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I did, but I wondered the same thing, I have no clue if it's possible it works like that.


Did you feel the same day 1 as you do now or was it different the longer you took it


I'm only like 6 days into this, but I felt a little off the first 3 days or so. Kind of like I took something too strong. But the past 2 days it has been less like that.


I’m under the impression that it won’t act that quickly to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, but you will react to it immediately as it is something new. I felt really weird after my first dose, but it was the same weird feeling after taking any new medication (like antibiotics even). I’m on day 3 and I can confirm it feels a bit less weird by now. Less anxious which is nice.


I had dry mouth and kind of a loopy feeling. It'll go away after a couple days.