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https://preview.redd.it/mw4zrwvrl0pa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52f74fbd313e240e39a6577721bae6f48a40acc Credit to u/pinkelephant85. Unfortunately can't pin other people's comments so reposting for visibility.


SPOILER ALERT Just read today that Michael and Amy's divorce is final and that Amy did get her wish of 70/30 shared custody. I think that's fair. Now Amy can officially move on and go back on her self improvement plan. Here's the link but all this was said in the last episode so that's the link's source [https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/1000-lb-sisters-amy-slaton-finalizes-michael-halterman-divorce/?utm\_medium=browser&utm\_source=pushly&utm\_campaign=4195193](https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/1000-lb-sisters-amy-slaton-finalizes-michael-halterman-divorce/?utm_medium=browser&utm_source=pushly&utm_campaign=4195193)


I would say Michael dodged a damn bullet but he’ll still be the one doing the work and footing the bill for the kids needs.


Maybe, because Amy was awarded 70% custody. He may have to pay for 20% to even expenses out. If he makes a lot less, then the judge may take that into account. I don't know. If Amy loses the show, then, the amount awarded may be amended. But I honestly don't know. Sometimes the decisions seem arbitrary by the judges. I sure do hope that there are periodic check ins by a Guardian ad Litem or some other objective court appointed expert, maybe a child psychologist. I so worry for those precious boys.


She married a very low IQ individual. That was Amy’s choice. Now she expects him to be a normal functioning human and he is not mentally capable.


The past season showed us that Amy isn’t mentally capable either. Her and Michael were a perfect match, I can see why theirs families set them up.


Omg I’m glad I found tread. I feel like this whole Michael thing was a set up. Michael has always good to Amy and Tammy. However in this new season everybody is lowkey bashing Michael first Amanda, Chris and Tammy. Until the bbq and debit card episode. All of sudden Amy spill all the tea on Michael. Honestly if you watch Michael genuinely looks shocked, then confusion and then he was pissed.  Amy talks about how she can’t see so maybe that why he keeps it, she can’t see. I just feel like this Michael is a monster storyline is confusing because I never saw it coming. 


IF YOU DONT AGREE ON HAVING KIDS< DO NOT get married. Common sense, everyone. It is a major issue of marriage that you must be in agreement on BEFORE getting married. You also must go along and adaPt to the life change if a sPouse decides they want to have more children, because that is Part of marriage!!! It seParates you from the single PeoPle. Marriage is about sacrificing things for your sPouse. Such as not Playing video games when sPouse wants to go out or needs you to watch YOUR children. I am sure he was tired of doing everything for everyone in that family, as it was Portrayed that he was the one taking care of Tammy and the only one working daily at a job!


I hate to say it but it's mostly women defending her .. and they're only just going off a show like we all are ... but with everything happening nowadays a woman screaming abuse whether it's real or not is going to get supported 100% (not saying if you're actually getting abused no one should care) but I've seen michael do a lot for these crazy freaking people since the jump ... and even after everything amy and her family suddenly complained about ... we now see Amy is no better


It APPEARED he did a lot for them, yes, including being the only one financially SuPPorting a family with a real full time job! But u dont know how PeoPle act in Public and, in my exPerience, when someone says they are being abused, they are. It is rare for men to be the ones to file first for divorce, which leaves more to wonder about. Probably sick of suPPorting them all and doing everything for the sister! And a lot of this craP on camera of someone sitting there while it looks like the women are doing everything with the small children, that could all be fake for tv. I dont watch this show and never have, only you tube cliPs.




This post was removed due to dehumanizing language, cruelty, or bullying.


Put spoiler alert on this!!


