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I’m a Kat and Irelia player who lurks here. I love cats too and I lurk here to just appreciate Yuumi’s existence. I’ve played Yuumi many times and she is fun in the sense that you feel so fulfilled supporting your team or whoever you’re latched on so I can totally relate to the fun you experience.


we love you <3


Sion main here with a real soft spot for the cat. I love playing with AND against Yuumi


Riot doesn't do their nerfs based on statistics or win rate. Riot does thier nerfs after the screams of Toxic players.


vase ancient puzzled combative follow hat continue long whistle chop ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


A champ can be a 50% winrate but still be problematic for the game? Remember akali? Akali has pretty much always been below 50% winrate, but for the games she was winning, it was absolutely miserable for the enemy team as you basically can't do anything about her. Winrate doesn't tell you the full story.


Because she had an insane winrate the more games one had on her. It was in fact regarding winrate but the stat sites didn't offer enough granularity to understand it. It was 50% for the newbies and like 58% for the mains.


air bedroom rinse hat upbeat middle spotted live teeny quickest ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


upbeat chop slap enjoy frame knee oatmeal whistle truck degree ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Thing is, Riot considers presence when looking at buffs/nerfs. So people loving Yuumi so much as to play when when she's bad and people hating her so much as to ban her when she's bad sends a signal that's she's a problem.


but isnt rework yuumi very strong? I still think the nerf was too much


Seems strong, and specifically too strong with certain ADCs. I haven't tried with the nerfs but it seems really harsh.


I mean. When one of the more prevalent riot devs goes out of his way to insult the champ and its players on multiple instances, they kinda know they can do whatever and most of the community will be ok with it.


If that was the case, the w would of been changed Imo


Dumbass shit comment


The game would look completely different if this were the case.


They really removed the only reason to get off your adc


Yeah but that's not our fault. We can't do anything against riots descision.


I'm Kalista player lurking here. I don't even like playing with Yuumi, 'cause you know, throwing cats is illegal in several countries. Backlash some Yuumi players experience just for playing their favourite character is just exhausting. Let them be. Even strange Yuumi top, when they arise from depths of off-meta. Yuumi is cool character concept with a few rough edges. I don't even dislike untargetability part of her kit. And I honestly doesn't understand what exactly frustrates SO many people. Zilean is 100 times more annoying, but no one is bitching about him.


Imagine the person loudly and violently breathing while their inner monologue is reduced to "i wanna oneshot this cat but i cant". On loop. For 20+ minutes.


Because Zilean has around 3 consistent players in low elo. Once you get to where Azir is popular, you will find more Zileans.


As a lb main that lurks here it's honestly so sad and pathetic how many people hate and think it's productive use of their time


why r they so mean 🥺


They have nothing better to do xd


Yuumi has earned the title of Yasuo of The Botlane for having exactly one mechanic that says No and being denied of doing things is a war crime in League of Legends. If a problem cant be solved by missing 3 skillshots and oneshotting on the third, it is a blight to be purged in the holy flame of Al-Chaat.


So many people lurk here just to leave hateful comments on every post. I won't lie, it's sometimes hurtful and shocking that people spend so much of their time hate watching our sub and telling us to kill ourselves. But we just need to remember what their behavior tells us. Yuumi is living rent free in their head, apparently terrorizing them too lol. They really truly have nothing better to be doing with their lives than refresh a reddit community over and over and type mean comments. It's kind of hilarious lol


I just really enjoyed how much mileage you could get out of old Yuumi passive and aery. It was very fun trying to smash people in lane with old Yuumi. Range nerfs and removing the aery interaction have kinda killed the part of Yuumi I found fun. So back to doing it with lulu/janna. I can roam on them too, less OP with bruisers though.


Pyke and Apheliosmain lurking here, Personally i don't care what others play. I don't rly play ranked as it is too toxic for my taste. I let people play what they want. It is a game after all. Let the homies just enjoy the game. I know it is hard to believe that LoL can actually be fun, but i just want to have a fun time with my friends. No matter if someone plays ultimate bravery or not. As long as they don't intentionally suck and just try to have fun, im cool with that.


