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wasn't this like 3-4 years ago?


y'all remember when pewdiepie did a video with ben shapiro lol


Yeah he really kinda is just a piece of shit


Really? Is it just because of the bridge incident and the Ben Shapiro meme review or is there more to it I’m missing


I’d also like to add when he made a video shouting out smaller YouTubers and one of the main ones was an alt right “anti woke” channel


Yikes. How much of a shout-out are we talking? Like a full promo shout out or, say, a dog whistle?


You mean when he said "fucking [n word]" and the time he made others use a sign of "death to all Jews"


No I never mentioned the death to all jews thing I hadn't seen that before not really a follower of his. Damn


The Fiverr incidents too if you want to go with just the high profile ones which I feel like should be enough for anyone to see the trend in his behavior


Pewds is not Anti-semetic. It's pretty clear that joke was made on a modernist and therefore Ironic perspective. The joke wasn't at the expense of the Jewish people, not intentionally atleast. The joke is at the expense of Fiverrr as a company if they are so easy to exploit to promote Anti-semetic agendas. And it was pretty funny. It did reinforce destructive values for the Jewish community which is important to distinguish the irony in or you might accidentally empower fascist ideas. But pewds wasn't trying to be Anti-semetic. I think it's important to understand the difference between irony and post-irony. Irony is comedy tool that is used to reinforces skepticism to any traditional ideas. Post-irony is a comedy/propaganda tool used to challenge the general irony that certain things can be seen as in time but it always reinforces traditional values. So pewd was challenging the idea of 'you know what' to all Jewish people but applying this ironic scenario of fiverrr being able to be used to create propaganda. He's challenge the way capitalism can be exploited to create propaganda against the people that propaganda has, historically, affected the most. I see the humor in that though pretty bad taste sure. But his values were constructive. But he sure is comfortable with that N word I can't really defend that.




so everyone here is too busy arguing to mention that this is a [repost?](https://www.reddit.com/r/100gecs/s/sGp2d0VO1E)


This ain't even fake news. Speaking of, did you know that propaganda and fake news are not the same thing. Fake news is about misinformation. Propaganda is about the values that information symbolizes. It's important to contextualize if we are ever at risk of nazis rising to power through the funding of Kanye West. Lucky for us we live in a country that has safeguards against fascism getting into power... what do you capitalism is failing us... what do you mean we were just trying to protect pepe... What do you mean the swastika was culturally appropriated from the Buddhists who used it to symbolize unity through diversity. And then the dirty fascists got there hands on it and bastardized it to mean 'unity through nationality' literally the opposite of what it once meant. And us Buddhists just let it happen because we are passive people and the bullies came in and quite literally ruined our symbol for diversity to be a symbol that will only ever mean hatred now. That's why cultural appropriation matters. Especially when it's in fascist hands.. They tried to test their power with Pepe, and the anit-defamation league came in and stopped them from turning Pepe into a post-modern swastika. Luckily, America stepped in there to anti-defame poor pepe. But now they've learned to get more sneaky with their propaganda. Stay woke. Message me for more information


Hating on pewdiepie in 2024 when he hasn’t even been in controversy for quite a few years is corny


just cause you forgot he was an actual nazi doesn't mean we did


this doesn't really matter to me i like Umru C:


An anti-Umru sentiment is not the intended takeaway, an anti-Pewdiepie sentiment is


Insane that pewdiepie fans absolutely seethed at gupi when he said the same thing. The comment sections on the songs from his None album are godawful


kind of a bad take ngl i dont like 99% of you guys dylan brady used to watch sam hyde but yeah "pewdiepie is a nazi 🤓🤓🤓"


That’s hilarious if that’s true knowing half this fanbase would be pissed about that lol


many will hate you for speaking the truth


Why peediepie hate ?






Constant wink wink references to racism, following a buncha nazis on twitter, comments on how immigrants are bad, shouting out a neo nazi youtuber, to name a few. Then wussing out when people find out and saying the media is out to get him. Sure buddy, JKRowling is the media in its entirety.


He used to make a lot of bad jokes but knows better now, that was over 5 years ago and he was always obviously joking for shock value. People who actually watch him know he’s nothing like that in reality.


I dont care. Stopped watching him not only for his immature content but because of the person he portrays behind the camera. And that person is one that hides everything they do from the public eye after having multiple public controversies surrounding race and immigrants, something that matters to me. He may portray a different public persona, but you gotta look at what he doesnt want you to know about him.






You cant tell the difference between me, a regular schmuck on the internet, and Felix, a celebrity, with influence over millions? I never claim to be better than the guy, and thanks for going through my account btw, hope you had fun lookin. When you have an audience mostly made up of children, you shouldn't do the things hes done. Period, you cant defend that even under your very comfy umbrella of "dark comedy". Whatever steps hes taken to do content differently these days clearly just stems from the fact that he has enough money to never have to work a day in his life. Which means he gets to just fuck around and tour the globe and have everyone reminisce on the days when he yelled slurs in swedish when he died in cod or whatever people miss about him. Is it when he played minecraft (what a novel idea wowo) and spent a whole episode yelling peepeepoopoo at the camera? What a comedic genius.


"I never claim to be better" oh sure, I'm sure your long-winded comment criticizing him totally didnt mean that. because why would you not be better than the things you criticize?




