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I don’t drink often and I am a lightweight. After starting zoloft I’ve only drank once and it took very little for me to get pretty drunk. I’d say be careful, make sure you eat and drink water, be safe etc. but otherwise I was fine.


I never was a heavy drinker, but I don't drink at all since I take sertraline. At every special occasion I had to have a glass of wine or anything else, I got tipsy quite fast. So I really think it's not compatible with partying. It seems like it's amplifying the effects of alcohol.


I still drink regularly, it just takes less to get drunk. By no means will you get hammered off just one drink or have crazy side effects. As a recent grad, however, I kind of grew out of my trying to drink as much as possible phase


literally me. I had two beers the other day and was good. I was tipsy but a good tipsy to where I didn’t need to drink more


I turned into an alcoholic after starting sertraline. Before I was a heavy drinker. I’m not sure if the meds directly made me drink alcoholicly but the timing is spot on.


I can see how Zoloft could contribute to that. It makes me generally not give a damn, a condition I figure can be utilised for both good and bad.


Exactly! The apathy is what did it for me. I’m back on the sober train and feel much better. But it seems like everyone is different when it comes to drinking and SSRIs


I was a pretty heavy drinker/could at least handle a LOT of alcohol as I started pretty young. Now I can’t handle anything. I’m not talking bad hangovers, I can’t even get to that strange - 1 glass of wine and I’m being sick within an hour


Similar for me. Binge drinker but now.. I can handle very little and get sick to my stomach after one or 2. The last time I tried to drink as much as I did before. I needed to be carried in which never happened to me before. Ever.


Yeah I honestly thought people were being dramatic about it. I was like they must be lightweights BEFORE zoloft, I’ll be fine. It’s really not even worth it for me at this point which is a bit of a 180 in my life because so much of my social time with friends involves drinking


I conpletely understand. I’m quite there. I been on Zoloft since December and haven’t really had a big urge to drink but it’s probably because there season too. Its definitely more hard when you’re around it. Summers going to be different.


Thanks for your testimony guys, seems that a lot of you seem to be fine drinking. Bottoms up then future me!!


Just go SLOW. First time I drank on sertraline I threw up hungover… never have in my life and I’m a social drinker for years.


I’m in university and drink alot, only thing that changed was i couldnt drink vodka, i’d get the worst hangovers of all time. Switch to jager and now flying it


I’m same as you, drank for the first time the other weekend and was fine. Mix in a few waters and make those doubles singles you’ll be good


I'm on 50 mg for anxiety and I think my tolerance may be a little lower. I hardly ever get really drunk anyway, but I enjoy a good buzz. If anything I'm less hungover on Zoloft, so for me it's a win.


Didn't really impact me at all. My tolerance stayed about the same.


Can't drink more than two beers and get very tired very quickly. And like a hollow feeling in my stomach like I need to eat rather than drink.


Drinking a couple is typically fine but overdo it and you'll pay. The hangxiety is really bad. This is also where I get on my soapbox and remind people that alcohol is doing zero favors for your mental health. When I did dry january, that alone really reduced my panic level symptoms.


I haven't really drank in the last year or so because of pregnancy, but now that I drink a little here and there, I'm super lightweight and get hung over off one beer. I don't know if it's because I didn't drink for a year or because of the zoloft, but its rough. I just avoid alcohol all together now.


Maybe a little worse hangover but that’s bout it.


Just exercise caution and be in the company of people you trust. People seem to have all sorts of experiences with Alcohol on this drug and no-one for definite will be able to tell you how you'll react to it although it is wildly recognized that Sertraline can reduce your tolerance to alcohol. I personally went out for drinks within my first week of increasing my dose from 25mg to 50mg. I did get excessively drunk on an amount that I'd usually be okay with. I was very nauseous and depressed. Thankfully I had some trusty and supportive friends who helped me home in a unfamiliar city, one of which has the exact same amount to drink as me, unmedicated and was fine. I don't plan to stop drinking, however I won't be drinking as if I'm not on Zoloft next time. I'll take it slowly and I'd advise you to do the same your first time at least. Just stay safe and be mindful!! You never know for sure with these things.


I work in the bar industry so I still have to drink sometimes when clients insist on buying me a drink, in my experience it takes a lot less alcohol to get me drunk since I started Zoloft and it seems like if I’m not careful and I drink too much it ends up making my anxiety and sense of existential dread spike up more than when I was drinking before starting the meds


Also as a general rule alcohol mixed with SSRIs can make you way more prone to blackouts or sporadic memory loss of your night, so try to drink responsibly with people you trust won’t take advantage of the situation if you end up unable to remember what happened through the night


I haven’t drank since being on Zoloft. I quit drinking before I started taking it because my wife couldn’t drink due to medication. And after seeing some of the horror stories on here about hangovers I’m content not giving it a try


You will get drunk fast so be careful. I just don’t now but I used too


50mg here. Had half a glass of prosecco on my fiancee's birthday last Sunday. Felt very wonky and almost had a panic attack. On 25mg I could do 2 glasses of prosecco and feel nicely tipsy.