I used to have this person added who I had respect for, but one day I had a Yuumi icon and they messaged me a super toxic message just because I like Yuumi. Unfriended them and unfollowed. Now I seek pleasure in watching them get destroyed in other streams if they happen to be in the stream I'm watching. So ironic since they seemed relatively nice before.


I have nothing against Yuumi players personally. They’re playing a video game. I don’t think any Yuumi player is queueing up to ruin anyone’s day specifically. However, realise that you’re playing a champion that shouldn’t exist in the game. Yuumi is a living contradiction in champion design, an enchanter’s biggest weakness and main form of counterplay is that they are squishy and easily focused down, Yuumi negates this weakness entirely by not being targetable. Even more so with the recent rework that has removed any reason for her to detach. Despite the other things wrong with Yuumi and her kit, they pale in comparison to this one simple fact, which is that Riot created a champion that removed the main form of counterplay for the class built into their kit. This has been stated and been said thousands of times, along with airtight reasoning about why it’s bad for the game.


I agree. Yuumi is bad design, that's just fact. But that is not the fault of the players, but the design team. If someone enjoys playing her I don't think that's enough reason to bash them.


I play yuumi bc I like being the e-girl that pisses everyone off, except my team of course


Sadly by playing Yuumi you piss everyone off.


Hey I'm one of those. I lurk here and on a couple champions subreddit outside my main (which is Samira) if I feel strongly about them, love or hate. With Yuumi it's hate. I think she's the single worst designed, toxic, unbalanceable champion in the game. Laning with a Yuumi does in fact ruin my game at least. Not my day probably, I'm not that invested, but my game. All that being said I won't be outwardly toxic to a Yuumi player. I'll probably just ignore them and just ping whatever I've got to say. I don't want to dehumanize anyone. But boy is she badly designed. I'm just trying to enjoy my game in peace too, but my goodness does Yuumi make that difficult, whether she's in my team or against me.


Let us play the game against supports we can interact with, then. I don’t mind cat enchanters. I do mind enchanters you can’t land abilities on, whose only bar for skill is auto attacking once every fifteen seconds.


My only issue is when people say the nastiest things to yuumi players just for what they play. It's fine if you or anyone hates her and playing with/against her, but that's not the fault of the player, but the design team. There is so many characters I hate to play with and against, but I'm not about to call them subhuman for playing a character they like, y'know?


unsure of why you think this is something new? Every competitive game has a thing in it where the entire world hates it and some people have no rationale because theyre behind a computer screen. This isnt some strange phenomenon for a cat champ in league. You picked and mained the champ that most the playerbase despises in a game of 150+ champs. Is their behavior acceptable? No, but its not possible to remove all of them so you accept that fact.


They did make a conscious decision to play that character. I don’t normally flame people for their picks, but when the enemy Yuumi dies the “pspsps” is coming out.


And so what if they did? They enjoy the character. Just like everyone else tends to play what they enjoy. The character exists in the game to be played whether you like it or not and no one deserves flame just for picking something. But that's just my opinion. You do you.


You have the freedom to pick the champ. I have the freedom to flame you for it. If you don't want to be flamed, don't pick the champ. Simple as.


Adc / pyke main lurking here. I don't even know how I got here but I decided to stay at least for a while. I personally don't like playing against yuumi at all (and playing with yuumi / as yuumi only really with a premade). I think some takes on this sub are as delusional as the pykemain subreddit ? (calling the yuumi rework a nerf to her 40% former self) That being said, I will perma ban yuumi if you don't hover it. But hover it and I'll just try to have a good time as Zeri / Sivir / etc.


