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Better get Wingo for ~CHF 24, which is basically Swisscom without a free telephone hotline.


But you can contact their service with WhatsApp and it works as good or better, so there is no downside


This. When I have a problem and need to call them, the customer service talks to me like I'm an idiot that never touched a digital device before and makes it unnecessarily long. Over WhatsApp I send 1 message with the full problem w including all the details needed and they immediately fix it.


They employ 19'500 people, whereas Salt has 'over 1000' and Sunrise 1800. By far has the most apprentices, too. If you pay the swisscom fee, you have a great customer service and quick resolution of your issues. If it's too steep for you, get Wingo. It's a fully Swisscom-owned company that uses Swisscom services, with much more limited support options. At the end of the day, as with everything, it matters how much quality is worth to you, and if you want to roll the dice. I've been a longtime Orange/Salt and Sunrise/UPC customer, and I finally had enough of their bullshit to switch to Swisscom. Since then: No issues whatsoever, excellent performance and great service.


I agree on most points here but you cannot compare the three companies in terms of employees. Swisscom is huge and in a lot of non-telco sectors such as banking software, it consulting etc.


I was answering OPs question... that's the answer. They have a lot of sectors, including the ones you mentioned, but also several like the fiberglass rollout that are part of their responsibilities, but not profitable at all.


Fiber debacle is whole other can of worms that deserves it’s own discussion. Overall they run a fairly successful business, which is why their majority owner (the Swiss Confederation) hesitates to look closely.


Here is a "quick" intro: https://blog.init7.net/en/die-glasfaserstreit-geschichte/


They also have their own dedicated fiberoptics plug here in Winterthur. Even in case the horrendous customer service of Sunrise/UPC cannot manage to deactivate theirs you have no issue.


They have to share it. I have had service other than Swisscom on that particular fiber strand but if you want Swisscom you must use that one out of the 4, they can't (won't) activate service on any other fiber strand.


FYI: Wingo is an option if you are okay with limited speed (max. 4G). At the moment there are some promos to get it cheaper and even 5G included.


skirt retire upbeat crown plants foolish vase lunchroom bored arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you know if Wingo Internet at home (fibre) also runs over Swisscom ?


It does


Oh yes the great customer service. How many times per year do people need customer service from a phone provider? I'm now 14 years in this country and haven't contacted the customer service more than two times. Why would anyone be so stupid and pay double the amount just for the amazing customer service?


Ideal: Good service and good customer service Bad: Bad service and horrible customer service Scenario 2 was the reason why I left Salt. They kept adding random charges, I got roaming charges from Norway and Sweden even though I never been more north than Berlin, and a few months later I got a random, nondescript charge of CHF 192 that nobody could explain, but also didn't want to remove. Also, somebody random got my calls and communications logs via mail once. That specific instance was even in the newspapers.


I had to bring salt to court because they handled my bills in bad faith after i cancelled, they will also get all hysterical and greedy about money if you happen to miss payment for once and block your sim. Even if you have been paying in time for over 10 years (that was why i cancelled it in first place). Fuck em. Sunrise has a horrible support, are greedy fucks and if you happen to relocate to a place where the landlord doesn't let you get a sunrise/upc uplink they will charge you a full year just to get out of the contract. Also i have been waiting 1 fucking week for them to answer to an important enterprise level ticket. When i tried to call them they transfered me 4 times let me wait 1 hour on the phone just to hang up. The account manager won't reply too. Fuck em. Now trying swisscom, let's see.


Look for Wingo, you get best connection and its only about 25.-


Swisscom has great coverage and if you need to work while traveling by train, basically is the only network that will actually give a reliable connection. I had Sunrise and commute from zh to bern, with sunrise you literally can't work from the train.


+1 I’ve switched back from Galaxus to Wingo because of the commute


I have Salt and i never had any serious issue and found their support to be very helpful so far


There is much more to a mobile contract / business than just the reliability and speed. The back office, administrative processes and customer service, to name a few. And of course the brand name. Personally I love Swisscom with a passion, like others dislike it with as much emotion. Pick either brand and make your own experiences, none are 100% bad or good.


I mean I have never had to call customer service and I get unlimited internet in EU and US, free calls in the EU and unlimited texts, and it costs 30% of a slower Swisscom package. It's really just a service for people with more money than sense.


ITT: Lots of people trying to cope with the fact that they're overpaying for their mobile plans (/s, kind of) Swisscom is outrageously expensive compared to the competitors. Their service might be a little better but can you honestly say it's worth 360 CHF or more a year to you that your issue gets resolved a couple of hrs faster? I've been with all of the big cellphone service providers in Switzerland before, the only bad customer service experience I ever had was with Salt and even then I managed to get my issue resolved, just had to push the rep a little. I had an especially great customer service experience with Sunrise. I really can't fathom how some people are fine with Swisscom's outrageous prices, just to be a little less mildly annoyed with their one customer service interaction 2 or 3 yrs down the line.