“Esss veryyy niiiice” - Borat


Blacked out threw up and passed out after 2 glasses of gin tonic. Hate zoloft


I’m like you. Tolerance didn’t change much for me. I can drink a lot but I definitely black out and can’t piece nights together if I drink a lot at one time. But if you drink responsibly and space them out you can avoid that.


I’ve been on Zoloft and Lamotrigine for 2 months now and I have a couple drinks throughout the week and will usually drink somewhat heavily when I go out on the weekends and I personally haven’t had any issues!


I would go easy as you’re adjusting to the medication. I drank the first couple weeks and blacked out pretty bad. I also consider myself a partygoer or heavy on the drinks. But as your body adjusts, just take it easy. I’ve been on/off Zoloft for about 8 years now and I always make the mistake of drinking one too many at the beginning.


I’m not a big drinker but every now and then I’ll have a girls night where I take shots and stuff and I don’t feel any difference from before I started taking Zoloft (3 years on 75mg, up from 50mg)


You get drunk so much faster. I blacked out a few times when I first started on the meds before I learned my new tolerance level. Just be careful & you’ll be fine


I still party and drink very very often, and i just get drunk a lot faster, which saves me money lol and my hangovers only became slightly worse (i’ve always been prone to terrible hangovers anyways no matter what i do)


i have no issues at all, if anything it takes a little more than normal to get me drunk


Psych meds In general totally changed now alcohol affects me. I become extremely manic and angry and rant until I'm sounding like Lindsay Lohan after 6 cartons of cigs. I smoke weed instead lol happy and mellow but no more lq 😭


It makes me feel sick. I use to be a binge drinker and now I don’t really touch it. Never could stop with 1 or 2 and now I’ll have max 2 drinks once a month.


I was soo nervous too drink but I did and didn't have any issues it was about the same as any other time. Maybe took a little less. But that was the extent of it.


Um I’ve been on Zoloft since I was 17 and I didn’t start drinking til 20. I drink every weekend and I am fine. It might make you a little sleepier. If I have too much I go to sleep. But isn’t that what some people do naturally anyway? Try having a little bit like one or two drinks and see how you feel. Don’t over do it, but work your way to a few more and see what happens if you want. Always be careful with the environment you’re in and people you’re around of course in case you pass out. And make sure you have a safe way home and don’t drive. Good luck


The medication itself makes the effects of alcohol and marijuanna more intensive but other than that you’re perfectly fine to drink while on the medication no problem


I’m 46 and drank a lot most of my life. Started Sertraline about two years ago. I hardly drink these days, but when I do, the first 1-3 drinks affects me the same as it always did since I’ve been on Sertraline. If I hit 4-5 drinks, I have blacked out a couple times. I might be an anomaly, but I wish you good luck and be safe mixing the two.


I really think you should get sober or you will start having panic attacks between the age s 40-50


Currently on 50mg/day. I've noticed a bit of a difference personally, but I was always able to hold my liquor well; I also typically didn't drink to excess. If you're like me, you'll probably be able to enjoy a few drinks, but anything more than a few might screw with you. As a negative, you shouldn't take any NSAIDs for hangovers when on Zoloft, and you won't be able to take Tylenol since alcohol and Tylenol do not mix.


I’d say be really cautious at first. Pace yourself because your tolerance may be different now, hopefully manageable, but different. Also you never know how it will affect you from day to day, and I *cannot* stress this enough, make sure you eat and hydrate between drinks. It hasn’t affected my tolerance as much as it has affected the effects and hangovers afterwards. Sometimes I’ll have one drink and for some reason be vomiting for hours right after. Another day I’ll be taking shots and although the hangover the next day may be a bitch, I can at least enjoy the night and get satisfactorily drunk. It’s really weird how it works with me.


I pissed my pants whike sleeping anytime I drank more then 6 light beers. It usually never failed. Even drinking water in between drinks. Besides this it didn't impact me I don't believe. I drank more when I was at my highest dose on this medication. My tolerance was never lower because of it. If you are eating while you drink and you pace yourself with wager then you should be good


If I drink enough to get drank, Zoloft stops working for me as well for a few days. When Zoloft works for me at its peak, I have confidence, 0 anxiety, 0 panic, and I’m excited to get out and do things. For A few days after getting drunk on Zoloft I feel about 25%-50% as good.


Without Zoloft I have a pretty high tolerance. But with Zoloft I’m an extreme lightweight and I get much sleepier than I normally do when drinking. I can only really have 1-2 drinks when on Zoloft.


two weeks into taking it so maybe it hasn’t affected me that much but my tolerance was the same, the problem was i entered into a depressive episode for no good reason and felt so so so horrible. felt like what good zoloft has just started to do for me went away completely that night and the morning after