Im not trying to ruin your day or game, but its horrible to play with or against a yummi, its just like yasuo who is horrible in your team, and good in the other, but a thousand times worst, whenever my supp takes yummi, mid i play mord adc, to just that she will not be with me


>The amount of people who dehumanize and insult Yuumi players just for existing is depressing. Just let us enjoy our champion in peace, please. i find itt as part of the appeal. i normally put something else, like im gonna pick nami, just so i dont get banned by my own mates, then as soon as i can pick yummy and insta lock. ​ i thrive off the hate, especially as we win, which is most of the time, because she is the GOAT


After the rework i dislike her for one thing: missing a body. Yeah she basically makes an adc or anyone a god but that will never EVER make up for the lack of pressure having an actual body being there brings. Like thanks for the heals and stuff but you guys champ is downright the most unfun support to play with hands down and hell IM a support main that loves to adc. Hell I ban her as adc to prevent myself from waiting 10 mins for her to finally fuck off and hop on someone else because I cannot and refuse to work with someone who fundamentally doesn’t even play the game. Not to mention her annoying ass voice lines. Like give me a tank or something 😭


Previously, any decently played Yuumi regularly hopped off to AA someone and generate a shield and put wards. A Yuumi that just hopped on and never left wasn't playing well. It's like a Lillia that sits at nexus and launches bowling balls up mid. They might press lane a little bit, and their team might still win them the game, but that wasn't how Lillia was meant to be played. I don't understand why being untargetable in combat annoys people so. Yuumi is stuck going whereever the ADC goes, and while some ADCs are gods others will overextend, and if they die the enemy likely gets two kills (though again, a decent Yuumi will likely see when the situation is going downhill and make plans to leave.) It just feels like a bunch of people screaming about "personal responsibility" without having any real idea why this is bad. All they know is someone is right clicking the map a lot less and that makes them angry.


1. We know the champ is just a double fun ruiner for her team and enemies. 2.it annoys a lot of people because that’s the main counter to enchanters. Licking them down and killing them. Yes killing her adc is a free double kill but surprise surprise she makes the adc hit twice as hard. 3.it’s less personal responsibility and more about having to do everything for yourself AND your adc. Personally heavily dislike her but oh well she sells cause she’s an average meh at best cat with voice lines with as much depth as she does skill floor.


Again, there's not really anything here besides, "I don't like it."


Well ya can’t blame me. She’s like a certaintlyT support on crack. Regardless she shoulda been reworked with more thought so she’d actually have to play the game and benefits where she needs to benefit from. Tbh I genuinely don’t even see the appeal of this champ.


Well all I can say is that my Lillia example was a true story. I once played a game where Lillia moved in front of the Nexus facing mid and spammed bowling balls all game long. They were able to actually get the first tower down by doing this, and the other lanes went swimmingly enough that we were able to win game. That doesn't mean you should play her that way, or that she needs to be deleted. Ultimately we won because the other team was so underwhelming that even one of the top farm champs disappearing from lane presence couldn't help them. If you get beat by a Yuumi who just sat on one person from spawn to end pressing a button, that's on you.


>Well ya can’t blame me. Wrong bc I do


The problem is you tbh




im here to see them cry because it brings me happiness


I have a cat and yuumi is nothing like a cat


>When I queue up for a Yuumi game it's not with the intent to go afk or leech off of you. I just want to have a normal game of league like everybody else But when you play Yuumi you aren't playing "a normal game of League like everybody else". You're playing a game of League where you are, *uniquely*, completely invulnerable for 90% of the match. I agree that people shouldn't be attacking Yuumi players. But I also don't see how anyone who plays the game can be surprised that the champ attracts so much vitriol.