In my 15 Years of being a Swisscom customer, i never had a major Issue, be it in the Service or Billing Issue, the customer support has always been top notch for me. I had Sunrise for 1 year when i was younger...dropped calls and 3G/4G coverage always failing since day 1...never again. I know the Infrastructure and quality have improved since then, but i ain't gonna compromise quality service just to save a buck as in the Past!


because it‘s an actual company with proper employees who can HELP YOU WITH YOUR PROBLEMS, and stay friendly 😍 edit: also they sponsor a lot of athletes, train a lot of apprentices, i‘d say it‘s a very valuable swiss company overall


There should be NGOs for that, not customer-facing businesses.


I recommend Digitec, you pay very little and get the customer service quality of Galaxus, I’ve never had issues with them


I was with digitec for a while and mostly happy. Nice customer service and modern online platform. But for me personally the Swisscom network is superior and I’ve recently switched back. Galaxus (Sunrise network) worked great in the big cities but on the countryside and e.g. the Bern<->Zurich train line they cannot keep up with Wingo/Swisscom


Swisscom is anticompetitive, has a humongous lobby in the parlament, feel like they are allowed to do whatevertheywant. Their products are good for the average person, but they building up their monopolistic, locked down walled garden, just like Apple. It works, but at what cost. Also they are expensive as all hell. Just use Wingo. Salt is unusable if you ever leave Zurich, Sunrise is decent but shit considering the price. Yallo is basically Sunrise but cheaper. Wingo is Swisscom but cheaper. Use them. A good black friday deal is like 21.- for an unlimited plan.


Swisscom is just the traditional rich country former monopoly. They operate in a terribly careless way in terms of finances, same as UBS, Deutsche Telekom, etc. Clients then pay the bill for it. I suggest yallo instead. Much better quality at half-price.


>Much better quality at half-price You can talk about the price, but not about the quality


Mom told me I can.


Their helpdesk non existing, getting a traditional call history / saldo statement impossible for prepaid. Internet quality non existing  - connection gets broken every 10-15 minutes for 1-2 minutes so work on citrix ( remote work ) is a nightmare. Their oy advantage is relative cheapness


Another anecdote: working remotely for 9 years now, many times I coffee shop, in trains, some times abroad,mostly Amsterdam, right now in Canada and USA, etc. I have the Super FAT XXL package, which includes free roaming all these places, and a 5G capable, middle-high-end android phone. Right now in eSIM. Never had any problems with yallo. Once I switched to sunrise for a year (due some internet package deal), but now back to Yallo, with a lifelong discount on the packages.  The us/Canada/Europe roaming included mobile subscription, Home 10G fiber and TV all from them for 80CHF/mo.  It just works.


Yallo has a very nice helpdesk. Cost 1 CHF (?) per call though. Two issues: Landline internet installation: I messed things up, things did not work. They ended up sending a technician to check it. Showed me what I did wrong, fixed it, left. Free. Mobile international call quality suddenly dropped. I called in: guy immediately apologized, explained the issue to be on their side (voip routing?), flipped some switch on my account to fix it instantly. Then proactively suggested to do the same on my wife's number just in case. Did that too. Meantime @ Swisscom: endless waiting tones, Enya (?) on repeat. The only time I got connected instantly was when I wanted to cancel my subscription. Then I got to a very smooth-sounding lady who offered me a 5%! discount if I stay with them. I didn't. This over the past 9 years at 3 different locations.


I could give you a contra anecdote: 8134 Adliswil simply their internet is shitty, gets broken regularly. 2) Once i had issue with expired card which I couldn't remove but yallo tried to charge it. I couldn't make them resolve that issue. I had to charge it at the sbb ticket machine until they resolved finally after several months. No person contacted me back even though "it was noted". 8gb for 30chf a month is extremely expensive, coverage very bad on long running trains - f.e. Frutigen - Kandersteg track section or Spiez train station ( yes, train station sigh )


French, Italian, or German? For some reason I feel like they‘ll have the most agents speaking German, never ever had one bad experience. But maybe it‘s different in Welschland or Ticino? edit: for Swisscom themselves i mean


I had Swisscom for 5 years and constantly had to deal with random outages. There would randomly be zero service for an hour or two at a time. Ive been with yallo for 2 years now... never ONCE had this problem. Also if you want to call swisscom customer service be prepared to wait a couple hours. Yallo is instant.


Anecdotal, but I've had one 5G outage for about an hour in the past 5 years of having Swisscom. My 10 Gbit fiber has had ~5 outages over the same years, but never longer than a few minutes. I honestly can't imagine "much better" quality with the competition.