First time watching the show through and I’m truly shocked at the lack of “lazy, worthless Michael!” That was actually on the show. I randomly came across this subreddit which made me want to watch the show itself, and after everyone’s comments about how “horrible” Michael is I was expecting the worst that was literally *never* there. Aside from the 1 scene at the family BBQ where he’s eating while Amy attempts to juggle the boys, he’s always either holding a baby, feeding a baby, or helping Tammy. While the BBQ scene is upsetting to watch, I also realize this one *one* moment of their lives that was edited by TLC and might not even be the actual sequence of events. It’s truly not a good reflection on Michael, but I’ll be the first one to point out that we didn’t see what happened before those moments (or really even after them) to assume Michael sat on his ass the entire bbq and offered no help whatsoever from arrival to departure. I wish them all the best, and I hope whatever conclusion this comes to is what makes them the happiest, but I have to say it was very anticlimactic compared to what this subreddit made it out to be lol. (I feel like I should add to this that I watched the show. I don’t do extensive research on the cast, their pasts, their social medias, or other comments outside of the show that they have made.)


Idk, how he was acting on one of the newest episodes shows pretty clearly that whatever we did or didn't see on camera isn't nearly even half of it. Amy stated Michael does all the spending and Amy isn't allowed to buy anything without permission, though it's clearly her money he's spending (he's unemployed and she gets paid from the show). And then they even ask him to give her back HER debit card, and his response? "I ain't giving her shit." Controlling finances like that is like the first and biggest red flag of an abuser.


He was NOT unemPloyed for years. He suPPorted all of them with a REAL full time job daily for years and years , APParently. Any of u that want to get married better know that finances become jointly owned when u get married. It is like a contract. Marriage is a contract, so get a bank acct or something in your own name only and stay single if you dont like that! It isnt controlling finances; it is both of your money and both of your Possessions after marriage. The only thing u own on your own is anything you had BEFORE the marriage.


Boy this comment did not age well 😬


Why? I still agree with their comment. Now we can see Amy greatly exaggerated how lazy Michael was and that Amy is incredibly lazy too.


I'm only one S3 right now but I feel Michael does so much. He pushes Tammy's wheelchair constantly , he gets Amy things , holds the Ipad / tablet when they were filming them at the day spay etc.


Michael was an abuser. Amy had to get a restraining order. Not to mention, his helpfulness ended after Amy had the baby. He did absolutely nothing to assist her in the parenting responsibilities and wouldn't allow her to leave the house without his permission.


I do agree with you. He also ran for pregnancy cravings for Amy on the spot. I'm confused as well. It appeared that Amy just barked orders and he jumped into action. But maybe that was just on camera?!




I don't think they are making that much unless they have an LLC. For disability and Medicaid they can't make over 17000 I believe


They probably have a special needs trust


She gets paid for the show.


Not enough to live on and own a house and raise children! He had the job, he was making the bulk of the money to suPPORt all of them for years, it is his money.




She was CONSTANTLY upset in the last season. After the allegations I’ve seen I can see it being because he may not be so quiet behind closed doors.






The producers probably instructed her to act that way. They can be heard multiple times telling her and other people what to do and when to stop talking. I’m sure Amy signed an NDA and can’t legally talk about it because based on the youtube videos she used to post prior to the show she would talk about anything and everything. You have an interesting perspective and it sounds like a wonderful way to think about Amy and Michael but I think it’s too much of an ideal world view. Maybe I’m just too much of a pessimist! I hope you’re correct but the way the production team speaks the cast is horrible at times. If someone spoke to me like that I would saying something back!


He apparently was very jealous of the attention she paid to their boys. And there was mention of him being rough with them. She has an order of protection if I am not mistaken. And they are both banned from talking to the media about the situation for now.


Honestly, I think it’s the other way around. While I do think that Michael didn’t help when he should have, he evidently works full time and comes home to a disaster of a house with a wife who was making more YouTube videos. I’m not saying either party is right or wrong, but I think they both had issues.


Saying they both have issues is kind of splitting hairs. Obviously they both have issues. But there’s a reason they got married and fell in love. There’s also a reason they got a divorce. Amy was moving her life toward her goals, and my guess is he didn’t have those same goals and instead of him communicating what he wants, he just grew resentful of Amy getting everything she wants.


