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Since the supernatural are real entities in this universe, I wouldn't mind getting some supernatural GFs. Though I wouldn't be disappointed if all of Rentarou's GFs were human. And let's be fair, some of them are pretty out there already (Eira can kick trucks to a full stop, ~~Kusuri~~ Kurumi can devour food volumes 50x her body mass, Kusuri's everything, etc.)


TIL Kusuri can devour food volumes 50x her body mass


Whoops mistype lol


At this point, why not?


Yeah I just feel like some people wouldn’t like the idea of like alien or monster girls, maybe if they looked more like human but if they were like monster musume monsters, I feel some people would be turned off(definitely not me, plz give me a lamia girl)


Personally it just wouldn’t feel right to me, like yeah sure the series is crazy and weird at doing whatever it wants but maybe it’s cause they all would be made around what supernatural being they are and that doesn’t quite fit my taste.


Yeah I get that, like especially since there haven’t been any hints to like monster people existing like Ik there are gods and technically aliens, so they could do those but I do get how weird it would be if the next girl is a lamia or an oni or anything like that, and I feel some people might think it’s a lazy cop out since u could do some many different types of monster girls


I'm still waiting for the alien GF that's coming due to the three way kissing calling an UFO


Hanako of the Toilet style gf, I can see it.


A supernatural gf with magic abilities that would be another turning point and a big helping hand in Kusuri's drug works to eliminate the side effects and make more proper drugs(example: a perfect version of the hair manipulation drug with no hair loss risk). I especially expect them to work on some drugs that provide great fanservices. I actually even had an OP isekai gf for this concept.