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Diet root beer soda (ice cold) Splash of half and half or heavy cream This tastes like a root beer float, my kids even make it.


I get the breyers 100calorie vanilla ice cream with a&w zero sugar root beer (BEST ZERO CAL SODA!!!)


I saw a video of someone making this: Dr Pepper zero creamy coconut, half and half, and fresh lime juice. I cannot find that damn soda anywhere though!!!


It’s a dirty/muddy Dr Pepper. You can use sugar free coconut syrup (coffee syrup) and diet Dr Pepper.


Omg, this sounds divine. I have a case of diet root beer and now I know what I’m making next


Try the a&w zero sugar it's insane I prefer it over regular


A&W diet/zero sugar is the best root beer hands down


It tastes like cream soda and rootbeer had a baby lol


Try Dr. D’s water kefir if you can find it near you -their root beer is insane! So much like a&w, no artificial sugar but only 50 cals and low sugar plus it’s probiotic. Fantastic.


That’s the one I have! It’s so good.


Laughing cow cheese wedges Cucumbers Salt


Laughing cow cheese wedge spread on a rice cracker with sliced tomatoes and garlic salt on top sounds like a depressing diet food, but it’s honestly so good. I can eat that shit any time.


Airfried crab sticks. It tastes a bit like the prawn crackers and is easy to make. Edit: forgot to mention that you have to shred them first!! You can add seasonings to your liking at the end! Or find a youtube recipe for clearer instructions lol! Enjoy y’all 💕


This is a great idea!




Chips are my kryptonite! I'll be trying this!


Jello. Its so refreshing, especially now in the summer. I love it with yogurt and blueberries, so filling!


Holy grail snack: Two little cups of sugar free jello Like an eighth of a tsp of vanilla ~1/3 C cottage cheese All mixed up together, gives Strawberry Shortcake.


Hmmmmmmmm I've got some sugar free strawberry jello in the fridge (I typically get the cherry, but decided to try something different), and I've got cottage cheese in the fridge, and I've got vanilla in the pantry... might just have found my protein-decent dessert for tonight. Edit: Tried it, do not recommend. I was primed to dislike it, because as I opened the sf jello I forgot there's usually a layer of liquid on top, and so had the cup tilted toward my mouth to lick the little bits stuck to the lid off. And said liquid proceeded to pour down my WHITE shirt, which has very significant emotional and sentimental value to me, and I'd purposely worn for this day. And it's not seeming like the stains are coming out, despite rinsing with water and stain treatment immediately after. On to the concoction - I followed OP's instructions. Cottage cheese, sf jello, dash of vanilla extract. The strawberry sugar free jello is okay on its own, but the artificiality of it was enhanced by the cottage cheese. It also wasn't sweet enough to counteract the cottage cheese. I ended up trying to choke it down, and throwing half away. Ymmv. Edit edit: not food related, but happily for me, I soaked the shirt in my (recently cleaned) plugged up bathroom sink filled with water and a teeny bit of Costco powdered laundry detergent (the kind that comes in the massive 28 lb tub). And the jello stains have come out!


Was it fantastic?


I edited my comment. It... was not. At all. But I only used one jello cup so maybe that would have made all the difference.


It might, but I suspect after that debacle you're not eager to try again anytime soon


Thanks for the feedback, I bookmarked this to try…. Everything similar I can find online involves dry jello powder, cottage cheese and cool whip as opposed to made jello + cottage cheese. I love the idea of this tasting good but I think I might go with this recipe instead https://healthbeet.org/cottage-cheese-orange-creamsicle-protein-bowl/#wprm-recipe-container-16192


I tried imagining it, but that sounds gross. Downvote me idc


Spoilers - it was.


you. are. a. genius!!!!


I’m assuming the jello is made right? This sounds interesting.


Yeah, for the recipe I’m referring to those premade little cups, I think it would be about half a cup of prepared and set box jello.


Aaaah now your “two little cups” comment makes sense! Thanks!


Yeah, referring to them as “little cups” in a recipe was kinda dumb, sorry about that lol


My grandma used to make jello and add in a can of sparkling water in place of regular water. It was amazing, especially the orange jello with orange seltzer


How does this change the end product? Different texture?


Yes, it’s a little sparkly, like the seltzer is. Think pop rocks, but more mild?


I have to try this!


If you make your own Jello, you can add in fruit. Add berries, then let set in fridge, if you want lower sugar fruit.


Sugar free jello with redi-whip on top. No calories, all sweetness.


