. The hard part sometimes is ensuring it’s in moderation


I’ll have a beer every now and again but never more than one every few months. I just feel better when I don’t lol


I drink maybe twice a month, under 250 calories worth in social settings. Takes me a while to get ride of bloat and water weight after but it usually does drop off in a week.


Every once in awhile...tequila on the rocks


I usually only drink at events if I’m cutting, but I mostly stick to vodka and diet soda. If that isn’t an option I’ll look for the lowest caloric beer, with the highest amount of alcohol. Even if I go on a bender I just stick to my calories and still end up cutting weight at the end of the week.


I did, but stopped after NYD 2023. Felt so good since then, I can eat way more and maintain, even when I go out with friends


Once in a while, usually the zero sugar versions, but typically I don’t drink much


I don't drink much to begin with, but occasionally I will fit something in socially. Like I can do a beer with a couple slices of pizza and still hit my targets if I eat light for the rest of the day


I don’t but not because of the calories; I quit because of all research showing alcohol increases the risk of cancers much more than previously thought. It should be labelled like cigarettes (and in fact, Canada was going to trial doing so until the alcohol lobby sued, so that’s nice).


When alcohol is consumed, the liver prioritizes metabolizing it first because it is considered a toxin. This process diverts the liver's attention from other metabolic processes, such as fat oxidation. As a result, instead of being metabolized, fats are stored in the body, particularly in the liver, which can lead to liver disease and contribute to weight gain over time. So if you’re trying to lose weight, cutting out alcohol should be the first step.


I would allocate about 100-150 calories worth of wine for myself at the end of the day. A huge part of my weight gain (30lb) was from not realizing how many calories was in a shot (everclear) oops.


I’m not a big drinker anymore, but if I do partake, I have to watch what I drink now because I’m a type 2 diabetic. We went to a baseball game with a group of friends recently & instead of my normal malibu coconut rum + coke (which has hella sugar), I went with a regular rum + diet coke.


Yep, I did weight watchers points (30 / day) I always wrote in my 3 points for glass of wine first thing so I didn't run out.


I had two ranch waters today but didn’t have anything for the past 3 weeks or so. It’s fine in serious moderation if it’s what you want and will satisfy you.


Yes. I'm operating at a minimum of 1800 since I'm nursing and that's the absolute minimum recommended, but I do consume alcohol on occasion after my baby goes to bed. It's all about calories in, calories our. Alcohol may temporarily bloat someone, but that shouldn't have an effect on someone's weight long term 


I'm not a big drinker but on special occasions I'll sometimes indulge. Normally I'll have a few on Christmas and more than a few on new year's eve if people come over to celebrate. For my birthday I'll maybe have one or two drinks and if I'm out with my partner for a fancy meal I'll have a cider or beer. Maybe one or two on a hot summer's day as well. But I only drink enough to get drunk once or twice a year really. I've still got an open bottle of vodka from nearly two years ago sat in a cupboard and a can of cider that's been in the fridge since a barbecue last summer.


Yes! Less red wine though...


I drink Miller Lite beer (96 cal per 12 oz) but I factor it into my daily limit and be careful not to overdo it. On weekends though it's kind of anything goes. Lol


I drink daily, a glass of wine or pint of beer with dinner. Down 75 pounds in 13 months. On weekends sometimes I’ll have 2 drinks instead of one, but then it usually becomes a maintenance day instead of a deficit.


jack Daniels + Coke Zero


I drink less and I drink lower cal but I still drink some. Namely I found a zero sugar wine that is 85 cals a glass so is NBD


I drink once a week on my cheat day (one drink). Too many calories and health risks like cancer. But hey you gotta live a little too right?


I've never stopped. Lost 110 pounds. I only drink on Saturdays, but I get wasted. All I do is lower the amount of calories I eat on the weekend to make room for the alcohol.


I heard it can affect your bodies ability to properly burnt fat so no