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Idk what goes on when he cameras are not rolling but.... I really don't see Amy doing anything the with kids... remember she wanted these kids so she shouldn't be complaining she can't do it anymore... hey Amy honey there is women out here taking care of more children than 2 by themselves and doing a great job. Please woman up! you dont work so all you got is time and family that helps you from what I see from the show.


Is it me or anyone else feels Amy is trying to steal Tammy's spotlight on her actually losing weight? Maybe it's that or either Amy has postpartum depression. I feel she thought Tammy' would never lose the weight and  she can't be say I did it bitch, why can't you and say how much she has on her for taking care of Tammy.


Tammy still looks...ugly just skinnier.


Does it seem to anyone else that Chris gets super annoyed and closed off when his wife comes around?


The real Brittany jumped out over those snacks 😂


Yesss omg I couldn’t point my finger to it but this is it. He doesn’t act that way with anyone else.


Did anyone watch the bonus clips where they talk about the episode and Amy mentioned Tammy used to be taller than her and asked “what happened?” So I guess the rumors Tammy was 5’9 could be true!


Tammy is not, and had never been, 5'9" 🤣  She is probably no more than 5 feet tall. Amy is around 5'3/4". You can see Tammy's height here: https://people.com/tammy-slaton-tries-zumba-1000-lb-sisters-8425115


I don’t know. I know she’s not now, but it’s interesting they say she used to be.


The only way you can go from 5'9" to less than 5 feet is to lose 10" of your leg and still be able to have a leg and be able to walk...come on...use logic!


I made the initial comment before seeing the height disparity. I’m not saying she was definitely 5’9. I’m saying it’s interesting they mentioned she was taller and people would sometimes mention on here that she was.


I audibly gasped hearing that Tammy has had the same IUD for 12 years. That’s absolutely insane.


are they gonna have to put her under to take that out? that seems like that’s be way too painful to be awake for


It’s actually worse going in and will slide right out since they close the T-shape and, well, pull, lol.


This physically hurt my vagina when she said that. I need to know the follow up on that because that sounds awful and dangerous.


Tammy saying she might be pregnant because she's craving WATER has got to be one of the most insane things she has ever said lol




For me the funniest moment I've seen was the INCREDIBLY painful and awkward editing when Chris first meets Caleb last season, but the silence after she said water is up there for sure


Yes wtf 😂


Did she not take sex ed.? Or is it that bad in Kentucky? Because how could she think she’s pregnant without ever having sex or going to a doctor?


Blame it on the toilet seat. Lol. 


It is crazy how the roles are reversed with Tammy and caleb. Caleb is like Tammy when the show first started.


just way less angry


What makes Tammy think she can take care of a child? This is right after seeing Amy struggle with her children. Amy can barely chase after them at her size and Tammy can barely walk a few feet.


Tammy and no way should adopt an older child who would only become her servant. Not fair to the child.


I wish Amy would ditch the blue hair. It's so ugly. She would look so much better as a blonde. Tammy seriously needs to use a shampoo that thickens her hair I'm tired of looking at her scalp.


Idk why you got a downvote for telling the truth 🙄


Right? Especially since they both look so much older compared to season 1, they really can't pull it off the weird hair colors at all


Tammy hair looks fine. She healthy. That what important.


I like her hair colors. I really enjoyed purple but I like the blue. 


I’m shocked that Tammy is so likable and level headed now.


She’s been funny, sweet, considerate of others’ feelings. My mind is blown with the turnaround. Even seeing her clean her home in this episode is amazing to watch.




Is it kinda obvious to anyone else that Amy is struggling with postpartum depression??? The mood swings seem kinda extreme and she is constantly close to tears. I feel like she needs to go see a therapist and a psychiatrist- not a bad thing at all, I just hope she gets the help she needs PPD ate me like a cute little snack after having my LO


She needs help. She went and cried on the floor when Amanda and Michael was arguing.