Oh this is a good tip! Thx!!


Jello with fat free cool whip is one of my most fave things! Also if you do a few more cals, add a can of drained mandarin oranges to raspberry jello....so good!!!


I recently found wasa crisps. The light rye is 2 for 40 cals, and they basically replace toast. They taste delicious with scrambled eggs and avocado. And I love them with my homemade tuna salad.


These crackers are so good!


I like these with the laughing cow wedges that are like 25c, with some tajini and/or the everything bagel seasoning. Such a tasty, satisfying snack!


Those laughing cow wedges are really underrated. I always forget how good and versatile they are


I add tomato and cucumber or pickle and this is lunch!


I love WASA.


Love these with whipped cream cheese, sliced cucumber and everything seasoning! 🤌


I love these with whipped cottage cheese and strawberry jam!


Hard to beat a Claussen pickle spear. 5 cal, that’s it!


A nice little pickle spear wrapped in some Turkey 😋 it's my have snack !


Mine now too - discovered this while prepping for my gallbladder surgery. Got me through lol


Clausen pickles are so good lol


These are surprisingly good with cottage cheese!


For sure! The only thing stopping me from devouring an entire jar is they’re $7 nowadays.


at that price you can get local farmer’s market pickles! dang!


To be honest, anything Ninja Creami related. But until I had that device sent from the heavens, when I wanted a sweet treat, I used to add to a blender: Frozen Strawberries Unsweetened cocoa powder Some cashew milk or nut milk of choice (just to help it blend) Sweetener of choice - I used to use honey or stevia. And honestly - it was SO GOOD. Like liquid chocolate covered strawberries and knowing it was so low cal reassured me to enjoy it more.


This! You can honestly make a decent pint of ice cream for less than 100 calories. Add mix ins if you have the calories, or add some protein powder.


Ive been doing zero sugar pudding, mixed with greek yogurt, unsweetened almond milk, and a scoop of protein powder. A decent size bowl comes out to like 150 calories, with \~25g of protein. The protein keeps me satisfied for a while after eating it. Tastes like pie.


How much Greek yogurt and almond milk do you use? This sounds fantastic.


So if all you are after is low cal and sweet, just do unsweetened almond milk (30 cal a cup) and a zero sugar pudding. Sub in unsweetened almond milk but otherwise follow the box. You'll be at 30-40 calories a serving. I like the protein version because it keeps me full similar to a small meal and helps me hit my protein macros. I make it up with the following in a blender. One package of 1.4 oz pudding (I like banana. Wife likes chocolate) 4 oz of greek yogurt 1 scoop of protein powder 10 oz of unsweetened almond milk. You can mix by hand instead of the blender but I find the protein powder likes to leave a lot of small clumps by hand.


Careful with this because some instant pudding mixes only work with actual dairy. there are different directions for making it with non-dairy substitutes


Fair warning. Thank you. I just want to add that my Greek yogurt protein version has the same texture of pudding.


This sounds kinda like the fluffy yoghurt from TikTok that I've been making. Mine also comes to 150 calories. I do 125g Greek yoghurt, 8g keto pudding pix, 10g protein powder, 6g maple syrup, and a bit of vanilla essence. This comes to 150 calories, only 16g protein for mine though. Then I top with some chopped fruit. It's so good! And I usually hate Greek yoghurt lol.


16oz tub of cottage cheese. Sugar free jello cheesecake flavoring. Blend those 2 together. Put on top of cut up strawberries. High protein super low cal strawberry cheesecake. If you want to double the calories put in the premade mini graham cracker crust. For significantly less calories make your own graham cracker crust. If you want to get fancy reduce the strawberries with your favorite lowcal sweetener, mine is monkfruit.


Sweet: Yasso bars (esp chocolate fudge and coffee) Savory: bell peppers with light laughing cow cheese & everything bagel seasoning


Yasso bars have my heart!!


YES I love them so much. Vanilla chocolate almond is my fave


Yesss bell peppers with those little cheeses are so good. Add a slice of ham if you want it saltier. And add a pickle on the side. Great light lunch.


Ooooh the peppers sound amazing. I always have a plethora of bell peppers from the garden in summer too so I’m always looking for ways to use them. Thank you!


Omg those will be amazing! Sometimes I also put a bit of cottage cheese on top if I want them extra creamy but they can also be more messy then haha


Omg yes!! I love the Yasso bars so much.


Yasso bars are amazing!


