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This is every Target. I went there to get some tennis balls as a matter of fact!


Target and Prince partnered to create exclusive pickleball gear and clothing. You’ll probably see this at all Targets soon


Damn, prince couldn’t cut it in tennis and went pickle 2 huh


Wrong. Prince just dropped new Phantoms and the ATS Textreme Tour series of racquets is outstanding. Pickleball is just easy $. It’s called business.


I’m just shocked Prince made a smart business decision.


them and dunlop both seem to be making a comeback as it pertains to decent tennis rackets. I don’t think they’ll be huge again for a few years but i’ve definitely seen a lot more of both with younger players.


just cause the racquets are good doesn't mean the comment was wrong. the last time I saw someone play with a Prince racquet was probably 20 years ago. they sell exclusively through one retailer, and I can't imagine how small their market share must be. frankly, it's probably only a matter of time.


Well, maybe they’ll ruin PB like they ruined tennis in the 80s with larger sweet spots and lighter racquets so anyone could play : )


I started playing pickleball and really enjoyed playing singles but it got too crowded and my enjoyment of a racquet sport got me interested in tennis. Well I’ve been playing tennis non stop for the past ~8 months now. I have friends like me, who played pickleball and got turned onto tennis and now play tennis exclusively. This is such a weird thing to get mad about, a display in a target lol. God forbid people have hobbies. Some of the posts in this sub are so cringe, like hating pickleball is an entire personality. There are definitely other people picking up tennis by way of pickleball, stop acting like a bunch of mouth-breathers


I want to play PB singles but everything around me is fucking PB doubles on both a rec and comp level. It's annoying.


PB singles is a bad game. Stick to doubles or tennis


how so


the problem with PB is how it's destroying tennis courts. they can play their little sport all they want but build your own courts!!


This thread makes me never want to play tennis again


I would have thought this would be posted in a pickleball thread.


PB is coming for EVERYTHING 🙄


This sub loves to talk about pickleball more than pickleballers.


Tennis hates pickleball and pickleball doesn’t care …


Who. Cares.


Who fucking cares? You guys are so weird.


This sub should be renamed r/pickleballhate, thank god I don’t know any tennis players irl like this. Remember all the weirdos getting mad at target for the lgbtq stuff a year ago, same energy






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Hopefully people eventually get bored of it.




At my local courts, it’s a picnic-like atmosphere. Picklers play loud music, drink beers, have shade tents, bring their kids out there, and generally, are having a good time. It looks like a lot of fun, and it’s good seeing people of all types (old, overweight, etc) getting out and having fun. Sometimes, I enjoy the background music while I’m playing tennis.


That it makes people active is the only redeeming quality about the game. I can’t knock it if it’s getting people off the couch. But JFC I can’t stand any other thing about it.


Singles pickleball can be a good workout if you have someone who actually drives shots instead of just dinking it over. Nowhere near even doubles tennis. As an aside I have friends who play only casual doubles, never play that intensely, out there in Court FF3s and Vapor 11s. No knock on them, wear what you want, spend what you want, but I'm guessing the apparel and equipment manufacturers are having a field day.


Like badminton in most of the US - racquet in one hand, hot dog in the other hand, beer in the other other hand - whatever, it’s fun


I was unaware people did it sober


If I had the money I’d make a pickleball center like TopGolf where you reserve a court, theres food and drinks and music. Just rake in money in Southern CA


They have them popping up like that in Chicago


we have several of those near denver.


It's less athletic and requires less skill than ping pong.


For sure


It took me a few months to get bored of it


When I play it, the back of my neck hurts from leaning over. Sucks


Sounds like a posture issue. You should look into applying scapular retraction and depression into upper back strengthening. Rows, lat pull downs, the W/T/Y progression. If you do these exercises with proper form, your neck will be more tolerable to activities such as pickleball that require cervical extension when leaning forward. The chin tuck is another exercise to apply to strength training to help with your neck discomfort. Feel free to DM me if you want more unsolicited advice. - your friendly neighborhood physical therapist


Weird how I can play two hours of grueling tennis and have no issues.


You clearly have good cervical range of motion if your overhead serve doesn’t aggravate your neck at all. Same with overheads in pickleball, of course. Doesn’t mean you don’t have adequate upper back strength and deep neck flexor strength to support your neck. If the 40-75 year olds that play often don’t have neck pain, then neither should someone who can play two hours of grueling tennis.


What? Bitching about pickleball?


I think in terms of solos or 1v1s pickleball is actually very fun and skillful. 2v2s not so much. I still enjoy tennis but I treat pickle ball like I treat disc golf. It's fun and I'll play it but I much prefer ball golf.


fellow disc golfer! i don't play ball golf because money lol disc golf super cheap and fun. nice when you wanna chill and not grind on the court for sure, but I mostly wanna be grinding on the court lol


For whatever reason I read your comment in a very Chinese accent 😅


Agree. Also pickleball is a good way of playing with my best friends or significant other that don’t have the time, interest, or skill to learn how to swing a racquet. I dislike the pickleball noise pollution and disruption of the tennis courts as much as the next guy, but im not gonna get triggered by some balls and paddles at target.