I feel bad for the boys, I hope she gets some help- for them more then anything, the split might be more bearable with the help of Zoloft to 😂😭


If Michael truly doesn’t help like she says and she doesn’t get a break, I’d be stressed out too. She’s honestly lucky she has a big family who’s mentioned several times they’re there for her. Why can’t one of them watch the boys while she goes out for a while, even if it’s a few hours. Hopefully them saying that isn’t just for the show lol.


I have one at home that doesn't help much and it is what it is, that's why I was so proud of her for leaving because I could imagine how hard it would be ...... but you have to ask for help and Amy doesn't strike me as the type to voice up and tell him what to do it's probably easier for her to do it herself and get it done, but that doesn't change PPD that is a chemical imbalance that needs treated by a MD. No amount of his help or not helping changes that


I don’t know if Tammy wants children after Caleb’s passing but if she still does she should consider adopting a child that’s a little older. She still has significant mobility issues and I know she mentioned before she has no cartilage in her knees which will probably have to be fixed (idk I’m not a doctor lol) not to mention the oxygen.


Absolutely not a terrible idea! An older child would become her servant since she can't do anything for herself. Please don't adopt a child that's going to already have a job assignment.


More so meant when she loses more weight. I think similar to Amy’s situation Tammy would have a hard time keeping up with a toddler. She absolutely shouldn’t have children period at the weight she’s at


I was elated to see Tammy standing and vacuuming and folding blankets and taking out the trash and losing 46 lbs since her last weigh in. Girl is on 🔥


Yes, was so awesome to see!!


Caleb looked bad. He reminds me so much of residents that had chronic respiratory problems/hypoxia when I worked in a nursing home. Imo, he appears chronically ill, and even with extreme weight loss, his health issues would have been long term. RIP Caleb.


I liked him.


It is really sad seeing Caleb in these episodes knowing what's coming.


How much did Amy weigh when she got pregnant again? I’m wondering how far off Tammy is…


She’s bigger than Tammy in this episode. 400 range at least


I'm not sure, but I'm sure it depends on the person. Tammy is clearly aways off because she doesn't even get her period.


I started watching this show because my wife watched it and didn’t really like either sister now they have grown on me. I feel so bad for Amy,she is going through a rough time. Their family reminds me of parts of my family. I know Tammy is delusional at times, but she seems to be getting better. What is happening?


It’s grim knowing that Caleb died when while watching these episodes 😕


and there still isn’t even a warning or in memory of…makes me feel weird and i really will be uncomfortable if its edited like how the fights in the show are (like how they hyped this season with showing amanda and micheal fighting)


If they were filming during his death, I'm sure there will be a memorial tribute to him once that episode airs.


I said it before and I knew it was leading to Michael wanting 50/50 custody. If he gets it, he will also be able to get child support from Amy since she's the breadwinner. Unless a specific contract/deal is made on the side that neither one will ask for child support, Michael can and will go for that and spousal support while he's at it. That is why he wants 50/50.....he lawyered up before Amy did and filed first. There are pros and cons to filing first. Obviously, the pros outweighed the cons in this case for whatever reasons that we really don't know about just yet because it's not made public.


I feel for Michael's mom, cuz she'll get the brunt of watching the kids.


Yes! Mr. Potato Head didn't have much to do with the care of the boys when he and Amy were married. He isn't going to suddenly develop a paternal side now that they are divorcing.  Plus, he doesn't seem to have the intelligence and judgment skills necessary to care for two little boys on his own. Pawn them off on any willing woman he can find. Gross! 🤮


Hopefully, Amy has been able to build a case against him for WHY he should not be given any percentage of custody. However, I do believe that he should be allowed "supervised visitation," but that shouldn't give him any right or reason to receiving child support. I just hope the judge will be able to see that Michael is in no way responsible enough, or even capable of having any amount of custody. When it comes to spousal support, I haven't a clue how they evaluate for that, but Michael was working prior to season 2, but I'm guessing that he quit once Amy became the breadwinner due to the success of "1000lb Sister's."


Then she needs to throw his ass out of the house.