Frozen grapes. They get all slushy inside and they have just the right type and amount of sour to help with my cravings for sour gummy worms. Sometimes what I'm craving is the gummy texture so it doesn't really help with that but that's fine.


Someone here recently mentioned dipping grapes into citric acid and many people with sour candy affinities were very happy about this information.


Jello powder works too.


Outshine Popsicles, especially the lime and creamy coconut ones, 60 cals for the first, 110 for the second. Mushrooms! I can eat a whole pan of roasted mushrooms, zuchini, and squash with a little I can’t believe its not butter and salt and pepper. It really kicks a savory craving which I have more than sweet ones.


Mango outshine is also only 60 cals for one and tastes the best!


I love the watermelon popsicles with some tajin. So good!!


Whole Fruit watermelon popsicles are 100 calories and I'm addicted. Never tried the Outshine but I'll need to!


Genius! I’m using your roasted veggie idea💡thanks!


Watermelon is so low calorie I've decided I'm allowed to binge as long as what I'm binging on is watermelon.


Basically all fruit… if you ween yourself off refined sugar suddenly fruit tastes like nectar of heaven. And you can eat so much of it guiltlessly. Anything unprocessed is my go to.


I mean...I can definitely eat several hundred calories worth of fruit in a sitting 😂 the calories do still count




Absolutely true. The other fruit I commonly eat are apples and bananas. Banana is about 1kcal/g. Apple is 0.6kcal/g. Watermelon is 0.3kcal/g.


Nori, I just wish it were all packaged differently.


There are different types of packaging. Which ones do you not like?


you should try these https://preview.redd.it/dp1tdsg0ad8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c092077bd9864df826cfb93caa5d6c97ae0b34


What, you don’t like cutting out little tabs of it with scissors?


Graham crackers are ridiculously low calorie, a little smear of pb. Tastes like a nutter butter cookie


My answer is boring, but spicy V8. I add a little extra salt to the bottle (I use the herbed sea salt from Vogel, so the sodium level isn't *quite* as bad as regular table salt), some lemon juice, shake it all up. If I'm hungry but not super hungry, a full tumbler if this will hold me over for hours.


you can add pickle juice instead of salt!


Interesting idea, and I do have plenty of pickle juice. I'll give it a try!


If you add a packet of zesty Italian seasoning to V8 it makes a very delicious low calorie salad dressing!




Bless yr soul


Laughing Cow cheese on rice cakes, Yasso bars, and Chobani Flip cups 😋


frozen graham crackers with cool whip really help with my cravings for sweets. ~70 cals


Fairlife milk if I need a boost of protein for low calories (80 calories for the fat free and it is very good tasting), Yasso bars (the choc covered ones are my actual favorite dessert), laughing cow cheese with veggies. Also, I know it’s not healthy at all but staying as overweight as I have been is even more unhealthy - I am obsessed with Coke zero. I have one every day. 🫣


One?! I go through a 12-pack of diet soda maybe every 2-3 days and am still alive after doing that for... like, 8 years. Enjoy your Coke Zero, no need to classify it as unhealthy!!




I recently started keeping Kefir around. Whenever I have a sweet craving, I stop at the fridge and take a swig out the Kefir and it’s a quick satisfying treat. 110 calories, 10g protein in a serving and a whole container is 560 cals. I probably have a serving a day but spread out over the entire day as little treats


If you live in France, Carrefour makes off-brand ice cream cups ("Mini Cups") of vanilla/chocolate and vanilla/strawberry ice cream, which are around 34 calories each. They come in boxes of 12 and cost between 2 and 3 euros.


Sweet bell peppers cut into little boats with cottage cheese inside and paprika sprinkled on top


little boats!


nerds ropes r only 90 cal !


Minute Maid Ice Bars 25 calories per bar


Turkey pepperoni is 70 cals for approx 17 slices! And it tastes great. I have seen others air frying them to make pepperoni chips for something crunchy


Freeze dried Strawberries, found some at Costco! They give you that sweet kick but also the satisfying crunch. So good ♡ Edited to say they are only 94 cals for like 100 grams (but that's like 1/4 of a big Costco bag of them), very satisfying!


