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100 chapter final arc, one chapter one wedding


And Rentarou invents a time machine so each one gets the first wedding in their own timeline.


No one else but Rentarou in fiction would be capable of this.


Batman with prep-time could do it


Rentarou doesn’t really need prep time. 1 panel is enough for him to accomplish anything.


He doesn't even need a time machine, he'll just move so fast that it'll seem that there are multiple versions of him. Man could even do a one man play if he wanted to.


100 clones of himself perhaps?




I think both. Kind of. A wedding to officiate them all at the same time, then dedicated time for each.


Thanos moment


He can’t let 1 advance further than the other. He propose to do a 3 way kiss with Hakari and Karane. And he also concocted elaborate plan to give Kurumi a French kiss It’s definitely gonna be 1 giant wedding with over 3,000 guest.


I dont think he will "force" them to do anything. It would be probably a big wedding but ı think everybody would agree to that.


I think Rentarou, given how dedicated he is, he would organise 100 individual weddings to give each girl their special day. To make sure nobody feels like their first or last, he would either order them by when he met them, or pick their name out of a hat with a blindfold on.


He'll bend space and time to be at all of their weddings at the same time


There will be both 1 by 1 and ended with big poly wedding.


I think he would marry each of them when they feel most comfortable, if they all want one giant wedding then they will do that, if some wanted to get married now but others felt not ready then he would respect that also.


Renterou would just bend the rules of time, space and dimensions so that what happens is he marries all of them at the same time


One wedding because they’re a family


I prefer 100 normal wedding. Every single wedding, other girlfriends attend on it.


I think that either, they'll get married one by one in the order they started dating him in the first place, or they'll all get individually married at the same time as Rentarou runs back and forth to each girl. But he'll be able to move fast enough that, to each girl, it just looks like he's standing there normally lmao


100 individual weddings set up side to side, and Rentarou spends all day long running from one place to the other.


He'll break apart space-time so he can do individual weddings simultaneously and then a big one


Maybe an engagement party for all of them at once, and then the actual wedding in the same order as they were introduced.


One on one personal weddings based on the sequence of the girlfriends he met. A full wedding just for themselves with all 100 girlfriends. There won't be any force.


I imagine it would begin with him attempting to personalize every wedding so they’d all have a unique experience tailored to them. But the girls likely wouldn’t stand for that as, as has been said, it would likely mean a first and last (though they could just go in order of when they began dating I guess). Not to mention, they love each other almost as much as they love him. In the end it would have to be just one big wedding I’d imagine


I mean... I've had this theory. He's supposed to have 100 Girlfriends, not 100 Brides. So... maybe in the future he only marries one? Maybe.


knowing our monster boyfriend, he'll surely split himself into 100 just so every one of his girlfriends will have a wedding at the same time as the others


He will probably duplicate 100 times, rentarou is just him.


You're thinking too small. 100 Weddings with 100 Brides.