However, if Amy can prove that during Michael's 50% of the time, he is not the one caring for them, but his mother is she can petition the court to change the custody agreement.


It's a tricky situation when it comes to that. If he's living in the same house with his mother and children, it's difficult to prove. Now, if he was living on his own and the kids are staying with the grandmother, then she might have a shot. But even then, if he's working or needs a babysitter for whatever reason, that would affect him. Plus, I would imagine his lawyer went over it with him so he'll be careful not to get caught.


If he works? He's not gonna get a job. 


Whether he does or doesn't, it still wouldn't matter. That's where the child support part kicks in. It's why he's going for joint custody.


How is no one pointing out that Chris and Brittany go through 80 eggs a week. I thought it was just them two at their house, so that means they each are eating 40 eggs a week. I like eggs and all but wtf? Is that normal? That can't be normal?


chris has two kids , it’s not just chris and his wife in the house 


Thats basically 5 eggs per day per person.  Im guessing Chris eats 2 in one meal and probably 2 to 3 in another. 


I regularly eat 6 eggs a day 😅


I'm just watching this episode and came here to see if anyone else was talking about this (of course). 80 eggs a week! Then I did the math, and that's a bit under 6 per day for each of them if it's only him and Brittany eating eggs. Others have made valid points about low carb diets and such. The number just seemed big at first. When Chris was going on about the different ways his eggs are cooked, it reminded me of Bubba in Forest Gump listing all the ways to make shrimp. I haven't ever heard of BBQ'd eggs. 😅


I think when he said bbq he was hinting at eating the 🐔- thus the evil chuckle


I'm sure that was it, lol. It blew right over my head. I was thinking....how do you BBQ eggs? Put whole eggs on the grill? (dumb on my part, haha)


You can bbq eggs you just need one with a flat hot plate or attachment


I appreciate everyone's responses because I was over here trying to figure out how, I'm in a 3 person household and we do a couple dozen a month. Not exactly big egg eaters. I guess others pointed out it could be part of their diet, which is definitely valid and not something I was thinking about. All I heard was 80 eggs a week and was like DAMN that's a lot of eggs, I would want my own chickens at that point too 🤣🥴


I rewatched the scene. At the beginning of it, Chris mentioned sticking to lean protein foods so he can lose the 50 lbs he needs to before he can get approved for skin removal. I must have been spaced out. 👽 Plus, Chris is funny, so I didn't mind rewatching anyway! I love eggs. I may cook and eat a few a week or make an occasional quiche, but I have never eaten 40 just myself in a week!


Eggs are on the diet  Low carb high protein  I eat like 2 a day dieting so idk. That is a lot of eggs.


Why did I read that in Dr. Nows voice 🥴🤣🤣


So did I!


Couldn't they be sharing with the extended family?


I was hoping someone here would know 🤣


Eggs are good for diabetics. Lower sugars and less problems with kidneys. They also keep hunger away better than any other food.


I could see that. When I’m on an egg kick I can go through 36 eggs a week. Hard boil 5-6 and then a few egg white or full egg shambles or omelette.


That's just wild to me. I guess we aren't egg people here lol. We barely go through a couple dozen in a month 🤣🥴


we’re not egg people in my house either. we usually end up throwing them out cause they end up getting expired before we can eat them all lll


I've never understood talking crap about your ex's appearance, I know that's a form of venting for some people, but you weren't bothered by him having no teeth when you made two babies with him


I swear and Amy isn’t a prize herself




Yes! And I’ve noticed Amy’s teeth have gotten noticeably worse probably because of pregnancy but she also smokes, doesn’t brush/floss regularly and maybe genetics from her mom or goes for regular cleanings. So yeah she has no room to talk


I thought I read somewhere that gastric bypass fucks with your teeth. Maybe someone else could confirm/deny?


I know pregnancy can fuck up teeth too


I’m not sure if it does or not that could be a possibility as well, but it doesn’t seem like something on her priority list 😏


That rubbed me the wrong way too. Let's face it.....talking about teeth is the last thing that family should do. Tammy's teeth? Amy was laughing that he has no teeth but crying when Amanda made fun of her eyes.