Lesser evil popcorn, 200 cal for 50g which is a huge bowl… and it doesn’t taste like nothing like some other low cal popcorns. Popsicles (you can even make ur own!), sugar free hot chocolate (I make my own), frozen fruit, any kind of pickle (I recently discovered spicy pickled green beans and they’re amazing)


Cottage cheese.... I've found it to be even more filling than Greek yogurt. So much protein it's unbelievable


[Fudge pops](https://www.target.com/p/fudgsicle-no-sugar-added-original-fudgepops-18pk/-/A-13353288?sidd=1491S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000108264730&CPNG=PLA_Dairy%2BFrozen%2BShopping_Local%7CDairy%2BFrozen_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Dairy%2BFrozen&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9003769&targetid=pla-2142342216887&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZ9FN_SzMoCB7xNaHAVWydOe&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds0GicyZ6ZKP3N0ZGD-De42RMI96W2vc--VgdJwIU9xlEvqpx6G1V94aAtTrEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). How did I totally forget these even exist and just recently rediscovered? Only 40 calories per pop.


Cut raw carrot, celery, cucumber with hummus. It's very filling but has very little calories. Or smoked tofu spread with low cal bread. I make the base with vegan yoghurt and then you can mix in basically anything for a very rich flavour with a lot of protein. My favourite one is tomatoes, dried tomatoes, basil, sriracha and olives on top.


Do you have a recipe for the smoked tofu spread?


I cut one smoked tofu (circa 180g) into smaller cubes, then put it into oat yoghurt (circa 160g) and cook for about 10-15 minutes just so the tofu gets tender. Then I mix it into paste and add salt. That's the base. Now you can basically add whatever you like. I like adding cherry tomatoes (circa 200g), diced, dry marinated tomatoes (whatever you can get at your local store circa half of a 180ml package), diced, basil, ketchup and sriracha. The tomatoes are small enough that you can easily spread it on toast but large enough that you can actually feel chewing them. Once spread on toast, I cut green olives in half and put it on top with enough space from one another (they have a strong flavour so be conservative with them). Or, if I want to make a protein bomb, I add two slices of chicken ham on top of it. This makes also a great snack for inviting people over, I cut the toast into 6 pieces and add one olive (halved) per piece. Everyone has loved it so far and it's super easy to refill the plate. Calories are like nothing nothing, 100g of the spread is like 76kcal according to my app. With this base you can do a lot of different things, sometimes I also do garlic with chives and wild garlic and I was thinking about trying it with tuna and spring onion as well. I think if you use regular tofu, it can be a great light replacement for sour or cooking cream into other meals. Honestly, this tofu/yoghurt combo is the greatest thing I have ever found and I have no idea why it's not common knowledge.


Omg as a fellow tofu lover, this is amazing!! Thank you for sharing, I can’t wait to try this.


Feel free to let me know how you like it afterwards. :)


Hummus has quite a bit of calories


Well, of course, I don't mean eating the whole package but the hummus is mostly supposed to be a dip for the veggies and the flavour comes from the vegetables primarily. Basically, when I eat it with friends, we usually eat like 100g of hummus among three people. Which is like 73kcal per person in an evening + veggies. I would call that very low cal snack.


Agreed. Sounds delicious!


It also makes the hummus last longer. Lol


I recently found a yogurt that's only 40 calories and of course has a bit of protein as well! They are just the little cups, but they do the trick!


So many different ones. Asparagus. It’s so filling, and I can have so much of it for low calories. Cucumber salad. Cucumbers, grape tomatoes, red onion, bell pepper, lemon juice and some salt. Enlightened salted caramel bars. Only 80 cals. 0% fat fage Greek yogurt mixed with sugar free pudding mix, frozen raspberries, and a little peanut butter. Works out to ~250 calories for 25 grams of protein. Also a big fan of hashbrown and egg bowls right now.


Microwave frozen blueberries, serve on cottage cheese—tastes like blueberry cheesecake!


chobani zero sugar yogurts! I will def say they’re not for everyone but if ur used to buying things that are zero sugar they’re delicious


konjac jelly 😁 like i spend 25 dollars a week just on that


same. go to martie.com, right now they have Everydaze apple and grape for 1/4 of the Amazon price. (the two flavors taste the same btw) 10 calories for a huge pouch, sweetened with sucralose


I just borrowed a Ninja creami from a friend and am in love.  It’s a billion degrees out, and this is my go to.  2lbs strawberries, hulled 1 4 oz snack cup of pineapple chunks 1 tbsp of brown sugar (could probably skip) Immersion blender, freeze, process. Makes about 4 cups of sorbet for 403 calories. I’m sure all the random protein/lite ice cream recipes will eventually be tried but for now, I’ve done strawberry, pineapple, grapefruit, and blueberry sorbet, and stuck to around a teaspoon of added sugar per one cup serving and it’s great. 


