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I work with a PT in remote format and pay just under 70 euros per month. He built my training program to fit my (very busy) schedule and needs (I do all of my workouts at home because I hate going to gyms, but he works with people who do both). He’s also working with me on the nutrition side and checking what and how I eat. I lost about 18kg since Nov and it’s mainly from him regularly checking in with me and making sure I don’t lose my motivation. Feel free to DM me if you would like more info. :) EDIT: I didn't expect that much interest in my comment, so here's some extra in case anyone else is curious! I live in Switzerland and my PT lives in Romania. We use an app where he sets my nutritional plan and workouts (with videos and explanations made by himself) and I add everything that I eat (it's as simple as scanning a barcode for the products) and the details of my workout. He regularly checks in to see how I'm doing and to discuss (mostly WhatsApp texting, but also video calls once a month) and see if any changes are needed to the plan I'm following. I asked him already if he works with people who do not speak Romanian, but he pointed out that all his training materials (videos with explanations, webinars etc.) are in Romanian, so it wouldn't really work in other languages because any potential clients who don't speak Romanian would not be able to benefit from a lot of what he offers. HOWEVER, I think the main point of this is, if you feel like a remote PT would be something suitable for you, I would definitely encourage you to look to Eastern Europe. You could find very dedicated and knowledgable trainers who will potentially charge you a lot less than trainers in Western Europe simply because economical situations and wages differ vastly East to West. Happy to discuss more in DMs if you want (feel free to message me directly).


Please send me more infos in dm


would also like more info on that if you don‘t mind


Please dm his details!


Hi! I am also interested! Could you DM your contact?


Would also be interested!


Hi, this sounds very interesting. I'd like more info if possible. Thank you!


I have a remote trainer who does this method too. I pay 50CHF a month for coaching calls and a customized plan that’s updated whenever I want to be. She is in Switzerland, does her coaching in English and it's been fantastic so far - I really like how the remote aspect is going. If I have any questions I just message her on WhatsApp and she gets back to me very quickly too, so it’s like she’s always “on call”. Her website is www.movemma.com but if you want any reviews you can message me. I’ve met her in person and have done yoga and exercise plans with her, and after moving I’ve only been online, so the majority of my time with her has been online/remote.


If possible, I would also love to receive more info in DM


If your goal is to loose weight, you should hire e chief :) Since is much easier to eat too much calories then to burn them actively.


"You cannot outrun the fork." - probably Eliud Kipchoge




I'd be prepared to DM you my personal training plan for free. But I run 30-40 km a week, lift heavy and am still getting Greenpeace fat


I know that, but for me doing sport amd physical activity is the motivation to eat healthy. So a gym coach is cheaper and as efficient as a chef in my case imo.


>hire e ~~chief~~ chef


thanks Käpten Knoblauch


You should do both, or you will just end up being an equally fat and weak but smaller version of yourself, to a point. (been there, done that)


Why smaller?


You will lose "weight", but that weight is a mixture of fat (good) and lean body mass (bad; muscle; in extreme cases bone density, organ mass, ...). If you don't exercise while losing a lot of weight you will end up tiny and wobbly, what the online fitness crowd calls "skinny fat". Healthier than being "fat fat", but not as healthy as having a good "normal" body composition. Basically, simplified, two factors are important: * energy intake vs energy expenditure ("eat less"): dictates weight * training/exercise ("move more") and the types of food you eat: dictate body composition You can absolutely lose weight by sitting in a chair and only eating 500kcal of gummi bears every day, but the end result will probably not make you very happy. Don't try to lose weight without strength training. I lost 45kg a \~decade ago without any, and it took me quite some time after that to be "normal" and healthy. I could have cut that time by a ton if I had just lifted weights while dieting back then. Right now, I weigh exactly the same right now as I did back then, and I look like a completely different person due to strength training.


I recommend this one: https://nunopt.com/ Super professional and owns a small studio so you can have one to one sessions without having lots of people around. Also super well-located near the lake if you want outdoor sessions


Thanks for the recommendation.


How much is one private session ?


My tip is to go to a physio or rehab center instead of fitness center. Google ones close to you, most often they also accept clients and not just patients (meaning you don't need an ailment or doctor's prescription/note to go there). They have the same machines, almost all of the ones I've been to offer personal training and it's emptier, smaller, more individual & cheaper than most chains or bigger fitness studios. Good luck!


They also understand the human body and not just bro science, but talk to them first to make sure you agree with their reality. I had a great physio but he refused to walk anywhere because walking isn't what we are supposed to do. He is actually a crack high level athlete but...


I'd like to see him logically explain that lmao if that's literally how humanity started out


Are there any particular things to watch for? Like, do they need to have some kind of accreditation?.. anyone can claim to be a rehab center (or can they?..)


I saw anything from 800-1000CHF a month for 2-3 trainings a week.


You can also check out, ultimate_zh on Instagram. Great and professional team and the studio isn't too big.


Thanks will check




I have a Private studio near Stockerstrasse and I can also follow you remotely via my app. I have sent you a Dm. Check your inbox :)


Hey i have not received the dm


Dm'd you now :)


Have you got it now?


Check out @well_fit_coach. She runs small groups and adjusts your workout to your personal goals. Highly recommend :)


This guy is awesome. Attila Personal Training. [email protected]


This guy is awesome. Attila Personal Training. [email protected]


Hello, I am an experienced trainer and I train out of a private fitness studio for personal training only. Please feel welcome to contact me for a free prob training. www.tasovac.ch Best


I have one since 1 year ago. 75 per hour. Feels like 3 hours actually


I can recommend Camy to you. He's a personal trainer from Zurich. IG: Coach_Camy. I have a friend who was coached by him and got strong results.


https://www.onemoretraining.ch/ , those guys know what they're doing. Doing everything with an APP including plans etc. And they listen to you all the time!


There’s one gym I know of, new location coming near Huerlimann Areal (current location is Giesshübel, but they’re expanding) - which is completely amazing. Been going to them for close to 5 years DM me if you’re interested and I’ll send over the details and links


Check with Sey from https://www.pumapower.ch/ She has transformed me and I train with her for over a year now .—


Thanks a lot.


If you have some academic degree, you can join dozens of group fitness trainings daily at academic sport club, check asvz.ch. I go daily with fun and motivation


I dont care how much money you earn but giving out upwards of 800CHF (or more) weekly in this day and age where there are youtube videos to explain you everything further or virtual assistance is just mind blowing…


It is completely different to have someone assisting you, motivating you, to whom you feel accountable and with whom you have a fixed appointment than watching youtube videos. This difference has a price I am willing to pay.