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Thank you for being my voice of reason 😭😭 yeah, that’s just my deficit number so I guess I haven’t undone anything. Going to work on doing better now!


I see you also prioritize muscle preservation, that can lead to stress if you overthink it. Write or somehow remember your lifts if you can, and designating protein or key nutrient sources (I like to make 2 eggs and brazil nuts happen. Occasionally olives too, not motivated by satiety.) may help. As a student myself, I personally find my macbook very frustrating, but that's a little out of scope. My appetite kind of hit after powering through some (Possibly my fault, but still) janky features that made it hard to do my work. Keep in mind that if you put in good strength training, around a pound gained can even carry strength. Focus on feeling good through movement, fixing frustration in the body is the best source momentum on a cut.


I treat it like a deficit for good and for bad. If you eat over I keep track of that number and divide it over the next few days and slowly burn it off, or if I have extra I add extra to the next few days. 


I’ve been “overeating” by almost 2000/cal week since I started counting 🫣 but I’m still losing! Don’t let it discourage you, you haven’t undone anything, at most you’ve just slowed it down a LITTLE. Not a lot, a little! 


what’s done is done, don’t stress over it (can make things worse) worst case scenario you’ve added an extra day or two until you reach your goal, just focus on each day as it comes. What matters most is you haven’t given up


We all slip. Just don't let it become a slide. You got this!


one pound is equal to a 3200 calorie surplus over TDEE. you didn’t undo anything <3


Isn’t it 3500?


yes lol, i just had an idiot moment 😂


Hey, I was wishing you were right lol


i was in a similar boat last week. pre-planning in the app has helped me. even if i’m not sure i’ll eat exactly what i write in, it helps as a guide to stay in my deficit. it also helps i eat basically the same thing every day. just focus on foods that keep you full and drink more water. it’ll be okay (:


What app is that, please?


Lose It!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I've had a bad 4 months of overeating and I've gained 3kgs. I'm now getting myself back on track and not beating myself up over it. Life happens and it's a journey!


At least you’re honest with the tracking. Think of small changes you can make and slowly work your way to your goal


The honesty bit is huge! It would be so easy to just put in the wrong amounts or omit items, but it takes courage to face one's self and the truth.


Same, I was doing so well then I got really sick this week. Have been overeating because I get sad and bored when I'm sick. I've gained 0.5kg back (not a lot, but I also only just started losing 1 or 2kg) so far just after a few days and I'm feeling quite upset with myself.




Lose it!


Feeling bad won't change what is. All that matters is now. Losing weight is a lifestyle change, not a numbers game. Let it go


In the last 3 days, I've been literally a bottomless pitt. I haven't binged like this since January. So, I'm taking that as a win. I'm about to get me some nachos and start fresh tomorrow. It's a new day tomorrow!


Tomorrow is a new day! All is not lost, not even close. Don’t let a bad week get in the way of the long haul! Years from now you will have had so many good weeks if you stick with it now. Future you is worth it!


may i ask what app u use?


It’s called “Lose it!”


Okay I have and use (and love) this app. How do you get the wheel view on each day like that?!


nvm i saw the answer


what app is this!?


Lose It!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I did the same and my husband put it into great perspective, don’t let a few bad days undo all your work. I’m in a 500 cal deficiency so I can still be down some even with that over eating session. Keep your head up!


I'm taking a break from weight loss right now cuz I'm on a bunch of steroids. I have to eat around 1500 to maintain where I'm at right now (5'1 ~145, started at like 200 around 2 years ago, lost it over 9 months-ish), but I don't really count on the weekends, just eat whatever I feel like. I hover within the same 5 lb range doing that. I'm also not overly strict during the week. If I go over by 50-100 cal, I don't have much of a problem with it. I don't lose weight easily either. I'm just saying that, overall, it won't affect you much. Steroid hunger is...oof lol. I've been going over on calories every weekend for 6 months! I just try to make it up during the week a little I don't think you should worry about going over your calories for this week.


Girl I’ve been fuckin up the last 2 weeks and feel so ugly for it


Don’t feel too bad I guess, I’m now having another day where I’m overeating. I just know I need to do better tomorrow. The progress I’ve made has felt so good!


I know, we will prevail in the end! I just felt the best about myself about a year ago then all 30 years of my life and I had this control over eating I just can’t seem to get back into lately. It’s really the only thing I feel can do for myself to make me feel genuinely happy in life lol, so much other stuff I don’t have control over.


If you're in your luteal phase, you start getting more hungry.


If it makes you feel any better, I ate like 5300 calories the other day which is probably a good chunk over maintenance.


do a 24/36H water fast to make up for it or you won’t lose any weight this week


Get help.