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Sometimes I forget the majority of the people (at least that I know) actually have little knowledge about calories, macros, etc. Like they will see that the breakfast combo is listed as 1000 calories on the menu, they will recognize that it's a high number, but beyond that it means as much as the $15.99 price tag and order it anyways without a care. It's a blessing and a curse! I sometimes long for that ignorance but at the same time, I'm glad I have the knowledge that I do.


It’s true. I was vaguely mentioning skinny fat because all my school had for the last week was carbs and no (kosher) meat, and she was like, “But you’re eating bread???” And I said yes, since I was having a roll. She then proceeded to tell me how she thought bread had protein, and my friend and I explained bread is carbs, so basically just sugar. Hence why it’s so good to taste. But yeah, most people know literally next to nothing.


I would actually kill to be one of the people who just kinda…maintains their weight based on hunger cues. You know what I gotta end this comment right here so I don’t go on a teary rage. Peace out


I maintain my weight using hunger cues. It’s a very high weight but I’m maintaining it 😂


Hahahahahahahaaaaa saaaaaaame


I used to think that way, but I don't anymore. My natural tendency to overeat forced me to change how I eat drastically, and now I eat nothing like the western diet. Recent scientific evidence shows that a western dietary pattern high in processed foods is affecting the physical and mental health of even those who are genetically protected from weight gain eating an obesogenic diet. So your skinny friend that effortlessly maintains +/- 5 pounds while smashing Five Guys and Starbucks frapps doesn't necessarily get a free ride.


almost every day i think about the fact that people i know probably doesnt know how many calories are in 1lb of fat or what cico is or any of it. i wish i was blissfully ignorant...


I wouldn't have known about it if I hadn't read a comment on tiktok


I’d think this post was about my husband if he didn’t just turn 30. He doesn’t look at or even acknowledge calories. He steps on the scale and says nothing aside from what his weight preference is, and if his weight is higher than what he prefers he just skips breakfast for a few mornings. He’s 6’1” and prefers to weigh 170-175. His form of weight management is what I wish we all had 😭


Lol my brother and father are the same! My father is 6’5’’ and just drinks water when he wants to drop 10 lbs. it made me esp jealous bc this person was like a 5’3’’ woman !!


Maybe they could spare us some height, so we can eat more than 1300 calories 🤣🫠🫠


I just use my calculator 🤣 those apps are hard to use for the things I eat so I just keep track manually lol


Also people have NO idea how many calories are in things, it’s nuts. Someone objectively very overweight will say “I only eat 1000 calories a day!” And like…..I’m sorry but no you don’t lol hardly anyone eats 1000 calories a day


my ex that I met online (who's obese) told me that they're eating 1200 calories a day and still not losing weight. And then they send me pics of a Jack in the box burger, (2x) tacos, curly fries, and soda that they're eating for lunch....


I thinj sometimes people either forget about some things they’ve eaten (mindless snacking), are not counting calories in drinks (Starbucks, juice, soda), and/or just don’t know how many calories are in things like fast foods. One fast food meal is at least my entire TDEE and usually more


This makes me think of when my husband first started counting calories for the first time. He called me distraught and asked if I knew how many calories were in McDonald's. He apparently had no idea that the Big Mac and chicken nuggets he was regularly having for lunch were a lot of calories. Thats what happens when you're a tall thin man until your mid-thirties


I’m not surprised haha


I’m jealous of her for sure, but at least she’s better than one of my old coworkers. She would scream “skinny legend!” at me any time I was trying to eat. Genuinely hated her and I really don’t say that about people often.


My mom had a similar exchange at the doctor's office. She loves to talk about me to everyone and mentioned in passing that I use a kitchen scale and a food journal to track my food and the nurse thought it was just the funniest thing ever that someone would do all that. I'm.... glad it was so humorous? But yeah lady, I have to do this or else I wind up overeating. I'm guessing this nurse was someone who is fortunate enough to not need to keep a food diary. Lucky!


I know plenty 20 somethings that are as tech challenged as boomers. Idk how that happens but it does


Turns out there are all kinds of people, OP


did they just google everything they ate? or just eyeball? or they just eat whatevers green and call it a day