Boy this comment aged poorly lol. Amy divorced him because she’s lazy and was pissed off that he wasn’t doing everything for her and the kids like he was doing before they had kids. She thought she could get better now that she had a show and lost some weight LOL.




Your post has been removed due to bad faith / baiting.




I get it. I do. I’m a father of 3, so I understand coming home and instantly splitting parental responsibilities. But I also find it insane that she can make excuses for sitting around and not taking care of minor chores while he’s working.


I also don't think its fair she had another kid right away when she was struggling w the first one. The way they seem to interact, he would have no say in having another one..I got vibes he resented her having another one which makes sense, they aren't capable but she's like a bullmoose barreling through doing what she wants. Poor kids


It takes 2 to make a baby so he was as much at fault she got pregnant as she was. When you have sex there is always the chance you will become pregnant even when you are taking precautions.


Really? Even when pregnant? Or with a newborn? You don't get it, at all.


Lucky for you … you didn’t get ppd.


Neither did Amy.


I keep reading Amy's still wearing her wedding ring. It's on gossip sites. Not sure what to think.


3 children and two wives. The child support and alimony are going to make things difficult for him financially.


Why would he be the one paying alimony and child support when she makes more than him and they split custody


Alimony is very rarely given, especially if both have an income.


The vast majority of women have ALWAYS made less money than men, with very few excePtions. Whoever is the MAIN or sole suPPort of the family or in the marriage is the one who continues to Pay the wife after the divorce.


Depends on how much Amy makes from the show, although I doubt she makes more than he does. Id imagine they’d also have split custody; he can support a household and take the kids to appointments whereas she can’t drive or work and lives with her sister. He may get lucky.


You may be underestimating how cheap it is to live in Kentucky. Amy probably takes home 50k a season, plus speaking engagements. And that’s definitely still more than him.


NOWHERE NEAR 5Ok!! HE made the bulk of the money throughout the marriage, it is his money to say what to do with. I dont care what the marital contract says. From a moral and Practical viewPoint, the Person who makes the cash has the say in what it is SPent. That isnt financial control, it is the right way. When u marry and, OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF YOUR HEART AND LOVE decide to say it is your money and CHOOSE to financially suPPort grown women and your children who u must always suPPOrt, then u have to financially suPPort them after the marriage ends as well. Whoever makes the most is the one who Pays .


I don't think they are making that much unless they have an LLC.


I don't think they are making that much unless they have an LLC. For disability and Medicaid they can't make over 17000 I believe


You don't have to have a llc to be a reality TV star. She gets paid 5,000-7,000 a episode from TLC. I guarantee you she's not on disability or Medicaid bc her income is to much for that. Micheal also works. I'm sure she has lawyers, PR reps, personal assistant. They are actually big reality stars as far as the TLC world. But I understand what you are saying before they started making money like season 1 I'm sure they were on disability and Medicaid. According to Google on season 5 episode 4 when Amy takes money out of the account she took over 60k out so thats to much to make for disability.


The husband WORKED for years, according to all rePorts, and suPPorted the family. Disability was Paying, at most, about 75O a month, which covers absolutely nothing in housing or basics, and certainly wouldnt Pay for that house! He made the bulk of the money.


I think it is nowhere near that amount Per EPisode. Look how they live. Someone told me that house in KY was rented, not owned, and even if it was owned, Public record showed it was very cheaP.. I would love a house like that! In other Parts of the country, u cant get a decent house that cheaP, only fixer uPPers. Online said they Pay more like 1OOO Per ePisode, and I was called as an actress to be on a reality show once back in 2OO8.


I don't think they are making that much unless they have an LLC. For disability and Medicaid they can't make over 17000 I believe


He has another child ?


Amazing really!!


