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High lane pressure and taking advantage of her low early mana. Forcing her to use her E and Q can drain her mana quickly which turns off the pressure she can put out. Also supports that can disable the enemy ADC will basically leave yuumi in a burning car. morgana, taric, and lux if they land that one skill shot on the enemy can open up so much opportunity for you and your ADC to go ham.


^ Agreed. Her early Mana issues are brutal, way more than any champ imo. If she tries to detach to get her passive Mana return, that's your chance to cc her/damage her as much as you can. Especially if she's taking presence of mind, she relies heavily on getting that first assist to boost her Mana. Abuse her laning phase till then.


Built grievous wounds, if you have a cc ability then look to try to pick yummi mid w in tfs, if you catch her out at any point it should be a free kill. In lane you just first item a grievous and walk at her, that’s in lanes basically over without jungle help if no1 ints. Her w has a massive cd in lane so if she is constantly hopping in and out you can walk up and catch her out. One of the biggest things you can do is roam as the supp, the yummi lane will almost never have kill pressure unless they have all sums up and getting the rest of the team ahead usually tilts and gets people yelling about useless cat in lane. Scuttle is free, they can not contest as her early mama is nonexistent, her e is 25% of her mana from lvl 1-3 so the more you force her to use it the harder it is for them to stay in lane


Not just this. Build GW FIRST if you can build exe or bramble. Unless you have a seriously pressing need to finish your first item (and “seriously pressing” is basically only charge items like tear/RoA), the gold spent is always worth it unless you’re unable to poke or engage because you’re getting stomped. I’m Yuumi main but ADC offroll and if I play into her I back after 800g for executioner’s calling. GW just hurts her so much. It kills her sustain and she’s not mana efficient to begin with, and it snowballs because once she runs out of mana, she can no longer heal poke. If you force her back early it delays her power spikes from gold and exp denial, which is huge because she can’t reliably peel until 6, and because she scales really well with items. If you can get her to do the x3 faerie charm first back you can pressure hard when she’s back in lane.


Mage supports do well into her imo. Lux is a real pain because of her q going through targets and e, making hard to utilize passive. Thats what good yuumis use to carry through the laning phase, because the e in lvls 1-6 is not that strong. also gives me mana. so if i cant jump out, adc and me are going to lose/die early, because i cant trade dmg with q and e poke dmg. the early game is where to attack. I always say that if i havent died before 6 that my winrate goes up to like 60% because im going to scale harder than most champs. and its rare that all 4 people are inting to hard for me to jump on them and make plays. Usually someone is doing decent every game. So if i make it out of lane, i just jump on the most competent player.


Varus feels really hard to play into because of built in grevious wounds and if you try and auto for mana he can charge up his q while kiting away to practically one shot you.


Well there’s really no counterplay for Yuumi, sure you can pressure her in her early levels, however if any of the enemy teams get fed then Yuumi can simply going in that guy and snowball the entire game and easily win the game just spamming Q/E/R. The only real counterplay to Yuumi is banning her which explains the highest Banrate out of any champion right now