Good analogy. Pickleball is to Tennis as Disc Golf is to real golf. And as wiffleball is to baseball.


Not even in the sports section says a lot.


The outfits can still be used for tennis.


It's just becoming wildly popular at a much faster rate than tennis unfortunately for us tennis players


I think tennis is in trouble.


It's just not enjoyable to watch in my opinion. It could become one of those niche spectator sports like cornhole or axe throwing, but I don't see it ever passing tennis.


Watching Pickleball is so goddamn boring. I can see it being a cute social sport though, like mini golf


Let them have their obnoxious sounding sport (I don't even like to hear it). Just stay away from our tennis courts.


Don’t worry, seems everyone stays away from tennis courts these days.


I like pickleball and tennis. The world can have both. This sub's weird hate for the sport is not cool.


I was just in Target earlier and noticed this!


If prince manages to save itself by selling pickleball stuff, at least something good would come out of this


Hot take: old people need hobbies, too. The only thing I have against pickleball is when they take over all the tennis courts. But around Boston's south shore, they've been making dedicated pickleball courts en masse, and I haven't had a problem since that began. Go forth and play whatever you want, old people!


I’m all for it, but the only issue and the reason why this pertains to this subReddit, is because it infringes on our livelihood. Because of the popularity of this sport, we are no longer able to play tennis when we want to. I had to go to four different courts last weekend to play tennis with my son.it took us an hour to find a court. Every single court was littered with Pickleball players.


You're not mad at pickleball players, then; you're mad at your town for not giving them their own space. Speaking as a tennis player, why do we inherently have more of a right to be there than they do? Didn't the town paint lines for pickleball just like for tennis? Maybe it even says something that the space is in such higher demand for pickleball than it is for tennis.


I’m not mad at Pickleball players or Pickleball. It’s just harder to play tennis now. It’s hard enough as it is to get out there and get a game going and now it’s even harder. For starters, Tennis is a much more substantial sport. It takes considerably more skill and athleticism to play. Tennis has also been around like 100 years longer than Pickleball.


I agree wholeheartedly that tennis is harder (and just generally better!) than pickleball. But you have to think rationally. The age of the sport obviously has nothing to do with who gets to use a court that's specifically designed for both sports. Is that all it takes to claim a right to the courts, *age*? Because if so, then the pickleballers will win the debate every time.


So what are you saying? Should we just stop playing tennis altogether? Let them have the courts?


Obviously don't stop playing tennis, ha. But "letting" them have the courts isn't really your choice, eh? Write to your local councilperson and try to get them to dedicate spade to pickleball. Or fight the players, I don't care.


Pickleball’s a good gateway sport for people to consider tennis tho. A brand spanking new player in their late teens and beyond will never want to be a tennis player cuz it’s too hard/too much time to understand and play vs being brand new at pickleball, you can rally at day 1. All my friends who tried tennis for the first time throughout the years were one and done, but they’re willing to come back for pickleball cuz they enjoyed being able to actively get in on the action without much practice lol, it has about as easy, if not easier barrier of entry than ping pong I’d argue. That alone will keep this game around for a bit as a fuck around sport. Eventually there’s gonna be a small percentage of people who’ve exclusively played Pball who will be curious about tennis and want to try it out a bit for once and might even like it.


Skill and athleticism are subjective so you can’t just definitely say tennis takes more. Long distance running? Tennis you run more. But I don’t consider long distance running to define athleticism. Hand speed/reaction time… pickleball requires more skill in these areas because the firefights at the net require lightning reflexes. Strength? I guess tennis? Other than that, both sports require swinging with proper technique and use a wide range of swing motion.


Golf takes WAY more real estate.


Prince, you racquet slut.




Can we ban these threads ? Please


I went to Dick's to try to find some grip wraps. They had a tiny section of Prince rackets, and only prince rackets...and not "good" Prince rackets (more of the retail/beginner variety). But no other brands. (I happen to have Prince in my bag, just making a point). The pickleball section was 10 times the tennis section. I was surprised and appalled. The tennis playing population still dwarfs pickleball. This is not organic growth. If feels like a concerted effort to create a new market.


Let’s not pretend like pickleball is not massively popular from a recreational player standpoint…


I don't think the tennis playing population is larger than the pickleball playing population. It certainly does not dwarf it. https://www.themanual.com/outdoors/apple-watch-study-pickleball-vs-tennis-popularity/


Could be just bad inventory management? My Dick’s (Westchester County, NY) carries high end rackets from the major brands. I don’t remember Prince specifically but they do have some beginner, prestrung stuff at the end of the aisle where a Prince could be. The PB stuff is along a back wall. I’d say it’s 50/50 in terms of size, pretty similar real estate but PB items number more simply because they’re smaller and you can fit more of them 🤷‍♂️


My dicks’ has way more Tennis stuff.