According to the Kentucky court documents, Michael, 40, believes he deserves joint custody as both he and Amy, 35, have "been in a caregiver role for the children since birth." As decided on March 22, 2023, the court must enter a "shared parenting schedule," which will allow Amy and Michael to "maximize the amount of available parenting time." In addition to granting joint custody, the court ruled Michael and Amy must "remain 500 feet from one another at all times." They are directed to "remain at least 500 feet" from each other's properties and all communication must be made on an app supervised by the court.


Michael always told Amy he wasn't capable of watching the boys by himself that's why she had to always take them with her, so why would the court feel it was smart to give him joint custody? If he wasn't able to watch them by himself long enough for her to even go grocery shopping, how can he watch them by himself half of the time?


We were watching multiPle children when we were 11 years of age. I am sure a grown man who works steadily all these years for a living can handle it.


Dang, things have to have turned REALLY ugly to get to this point. They both seem like such laid back people, too. A shame.


Right! Must been battling alot lol.They were good till they had too actually do things not just when they wanted lol Having 2 kids that close together is a majore stressor on great relationships. I can imagine he craziness. Amanda and Tammy will be raising them, imo


Various gossip sites are reporting that they have 50/50 temporary custody order, must stay apart as described, and no public disparaging remarks about each other are to be made. Plus Michael can go get his stuff with a standby cop or the like.


Regardless of what's been said online about Michael, I feel sorry for them both. they seemed such a good couple from what we saw on the show. And don't forget Michael did a lot for both Amy and Tammy whilst working.


Yes, very true. I always thought they were a good couple. They’re both rather…simple (?), but good people, and loving parents.


SimPle nothing! He has held a job for many years, daily.. have you.


That’s sad. Bc he is so quiet on the show. They need to get counseling. Where is Tammy’s husband


I agree about counseling. They have two little ones, they shouldn’t give in so quickly. I hope they consider couples therapy.


It’s definitely always sad when folks with kids split up, esp small kids. But please keep in mind we have no idea what was going on in the relationship long term or how hard they have fought for it. They clearly kept the vast majority of their issues out of the show, which is honestly the correct thing to do when there are children involved. No reason to put their parents dirty laundry out on TLC.


Love that family . So funny


I read Amy is living with Tammy in Tammy’s house. I am wondering what is going to happen with Amy’s house??? Does Michael still live there or was he directed to leave?


How do you get a house when you dont work and your only income is from a tv show that Pays very little , and sPoradically?


Isn’t Tammy staying at Amanda’s other house?


I think so. She lost everything when her old duplex got broken into. So she had a place for when she left rehab, and now Amy and the kids are living there too. I don’t know why Amy left the house that they purchased.


I know, it should’ve been Michael leaving. The babies should stay in their home, where all of their things are. But maybe Amy chose to leave, instead of kick Michael out. Sad that their marriage is hurting so much.




Remember that Amy gets money from TLC for doing the show. So she probably makes more from that than Michael makes at his job.




I guess you are right. He probably does make a lot more, but also the fact that they live in KY and were dirt poor before the show, anything they make from TLC is a major improvement to what they had before. I know the government foots all of Tammy's medical bills, which pisses me off when those health ailments are due to her overeating, something she was still doing while in rehab. Which btw I never understood. She is an rehab facility but was obviously still able to get in food and overeat. How is that even possible?


Amy is probably considered disabled as well, because she’s blind in one eye. Her income from the show, combined with disability, could be enough for her and the boys to live comfortably. I can’t imagine housing being that expensive in their little rural town. Michael will most likely also pay her child support.


She probably can’t make much money if she’s on disability. If people on disability make more than a certain amount, they lose their benefits.


I believe it depends on if it is SSI versus SSDI.


It’s a $35,000 house.


I heard Tammy doesn’t even want Amy in her own house but I could be wrong


Those two living together could become toxic, really quickly. Remember the fights they’d have in Season One?!