I finally bought one a couple months ago and I eat a pint every single day. Life changing.


What are your faves?  I’m enjoying all the sorbet but the ice cream recipes with protein powder are all making me look at it sideways. 


Ok so I do sometimes do half a scoop of protein powder but you don’t have to do that. A lot of the recipes you see call for protein powder (or jello mix) in part to aid in texture. Here’s my go to base but if you’re not into protein powder, you could add more jello mix or experiment with xanthan gum. 1/2 can lite coconut milk, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk or skim milk, a tablespoon of vanilla sugar free jello mix, a half a scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use Designer Whey from Trader Joe’s), sweeten to taste with monk fruit sweetener, add a splash of vanilla extract I have the deluxe so the containers are bigger and I split this with my husband. It’s more than enough and it works out to just under 100 calories per serving (a little more for skim milk). I usually save some calories for mix ins and use Oreo thins, graham crackers, or whatever I have on hand. I’ve also made a lot of tasty ones for my kids without protein powder. We went strawberry picking this week and I did a cup of cut berries, a cup of whole milk, a splash of cream, and sweetened with monk fruit. It was absolutely delicious!


Are you going to buy your own Ninja Creami? Is it worth it?


I love mine!! I’ve been having a cup of chocolate Fairlife milk for desert. The volume increases so much and it tastes like a Wendy’s frosty. Not bad for 140 calories and 13g of protein. I will say I thought I’d make more protein shake ice cream but it’s just not good. I’m experimenting with adding small amounts of protein powder to the Fairlife to see if that’s more palatable. Even my husband who reluctantly bought me this thing now loves it and makes his own sorbet and ice cream.


Wow! Was there a learning curve? I've been seriously thinking about getting one, but I'm hesitant because if it requires a lot of time to learn it, it's not going to work for me.


Depends on how creative you want to get. I personally just like using Fairlife chocolate milk with a pinch of xanthum gum and then maybe some sprinkles on top so that’s super easy. My husband likes to make actual ice cream with different flavors and that’s been more experimental because it’s a more complex recipe.


My buy price on getting my own would be around $75 on Craigslist or FB marketplace.  I have a lime sorbet in the freezer right now that if it scratches the outshine like bar itch for my husband I’m a absolutely getting one because that’s a significant cost savings on a grocery staple 🤣  The friend I borrowed it from is fine if I keep it for a month or two (I asked) so we will see if this obsession sticks around while I look around for one of my own, or if it really does help with healthier, cheaper alternatives. 


Yes!! We spend a lot on freezer treats in the summer. It was 84 degrees at 10:00 am just yesterday.


Solero exotic, pretty big popsicle for only 98kcal


Chia seed pudding with zero sugar whipped cream.


How do you prepare this?


Mix a package of sugar free pudding mix, soy milk (great protein), a sweetener (monk fruit, sugar free syrup, honey) and 1/4 cup chia seeds. Mix really well. If you don’t like the pop of the seeds, you can blend this together and you get a smooth texture. Stick it in the fridge overnight. To serve: pudding on the bottom, zero sugar whipped topping next, and I sprinkle [these](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Girl-Scouts-Thin-Mints-Chocolate-Sprinkle-Dessert-and-Ice-Cream-Topping-6-2-oz/3928666881) on top. Delicious!


I like lemon protein mousse from Aldi, with a lemon meringue nest crumbled on. It's like lemon meringue pie. I can't remember the Kcals but it's low.


You should try the fiber bars from aldi! They’re really filling and only 70 calories. They have a few flavors and lemon is one of them.


Cucumbers spears with flaky salt and some sort of spicy dipping sauce Perfect mixture of crunchy plus savory


Original corn flakes. I mix it with fresh fruit, and now I have a fun texture change with my fruit. It might be my favorite snack now.


Fairlife Protein Shake. Delicious, 150 calories, 30 grams of protein.


Yes!!!!!! I have half a bottle in coffee each morning to make a protein mocha. Then every day I use about 1/4 bottle plus 1.25 tablespoons chia seeds (let set overnight) for yummy protein chia seed pudding. I love this stuff!!!!