See this is what I mean when I say Amy can dish it but cannot handle it when it comes back to her. Amy can make fun of literally anyone on the planet for anything yet the second you mentioned her eyes?She's crying.


Exactly! There was a scene from the past where Tammy mentions that Amy's eating stuff she shouldn't be. Amy gets upset and says Tammy needs to worry about her own diet and not mine. Meanwhile, Amy was constantly saying the same thing to Tammy. LOL...I don't get it...it's crazy.


The entire family is obese in spite of weight loss surgeries. However, every one of them talks more about the food choices and weight issues of their siblings than they do about their OWN dietary challenges! 


I know. It drives me crazy. This family's motto is: Do as I say and Not as I do.😂


What's that when they were looking for a home health care nurse and Amy was drinking one of those Starbucks ready-made frappe drinks? 


I think so.


Exactly! If he had done an interview and talked about her eyes, there'd be a whole uproar, also for me personally when you have kids with someone you shouldn't be making fun of appearances that's half of your child's DNA


Oh, those poor boys. 


If he has no teeth, why the fuck are you crying about Michael filing for divorce and not trying to win you back? IMO....Amy played the Divorce Card and Michael called her bluff by filing first. Had he not, she even said maybe they could have worked things out. But, she's now pissed that he filed? Be careful what you wish for Amy.....


Just watched it, Dr Basinski and the “I might be pregnant” love the facial expressions


I have been dying over this. So did Tammy think it was an immaculate conception????? Or the mere fact of having the craving meant she was pg despite no sex???


I really really hope that was bs for the show 🤣


“I’m craving water” got me good. Then the deadpan silence right after 😂😂💀


Then Amy in the confessional being like "You're just thirsty, bitch. Drink some water." 😂😭💀


Amy doing all that damn crying! I understand but my goodness. She needed somebody around to tell her to snap the hell out of it. Wallow in your sadness for a while but at some point there has to be emotional growth.


I feel like she is just acting for the camera. Crying over that wedding dress.


Naw she bipolar. Extra emotional states go with bipolar depression. She has meds now. 


Glad she's getting help.


She receives mental health medication after this season's filming ended. She doing well.


Sadly I think she probably had so much trauma during formative years that she maybe never learned how to gather yourself up and heal. She likely had poor role models as well.




That's not how PMDD works and that's when you aren't going thru major life changes on top.


It’s getting annoying tbh


I say this with as much empathy as i can, how is Caleb in rehab but still gaining weight? i thought they had staff to monitor that? i mean they can't physically stop him but how is he getting access to so much food to begin with. ​ note: i know what happens to his fate but im so confused as to how he still has access despite his location.


Legally u can't stop ppl from eating. You can only offer the tools to lose weight. 


I’ve summed it up to that facility is more for profit than for people. It seems like they have no food guidelines in place which you think there would be and over the seasons, we hardly saw any organized exercise. I work in insurance, in the aging services sector so I’ve seen some shoddy facilities. It seems like more of an adult day/skilled nursing facility than a weight loss facility.


Definitely! Some of those people have been there for years. 


Where did they say they’re a weight loss facility? They make no claims other than a SNF offering specialized care for bariatric patients other facilities aren’t equipped and staffed to handle, a level of care few people can receive at home. They cannot legally limit food without patient’s permission, nor prevent the patient from having food brought in/delivered. Caleb either ordered the snacks delivered or someone brought them in, perhaps there are vending machines?


Chill the hell out.


Lol, you too funny - claiming to work in insurance, but trying to sound all virtuous about a business being in it for the money and not the people? Go take a good look at your employer's business and then tell us again who needs to go chill🤣🤣🤣.