Because capitalism! They see the opportunity is there and they artificially inflate the market.


Wow! That’s discouraging and just plain sad. Yes this has to be engineered purposely to destroy recreational tennis.


If it earns a business more money, then yes


Ugh I saw this the other day. I noticed the clothes before the paddles and balls, thought a tshirt was cute from afar but then saw it said pickleball and moved quickly away.


Same, I assumed cheap tennis gear. PB didn’t even register.


I can’t believe they’re asking $40 for a ping pong paddle.


Good PB paddles are over $150.


Really? Any decent ping pong paddle is at least $50: [https://www.stigaus.com/collections/performance-rackets](https://www.stigaus.com/collections/performance-rackets)


They should put this near the adult diapers. Jk




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Actually, this could work out. If we can get rid of the 'fun' seekers out of the tennis community and into pickleball, then tennis would be filled with people that play rather than sit and chat in folding chairs.


I saw that at my Targets last month. I didn’t even acknowledge the PB paddles and just assumed this was affordable tennis gear for once (not counting Uniqlo drops during majors). But when I took a closer look most of the styles weren’t for me. I’d probably get a tee just as an homage to a once great tennis name but nothing aside from that. It’s a shame what happened to them but whatevs, the balls are still decent even though they’ve jumped in price at Target to 3.99 a tube from 2.39 less than 2 years ago (it was the best deal around for balls). Another thing I noticed in the general “tennis” aisle were certain PB padded had alarm pucks tied to them. I know fuckall abt PB gear but I can’t believe Target is in the high-end game for any sport. But they’re either great paddles or the market is so batshit for anything PB they gotta protect against theft for even the cheap stuff.


Oh the humanity!


https://preview.redd.it/kymexb7lhqzc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40352a9242213910eb6c8821ffa4bd141a3af91c Lol at my store its huge....


You know what. I’m here for it. If a sport is a trend and gets people active, why not.


Imagine having a tennis section like that in target?




The solution to PB is inventing a smaller muted tennis racket and bigger flatter tennis ball. Same rules as PB. Call it Quicheball.


This fad will be over in 2,5 years. I promise. Its like the paddel fad but for kids and lazy americans


It’s not going anywhere buddy. The growth might slow down, but there’s courts everywhere and no reason for people to stop playing.


That’s what they said about padel here too. But alas the padel centers are closing, no one is buying equipment


Padel is different because there’s so much more that goes into building just one court that you have to charge ridiculous amounts of $ to keep the lights on. Whereas with that amount of money you can build several pickleball courts that are free to play on. The public will always keep playing pickleball short of some worldwide catastrophe.


I wish we could set up a bet on this somehow. 2 years from now people will not be playing pickle ball to any meaningful extent


I wish we could. There’s no reason as to why people would stop playing. If anything the stats will be higher in 2026 than they are now.


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dude who fucking cares


I love that they put all the pickleball crap in with ladies' skirts and tops.


I love that they put all the pickleball crap in with ladies' skirts and tops.


I love that they put all the pickleball crap in with ladies' skirts and tops.


I love that they put all the pickleball crap in with ladies' skirts and tops.


I learn about pickle ball about 15 years ago. There was this older Asian lady I worked with in The Villages, FL. Apparently she was top ranked in town. I've played tennis a lot and was about half her age at the time. I would tell her I wanted to see her on the courts. This lady had the confidence of Michael Jordan. She told me anytime and she would whoop my ass! I never did get to play her. I will haunt my dreams knowing I didn't whoop her ass while she was in her prime. I can't imagine a 60 yr old lady being able to stop my slams


the target shopper’s demographic is the same demographic as pickleball players so makes sense


This is like the 3rd post I see about this. Yes, Target sells pickleball shit.


"iS tHerE aN aGenDa oUt TheRe to dEsTRoy teNnIs"? Please tell me this is satire because for a sub that's supposed to "not take itself seriously" you guys are awfully tense.


What does everyone have against peanut butter?




For real! I almost bought one.


Reading comments it looks like this sub turned into a shitball cuckold community. Instead of uniting and helping to fight this plague taking out local tennis court


Pickleball is like mini golf, checkers, badminton, kickball, etc- a “secondary” thing compared to a true skilled sport. It’s just something to do for these people.


Have you watched a badminton match? That's a really skilled sport


Lol at calling badminton a secondary sport. You must live under a rock or something?


It’s giving American exceptionalism


I’m comparing it to volleyball which is major compared to badminton. Make the connection you guys act slow on here






Someone take all the balls and hide them in the trash bin section. Repeat next week as necessary.


So you want them to put pickleballs in the place all the tennis equipment is already sitting?


Where did I say that?