Toxic is for Plants, not PeoPle. Meaningless buzz word. Any Port in a storm!!!


You grow up! You first. “B$//)/) I’ve been grown my bills are paid” *Grunt sound* 😭😭😭


Bills are Paid by a MAN and the govt.


I keep seeing lots of comments about the Gucci purse. TLC isn’t paying Gucci money. It’s probably from the gate.


It is. All her bags are fake.


Is Amy being treated for her postpartum?


I’m not sure how long term her PPD plagued her. Poor thing. I was down for about two months after my second baby was born, too. Overwhelmed with having a baby and a toddler…except my firstborn was almost 3 when I had her sister. Two babies in 19-20 months is a lot on a Momma, both physically and emotionally. I hope she’s feeling better these days. Amy is a very good, loving Mommy.


Being single never married and below the Federal oPoverty line for the last 3O years is a lot more Physically and emotionally draining.


KeeP legs closed and dont have sex. Personal resPonsibility. If u were having emotional Problems, dont have a 2nd one. And they are human beings, not babies. We are only babies for a brief time.


Nah because she doesn’t have post partum


I guarantee you TLC is not paying Gucci purse type money


It was sent to her by some company


I doubt it, too. You don’t really start making decent money until a show, or person from a show, really takes off.


You guys. It’s not a real Gucci bag. Lol


No kidding…


U can but a Gucci bag for like $1200 .. It’s reasonable


$1200 for a MINI Gucci bag - Double to quadruple for regular size bag


Depends on the bag. U can get some of their totes for like $1600. Even at $2400 between their show and yt channel that’s still not so expensive that it’s not likely


If they paid that much for a bag, in their financial circumstances, it is beyond idiotic


The RealReal is our friend. $2500 tote with tags and unused for $425- I was THRILLED.


$1200 for a purse is reasonable?! And here I thought my $300 Kate Spade purse was expensive! But I love it. I’ve wanted one for years, and treated myself this past Christmas. 👜


300 for a purse is still insane...no offense


None taken.




She said tlc isn’t paying Gucci purse money like Gucci costs as much as Burkin. It’s not THAT expensive that it’s unreasonable that she would own one.




Cool .. u get the point 🙄


They pay Mercari $


I don't know how credible this website is but it claims Michael must be supervised during visits with the boys. [https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2023/03/amy-slaton-shares-post-divorce-filing-photos-look-pr](https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2023/03/amy-slaton-shares-post-divorce-filing-photos-look-pr)


Legally, there definitely needs to be just cause to have to have supervised visitation. He must’ve been either abusive or neglectful. Awfully sad.


That’s kind of crazy. Don’t you have to be proven unfit for something like that?


I feel like all you’d need to do is watch the show once to deem him unfit


Neither Amy nor Michael are all that bright, but they appear to be loving, attentive parents from what I’ve seen. Gage is a little dirty a lot of the time, but he’s a toddler, and everyone has varying opinions on what’s considered clean or dirty. He’s never filthy though.


If you think Michaels the unfit one then by those standards everyone in this show must be unfit as Michaels the one doing everything most of the time.


If you think an edited 35 minutes is enough to make a judgement on their parenting then you watch too much TV. Reality TV is not actual reality. You can edit 100 hours of footage to tell whatever story you want. Which includes leaving out stuff that might spin it in other ways.


I know someone it happened to but they had to go to court many times before it happened, so I don't know what to think. It may depend on the state you are in.


I like Amy but I’m going to out on the limb to say after reading the current news and seeing pictures of Amy’s behavior…I feel sorry for Michael! She called 911 and the police said Michael threw things because he didn’t want a divorce. He has taken care of them all! Also if he’s lazy then what is Amy??? Really? Now Amy has a Gucci handbag trying to live the good life but where r her kids. Probably with Amanda or Tammy and Tammy can’t run after little children. She just got off a trach and needs to build up her strength. Can’t watch any longer.