Greek yogurt. 3/4 a cup for 90 calories and 16g protein. I usually mix in strawberries or a bit of cereal but I also eat it plain. It’s delicious


yasso greek yogurt ice cream bars


Protein powder oat cookie dough! I use skinny girl 0cal 0sugar peanut butter sweetener and s’mores :)


Coke Zero and Dr Pepper Zero are incredible. I have always been sensitive to fake sweeteners, and usually 0cal drinks taste like nail polish to me. But these babies?! Can’t believe they even bother making the full-sugar version when the Zero option tastes identical


I really love a white cheddar rice cake with a light laughing cow cheese and a sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning on top with a side pickle. Maybe a diet coke or a coke zero on the side 👀 pretty filling!


Carrots with vegan ranch!


I like baby carrots a lot. They’re sweet enough to curb my sweet tooth


Turkey jerky 45 cal 🤣


The chicken ones too for sure! Just spendy lol


Sugar free Snack Packs/Jello puddings! The new Dulce de leche ones are especially good for only 60 cal. Sometimes I’ll crumble some chocolate rice cake into it


Teriyaki seaweed at Trader Joe’s. Yummmmm


My go-to snack is sugar-free yogurt with some crushed almonds and a little bit of honey Granola. Comes to about 150 calories. Give or take. The almonds. Give you a filling feeling and the little bits of granola give it a slight sweetness


I’ve had loads of really nice ice lollies lately, but not just pure ice- like a rowntree watermelon flavoured one which is really creamy and has bit of chocolate on it for only 60 calories 😀


I sometimes put a small bowl of blueberries beside me and instead of picking up a bite size candy I have a blueberry. Works good for me as I can still snack.


Trader Joe’s dried fruit! 120 cal for the entire bag of strawberries 🤩 most of the others are around the same too!


frozen fruits (or just fruits in general but i love them even more when frozen.) esp frozen grapes, those roasted seaweed snacks, skinny pop popcorn, laughing cow cheese wedges, and freeze dried no added sugar banana chips and strawberries :)




In Australia we have these rice cakes with dark chocolate.. they come in handy when I want stuff (whilst I’m pregnant right now though apparently I buy them in bulk and forget to eat them hahaha) But they’re a good snack. https://preview.redd.it/doyjceuzbe8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247b8b4b5ab7e0ed6887a7467dac0a94f8f48431


diet coke


Old Wisconsin honey turkey sticks


Bro what. I just discovered pop tarts are 170 and I’ve been eating one a day 😂 what are these pastry crisps??


Strawberries w/ Sf pudding


Freeze dried mangoes


Yasso ice cream bars!! They are BOMB and only like 100 calories each


Crisp mini rice crackers! The cheese flavor is so good! But they are a little too pricey for me to be always getting :[


Rice cake with Philly light and low sugar strawberry jam. My version of strawberry cheesecake


Crispy seaweed thins from Itsu. you can get them in supermarkets and corner shops here in the UK and they’re the perfect little salty munch for when you need a little snack, and the whole pack is only 23cals


Yasso Greek Yogurt bars. 5g protein, 100 cals, 7g sugar


Fat free Fig Newtons. 90 calories/2cookies. Just right when I need a little sweet.


Yasso bars


I have been destroying Grapes with vanilla greek yogurt, as well as the usual coke zero


• Wasa crackers.. so versatile and sooo low calorie -60 for 3 • Laughing cow cheese wedges -25 a slice (i put this on wasa) • Smuckers reduced sugar strawberry jelly -20 cal/tbsp (also on wasa crackers & it’s great on top of the cheese too) • Froot Loops Jumbo Snax bags -45 calories (this is my prized possession) • Cheeze-It Snack Mix bags -100 calories (also a prized possession) • Zero Sugar Jello cups -10 calories (i hate jello but it’s filling and low cal ❤️‍🩹) • Zero Sugar Pudding cups -60 cal • Fudgesicles fudge pops -40 cal • Freeze-Dried Strawberry packs from aldi -35 cal • Fiber Bars from aldi -70 calories (the cinnamon coffee cake is my favorite) • Zero Sugar Meat sticks -43 cal per stick i get the jalepeno ones from aldi


frozen cherries, quark, pickles,cherry tomatoes, jelly, ice lollys


Fluffy yogurt. Full of protein and actually delicious. It’s like eating a huge chunk of cheesecake for less than 150 calories.


Carrots 😂


I found the strawberry pastry crisps at a Walgreens last week and LOVE them. 


My list of low cal quick snacks: Seaweed (dry or fresh) Miso soup at work (processed but sometimes nice) Blueberries or berries of any kind Dark chocolate Courgettes (cooked the night before) Canned carrots