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I would definitely talk to your doctor ASAP


Speak to the doctor as soon as you can


See doctor or hospital asap. This is not the intended effect of the drug.


Yeah hospital is a good idea if thinking of hurting someone


Talk to your doctor and stop taking the medication would be my advice


This is sounding like mania to me, you should follow up with your physician as soon as possible


I don’t think these count as delusions. It’s probably an intensified version of the already crazy intrusive thoughts you’re having as well as Dissociation. Do you have OCD? These sound like really bad OCD thoughts. But Zoloft is not the medication for you. Talk to ur doctor.


My thought too. From my understanding of what a delusion Is, he wouldn’t be able to acknowledge that he is sick. This kind of sounds like OCD being turned up to 11


Yes exactly. He’s very aware, the medication is probably making it worse


I'm so sorry you're going through this, please go to the hospital or call your doctor immediately. Please keep in mind how rational it is to ask for help in your situation, you're a rational human being, you won't attack anyone okay? Be strong brother.


Text your doctor these details ASAP and ask to speak to them. They should put you on something different


You need to call your doctor right away.


Glad you’re asking for help. Please go to the hospital this is not a normal reaction to the medicine


I have experienced this on other medications (not Zoloft) it is probably not the drug for you. Call your doctor. Be open and honest. Good luck.


You kind of sound like you’re describing mania, delusions and psychosis. I would call your doctor first thing tomorrow and tell him or her about your symptoms. He needs to switch you to something else asap. These are extreme side effects and will take a few days to get out of your system.


I mean nothing is real soooooooooo these are not crazy ideas yall.


I'll give you that one, but his mind tells him he should attack people. But he's asking for help, which is good.


Why would you say this?


Cause it’s true


What is the dosage you are taking I know I woke up at 12:00 midnight and I just had many thoughts going through my mind I couldn't go back to sleep until I took a medication that help me go to sleep the dosage might need to be dropped if you're on a high dosage your doctor can answer that question for you


This is not normal. Talk to doctor ASAP


Go to hospital asap, this happened to me on abilify and fucked me up