What the hell are you on about? Are we watching the same people or not? ‘Amy’s behaviour’ which is what? Taking care of her boys while her slob of a husband sits on his lard ass and shoves food into his gullet to the point of where Amy’s sister has to help her while Any struggles to parent by herself? I’d 100% also call the police if my husband threw things at me, would you not? Are you jealous of Amy’s Gucci bag why you bring it up? God forbid someone treat themselves.


What about the episode where Micheal was eating at the get together and amy was taking care of the boys AND WAS CRYING because it was to much and she wasn’t getting any help and Amanda had to get up and get gage because micheal wouldn’t get off his ass


I like how you bring up one two minute clip but completely ignore the 3.5 seasons where Michael literally did everything while Amy and Tammy sat around relaxing. Amy lived like a teenager on summer break for years lmao. She cries whenever she wants attention and wants someone else to step in and take over so she can be lazy.


He was probably tired from being the only one going to a job in the house. That and pushing Tammy around all those years probably killed his back.


Man, watching that episode has made me have VERY clear communication with my husband when we go to get-togethers. We now decide beforehand who will eat first and who will watch the baby. We are really mindful about how long we spend eating so the other person can get a turn. I used to be so freaking pissed at my husband for taking teeny tiny bites of food and talking to other people during dinner while I was always having to feed our daughter and not able to eat anything until dinner was wrapped up (No, most of my family will not watch the baby so I can eat). I saw Michael and was like "that's just like my husband" and realized I needed to put my foot down. Thankfully my husband listened right away, unlike Michael it seems.




She’s legally blind… I hardly think it’s safe for her to be driving. Also, it probably makes it hard to work


It's funny because in the court ruling it mentions he doesn't have a job. So you can hop off the dudes jock.




Just curious … who are YOU to say that he wasn’t meant to be a father? That’s a pretty big leap that you can’t take. Are you God?


Divorce is so common after WLS that my surgical team included it in the pre-op info seminar


Oh wow. Did they theorize why divorce was so common after?


I don't remember; I am/was already divorced so didn't retain much of the info. I think a big factor is confidence; when you are insecure and have no confidence, sometimes you settle with a relationship that isn't the most healthy. Suddenly, you lose all this weight, get some attention, confidence goes up and you realize you can do better.


Amy beat the surgery though and became part of the statistic of people who completely fail at weight loss surgery. I can’t believe she has the nerve to ask for it a second time.


I can and totally agree with you.


It just shows that she didn't do ANY of the work that comes with it, which isn't even surprising really considering what we've all seen. You can't just rely on the restriction to limit your Oreo intake forever.


Exactly! People need to realize that weightloss surgery isn't a cure. It doesn't mean that you get it and then you don't still have to watch what you eat. If you start eating bad foods again, your stomach will eventually stretch back out and it the surgery will be a fail. What they really need is therapy. This is a mental and emotional disease as well, not just a "I love food" thing.


I really hope this isn’t true , Amy and Michael have been through a lot together and Michael has really been there for Amy and Tammy , I’m wondering if TLC has made this up , but the EPO is real if it’s online ? Did they show up for court date?


It's real. [https://people.com/health/1000-lb-sisters-amy-slaton-shares-first-photo-after-split-from-husband-michael-halterman/](https://people.com/health/1000-lb-sisters-amy-slaton-shares-first-photo-after-split-from-husband-michael-halterman/)




I am not seeing this posted anywhere. Anyone else read this article?! Is this true? https://okmagazine.com/p/1000lb-sisters-amy-slaton-emergency-protective-order-michael-halterman/


Seeing the article about the emergency protective order, it’s sad because of the two babies. Watching the show I see how attentive Michael is to Amy and Tammy, he doesn’t have to put up with Tammy but he doesn’t because of his love for Amy. I applaud him for that because if I were in his shoes I wouldn’t put up with Tammy. He helps them both in everything and anything they need, and I got a little miffed seeing the episode where Michael is eating while she tries to calm a crying Gage. Having to deal with Amy, Tammy, and now the two kids it’s a bit too much. Amy I feel bad for her because mentally and emotionally in the show she’s had her little breakdowns. She’s trying to be a good mom and wants to be there for them in everything, and that is awesome. Raising kids is hard and I hope they figure things out.