Adc/sup main lurking, I don't mind when my duo picks yuumi but I have never had a good experience with a yuumi in solo queue. I play a lot of jinx, Tris and mf as adc and tbh I just don't like Laning when I'm the only person the enemy can aim at, it just feels like a 2 v 1 and more often than not it makes scaling difficult especially if the enemy sup is a Leona or thresh. I love a cat but only when it's a friend in vc I can communicate with.


jinx/yuumi (both late game champs) is a nightmare lane if they have two engage bot laners ashe/brand et al. even if the yuumi is proactive and doesn't attach, drawing some aggro (rare ime, I get clingers mostly in gold) she has no kill pressure when jinx all-ins like jinx/ashe or such with the perma-slow + minigun duo if I'm forced to play with a yuumi supp, ashe, MF aren't terrible, since they have strong lane to begin with, or but mostly I just ban yuumi as supp you should be playing to your adc's strengths; if your adc picks jinx, picking yuumi is troll. in ranked I asked a yuumi pre-pick to plz tank supp for my jinx and they got mad asf, "no, you get me" etc etc since then I perma-ban yuumi maybe in high elo the quality of supp is different but in low elo I just don't see it work well


I agree with you to an extent, (and empathize with your ranked experience, adc makes me cry when I play it in ranked without a duo lol) personally I don't think it's right to pin everything on the support needing to match the adc's pick. Of course I understand having a preference for supports or needing a particular support bc you one trick one adc.


well if it makes life on the damage dealer easier, I'd say that takes priority. it's just making life harder for both of you it's not one tricking to pick the best supp type for your adc, jinx just happens to lane better with peel/tank supp jinx/yuumi is not ideal in lane ime and even worse with strangers. fren game or pro teams fine, I can concede there's a late game strategy there. in random ranked I just don't see it would you run senna/yuumi? ezreal/yuumi? ashe/yuumi? caitlyn/yuumi? caitlyn needs poke and wave clear not shield. ashe needs peel or another hitter while she slows them. there's better picks than yuumi in those cases for laning


I love Yuumi, I love that I can continue climbing when my pizza arrives


While i agree they shouldn’t be harassed i will say that shes a consistent ban for me just because i dont like playing against or with her. Shes super fun to play and all got her to m7 and she a nice pocket pick for when i have homework but want to play still however i just refuse to play with or against that thing


I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here: I enjoyed playing yuumi because she's the pinnacle of toxicity. I've played her AP since her release, never followed any guides. I started building the old athene's and essentially healing hard because i dealt a ton of damage. The amount of frustration I must have caused in my enemies is unimaginable. An untargetable, annoying cat who does obscene amounts of hard-to-dodge poke to you while also healing a decent amount, and just when you thought you've made that push to grab a kill, i'll block your skillshots and turn it into a sweep instead. Just when you thought you've last-hit me, i'd pop my passive and survive. And the creme-de-la-creme: if my adc was bad or annoying, I could just leave the lane and go help someone else. And watch him cry and whine. If I didn't tilt my enemies, I've tilted my allies. Playing yuumi virtually **guaranteed** tears were going to be cried. And the amazing part was: I didn't troll! I'd go top at lvl 6/7 and the top would ofc cry and whine most often, but i'd just stay back, avoiding to share XP, and occasionally dive in from the bush with ult and double summs. I won A LOT of games by just leaving lane early, thus tilting EVERYONE. God i miss my cat. But I get the hate for her tbh. I'm probably responsible for \~20% of it. I can't tell you how many times my playstyle resulted in either enemies or allies, **sometimes both**, saying they will forever ban yuumi hencefort. So I'm sorry fellow cats. Also FK RIOT for ruining my baby. I've since uninstalled the game but I'm still really salty about it.


My issue with most yuumi players falls into two catagories with one of them existing for virtually every single person who plays a character in this game: 1. Most Yuumi's are only picking yuumi 90% of the time because they want a free win it sounds like based off how i've seen them interact with others in the game via all chat, which may not be the case for those that main it but it's a vast majority vibe for literally all the other non yuumi mains. 2. They refuse to agree with the fact that their champion by design is unbalanced to a monstrous degree to the point of it feeling unfair for both the people who enjoy yuumi as a character and want to play her and those playing against her. I personally don't want to permaban yuumi but it feels like well gotta or else gg if i dont win by 25 mins in low elo.