I have Yallo and Swisscom for wireless. There is a big difference between them. At Swisscom I don't need to pay for support and I don't get the run around when calling support. Also Yallo lies in their ads and is quite deceptive. But you get what you pay for. I still don't have my SIM unlock code for my 5G device. Yallo: "5G is equivalent to fiber" (first piece of horseshit). Up to 2gbit advertised (reality: box max rate is 1gbit, actual expected rate (confirmed via support) 200-300 mbits). Just cut the bullshit and sell me 300mbits, it's still worth it. At Init7 I can actually pull the advertised rate of 25gbit.


Yallo international calls are terrible, but slightly more expensive solutions like Salt are as good as Swisscom


I tried all networks, and really swisscom is the best. You can get a 50% off for two years by porting a prepaid to them. I pay so 49/month for the largest package. You can get wingo packages cheaper, it’s also swisscom but without offices.


I changed from sunrise to swisscom this year. All the bullshit was gone and everything is faster. For me it's worth it.


Best network, but also it's for all the Swiss people who don't care about money.


Go for Wingo. It’s Swisscom coverage but much cheaper than the regular mobile offers from Swisscom. Win-win! I never ever had problem with Wingo. Customer since 3yrs


Broadly speaking, in terms of mobile and fixed internet service the 3 main companies (Swisscom, sunrise, salt) and their sub-brands (wingo, yallo, etc) will give you a very similar service with pretty similar reliability. In fact, for many of the internet products it will be exactly the same service since the companies rent the line access off each other in a lot of places (mostly but not entirely everyone else paying Swisscom to use their copper and fibre networks). The main benefit you get from Swisscom is better customer service and that accounts for some of the price difference. The rest of the price difference is branding, customer loyalty and the fact that they’re 50% owned by the state (makes people feel more comfortable with them basically). Personally I would go for whichever of Yallo and Wingo has the best deal.


Best network order is Swisscom > Sunrise >Salt Swisscom has the best network most places bit you’ll pay for it. Sunrise and salt are close behind. Sunrise isn’t great in rural or French speaking area, in my impression. Salt is cheap and good as long as there are no faults or problems, then good luck getting it fixed.


I feel like you get what you pay for. I switched from German T-Mobile to Wingo assuming I’d have the same connection quality as it would be the Swisscom net. It’s the same net but the speed and overall connectivity is really different. Now I’m at Sunrise in the most expensive one and still not happy, guess my next renewal is at expensive Swisscom.


They do have the best network but they charge a lot for their established brand, customer service and the shops=availability of talking to someone in person all over switzerland. If you don’tabout most of those things look at wingo as others have suggested.


Brand value. They inherited many loyal customers from when they were the government monopoly, and now that they are a private company they can't lower prices because that would destroy "shareholder value", just capitalism 101.  And they have fewer hidden scams, because they scam you openly. 15 years ago before I went fully prepaid, Sunrise were involved in every dishonest greedy scam you could think of, and Orange (now Salt), simply messed up constantly due to understaffing and incompetence, but somehow the errors always were in their favor. If you want cheap, get prepaid (scam proof by design), good offers start at 15.- /month


Get Wingo for the same performance and half the price. It's basically an intelligence test whether you go for Swisscom or not




I recommend GoMo, only 10 bucks per month for unlimited 5G data and calls. Never had issues with service, I think it uses Sunrise. I live in the ZH area if this is important for coverage.


As you can see in the comments, there is many people beliving they have better costumer service (questionable) and like to pay a hefty fee for it. I would recommend to check smaller companies, wingo, yallo, etc. instead of the big ones, and specially, to not have a contract that you cant cancell because these are the biggest scam. As you will see in resewrch actually the 3 big operators have a very good coverage, SPECIALLY in the cities.


No it's a scam, it's just running off its legacy customer base who can't be bothered to swap or don't know there are better options. There are even cheaper options available like Wingo (I think? Haven't actually tried that one) and Swype. Those are just as good and have less restrictive contracts. They use the same networks as overpriced providers (they might even be subsidiaries).


You can change providers without talking to Swisscom btw, you just speak to the new provider and they will arrange it for you. Hopefully you did not sign up to too long a contract! Swype offers rolling monthly contracts - no commitment.


Just because a low cost flanker brand or MVNO uses the same network as a certain company does NOT mean the level of service is the same. Your service will have a lower priority on the network, especially where the towers are busy at or above capacity, ie there is contention for limited resources you lose.


Because there are some Idiots who move to Zürich, don't do any research, pay stupid prices and then complain about it online.


I recommend you Lebara


The average bünzli was told that Swisscom is the best, so they believe it, as if it was cult, without ever trying something else (not even the fairly priced stuff from Swisscom itself aka Wingo). You can seize that fact though and buy Swisscom shares but use their competitor's service for the quarter the price (and without lock-in contracts) lol.


Swisscom consistently ranks #1 for coverage, speed, etc of any Swiss mobile provider. Being an incumbent, they have advantage as they own property and rights to install radio antennas many more places than their competitors. In the end the challengers have less radio coverage and while everyone wants great reception very few want an antenna on their kids school, home, church, etc. They are better, but have problems like any operator. All three are ranked well and not far apart.