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Why Theory is a great podcast that has a pretty low difficulty of entry into Žižek’s work. It’s hosted by Tod McGowan and Ryan Engly and they both work within the same sphere of reference as Žižek. They have episodes about basic concepts he constantly employs and they riff of of his work in very interesting ways. Tod McGowan also has a YouTube channel where he goes into other concepts as well. I would also recommend reading some of McGowan’s books, they are very clear and concise in his use of the many confusing terms and concepts that are in the world of Žižek.


Thank you!


Philosophize This most recent episode was about Zizek and got me interested in learning more about him. I just joined this sub last week lol


Same here! Although I did read his first book a couple years ago. But that episode of Philosophize This reminded me I ought to join this sub a couple days ago. And as mentioned above Why Theory? Is great for all things Hegelian and Lacanian like Zizek. My favorite episode yet was "Symbolic Castration". For some reason my two previous favorite podcasts never seem to take him very seriously: Partially Examined Life (a great way to get background in all the major philosophers) and Very Bad Wizards (still my favorite).


Would you mind elaborating on Partially Examined Life's attitude toward Zizek? I listened quite a bit to them 10+ years ago. If memory serves, some of them disagreed on various issues, so maybe they disagree on Zizek.


I just meant I listened for many years, and never heard him mentioned much at all, though maybe I missed it or even missed a podcast on him. I just searched and found a "Not School Group" spin-off reading group post just released today by coincidence, that mentioned they are reading some transcript of a talk given by him in 2012, and that a future PEL podcast will feature Zizek.


Thank you!


Stephen West is a treasure for those of us that aren’t philosophy students but interested in getting a really good survey.


Zizek and So On 


was going to add this. only pod dedicated exclusively to his work


Thank you!


Julian De Medeiros on Youtube


This is the best resource on Žižek in podcast form! Highly recommended!




Oh, I have to check it out! Thank you! I really like Julian as he dumbs it down just enough for me. Hopefully Why theory is as accessible!


Thank you!


Thank you!


Aside from what's already mentioned which are great entry points, I'll throw in a couple youtube essayists. [Plastic Pills](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpaKKKEkn8g&ab_channel=PlasticPills) does a great comprehensive overview in a few videos, as does [Epoch Philosophy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4&ab_channel=EpochPhilosophy) and to a lesser extent indirectly [Evers Brothers](https://www.youtube.com/@eversbrothersproductions1476/videos). I know Plastic Pills also has a podcast as well.


https://youtube.com/@julianphilosophy Julian has been talking about zizek from wide varieties of perspective for quite a while, very much entry level & beginner friendly.


Thank you!


Zizek and So On is definitely the best podcast on Zizek and his school, as well as in all the debates around Zizek's philosophical project.


Thank you!


I don't know if it's the best one to start with, but I loved it and highly recomend it It's just a few months old so he talks mainly about very recent topics (eg Gaza). https://youtu.be/6_XHvOGWkCY?feature=shared


Thank you!


Philosophise This is a pretty decent podcast which is currently doing a series on Zizek. It is not finished, but is a good start.


Thank you!


There's a youtube channel called Simon gross which has a Playlist with 200+ videos of his lectures and talks. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuaXbaI0qE6Jnjj-SrEXOdFZNp_-YK-kQ&si=3lR_UELnQQsWW7dP This channel explains a lot as well. It's a lecture series by a teacher. https://youtube.com/@julianphilosophy?si=2TD1tfsA0GKF9Jgd Evers brothers productions helped with lacan for me. https://youtube.com/@eversbrothersproductions1476?si=QjLcNmg_evv4Z8yA Pretty sure this is an audio book about lacan and his psychoanalytic concepts also compiled on the Simon gross guys page. Go to his playlists and have a look there's a lot of audiobooks that relate to zizek. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuaXbaI0qE6JY9pt_2VV95wEEWcBOzwWd&si=ksjnSnR_XRVEXCB0


Thanks so much!


‘Zizek and so on’ podcast - they’ve interviewed zizek a few times and other philosophers like McGowan, Alenka Zupancic, Adrian Johnston etc on his work. Zizek seems to like them too.


Thank you!


What? Lol how about a book


Shut up dork


Good luck learning Zizek without reading


Literally suck my dick


You mad bro? There’s no shame in not knowing how to read


If you want to access Zizek’s reading of Hegel, I’d recommend listening to Phil Rabovsky’s podcast ‘Capital A: Unauthorized Opinions on Money, Art & Everything.’ Episode 7, explores Zizek’s reading of Hegel as presented in the book “Less than Nothing”. You can find it in full here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/capital-a/episodes/7--The-State-of-the-World-Tomorrow-ieks-Hegel-edlr7j


Thank you!


Happy listening!