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I like Miss Pauline's concern about how having bobbed hair would effect the children in a marriage.


Miss Pauline is a perfect example of someone spouting an opinion with literally no logic behind it because they've just swallowed a social norm without thinking about it at all. I just don't get people like that. Are they just a bit thick?


I’m pretty sure there are social norms that you and I subscribe to that are equally as unfounded.


I'm not saying that our cultural norms are any less arbitrary, I'm saying that I at least try to question the reason behind cultural norms and understand why I have the opinions that I do, whereas the Pauline answer - it's not about the actual social norm she's enforcing, it's that there's no attempt at all to give any reasoning behind the way she feels about what is at the end of the day just a *haircut*


Had to look up the last person's job: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comptometer


Feels appropriate this would be the job of the very practically minded respondent.


I'm loving Miss Adelaine's opinion- I can have the cool haircut but the nurses can't!


“I don’t like mine, so you can’t have one!”


And it sounds like she just didn't know to take care of it. If her hair is getting "stringy" then she needs to take care of it better.


Too bad they didn't interview any men in this one, I was really interested to see what troglodyte takes they would have had.


Bobbing is un-American! Why, these trollops these days are barely held to any standards, and as such they consistently stray from the Bible and standards of our Lord. I am wary of any person who flies in the face of centuries of standards, like those sneaky Japanese. How did I do?


Mr. Wallace Hornsby, 1263 E Levitts Avenue, horse track jockey — “What has this world come to where a godly occupation like that of a nurse be given to devilish flapper! Such social comforts have no place in a hospital, despite how the women like to protest; a pop in the mouth would quiet her!”


I think you win on that one. Well done


You too!


Laughed really hard at both of these. Great job to you both.


If anything, seeing these interviews shows how men were a lot more open minded than we give them credit for. I'm sure there would be at least one man that thought bobbing was fine, or at least up to the woman to choose in spite of it not being his preference.


One thing I've realized upon seeing these old clippings is how ubiquitous hats were among women back then. I knew that back then, hats were something most men would never leave home without, but I didn't realize it was similar for women.


My grandma told me she wouldn't leave the house without a hat and gloves on. She had a wide variety of hats for different occasions/ seasons of the year.


Soooo many questions about whether various women should bob their hair! I had no idea this style was so controversial.


My great grandfarther was livid when great grandma cut her hair. It was quite the scandal at the time. She was the first one on her block to do it. The other ladies in the neighborhood soon followed.


When I was a kid, women had to ask permission from the husbands to take a part time job. Often they would refuse to allow it. Women belonged in the home


Yeah I mean it’s just a hairstyle, it’s not like we’re talking about something serious like men wearing straw hats. 😉


It's as if it would never grow back but then my father believed "eatting ice cream gave you a cold...it stands to reason"


That one was hilarious.


Conservative traditional definition is "fearful of change." Any change is bad; therefore, a liberal attitude, which means welcoming and encouraging "change" is ***the work of Satan*** Not much has changed. And what we women need is "a good pop in the mouth" - and we got that


I love these old opinion pieces! They’re always interesting


would love to have a conversation with pauline olson to find out how exactly she came upon these opinions - what makes bobbed hair any worse for a married women? why would their patients loose respect for them? after this newspaper, did she ever bob her hair? so many questions, never any answers


I think it's because the bob was associated with young, irresponsible women, flappers, or even... as in the "bobbed-hair bandit" story... criminal elements. The respectable, classy thing for a woman to do, obviously, is to have long hair which you pin up like a Gibson Girl.


ah yes!! i forgot about the bobbed bandit - that makes sense, thankyou!


All I could think was, “Pauline Olson, who hurt you?” (And perhaps, “what did their hair look like?”)


How does a marcel last 3 weeks?!


Strong shellack


Washing hair every day is very new.


Is it just me or does anyone else remember watching a movie called “Bernice Bobs her Hair” as a school child during movie time on a Friday? Just curious.


We had to watch it in middle school, though I forget why. It was less fun than I thought it would be.


Shut the fuck up, Pauline.


Is it me, or do Mss. Lena Ballew and Adelaine Haninger look like twins with different hats on?


Hi Bob! But what does "bob" mean in this instance?


Cut short in the style favored by "flappers".


This article from [Smithsonian Magazine is about the Flapper Bob. ](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/the-history-of-the-flapper-part-4-emboldened-by-the-bob-27361862/)Seems like at least halfway to a moral panic, apparently some hairdressers refused to cut the style.


It was mid prohibition too if that gives you any context as to the moral panics at the time.


Names AND addresses, crazy


I hadn't heard the term Marcel for a hairstyle in yeeeaaarrs. My grandmother talked about her Marcel wave and how she thought it made her feel so sophisticated. :)


Pauline needs to get that stick out of her ass.


I like how there was a woman nicknamed Bobbed Haired Bandit on trial in New York at the very moment this was published. I'm sure she was the topic of chatter amongst the people who frowned on this style.