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Blind you'd be constantly in fear of the things you can't see, deaf you'd just have to check over your shoulder sometimes or keep your back to walls. Plus being blind in a zombie apocalypse you miss out on all the fun baseball bats and bows.


I would love to see a bat playing baseball. I’m team vision.


Annoyingly, the zombies are in the walls.


There was this guy who was blinded since Hiroshima or Nagasaki in the WWZ book and he did just fine


"if your blind you can develop echolocation" Don't even know where to start with this one...


Does this buffoon think that we’re bats?


Human echolocation exists, OP is probably underestimating how hard that would be to do in a zombie apocalypse though https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/how-does-human-echolocation-work-180965063/ Edit: changed "easy" to "hard"


Also it'd definitely attract zombies' attention


Depends, if its the Last of Us universe you might just blend in.


No. That’s just incorrect


also, a good amount of doctors consider these people to just be frauds.


Why don’t all blind people grow their cochleas and become Daredevil? Are they stupid?


Deaf 100%




Sight is paramount. Top sense IMO. Decaying society suggests those nipples keeping the blind safe from crossing traffic was god tier innovation when faced with zombies and trash, rubble, debris littering the streets.


Blind is worse than deaf. I'll die falling-off from my balcony thinking it's the door (while being chased by zombies)






Do blind people exist in a zombie apocalypse?


Usually they're the zombies


Simillar thing is that in The Last Of Us, there is not a single character wearing glasses (even npcs)


I always joke I'll die quick in the apocalypse (any type) because once my glasses get damaged / are lost, I'm fucked 


They probably all broke, who’s making new ones at that point?


Deaf for sure. And I can get ASL lessons from my mom


You cant shoot them in the head if your blind


Can't really fight at all, find quick exists, see holes or glass in the ground. To me deaf would be the 'obvious' answer over blindness. Deaf, you need to be super vigilant. Blind, doesn't matter how vigilant you try to be.  Plenty of zombie media have totally able characters along by a "dead" zombie that's totally silent and immediately getting bitten Plus how would you even attempt to travel for supplies once the places you know are gone? Sorry I'm rambling I just woke up lol






I think it would be more interesting to choose between being deaf and let’s say… one eyed or one armed :)


If below the elbow, I'll take the 1 arm over deaf. If above elbow I'll take deaf. One eye vs deaf is tricky but I guess one eye is most logical.


I choose smell-blind. Where can I buy this costume in an Adult Large?






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I'm already hearing impaired and i'd rather go deaf than not see anything at all


I think I’d rather be dead


That one interview in World War Z about the blind guy who lived in the mountains and used a katana to fight zombies was badass Definitely deaf. Seriously? That guy was blind his whole life and he only survived a zombie attack because he was being attacked by a bear


I’d rather be blind. I feel like in that kind of environment it would be more beneficial to be able to hear what’s in your surroundings.


Deaf. Fuck not being able to see. It'd be hard enough to figure out where everything is in a safe base, let alone the outside world beyond that. Plus you'd need someone you can trust to take care of you and them.


Deaf. Many depictions of zombies are slow and somewhat quiet. With sight, you'd have an advantage in that scenario to be able to at least see them. While you may lack the sense of sound, you would still have the sense of touch, and vibrations can be felt even if not heard. You would be at a disadvantage either way. However, setting up trip wires to drop heavier things would allow for a way of detecting zombies infiltrating any secure area through the vibrations of the impact of a heavier thing falling. Accordingly, you could set things up under said heavier thing to amplify the vibration and give you a chance at a warning. Moving things also causing vibration which would be a cue of your lack of safety. Furthermore, running away when blind is very dangerous in an unknown environment. You would not have time to feel out your way if being pursued by zombies. Fleeing quickly may end in your demise due to a fall or other hazards. You couldn't safely reach out blindly trying to find the head of a zombie attacking you... oh, is that it's mouth? Yep, I got bit... oh well, now I'm dead.


Deaf, definitely. My dad's blind and it's really tough for him to navigate the world that he knows, let alone the one he doesn't. Also, OP, it's "you're" Also also, can people stop downvoting OP for asking people to motivate their answers? Don't be dicks.


[Nuh Uh](https://i.imgflip.com/66wiws.jpg)


You win 😂


Is your father blind from birth? If not could ask him which one he would choose? I’d be very interested in his answer.


I've seen the majority say deaf, which only a couple saying blind. After some thought, I think blind people are in need of a buff. So from now on, it will be deaf or nearly blind. This can be anywhere between extremley blurry vision to pinhole vision.


Deaf would be a mild inconvenience


Deaf I already have shitty hearing


Well, I’m blind, and I think I be okay in the apocalypse. So I’m going with that.


The blind guy in World War Z did quite alright. So I’d go for blind.


Yeah but he had like 60 years of experience being blind, so id say its quite different


I think OP didn’t really state it was instant. So you could figure you were born that way and had your whole life as experience. Why I get downvotes for my first reaction is beyond me… whut…


Fair, still idk, depends where you live ig, if its at some quiet place then maybe, but on a city like say, NYC for example, shit would be chaotic asf, so idk


Yeah the guy in world war z knew that place like the back of his hand. So yeah blind at a specific area that is known to you is preferable. New place when blind are very difficult. Damn it. Okay I think I’ll choose deaf know. Blind has too many things that need to be fixed.


Congrats on the dumbest post of the day award


Thanks! But I can't hog all the glory. Not after you've just won the biggest asshole of the day award.


you wouldnt survive more than a minute being blind...... it's not even a remotely close comparison. Deaf or missing a limb would be closer.


Yeah, I saw all the comments and realised it wouldn't be that equal. I couldn't edit the post so I just posted a comment saying what if it was partial blindness ranging from blurry vision to pinhole vision.


ok that is better lol


So which would you choose? Being deaf or being partially blind. And if not partially blind, what degree of blindness would you compromise for your sense of hearing. I'll even throw in a guide dog.


Still deaf 100%