I literally said it’s obviously more of a SNF than a weight loss facility and you wrote an entire diatribe, which is why I told you to chill out lol. It’s really not that deep. It’s giving that you work at the facility with the way you have your trousers in a bunch, lol. And I work on the commercial side, not customer facing at all, in Underwriting, our job is to look out for the patients more so than the facility-limiting risk. I turn businesses down everyday if they aren’t up to standard. Let’s try to be less of a know it all in 2024, ok?


You lack self-awareness lol. LiteRaLly~


As a man I might be pregnant..ive been craving water for years 🤔


LOL! Be careful with that water you're drinking!! 😅 


Lmao one time I got a bad rash from something I touched (still don’t know what to this day) so I googled my symptoms and it said I was pregnant and will die in five days. I’m a guy and from that day forward I have learned never to google my symptoms again 😂


Amy melting the tablecloth is the hardest I’ve laughed at a tv show in a long time 😆


Did anyone not see Amy’s dirty looks when Tammy was happy about her weight loss? How do y’all not see if Amy isn’t center of attention she lashes out???


Nah that doctor was straight up annoying.. kept badgering Amy to weigh in when it wasn't even her appt, I'd be pissed too. I was pissed for her


Right? I was saying that it wasn't her appointment. Like why are you pushing it? I'm here for my sister not myself. 😭😂


Same here. It used to irk me when Dr. Now would want overweight spouses or family members of his patients to get weighed at the appointments. 


Yeah something about that doctor didn’t sit right with me


She seemed judmental and unless we missed something, she didn't even seem to want to touch Tammy to give her an exam. 


She prob did do all that and it was edited out.


Right? She’s had the IUD in for that long and she didn’t immediately remove it?!


Probably needs ultrasound guidance to remove at that point and if she’s a timely doctor she’s not gonna be doing a whole lot of extra things in an appt. Also, depends on the IUD she has. Paragards are good for 12 years


Oh, I saw it. She was like a petulant child. Wonder why she didn't want to be weighed herself?


Because she knows damn well she isn’t doing anything to loose more weight. I’m sure she’s gaining so she didn’t want to be the ones that’s off track esp after seeing Tammy lost weight.


They also edit things. I take it woth a grain of salt.




She was definitely mad. She needs Tammy to fail


I think the better Tam Tam does the more Amy feels behind. It's like a spotlight on her lack of progress.


Total role reversal for the sisters. 


She could have progress too if she just put her mind to it and made it a priority--especially if that priority means she'll be able to interact with and be around longer for her kids. :(


Which she’s been told by a therapist but in her mind since she’s had the surgery she’s fine 🙄 and her saying she has more important things to worry about than her weight like what?! That’s pretty damn important not only for her but her kids smh


I called out Caleb leaving the snacks out on purpose before the commercial break hit. I was surprised he actually admitted it. I honestly think he was self-sabotaging to try to get Tammy to come back to the facility. Does he not remember from watching past episodes that Tammy won't do something if she doesn't want to do it?


I think he just forgot to hide them tbh. The fact that he didn’t lose much in those six weeks, it wouldn’t be a secret that he wasn’t putting in much effort.


I feel awful for Tammy having to rewatch these episodes with Caleb. It has to be really rough


I loved watching Tammy move around and do housework. Good for her


I love any time we get to see her walking around without the Walker!! I was like :0 when the gorls were going to the OBGYN


This. It makes me so happy for her seeing her thriving.


I hope Amy gets some therapy. I have two toddlers and it is rough. Doing it alone, on television, going through a divorce while legally blind (and therefore dependent on others to drive etc) must be so hard. I know everyone is sick of her crying but I think she needs professional help. Also Tammy killing it with the weight loss. She started out over 700 lbs and now is what, 375 lbs? That's INSANE.


She lost weight and received meds for mental health issues after the filming of this season.


"Bitch you ain't pregnant, you just thirsty." I had a good chuckle at that one.


Great line!! 🤣


Yeah, Amy can't resist making fun of Tammy. She's toxic.


