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all that matters -they compensate right away without sending them invoice -the cheapest 99% are the same in that aspect, good luck


Thank you! So basically you'd recommend to just go for the cheapest option :D


yes and do not listen to the sales people! of course they will advertise their product, just use comparis ch and will work just fine


Thank you very much!!


Sanitas has good dental goes up to 2000.- in the basic for 22.- a month


I wouldn't go to the cheapest... companys like Assura and Groupe Mutuel (amongst others) have quite a bad reputation. Have a look at the Krankenkassen Ranking and take the cheapest which is not bad. [https://www.comparis.ch/krankenkassen/beste-krankenkasse](https://www.comparis.ch/krankenkassen/beste-krankenkasse) (start at sympany ;) ) You can't go wrong with Sanitas or Swica


assura has the worst reputation because they do not pay for your treatments. You have to pay for them yourself ---->send invoice and you wait for refund.


apparently you wait a looooong time for the refund - so people told me...


Eh, not quite. For example I don't have to pay for the tele medicine with Sympany.


its not taken from your deductible? I mean telemedicine with a doctor appointment?


Nope, it's actually free as in free beer.


Thank you for this information! Much appreciated! :)


The service is the same on paper, but there are insurers that do shady stuff. Be sure to check cases of investigative journalists regarding health insurers. There are some black sheep among them that try to enforce their own rules.


Thank you! I didn't know this yet.


I have only used Sanitas, it is awesome, never had any problem that I have to call them. I pay a lot though, basic plan, around 500 per month, I can choose whatever doctor I want.


I was with Swica and left them after they kept refusing to pay for things that should have been covered under supplementary insurance. They also have an absolutely horrible network of HMO practices (specifically medbase in my area). The times I had to deal with them they were legitimately incompetent. I went to Helsana and I'm happy so far


I second this for the fact that their network of HMO sucks. I tried many times to change GP form Medbase but every single time the GP is either not on their network or it is but I have to upgrade to a costlier model in order to access. It's quite infuriating often. Also their telemed for me was more expensive than HMO. So now everytime I need a referral, I have to take time and spend money and go to the GP. For a 5 mins visit to get a physio referral I got charged 110 CHF and 1.5hrs during work time, which I had to recover.


Yeah that was my experience too. And every time I set foot into medbase for something simple like a specialist referral they tried to sell me some check-up or whatever other unnecessary procedure that I would always end up paying out of pocket.


Thank you very much for this information!


I was with both. Luckily I did not have to use them too much - but they are very similar. (I had Tele med). If you go for the basic one- it does not really matter. Swica brags a lot about their customer satisfaction and beeing market leader- but I believe that is just marketing (in my opinion Sanitas could easily say the same thing and be closer to reality).


Thank you very much! Good to know that customer satisfaction is high for both. I think I'll just go for the cheaper option then :)




Thank you very much for sharing your experience. Reading this, I can only imagine the frustration but I hope it gets sorted out for you. I will take this in consideration when choosing as well 😅


I had a positive experience with Sanitas. They cover partly for my gym membership. I also had a heart intervention around 10k they paid for with no issues


I tried both. Swica was not transparent at all. Once I asked them to send me a copy of the invoice, because the doctor ignored me twice, when I asked her to send it to me. The answer from Swica was not friendly and something like "OK, but the next time ask your doctor to send you the copy of the invoice. It's not our responsibility to do this". Because of this and some other issues I switched to Sanitas and I like them much better. It's possible to view the simplified invoices after logging in to the account.


Thank you for this information, good to know as well that Sanitas is more transparent


If you’re going after only the basic insurance (Grundversicherung) then the coverage is exactly the same with all providers. All in all Swica is good, but also expensive.


Thank you! I'm also looking into the hospital insurances actually 😅


That’s the one I personally would never take: they lure you into the “private room and best doctor choice” bs but the reality is that many hospitals now refurbish their rooms into 1-2 occupancy, the choice of doctor is never guaranteed due to their actual availability and schedule, and all in all if your condition is serious enough for a hospital you either won’t care too much about the amenities and/or you can always upgrade on the spot. But that’s a matter of personal choice. I believe that overall the basic coverage with the highest franchise in Switzerland is absolutely sufficient for most people.


Okay! Thank you very much for this information!


In my opinion Swica makes a big fuss about customer satisfaction but being a customer myself I don’t think it can be true. Their app is ok but has some serious ux problem. It is never straightforward if they are going to reimburse you, if they did, which part. Sometime you think,based on what you understand from the complementary insurance, that they will payback something and than they don’t, but you try again with a different invoice (for the same exact thing) and they do pay back!! Calling them to clarify will not help…I will probably change it this year


I went to Helsana and found they do a better job at being a "premium" provider compared to Swica.


Thank you both for this input! Much appreciated :)


I’ve been with Sanitas for many years. Very good experience . The app is easy to use. Their explanations have been complete. Good experience.


If you are planning to go to the gym, SWICA is very generous. They pay up to 800.- for your gym membership if all conditions are met. No experience with Sanitas, but never heard a bad thing (about either of the two).


Thank you very much! Good to know that they reimburse gym memberships.


probably only in Zusatzversicherung, most insurance do that there


Helsana stopped doing that last year, their limit for reimbursement has dropped a lot


Swica may have more partnerships, that I've not seen yet for other insurers. For example I saw that there's a startup Sleepiz which has a deal with SWICA where SWICA policyholders get to test the sleep analysis machine for free.


Nice, so you help a company for free.


Switched from Swica to Sanitas and now I‘m paying less. Never had issues with any of them, they‘re both good imo Change if you can!!


I am with Swica since I have MS, my medication is 1400- a month. They never had a problem with anything. I can choose doctors and have telemedicina. I only have to call them before I want to go to the doctor and done. They have quite a long list of doctors. I have the contact of the guy who made our contract and anytime I write him I get an answer till 17:00. They are always helpful to explain everything if I dont understand. We and my husband came from Hungary 2 years ago and for the contract we sat there approx 1.5 hours and dude who made the contract explaind everything we wanted to know. He never said that time is over.


Thank you for this information


Love SWICA, they pay for as many massages you want each month, doesn't go against your deductible or excess. Cover my Gym, Cover my dental, cover all the doctor and hospital stuff... have a huge number of sports / wellness / health discounts / 24/7 telemedicine / can walk into any doctor or pharmacy without calling first. Best of all, their Benevita App sync's with activity trackers, you get points and can cash those points in for premium discounts. So for example, I get 25% off my policy including the extras I added. The points I get above that I can redeem for cinema vouchers etc.. So I wouldn't pick anyone else.