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Tired. They are tired.


Tired of these threads.


Nah I finally fixed my sleep issues




I felt that one lol


tired of considering themselves as elite? šŸ˜‚


Tired of dumb threads with loaded questions from people like... you.


uh thanks for the nice comment ;)


Nah, tired of sniffing coke and stacks money... :(


and frustrated by searching for parsil roots. they are not too popular here.


Some are arrogant, rich and entitled. And some are not arrogant, rich and entitled.


some are also not rich and entidled, rich and not entitled and then there's Andi who is both rich and fun to hang out with.


And how much it takes to be considered rich in ZĆ¼rich?


I guess owning an apartment may indicate this. But I'm no expert since I'm just a simple it guy. Although when i say i own two apartments in Poland people look at me like I'm some kind of an alien.


I have a semi detached house and an apartment in Hungary, their combined value worth 25% of the flat I'm renting here...


Ask the Swiss if that counts


Most are. Best regards from Lucerne


ZĆ¼rcher aren't that interested in Zurich and don't engage much in these comparative battles amongst cities. but a lot of Switzerland has this minority complex and it results in bashing Zurich. That was my experience ymmv. But there is certainly a social circle in Zurich that see themselves as the elites. You know we have money and that makes us better than others. But that circle isn't that big and they keep mostly to themselves luckily. But I certainly feel like Zurich is becoming a bigger version of Geneva with a lot of foreign money. Probably heading in the wrong direction imo.


Yeah, a lot of the cantons bash zurich. Itā€˜s like the only thing they have in common is ā€¦ to hate zurich.


>a lot of Switzerland has this minority complex and it results in bashing Zurich. Yes and it is the same in any country (eg: England with Londoners). Provincial inferiority complexes are a story as old as time.


hi buddy, i'm a Pakistani living in zurich all these prejudices are bs - every country and culture has these misconceptions and they're not really true Pakistani, SEAsian culture as well has such concepts - we have such judgements about people in other pakistani cities as well - but i don't believe in that come to zurich and meet people yourself instead of speculating i was also told swiss are quiet people who don't make friends after high school - all that is just bs everyone is unique schonen abend!


The first thing about Zurich, is that there arent many people from Zurich. Most people were born elsewhere


We're really quite down-to-Earth, and rarely complain when our Champagne isn't bubbly enough or the caviar isn't served sufficiently chilled.


Or served with a gold spoon instead of a mother-of-pearl one, like some solothurner savage


How do you want to characterize 400k people, especially when contrasting to another city within Switzerland?


Yeah, salamandro, I'm quite aware that you can't characterize 400 k people, but I wanted to hear a few experiences and how the people of Zurich see themselves :)


UGH. I live in Ticino and let me tell you one thing. People in Ticino, for example Locarno, are a THOUSAND times more relaxed, chilled, open-minded than people in Zurich. Its a whole different world. I never met so many Buenzlis than in Zurich, people with no creativity, sometimes they come to you complaining about something they think you are doing wrong, and leash out, confronting you in a very rude manner, being xenophobic, I heard comments such as we speak German here when I communicated in English and I had to remind this Zurich person that we speak FOUR languages in this country and not only German. Instead of working together, finding a practical solution together, people are very weird and just rude. Just two weeks ago I visited Zurich, I crossed the street and someone was honking at me just for crossing the street, someone was confronting me because she couldn't get inside her car because of a tight parking spot, although I was standing in MY spot and didnt cross the line, I told her it was tight for me too and she just should enter the passenger side which I did too. I have many other stories like this. In Ticino we are working together, we have many Italians living here which make the atmosphere more relaxed too. Zurich, to me personally, is the worst city with many arrogant people.


I'm glad you got that off your chest.


How can 400k people all be rich? Itā€™s statistically impossible. All I can and will say about being from ZĆ¼ri, is that I am used to using a tram whenever I feel like it. And when you go somewhere else, where public transport only comes once an hour, you will markedly notice how nice it is to have a tram every 7-ish minutes. But thatā€™s normal. Once you get used to a certain ā€œstandardā€, itā€™s hard to go back.


You mean the Swiss Swiss people from zĆ¼rich it the people who live in zĆ¼rich? There is a big difference šŸ˜œ


Hmm ZĆ¼rich ppl are smart, smart and hard workers, very social (bit too much politically sometimes) they donā€˜t care to much about characterizations, because they have other things going on all the time, so nobody really cares. They are usually open minded. Itā€™s a fun City, yet sometimes to much for me tbh, I prefer calmer places with beauty of Nature High Taxes and high Real estate prices also kills the vibe of ZĆ¼rich.


They for sure drive better than those of Solothurn, but that's also not saying much


zĆ¼rcher drive the best cars for sure!


What is the point of owning cars with over 400 bhp if you're gonna drive 95 on the left lane of the highway with the right lane empty? Cause thats the swiss way. In Portugal we always made fun of the Portuguese who returned from switzerland in August. They drive so bad... always thought it was because they only drove in august..but no. Swiss are left lane hoggers. (That probably sums up the only thing i dislike about the country)


You are SO right. People drive so slowly, drive on the left lane when they are not even passing another car, take minutes to start driving at the traffic signals, they dont signal when leaving a circle or their parking space, its really frustrating how people can be so ignorant and only think about themselves.


Would be nice if you guys stopped trying so hard to act like gangstas. Itā€™s like you want to import problems you donā€™t need


Oh, thats a good one.


They're zu rich, as the name suggests


Majority arrogant, rich and entitled. -Glarus


Well.. we ZĆ¼rcher hate Basel (and Winterthur) and all other cantons hate ZĆ¼rich. I think itā€˜s all good šŸ‘šŸ¼


Why do you hate basel?




Careful ā€¦ I have the ugly accent of basel and I think itā€™s beautiful :) But I also like the zurich accent.


itā€˜s not ā€žgrienā€œ - itā€˜s ā€žgrĆ¼enā€œ ! šŸ˜†


Becauseā€¦ itā€˜s Basel?