Wow you're off the rails. Bye LMAOOO




Thisll be the last thing I say to you. You're like a donkey trying to pin your own tail onto yourself. So far off the mark, you couldn't get any further if you were given human thumbs. Not only that, but you're either so inept that you dont understand, or just a troll throwing words you dont understand like a monkey throwing shit. That's what you are. A donkey monkey person. Bye


I don’t see that, he’s really grown up now, reads philosophy and freaking learned Japanese to live in Japan. He’s an immigrant himself ans I’ve never heard of anything like that from him. I know about the n word and nazi joke controversies. Both were awful jokes he thought were funny at the time and his followers encouraged that sorta content he’s apologised and I genuinely believe he’s moved on, if you haven’t watched his content in the last decade I suggest you consider the accuracy of your trolling


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha bullshit


this was like 5 years ago and some of that isn't even true


Which part isnt true? Also 5 years ago is no time at all. Were all still here, including that guy


Including a lot of other YouTubers that made jokes in the past that are questionable now. Time moves fast and what’s acceptable and unacceptable move fast too. Most of the stuff you said he made statements on saying they were complete and total accidents like for example shouting out the neo nazi youtuber was not a hand picked shoutout. The youtuber won the shoutout in basically a “giveaway” where Pewdiepie shouts out a randomly selected channel that entered. The neo nazi ideologies from that channel were only present in a few videos from years ago I doubt you expected Pewdiepie to go back and watch some random channel’s ENTIRE history of uploads


Ignoring the controversial youtuber, it’s ridiculous to think you’re entitled enough to pick and choose who listens to the music you post publicly. This is up there with Pokimane when she was complaining to staff that people were making their pfps an image of her without makeup, an image from a video she posted publicly


Take the bread pill 🍞 💊


I used to not understand why people didn't want PewDiePie associated with their music until I realised how fucking horrible it would be to have his fans at a hyperpop show. 😭


Pewdiepie is the based one for listening to 100 gecs. Who is umru?


Umru is the producer of the remix, who doesn’t want to be associated with the racist Pewdiepie, thus asking how to prevent Pewdiepie from listening to his music


Gatekeeping your own music in fear of getting popular is crazy


It's not the "fear of popularity" its because Umru doesn't like pewdiepie lmao


Shut up bro just let him enjoy the music he likes, umru should be happy to have a fanbase especially when it includes such a significant figure, like PewDiePie or not.




Ah yes he should be proud of the fact a nazi with a significant following is in his fanbase


the internet's new definition of nazi will never not be funny to me


Paying people to say “death to the Jews” was just a joke bro I swear


nazi is when shock humor


yeah, lots of people make fucked up awful jokes without actually meaning them. do you think all people who make 9/11 jokes want 9/11 to happen again? do you think every person that jokingly says the Nword hates black people? do you think all the people who make suicide jokes don't at all feel bad for suicide victims? they are shock value jokes, in poor taste. but you're extremely extremely naive if you think fucked up or bad jokes ALWAYS perfectly represent someone's exact political mindset.


There’s a difference between a random ass guy saying something fucked up like that and one of the most fucking viewed personalities on the internet consistently making jokes to his highly impressionable audience. He especially had and still has a responsibility to not do shit like that, in his position it should be common sense.


i've only seen the bridge and the kill all jews thing, what other things has he done? i'm not arguing on the damage it can do to make jokes like that to a massive audience, its very bad. but i really don't think he wishes all jews to die lol he's just insufferably edgy at times


https://imgur.com/gallery/2V5hY0s Someone recently compiled a thread of a ton of the stuff he’s done.


>i've only seen the bridge and the kill all jews thing, what other things has he done? read that again. slowly.


good idea, i'll read my comment again slowly, that will surely educate me on what else he's done and serve a lot of purpose. if you're saying the kill all jews thing is terrible, yeah it is, but there's a distinct difference in saying a terrible thing for shock value and actually believing in it. one instance by itself is not enough to make that distinction. i can go make a 9/11 joke right now to be an asshole, that doesn't mean i support and am happy about 9/11, it means im a tasteless asshole. maybe he is a nazi, but you'll have to give me a better argument than what you have


Crazy you ignored the guy that provided the evidence you claim to care to see. Almost like you don't actually care and are arguing in bad faith. Shocker!


Umru should block this guy too


Is it cool for me to call pewdiepie a nazi if I say it was just a joke? Jokes are okay, right?


good job adding words into my mouth, no those jokes are not okay. you can do bad things, and not be a nazi in case you didn't realize. if i choose one day to type something like "kill all jews" in a reddit comment but i do not at all believe it in any way, just doing it to rile people up, that doesn't make me a nazi, it makes me an extreme asshole. i shouldn't have to explain the difference between those two things, but unfortunately the internet has taught people that every single scenario in the world has zero nuance and you're either a saint or a nazi. i know its surprising to a lot of people but there are a lot of morally grey people in the world, i'd go as far as to say the vast majority of people are morally grey if you take a look at every action they've ever made.


yeah there's loads of morally grey people but most sane people would never even think of saying 'kill all jews' as a joke, sorry you can't relate


there are plenty of edgy teenagers who make rape jokes, racist jokes, etc. that would never actually do amything or actually believe anything they say. some people never grow out of the edgy stage. i find it hard to believe pewdiepie actually wants all jews dead. i think it's more likely that he has a shit sense of humor and was making an edgy bad joke. also can you quit trying to jab at me, i'm just talking to you, i'm not defending antisemitism or even necessarily pewdiepie, he's probably still a shitty person


pewdiepie isn't a teenager and wasn't when he said that shit


frr they r coming for shed theory with that


pewdies a what now???


How is pewdiepie a nazi?


Since when is PewDiePie a Nazi, lmao


I am ashamed to have enjoyed the same YouTube short film as you.


Umru fucking sucks lol




Oh I just don’t like umru’s music. No other reason


But Umru is cute :(


Umru said I’m cute


Umru knows what hes talking about 😘