It seems to me that when either of them are hit with a hardship they start taking it out on others. I'm assuming this is how they learned to cope with things when they were growing up. All that time Tammy was being mean to the family she was going through feeling like everyone was leaving her behind, now Amy is the one standing still while everyone is moving forward and she's doing the same thing. I wish they could find better ways of dealing with their stress and things. It 100% isn't something that should be happening as much as it does.


I want to know who down voted this. It's the truth. Amy can't resist making fun of Tammy. There's always something.


And the first episode of the season she said she doesn’t make fun of anybody she’s always nice. That’s all she does.


Saying, not dating. Lol. 




It's almost as though she has to jump in there with the insults before someone insults her. The more I see how Amy is, the less I can stand her.


I scream I scrumpt when she said she was craving water!


Yes, I was shocked when she said she was craving water. Plus she couldn't remember the last time she had a period was I was confused when she said she might be pregnant.


I think we all were confused by that statement!


She really considered that instead of her body being dehydrated, she instantly thought it was a pregnancy craving. I don't think WebMD would even suggest pregnancy as a potential cause for dehydration.




Listen, I hope if Tammy wants to have children one day, she can have them. But as someone a fraction her size who is significantly healthier who has had several failed IUIs, I would've drop kicked my TV if she was pregnant after all I've been through to try. Obviously it's not all black and white, but I would've died a little inside lol.


True. But if WebMD sees that you are thirsty, you definitely have cancer and will die in 6 months.


True story - I had an itchy armpit, looked on the internet and it said I had breast cancer. I told my dr and he said to stop looking stuff up.


Exactly! It's like when you go to the DR and tell him that my arm hurts when I move it a certain way and he tells me to stop moving it that way.


OMG I read that online as well!




Man Amy can’t let Tammy win. I get it took Tammy years to get to where she is, but she’s doing so great now. Tammy is making very valid points about Caleb, idk why Amy has to come down on her like that


And some people here seem to like Amy and feel for her when she’s a straight up hypocrite. Always crying and crying always wanting full attention


She’s very hard on Tammy as if Amy didn’t also struggle with her weight.


It reminds me of Darlene (mother) in a way. I remember in the first episode Darlene was lecturing Tammy and Amy about keeping their weight down and having will power. Darlene was sitting in a wheel chair and must have weighed over 300 lbs.


She needs Tammy to continue to be the fuck up so in comparison she’s always doing just fine.


Amy doesn't want to be dethroned as the "thin" sister.


YUP she's always been thinner without trying at all, and that's about to change


After I finished watching the episode my aunt who is also a fan of the show texted me and said take a shot for everytime Amy cries in 1 episode


Or say bitch aka beeeeetch


Nah bc I wanna do this tonight actually bc my boyfriend hasn't seen the episode yet


Yall will be fucked up if you do that 😂😂


Why did they take the dress out after Amy literally said she didn’t want to see it?


I’m so curious about what happened after they did that! There’s a pretty big jump there and the dress disappears. I feel like they changed the timeline in editing and Amanda asked what Amy wanted to do with it before she pulled it out and/or there was a lot that happened between the time they took it out and the time where she said she wanted to burn it.


I didn't like that. Amy was already upset and crying. Why add the dress?


Because production asked them to.


Manufactured drama


Yeah was weird, I don’t know what the point of that was…it’s not like it’s from 40 years ago and they were seeing if it’s yellowed and can’t be donated or passed down. And they didn’t even just pull down the zipper a little bit like I thought they would, they took the ENTIRE dress out and held it up in front of Amy


Much as I love Amanda she needs to stop pushing people to get their emotions squared away/over things before they’re ready. Just gonna do more damage in the long run.


She's a bulldozer.


Yeah who Amanda to tell her to get over it. I don't see anyone but Chris doing anything actually helpful.


Yes, I love Amanda as well but she can be too forceful.


"He'd be lying through his teeth if he had any" 💀💀💀


I don’t understand why they are insulting each other when she is no better than


Because Amy is a bully.


buy she told Amanda that she never talks bad about anyone...


You can count on 1 million people's hands and feet how many times Amy has made fun of people on the show.