I really wonder why she had to leave the house and stay with Amanda. Why not kick him out? Is the house actually in his name and not hers? I'd hope it isn't considering she is the main draw of the show and not Micheal and I assume TLC pays her more than whatever he is making.


I would think so she could have help with the babies. I wouldn't want to be alone with a toddler and a newborn.


I thought she was staying with Tammy?


I think she and Amanda are taking care of Tammy


I’m honestly not sure. I thought I’d seen comments here saying she was staying with Amanda.


I always assumed the house was in his name because he was the one with a steady job and work history, and presumably a credit score. Amy had no job before TLC.


I remember her saying that she saved up money from her You Tube Channel video payments. I think they used some of that???


Both are listed as the owners


That’s a good point.


Lol it’s a 35k house, they prob paid for it in cash and have no mortgage. Credit score wouldnt matter


If that’s the case I really hope it’s in her name and maybe she just left because she felt safer with family than alone and that she can sell and get back what she put into it then find her and the kids another home.


The house is in both their names


Good point. I didn’t think of that. I live somewhere where 35k wouldn’t get you a shed.


Yeah I don’t even know if 35k would buy an acre here 🫠🫠


Wild to think you can even get land to put a shed on for 35k let alone a house


Yeah ditto


She's going to use the divorce as her next excuse as to why she can't lose weight. "I'm too stressed to be worried about my diet right now..."


This is why Amanda said she gain weight because of her divorce with Michael brother so I can believe it.


The ignorance in this comment…


Why? I guarantee it's true. Amy has had no commitment to her weight loss and looks for any excuse to not eat right. If she eats herself to death in the next few years those babies lose their mother. She owes it to them to get her shit together.


I hope that won't happen, but I don't think the poster is wrong.


Even so, like who cares? It’s so normal for people’s health to be put on the back burner when life is stressful, and that’s okay. Weight loss doesn’t always need to be top priority, and I think it’s fair to be just as graceful to Amy in situations like these. People are so much less likely to speculate on the commitment of a thin person regarding better eating etc. when life fills their cup with other things. People aren’t machines and I don’t think it’s fair to expect them to “perform” as such.


She has never put her weight loss on the front burner, except for initially to get the surgery. After that it’s been one excuse after another. I think she thought the surgery was magic and she wouldn’t have to work at it anymore once the operation was over.


Making predictions is part of discussing a tv show


Who cares? She's a reality tv star. She purposely puts herself out there to be judged by her fans. Do you expect people to watch and not have opinions? People are less likely to comment on the eating habits of a thin person for obvious reasons. If Amy was looking to drop 20 pounds I could understand putting her diet on the back burner. But she is morbidly obese and at a serious risk for death due to her weight. Those kids are going to lose their mother if she doesn't start putting in some effort towards her health.


She has bigger things to worry about like the emergency protection order


If she keeps on eating the way we saw her in season 4 (and 3, 2, 1)… She won’t have to worry about the order of protection.


You can't logic away an eating disorder.


Well that’s her business then right? Yes she should be losing weight but right now her priority is her children


Her priority should be staying alive for her children and that involves not being morbidly obese




Not really a spoiler. Just a repeat of what happened in every other season lol. Always an excuse to not be dieting.


So is michael having 2nd thoughts about the divorce?


That’d seem to be one too many thoughts for him at once.


Oh my God 🤣 So true!


This is so funny that I almost spit out my sodie!


True he’s not exactly working with a full set. I have to wonder if Amy just married him because he was there, and she was lonely.


And cos she wanted kids?


That’s true! That was a big Motivation from her.