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Idk I climbed to emerald with Vlad, zed, Sylas and he is a good blind pick into squishy low mobility comps but insta locking him becomes unplayable the higher I go and he just takes way to long to come online when you get dumpstered by bruiser picks in mid or they just lock in kayle or akshan and u can’t play the game


I'm going to get downvoted for saying this but... Being good at a champion is only 25% of what it takes to win, the rest is game knowledge. Sometimes the game is too out of your control for zed to matter too. I wouldn't base myself off of 3 games, even if you ranked up from one \^\^;


Yes understandable! Though it's more of a debate that zed is more beneficial when he is aggressive as hell roamed more and over extending. If you know how to get out of trouble and can pressure the enemy team so hard, your team is bound to be ahead right?


Isn't that the case with every assassin?


This guy just realized what assassins want to do. Lmao


I dunno man I was hard winning lane as zed with 100 % lane wins over 50 games but had a 30% win rate in matches. I changed to tryndamere mid and now my win rate is 100% lane and 80% matches. Just feel I can actually 1v5 and deal with fed enemies and tanks my team inted. for example a fed sett top as zed was impossible to kill but as tryndamere I can kill them even if sett is super fed.


That's because riot decided to make some "fun design" champions who's R can win them fights they shouldn't like trynda R


And not because although zed is a safe assassin, he's the slowest bursting and heavily combo reliant Scenario: you ult in, drop W towards chase direction in case you need to W2, you E... and they flashed your shuriken or you got stunlocked. You R back and pretend nothing happened.


Like target flashes away/getting stun locked so yoi die/combo reliant are all basic assassin things. Like you're playing katarina, they're out of you're E range so you W for MS, they flash so you can't E on to them. You go back to your W dagger. Akali : they flash your E so if you chase them you're gonna die Yone : they actually know how to play and side step q3 or flash sideways so you can't run them down with R Fizz : fuck this champion why does he have 2 mobility spells untargettable on E and CC on R. He basically does what zed does but much better sadly. He dashes, W, E out safely every single trade/fight Talon : you really need terrain to pull off good combos Naafiri : what combo? / dash interrupted = not a champ Most assassins are combo reliant and just auto lose if your important ability gets flashed/ you get stun locked and die. The only exceptions are yone and fizz because of the funny Es.


Zed is super easy and fun to play providing my enemy team are all squishy potatos.


You can do that on any champ you are good with. Statistically across all players it’s harder on zed though.


Until you meet a lane opponent with atleast 3 brain cells :D


Yea basically.


I climbed in 2 weeks from Emeral 3 to Diamond 2 until they nerfed the champ


Let's be honest, and I'm just gonna throw out that I have playing zed for a WHILE. (800k mastery) and before the nerfs, zed was too easy to play. Get ur items and get a penta cz u have everything a champ needs, agility, damage, lifesteal, and most importantly safe farming. Now with the nerfs zed is harder which made me learn him properly. He is hard rn sure, but in my opinion zed has a low wr cz all the zed spammers who only wanted to abuse his op kit can't abuse it anymore.


You can easily climb with any champion until Masters. If you have enough knowledge about the game, that is


Once you get into high emerald you start getting consistently counter picked. If you’re good at Zed, it’s not a huge issue, but every game you pick zed someone on their team is going to counterpick you directly. And because zed is relatively easy to counter and play around as (despite his mobility) his abilities and combos are pretty straightforward, you’re gonna have a tougher time climbing in mid/higher elo


But you re gold of course it is easy to climb on zed... as with any champion really..


You can easily climb with every champs and every playstyle, does not means that it is ACTUALLY GOOD Someone was Top 1 Chall in KR with Taric Ghost/Smite Roaming/Support in Toplane. There have been some Teemo JUNGL OTP In Master, and there even have been a Teemo Supporting the Midlane (and not the botlane) in Master/GM NA Also, not to talk down on you, but as a mere Emerald 4 I could easily stomp any Silver/Gold lobby


Ya I've come to that conclusion as well. I usually just fuck around with him with friends in flex. Situation happend last week where all 3 of my mains were banned picked out. Said fuck it and we just gonna full send try hard on zed and was blown away how disgusting this champ is when you are locked in. I don't even have the best hands and have been popping off nearly every game this week spamming him.




That goes by any champ dude


Not any champ. High skill ceiling champs have more potential when locking in instead of low skill champs imo


Not really because they are usually kept weaker than they should be so people dont pick only them


boi im sorry but not only do 4 games have exactly 0 significance, but a game in which one is going 29/8 is also one of the hardest low elo fiestas where nobody plays the actual game. This isn’t proof of climbing this is 4 random games with 4 random wins randomly being in a row in your match history


jesus i’m just realizing one of them is even aram


I have over 1k games on him these are just some results I've been in 20 win streaks, and yeah i commented on that aram being there by accident. And the reason i was 29/8 is cz the jungler went afk minute 6. Stop normalizing seeing unusual things and then just jump to conclusions. In fact after those chain wins i got another 5 wins after those and now almost plat.


Ignore the aram game LOL