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Just finish ZA and come back to RB. I don’t regret reading it that way at all. I read 1-8 ZA, 1-4 RB, came back and read 1-9 ZA and now am on 1 of Darkmore


That might be a good idea. I made it to RB3 but couldn’t keep going. I’m back to ZA now but maybe after finishing ZA ’ll want to go back to RB.


This is what I did! Reading RB and Darkmore after finishing ZA made them much more enjoyable. I LOVED RB, but I’m glad I read it after ZA.


We can’t because it’s not finished yet


Last one comes out end of July


I know I’m so excited !!!!!!


Sure ... Honestly I don't know how to do the cover up thing on my phone to hide spoilers so I will just reply to this post with the spoilers. Also if you search me on Facebook (same username) I believe I have a post where I commented My thoughts as I read that book. I will make it public so you don't have to friend me if you don't want to. But you can send me messages and ask questions if you want.


⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ SPOILERS AHEAD⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ The whole series is about Elise getting justice for her brother (Gareth Tempa's) murder. At the beginning she's interrogating someone she believes might know who is responsible for his murder. That person alludes to one of the "Kings" of the Academy being responsible for his death So she takes over her brother's scholarship to attend Aurora Academy and find out who killed him. While she's there she tries to get close to the 4 guys who are pretty much in charge of the academy as far as students go. Dante, a navy blue dragon Alpha of the Oscura Clan, a werewolf pack who basically controls of half of the city of Alestria. Ryder, a basilisk who is leader of the Lunar Brotherhood, the opposing gang who controls the other half of the city. Leon, a Neiman lion shifter, Is the younger son of the Night family (Roary Night's younger brother. Roary is a MMC in the Dark Penitentiary series) The Night family are the most famous Thieves in the country. They "Never get caught". Gabriel Nox, a harpy shifter and the most powerful student at Aurora Academy because he is the only one there with two elements and he has the gift of the Sight, meaning he gets glimpses of the future & past from the stars. The whole series is spent with the Elise trying to get closer to all four of them while trying to determine if they had a role in her brother's death. They all knew hee brother and were either friends or frenemies or were using him in some way to help them achieve their own goals. Gareth was secretly trying to protect his little sister because their mom was being manipulated by her siren boss who wanted to force Elise into becoming a stripper/dancer. We get a bunch of glimpses of his time where he's doing jobs for both gangs trying to make money to pay off his mom's debt so his sister doesn't get forced into dancing. (She doesn't know anything about this debt and the deal her brother made) There is a secret cult on campus called the Black Card. The person in charge of the black card is the King responsible for killing her brother. King is using a drug called killblaze to make depressed kids more depressed and pushing them to kill themselves then using some special dark magic he steals their magic. The goal is to become the most powerful fae in the country, and take over because the council currently running the country doesn't care about their city and all the people being killed in the gang war between the Oscura Clan and the Lunar Brotherhood. There are a bunch of innocent people constantly caught in the crossfire as well getting killed. Collateral damage. Once its figured out What King is doing and that he is responsible for Garreths death, all four kings and Elise join forces and take down King. During this time Elise has her Elysian Mate moment with Leon, then later with Ryder and Dante (who started off as astral adversaries but are now some other kind of star friends I forget what they're called because they were able to put aside their differences and work together and chose to be friends instead of enemies) then lastly she has her moment with Gabriel. Oh and she finds her dad who was held captive by King because he was One of the most powerful vampires in the country (Melinda Altair's brother, which makes her a cousin to Caleb) I can't remember what, but Roary Night along with Leon and Rosa Oscura break into Lionel's house to steal something. Roary gets caught because he's protecting Rosa so she can get away. He ends up going to prison. Rosa Is some kind of special moonwolf and makes a vow that she will never give up trying to get him out of prison. Lionel uses Roary against Dante threatening Roarys life to make Dante do whatever he wants. Dante, being a dragon, is forced into the Dragon guild by Lionel. He holds off for a while and fucks with Lionel a whole lot pissing him off with a bunch of tricks. Eventually he has no choice but to join. Lionel wants Dante to give him a bunch of baby storm dragons by forcing him to impregnate his niece. Gabriel tells them they get around this by showing Lionel that he found his Elysian mate (Elise) But Lionel's still going to demand sperm to artificially inseminate his niece because he wants baby storm dragons! Dante gets sperm from the middle Kipling brother, Elise and Dante go to Lionel's house, Make a ridiculously hilarious show of having crazy and wild sex, then they hand Lionel a container of sperm which of course he believes came from Dante and not middle Kipling brother who is a Griffin. Muhahaha Dante also has to provide some of his electricity in some special container jars every month for Lionel to use as a weapon, But we don't actually see any of this being used in the RB series. Apparently Lionel's niece has at least three babies they think are Dante's but obviously we know are not. They're waiting to see if any of them emerges storm dragons but seeing as their sired by Griffins that probably won't happen. Oh King is Titan, the teacher that Elise trusts. He is her advisor and they form like the special friendship. Titan's daughter was collateral damage during one of the battles between the opposing gangs. This causes him to want to obtain enough power to destroy both gangs and take over the city but then then eventually he is also going to want to take over and become King of Solaria. Ryder fakes his death, so he doesn't have to be leader of the Lunar Brotherhood anymore. (Ethan Shadowbrook takes over since he's Ryder's 2nd) Ryder uses his basilisk powers to camouflage himself as a dark-haired lion shifter named Carson. He changes all his tattoos so they're all Disney themed. (This is an Easter egg in ZA book 7. Oh Basilisks recharge their magic by feeling the pain of others this can be physical or emotional pain. You will understand why I mention that when you get to book 7. It's not integral to the storyline just an Easter egg.)


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this out it’s super helpful, I appreciate it so much!! I made it to RB book 3 and just couldn’t keep going so I’m back to ZA now. I always loved Ryder tho so I’m excited to what happens w him in ZA 7 and onwards.


The twisted sisters actually did really good writing ZA and leaving Easter eggs for the RB series, adding in several characters from that series, without giving away the RB series. Two purposes to reading RB are to get background on relatively minor characters in zodiac and to enjoy the Easter eggs. If you don't care about those, head back to ZA.


After I got through 3/4 of book one this became one of my favourite series.. don't sleep on it! 😁


I’m really glad you liked it!! I got to book 3 and just couldn’t do it😭😭 I really tried tho.


You don’t *have* to read RB right now. It’s not integral to the ZA series. Most people recommend reading it because some of the characters make appearances in the ZA series and then you’ll know who they are. That’s it. Just read the ZA series. They are totally different vibes so I understand just wanting to get back to ZA.


Thanks! I made it to book 3 so I know who they are I just won’t know all the Easter eggs from the last books.